Leche Flan Banana Cake .. Can This Be The Next Viral Recipe?

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what does it take for food or a recipe to go viral on tiktok it seems pretty straightforward it's something that obviously has to be delicious but more importantly has to be convenient and easy to do that's how trends like the one pan egg toast dagona coffee the tortilla fold or even the feta pasta all got started the other type of dishes that get quite popular online are mash-ups of much-loved treats think ice cream cake ube cheese panda sal leche flan donuts chai latte or pancake cereal this is the direction i want to take so let's try and make the next trending dish leche flan and banana bread were two of the most searched for recipes on google during isolation or lockdown last year and i get it when we're in isolation or in quarantine we tend to look for things that give us comfort and who doesn't love a good banana bread but let's also be very honest with each other who doesn't have a whole bunch of bananas that are getting close to being rotten i'm gonna be using today a recipe for my banana bread which i've already posted before where i really wait and make sure that the bananas are basically black and completely almost coat and coat rotten but today i'm just gonna be using some regular spotted bananas for this recipe for our banana cake you'll need one and one half cup of flour one cup of brown sugar a half a teaspoon of baking powder one teaspoon of baking soda a half teaspoon of kosher salt a half teaspoon of cinnamon 130 grams of brown butter two large eggs one and one half cup of overripe bananas mashed and measured half cup of sour cream and a teaspoon of vanilla extract this is really simple to make first start by just mixing all the dry ingredients together and set that aside for our butter place it in a small pan over medium heat continuously mix this until the mixture becomes slightly brown not black and immediately take it off the fire this should take about 15 to 20 minutes let that cool completely mix all your wet ingredients together in a separate bowl we're going to slowly mix both of these mixes using a fork or a spatula you really don't want to over mix this i mix it for about one minute just incorporate it but don't mind the lumps too much for the leche flan pretty standard you'll need 10 egg yolks 340 mils of evaporated milk 285 mils of condensed milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon of grated lime zest and 10 tablespoons of fine white sugar start by placing all the sugar in your baking pan i'm using a 9x3 here run this on your stove slowly melting all the sugar and making it sure not to let it go too far the most important thing is that the sugar granules are completely dissolved after that it really comes down to personal preference the darker it is the more bitter it'll become so take it off right before it's the color you want it to be place the egg yolks in a bowl and slowly beat them with a fork during this whole process if you want to make a perfect meaning no lump no airiness let your flynn you have to beat this really slowly yes to make sure that no bubbles form add in your two milks vanilla extract and zest now if you want something really smooth pass this through a strainer this is where familiarity ends i mean there are some chiffon leche fan cakes out there but the densities here the two batters are very different i've made these things separately before and these are the recipes that i use let's now see if we can actually just put them together and make it work place the flan first and then the banana bread batter i'm doing this because i feel like the flan density will keep up the banana bread since the banana bread even though it might seem like it's heavier has flower so should be more surface to float than the leche fund as i was putting it my confidence level was pretty low because it looks like it was sinking into it in any case i'm going to pop this in at 160 centigrade or 320 fahrenheit for about 45 minutes in a memory meaning a tray filled with boiling water reaching about halfway our cake pan [Music] as you can see it has completely cooled down it was popping up a while ago right after the oven and kind of deflated a little bit i'm not too sure about this one um i feel like the caramel chipped they're kind of like some nicks here and there maybe the the sugar didn't dissolve fully um i feel like the banana cake itself was too heavy like as i was putting it down with the flan mixture with leche flan mixer it was kind of sinking in so i'm not sure what this is going to look like once i turn it around um it's the first time i try this so hopefully we get it quite right and then we'll try to see if we can perfect it well if this is perfect which i doubt it is then we can call it a day i'm gonna run a pastry knife on the side first that did sound did you hear that crunch that didn't sound right at all okay not as bad as i expected it to be this is workable it's collapsed i don't know if you can see that but it's completely collapsed in the middle so i don't know if that's an issue that i undercooked it um or the batter was too heavy but i do see a separation between the flan and the banana bread which is completely surprising to me i thought this was gonna be like a whole mess um but yeah it's i'll show you in a bit i'll show you some tights but basically it's collapsed in certain sections and you've got like that floating caramel and then if i look at here i do have some crystallized sugar happening so i don't know why and how that happened i'm still extremely curious even though we're gonna have to do this again clearly um about what it looks like inside so let's go ahead and cut off one slice [Music] so nervous [Music] interesting i'm not exactly sure what happened the lecher fan seems to have broken up mostly in the middle if you look at kind of like that side piece it looks really good from that exterior it's one hole um but then as we go closer to the center it kind of just dips and collapses and it could be because if you look at here that part of the banana cake is not cooked the center then cook so then obviously by removing it from the container it collapses in the middle but the side part seemed to be okay so i think maybe if we left this a little longer it could have worked better but i also do feel like because the batter for the banana bread is so dense probably takes too long to cook if we're gonna leave the leche line in there for like an hour or something it might overcook also it might not be as good let's try it i'm gonna try the sides obviously because the center part isn't really done i mean flavor-wise it's delicious for day two the main thing i'm gonna change is beating the egg whites separately from the yolks for the banana bread just to get it slightly closer to what a chiffon cake would be because usually people use chiffon for this kind of combination i have no idea if it's going to change something or help but me thinking that just making it coat and coat slightly lighter will help it float a little bit more and just make sure that we have a nice separation between the flan and the banana bread a lot of the times this is the part that most people don't see on youtube videos especially when it's a new recipe we do have to try it a couple times to make sure we get it right this is attempt number two um i just finished a couple of other dishes um i had this outside for about an hour until i could basically lift it up from the bottom and then i put it in the fridge um for about an hour and a half while i was finishing up the other videos um there are some noticeable cracks but nothing too crazy because we're gonna flip it anyways uh but i really hope i got this right at one point i poked it like two or three times with a food thermometer um if you're measuring the temperature of your steaks i highly recommend you measure the temperature of your cakes as well hey ryan's hey that rhymes um because you can basically tell if a cake's done hopefully with the the temperature so i think flan or custards usually kind of set around 180 fahrenheit and then cakes like banana breads and pastries and stuff usually around 200. so obviously we have two different layers which would be them done at two different times unfortunately so i went with banana bread because that was the one previously the head kind of like fallen apart all right so i'm just trying to buy myself time here because i really don't want to do this again it's actually fairly loose already on the side say a little prayer that looks pretty good yeah i messed it up by doing that thing with the knife i shouldn't have done that look at that look how much stuff i kind of left behind so much look at that i was a little scared that my caramel was a little too dark but it actually turned out absolutely perfect all right let's take some shots of this and then let's open it up [Music] okay time to give this a cut um i was kind of stupid to put it on a plate with sides i should have just put it on a flat plate but oh well that's you get for trusting the guy that never bakes ever okay so let's cut through this [Music] good combination it's a very good combination of sweet and sweet [Music] i could probably eat all of it four slices of this that's pretty light huh it tastes pretty light both textures are so fluffy so it's like a burst of like fluffiness in your mouth
Channel: FEATR
Views: 1,532,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, leche flan, banana cake, banana bread, creme caramel, how to make banana bread, banana bread ingredients, custard recipe, how to make custard, pinoy desserts, pinoy recipes, tiktok, tiktok food, tiktok recipes, tiktok recipe hacks, leche nana, leche flan banana cake
Id: UNwGq4_Va6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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