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[Music] so before we start let's rewind a little bit so the small detail stuff I'm looking to improve is 10 all over the place but one of the main things that I definitely want to improve is the packaging because that's the first thing people see when it shows up on their doorstep well in that video if you didn't see it we talked about stepping up branding and packaging and a few things for my company 30 a tried Co and why it's important for everyone to do things like this and we stepped up the level of branding and look of our boxes like big-time I had also talked about stepping up the branding and the look of a few other things but to be honest with you trying to find the time for that since then has been it's been next to impossible companies are getting busier I guess it's a good problem to have but today we're getting back into it we're finishing the damn job I haven't completely neglected this topic since then a couple things have happened I had talked about stepping up the look and feel of our little thank you cards that go in every order and that has stepped up pretty exponentially so these were what I was putting in every single order from day one these are just a little cue cards from any office supply place that I was printing out on my printer here in my office it's very cheap but it in the beginning you got to be cheap so that's what I was doing it's definitely better than nothing it shows the customer that you least give a about them buying your product but I mean the whole look of this thing if ya since then we've stepped up to these beautiful bastards and obviously the difference is pretty huge these things look super good they feel good they definitely show that we care about quality around here they're super professional and I've included a little 10% discount code for every single one of these that goes out for customers just to show my appreciation so yeah big difference there I did talk about getting custom packing tape I did put that on hold for at least the immediate future I got a few samples of it and really didn't like whole look or feel but just kind of felt shitty to me so but that idea on the shelf decided to go with the custom printed craft paper tape which that stuff is super heavy-duty that's what pretty much every major company ships with nowadays anyways but to use that stuff you need a special dispenser I mean yes you can do it by hand with a sponge but definitely not gonna catch me ever doing that any time soon because I should wait too many boxes for that that would take forever its stupidest idea for me to do so then you got two options you got manual you got electronic dispensers I'm always kind of thinking ahead the big picture stuff so right now I could definitely get a manual dispenser and call it a day and start working with that stuff but those manual dispensers are still pretty expensive they're like three four hundred bucks and I can already see that's gonna be like something I hope grow in like a month or two and it's gonna collect us some time I'm never gonna be able get rid of so not wasting my money on that right now I'm gonna hold out for a little bit longer and wait until I can spend the money on one of those electronic dispensers and then I'm set for a long time but then the final piece of the puzzle that everyone keeps asking about is the poly malar bags well this is what we're gonna tackle today of course up to this point these have been spray paint and it's better than just a blank bag but they kind of look like to me and doing this takes forever to do because obviously paint has to dry you gotta lay them all out across the garage outside and it just it's a whole painstaking process hate doing it so I've been trying to figure out a way to screen print these things I think thank God I did a bunch of digging around did a bunch of research and came up with this this right here is NASTAR 7900 this is some kind of solvent screen printing ink what it's used for is printing those corrugated plastic signs you see all over the place like real estate signs and things in front of the businesses stuff like that and it just so happens that those bags are made out of the same thing so I have a feeling that this might be the ticket I actually really have no idea but we're gonna weigh it hopefully it works out now this stuff is a solvent printing ink so I'm not sure about fumes and stuff just yet definitely gonna have the window and the fans and all that stuff going they even put a mask on for this we'll see just how bad this is when I open up this can but otherwise apparently it's somewhat easy to use the only thing that I gotta figure out is the curing this stuff apparently can't air cure but then it just brings me back to hole spray-painting tasting which would make this pointless I'd have to lay the modal around the shop let them dry stack them back up start a whole other stack just something I want to avoid we're trying to make this fast try to make this easy trying to make this efficient so I think I just got to figure out the right time and temperature to pass these bags through my conveyor dryer so that they don't melt shrivel up turn into a piece of the end but still be enough to at least cure the top part of the ink the underside you know that'll cure overtime so as long as we can get the top dry enough so we can stack these things just rifle them through here at a high speed that's what we're looking for today I just hope this works let's go okay hold on in case you were wondering this is a 280 mesh this stuff calls for anywhere between a 230 to a 305 mesh so I just went around the middle since I've no reason for and I also need my 305 s for something else in a couple days so two 80s never get used for really anything if I ruin them with the solvent ship don't care so we just got to figure out the whole curing situation did a little bit of research found out this stuff cures at around 130 degrees Fahrenheit this right now is set for t-shirts to come out of it or around three thirty three forty range so I think what I'm gonna do leave the heat where it's at and just pick up the belt speed a bunch it also said forced air or some kind of circulation is good to help cure this stuff better as well so I got a solution for that everything else in here is always so meticulous and then Here I am stuffing a fan into a trash can but it works I can feel the airflow at the other end so it's better than nothing so let's try and get one of these bags through here without melting and then we can start printing well it's melting it's melting big-time all right we need to go a little bit faster I think well that's better it's definitely not good we're cranking this thing up full speed and it's still getting hot all right we got a definite dial down the temperature we're getting closer though oh yeah we're going with that look at that progression totally Fleck a little less but still pretty damn near usable a little bit of warpage this one's not passing my seal of approval I could probably use this but I'm not going to and then perfect so let's get a print on this and see what happens well that's what looks kind of shitty because obviously the bag is you know beg so it lifts it up with the screen I definitely need to put a little bit more off-contact on here but this is good enough to test out the curing situation right now we'll figure out we'll figure this out as we go well the cure works so that's good I can rub it it's not sticky nothing's coming off probably back down the heat a tiny little bit but otherwise we're there so we got the first part figured out and I thought that was gonna be the hardest so now we just got to get a clean print on these and this thing is super loud when it's going full speed holy all right I think we're starting to get it basically just requires a super fast and pretty light print stroke otherwise it's not that bad but the one