How To Make Pizza Dough at Home with Erwan and Family (and Failing Multiple Times)

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kind of feel like Jamie Oliver now like I feel like this is a very Jamie Oliver setup like a pizza right next to my crotch we all love pizza I mean it's delicious if you don't like it there's something wrong with you it's one of the best things ever invented but I put it up there with the dishes that you know you wouldn't usually make it home things like breads pastries pizzas hot dogs these are all things that take time to kind of perfect in a home setting and to find a recipe that actually works with you and the tools that you do have so it makes more sense as a consumer to actually go to restaurants or bakeries to buy these things that these people and artisans have been working for years to perfect right so I don't usually make pizza at home but I've tried before I've had some successes and I've had some failures but I wanted to try to see if we could experiment and find a recipe that works for a home setup in the Philippines given our humidity our weather and the available ingredients that we have locally before everyone goes off we are not trying to make a 10:00 ticket a lien pizza there are tons of different ways pizzas made now all over the world so we're just gonna make one that I think is good enough and that I would like to eat every day so before we get into it I'm gonna go talk to Richie who is the head Baker and owner of panaderia Toya over here in Makati first of all we use an unbleached flour the the thing with unbleached flour is the when the Millers make the flour they normally let it rest and oxidize for anywhere from three weeks up to three months the bleaching process like what the Millers do is they they mill the flour they add a bleaching agent and within 48 hours it's already white got it the thing with this is the the flour doesn't get to mature over that time so it doesn't develop like a good dough handling quality all the dough is this flour we have a sourdough starter that's just flour and water sea salt and extra virgin olive oil we leave that for three hours at room temp and then we stick it into the chiller until the next day 18 hours is ready and then we work with it on the next day we make the dough's we just want to stop once all the flour is hydrated so once everything is more or less combined combined you let me just leave it for like 20 minutes I'll put all the salt in now and then we'll put start putting in all so as I'm taking it out like I'm not really the god of people will cut it into bits and pieces and take it out but try to get us yeah the lesser cuts the better because you work so hard to form all those gluten strands and then just don't wanna get yeah yeah so he's really like treating it like a like a little baby right it sound like answering to its needs and dick durbin exact listening to it and then yeah this is good enough for me we give it so much so this is an oil tub so we just put it in and then I let this rest for 15 minutes then give it a fold and it's gonna rest for an hour and a half then we divide it and then it's gonna rest for like five six hours Wow okay so after resting for an hour and a half we can divide them into 190 to 200 DRAM pieces sourdough will always be less by volume compared to something with commercial yeast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if you want a bit olive oil that's pretty good pretty good actually and it doesn't I don't get any of the sourness so my first attempt was interesting I got this recipe for a 24 hour dough that this Italian guy makes in Italy and I thought all right let's give it a try so what I did was I put some olive oil with some water some sugar and some active dry yeast I let that bloom for a little bit I then put that in a mixer at a very slow speed to which i added some Caputo unbleached flour then I slowly mixed that dough and then the dough is basically risen and reworked multiple times so a lot of kind of like patiently waiting for the dough to rise properly and then reworking it by hand again out-of-control temperature so you want to make sure it's not too cold and not too hot either so ambient temperature may be around 25 26 degrees Celsius we then left that in the fridge for about 24 hours and the next day they had over expanding these things had become like Frankenstein Pizza dough's and they basically from separate dough balls they became one big dough so it's really sticky and I knew from there it wouldn't be a great recipe for me but I still tried to finish it the result after cooking it was way too white probably because of too much flour and just wasn't great it overall just felt tube ready so knowing this I went to Kermit's to meet my good friend Gianni so Kermit is very popular and Cher gal but they also have one branch here in Makati and I asked him if you could show me kind of like a simple recipe on how to make pizza at home so what's the most important thing when you're making it I'm just gonna watch it working the flour okay we're using zero-zero flour white flour we try to get not a bleached so we get the caputo from Italy yeah this is dry yeast release in the water in some water okay okay so you need this for how long or just a few minutes okay flour we pour the water with east olive oil olive oil and we put salt so you find the right consistency and texture when nothing gets stick anymore in your hand okay so the technique is stretch out you let it rest for a while and how long this is so we leave it that for about 30 minutes yeah and I will start to portion it mama I