Grilled Jerk Chicken ( Masterbuilt 560 Gravity Series )

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go on guys so you're gonna have to excuse the entire humming aisle working in the garage and I just had to pop in here and get this jerk chicken going I did wash my hands and I don't plan on rubbing my shirt anything so um but headlock people ask both jerk chicken and do some jerk chicken so we're gonna make our marinade right off the bat and uh we're gonna let our chickens in it so um anyway we're gonna bang this out check it out this is what we got so we've got a couple of bunches of green onions two habaneros and you you know traditionally scotch bonnet but you can't find them habanero man don't don't go lightweight with the no jalapenos man habanero is at least a little ginger I've got some fresh thyme about five or six sprigs here if not just use like two teaspoons of dried stuff you know I got four tablespoons of this is actually grapeseed oil a couple of limes four cloves of garlic we got our two tablespoons of salt 2 tablespoons of brown sugar we got three teaspoons of allspice and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon so this is what we're doing we're going to real quick just gonna make a make a quick chop on all these I'm just gonna break the garlic down just a little bit make it easier on the food processor and we're going to toss our garlic in we're going to take our bunches of green onions I usually just slide the rubber band down to the bottom just to keep them honest you know what I mean and I am just going to rough chop these that's it nothing crazy the food processors do the work right until they get real white right until the balls you know what I mean I don't need that I'm gonna throw this guy here I'm slide you over a little bit Becky get get a little bit uh no I cannot nevermind carry on so this in there Oh again do the same thing with this guy here you're a rough chop these a couple runaways just like that alright jalapeno or habanero I'm sorry I'm just going to just kind of break these down just a little bit again leaving the seeds in I'm leaving it all in man it's your chicken should have a nice little kick on it same thing little cross chop on our time our ginger root could use fresh ginger also man Junior smells so good just going to do I give this a little quick one here not the ride not the ride all right and then we are going to add our look at that blend in there man come on some good-looking stuff right there so pregnant so brown sugar cinnamon allspice four tablespoons of our oil use avocado grape seed whatever you want we're gonna take our lime the juice out of there he's well the best you can there's anything no seeds and he has nice I'm gonna two of them all I can do like two teaspoons of just lime juice you know them into whatever but we're actually gonna use some Ryan in there as well so just a nice assess you know especially weed our lines are such a nice green and you know always that you've got my micro please any other do around here [Music] found it alright so we're just gonna take a little bit of this it's because it's so that wasted you know I'm saying we'll just save one full lime zest you don't need to zest just really give it some kick there's like that so talking about now alright just for a little more acidity I'm going to just do a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar will add water as needed you know what I'm saying so let's put this up I'm going high speed all right so we got our marinade right here it's a nice consistency it'll lay on there you know almost work as a wet rub a little bit but we are making a jerk rub also because why not all right so chicken you can do it whole you can piece it out you can do it the beloved spatchcock I prefer halves I just find them easier to manage there I just I just prefer it it's really just that simple you get all the benefits of a spatchcock and you're not managing you know a giant floppy bird I just find halves better I like the way they turn out I like the way they taste that's what I do so I'm just going right through the spine here it's like so like that just a trim this out of here trim that out I know you guys see me do this you know but some have not do it with a sharp knife though I would be my suggestion to you guys come here right to that bone and lose the rib cage nice like that I just find it easier for when it's time to cut it up to serve it but I'm not dealing with rib bones you know what I mean you can leave them in you can do whatever but I just find it easier just to eliminate them just like that same thing with the other side pull them on out of there a lot of times they just come out you know go along our wishbone again sharp knifes super super more helpful than nice you know but hey all right there's no okay hanging out down there all right so now we got that you got him I'm just gonna give him my cut right down the center let me lose this and pull our bone all right there's one half it's two half beautiful and what do we got here you know I'm just gonna cut that right out of there that's just gonna burn beautiful now we're just because my fridge is an absolute nightmare I'm gonna stuff it in a bag it's way easier for me to stuff a ziploc in my fridge then it is a Tupperware I'll Bowl right out so I'm just gonna take both halves we're gonna head just like so chicken boy just like that now let's pour our beautiful smelling marinade in there just like so get it all in there smells good alright we're gonna go full air here not believe that bag at all real quick make sure it's sealing though area and just kick around I get up everything [Applause] get rough with it take it all the frustration [Applause] there we go beautiful and it's gonna be good all right now I'm gonna bleed it there we go just like so a lot over here okay that's it I'm gonna let that rest in the fridge for