thing I did find is this stuff dries in the screen like ridiculous quick just for me going back and forth and kind of just inspecting my work 30 seconds at a time between bags it was enough to dry out all those little overspray details like you can see most of them are missing on this one so I'm gonna have to get some screen open or clean that thing out set up my bags I'm gonna print and just haul ass through these things another thing is the fumes they're pretty strong so this is going on that's going on let's do this thing I think that's the first time I've ever done something on here didn't film a whole crazy b-roll sequence about it i 100% could not do it you have to work so fast with that stuff it was literally drying in the screen as I was printing it about every five minutes or so I had to keep going back and hitting the screen opener just to keep having relatively clean prints and as far as clean prints go well those were about 50/50 first because I'm just laying it on the platen I have no way to read it on there the bag is kind of lifting up sometimes at the screen so the prints were a little inconsistent there but that is what it is sometimes the cure was working perfect and another times not so much and they were sticking to each other and then other times I don't know what happened some of them just turned out like but I did just knock off 100 bags in like 20 minutes so that was really good and I mean these things this give me the one time you ever see me say that perfection is not on my priority list just because I know there's a 100% chance that every single one of these is gonna land in the garbage can once they reach their destination so they're all between like a 5 2 & 9 that's gonna be acceptable to me on this one but the ones I did turn out they turned out really damn good that looks amazing especially compared to the old spray-painted bag it's a night and day difference and definitely much faster to work with there was no way I was spray-painting hunter bags in 20 minutes not a damn chance but we do have one more design to print which is the rogue lab logo on another hundred bags you're probably wondering why I made a rogue lab screen to print down bags and that's because I've decided there's gonna be a little merch line with the rogue lab stuff there's all kinds of designs that just don't fit for 38 or just have creative ideas that I don't have anywhere to put them so we're gonna make a little merch line and put all the cool random ideas that don't work for the brand into there and you guys bill will pick some of that stuff up this one since it is a big bold design we might be able to get some b-roll footage here the other one with all the tiny little overspray splatters that's the stuff that was drying in the screen first this one doesn't have any little details like that so I'm gonna give it a shot so let's go all right there's a little bit roll sorry this stuff is just too difficult to work with to get any kind of good footage going on hi welcome to my worst video of the year but this batch turned out substantially better I will say bold designs much easier work with I also took a few tries and messed around my dryer settings now they're coming out of there absolutely perfect every time there's nothing sticking together so that was a big hell to have to write those settings down so I'd read all these probably between 7 to 10 all of them there's a couple in there that kind of suck but they were very few and far between compared to the other batch at this point I'm gonna say not a big fan of working with the stuff so far I had to take my screens off and clean them immediately after I was done because that's just how fast this ink dries up and obviously trying to get consistent prints has been a struggle so far but that being said let's be honest here I did absolutely minimal to no research on this before I started it was like alright that's the kind of guy need to use this what here's that cool let's figure this out and just go for it oh man I got that everywhere we gotta be a better way to do that yeah that one alright considering I've never done this before and did a little of no research before I started first time ever done that before I just really needed to get this done because well I ship out orders on a regular basis and around on a bank so here we are and for a first try not too damn bad these look pretty good there are some in there though but I guess what really excites me about today is the way that all the new packaging and branding stuff with 30-day ride code the way it's all kind of shaping up together it's starting to look really good the old stuff was definitely great I can't take much away from it it was totally DIY I was doing whatever I could just to make my branding better with the little bit that I had and people took notice of it they appreciated it and it definitely helped spread the word and build up what my brand's about now this new stuff just takes it to a whole new level the new boxes the new bags the new cards everything just looks super professional and well-thought-out especially since it's still DIY but what this signifies to me and maybe what's gonna signify to our customers is that we're starting to take that step out of the minor leagues and kind of step up to that middle ground we're not in the majors yet but we're to connect we're inching our way there so I guess the next step is I gotta print some inventory to put into these got em Thanks I've had like no stocks since the Black Friday sale pretty much because that's around the time the screen printing stuff showed up here so I spent all that time building up the shop and now learning how to use all this stuff and then doing customer jobs and all that everything's got sidetracked so now it's time to buckle down and start making some thirty a ride cockier again I'm glad it took me a little while because I was able to run through a bunch of jobs and print off a few thousand shirts and kind of get the grasp of the whole thing and figure out a way to perfect what I'm doing here so that when I come to my brand now I can deliver the excellence that I set out to do with buying all this stuff so yeah we're gonna be doing that here in the vlog starting next week or the one after gonna be bringing back the og tea and the og hoodie which I'm super excited to do and this time we're bringing it out in two colorways we got one more play on the og logo design that's gonna be a still in separate video because I'm gonna be learning a new skill with that so that'll be coming out afterwards actually keep some customers happy for the time being and give me a little bit breathing room because I've had no time to sit down and think no time to come up with new designs I got to come up with probably the three four collections to come up through the span of this year and I've got nothing right now because the print shop is kind of taking over so it's time to start fixing that yeah that's gonna wrap it up for this one I promise once I figure this stuff out a little bit more I will do a little bit more in-depth how-to video on exactly how this is done I'm not gonna explain anything about it now because I would just be talking about my ass make sure you click that thumbs up button and follow my other social media accounts down below we'll see you again in the next one [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 48,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, lee stuart 38, lee stewart, vlog, vlogger, motorcycle, screen printing, screen print, silk screen, how to, poly mailers, poly mailer bags, how to print, custom packaging, custom poly mailers, branding, brand design, clothing brand, streetwear brand, diy, marketing strategy, happy customer, branding strategy, branding secrets, package, check out, learning, self learning
Id: pAWdzGfd10s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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