let it rest in the chiller for hungry brothers 24 to 48 thousand and after you can work it into the shape yes so this is so this one how they look like after about 24 hour of her resting in the in the chill air killer so they expand some some and here they didn't so they didn't stick to you know they don't stick together normally not only kept they kept it it's a kept in its form yes this is go from yesterday semolina and then normally what I do I work it into the semolina no more into the flour okay so the dough will not touch any more flour so nobody always are from the center and you go out then make a bit of bread this is breakages because of this a bit called the frame the frame should not be like [Applause] [Music] so how long will it stay here normally I have to stay lesson 2 - 97 90 second - 120 second so when cooking it what are you looking for you're looking for peace Peaks coming out and in a bit the brownish part and on top yeah on top and on the side and that's why it's important to have a stone for it yes [Music] I'm so much better than mine you know it's accurate textures there I like the semolina because you can actually feel it it's one of one of the main reasons why I like using some of it because it could fit a face to go so today what I'm going to show you is very well hopefully one recipe that'll work it's gonna be a 24-hour rice it's gonna take quite a while and the second one I'm going to show you is how to do a 45-minute dough we're gonna be using some Caputo flour and Caputo's quite pure so it doesn't have sugar like other flours that you might find on the market so that just rests behind me while waiting for that to happen it's gonna take about ten minutes I'm gonna show you how to do a really quick 45-minute pizza dough [Music] and this should go into our grease bowl one more time put this sign for about 50 minutes and that should be ready to go and ready to cook go ahead and start working on our 24 hour don't [Music] [Music] and cover that one more time and this we're taking with us [Music] [Music] so these go in the fridge so it's like a delayed fermentation rising and we'll see these tomorrow we're in my parents house right now because I don't have a garden where I can do this this is a little oven called the Ghazni and it's made for just personal individual size pizzas I don't have a thermometer so I won't be able to tell you exactly how hot it is and I also won't be able to tell you how quickly it'll be done so that's been in there for about 12 minutes and in 12 minutes it seems actually like the bottom part of it is actually really cooked so all I'm looking for is texture at the back and we should be good to go pizza is done just by touching it here already it does feel very stiff and I think it's because it was a 45 minute dough rise so we're just gonna finish it up with some basil olive oil and then now we taste it oh-ho-oh flavor-wise it's delicious I mean it's cheese and it's tomatoes and it's bread basically could it be more airy and fluffy higher percent the quick fermentation time the quick rise time does not benefit this pizza at all but would I eat it if I was drunk well I eat everything when I'm drunk because everybody's filming and I'll be the one stretching the 24-hour pizza you guys watch and learn how a pro does it bellissima Bella what are you doing in Napoli [Music] we're making sure that everything's good with a piece of guys everything is good yes oh sorry about that derpy her feet called a burp okay guys so it's been around 20 minutes later wise I think is good and what I like is you can see the holes yeah the bubbles so I think that's super key thing I think maybe we could roll it out thinner and I think it should cook a little faster at a higher temperature so this oven didn't give me the temperature I wanted wid the wood fire but but flavor-wise and door wise I think we finally got the dough right that's at each end oh yeah boy I'm Angela to a PETA know that so so earlier that was in my parents house and I realized that the whole point of this video is to show you how to make a stable pizza recipe in the Philippines at home and I realized I never shot at home so this is my home kitchen but I got my oven on full whack right now it goes up to about 250 centigrade Celsius so close to 500 Fahrenheit I'm waiting for that to heat up who took a big pee what so I just made this homey pizza and I'm excited to see how it would turn over my oh no offense I'm here at home because they only do it in Hector one at the office so I'm excited to see how it's going to turn out here at our oven at home let's see how it goes 8:35 so probably give it about 20 minutes I think and then let's see later how it turns out how long does it so basically then see how long it took 20 minutes so 20 minutes in a home oven setup hold up someone what beats up do you want pizza I'm sure freaking out so cook time was longer at home but it's nice and soft Ren Mill where you want it to bend and it's nice and crunchy and the crust but it also has those really nice air pockets we were looking for the bottom of it isn't burnt which is important which means we didn't put too much flour [Music]
Channel: FEATR
Views: 1,659,625
Rating: 4.941874 out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, blog, video, easy, quick, recipe, food, philippines, manila, travel, overnight, vlogs, videos, shows, anne, curtis, pizza, erwan pizza, solenn, dough, homemade, how to, nico, bolzico, active dry yeast, dry yeast, rise, slow
Id: E5iNgCkZAac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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