you can do it overnight if you want um it's gonna be a few hours around here probably four or five hours four hours and that's it we'll be back as slider grill go masterbuilt tonight yeah pull out our shades a lot of things about starting this thing and I noticed a lot of people start it like a I guess you would say using the term you loosely a normal gravity and up where you keep everything open let it burn I don't do that I just don't any reason why I need to I haven't had any issues yet I just essentially first I set my temperature over here today we're gonna be doing 300 chicken so now I know it's ready to go and I take the persuader here fire up those guys I just make sure I have some flame and that's it I close it and let the fan do the work I've never had a false start I've never had a miss start I don't know I have received a bomb a couple of I don't know your code bores or something like that I'm not even sure what the hell they are I get cold for a cold for air it'll be beeping over there I don't know what it even means why it's you doing it I just pressed the temp button one more time and it shuts up so I don't know I don't I'm not sure what it's trying to tell me I don't really care but yeah so that's it I've never had a problem I don't leave anything open I don't let anything burn so it seems to be working whether it's right whether it's wrong I don't know but it's easy so alright guys wouldn't let they get up to temp it I guess so we got our chicken here pulled it out of the bag out of our marinade it smells freaking awesome and I got a rub here we're gonna give her some little dry rub action okay this is uh this is a jerk style rub I will post everything in the description I know I'm bad about that yes but I will it's dirty salt pepper garlic onion thyme parsley a little bit of sugar cayenne red pepper flake oh man allspice nutmeg a little bit of cinnamon you know there's there's a whole body yes it's the whole jerk way you know so we're gonna go a little bit extra jerky on this just gonna kind of rub all this in we want something to stay on not so concerned if it all does you know what I mean so first off I am going to flip that get our side down here rub all that in and I'm just gonna dust it especially the meat side I want to make sure that gets a nice just a nice flavor nice blackened down there you know what I mean so skin we won't go so heavy on it brush it in this is just gonna take it more jerky should give it us give us a nice char all that other good stuff you don't have sand all the all the great things about your chicken in my opinion all right now we're just going to you just nothing too crazy we want it all on there good just like that but that's it you get this guy now I'm flipping it over just so it doesn't uh you know pull up so much all right again have a nice little coat here make sure you just said real good it's a flesh side back there there we go all right give her a little lovin come down from above it's love from above guys that's it get this wing we're good to go so our girls up at 300 out there oh man didn't even have the camera good there she is like I said now girls up at 300 oh man approach knees so let's go get it on I guess we're out here to go we ended at three I want it's clear by something added at 300 when I started it because I have a little bundle of potatoes on there and that's what I'm doing but I did I ramped it up we are rolling at 600 now because in my opinion jerk chicken you need that char on it and gotta have some charred bits in the only way you can get that is from your wet mare that leftover parts of your marinade what the hell um and all that other good stuff you got to just grill it off in so nice hot we're gonna crank it and I'm actually just gonna hoof it up right now too 700 and we're gonna grill this stuff no I need to leave my grade up ed enough all right so this how we're gonna do it grab my spatula grab one bird try not to move around too much you know what I mean oh I didn't is gonna just go and get out of me it's like so now I'm gonna grill this stuff off get some nice nice char bits I'm gonna flip it over we grill the other side off let that go just for a couple of minutes so I know I got some char down at the bottom and then I'm gonna bring the temp back down to about 300 325 somewhere right in there and just let it roll out then you know so that will we got our char then it'll start developing all that flavor you know I guess have to disregard the chaos that's going on the dogs got into my daughter's paint well she was painting and they decided to join I ripped my skin what happens when you go into bad better oh wow we're gonna do this one just right there we go [Music] all right so we got one that's gonna get a date one that's not you know what I'm saying so actually I still have some jerk I can actually just I'm gonna patch that up next time you see it it never happened so alright so now I'm gonna let them go I'm gonna let them sear off get a nice crust on the other side and then I'm just gonna bring the temp down and just let them roll like that guys check it out nice and crusty oh man crust juice sign me up smell it I'm a little potato bundle so alright let's get them in see what we did I gotta check it out there we go all right do that man good he's gonna get right underneath that little rice ball in there best I can anyway trying to keep my wing attachment area look at that man I'm gonna start right here man do that see that see what we did oh man fantastic oh that's what I'm talking about nice eat all right guys I'm going to dig in so that's it that's all I got later
Views: 5,155
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jerk Chicken, grilled chicken, masterbuilt, masterbuilt 560, gravity series, trendkill bbq
Id: UaL9kB0e_7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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