How to Make Pizza at Home | Sean in the Wild

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[Music] hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans coming at you from beautiful Staten Island New York where I'm joined by Dominic Morano he's the heir to the Prince Street pizza throne home to the Soho Square and one of the best new-school sliced joints in all of New York City but today we're doing something a little bit different Dominic has invited us to his family home so that we can do a good old-fashioned home cook Neapolitan round pie and then we're gonna deliver our creation - perhaps our harshest critics to date his family but first things first Dominick you know there's a pizza slice shop on every corner in New York City why cook at home why not it makes it fun for the family we all hang out it's a good bonding experience and it's also good to learn how to cook on your own why I have to go pay somebody else to make your food I don't trust other people making my food sometimes you can't see behind that wall you know what's going on and it's just it's fun to do it yourself sometimes what's the law according to Dominic any dues any don'ts at print Street pizza there's about four command modules okay first rule is you don't dad the pizza you don't take a napkin and a second rule is you don't use a fork and a knife it's not a pasta it's not veal parmesan it's a pizza usually by hand the third one you want is for condiments you know nice ranch blue cheese and ketchup mayo etc what happens if he ask for condiments the pizza guy Franco come in put the money back on the can I tell you you'll no come back here you'll know this is a disgrace you'll know I come back at this am i I'm an artist I'm not this pizza man you don't do this taking it seriously and the fourth commandment is you have to fold it down the middle you can't just eat it like that it's all the cheese 1/4 Dom are we ready to jump in here are you ready I'm ready let's do it [Music] so I can tell by the way we've staged this set that we're starting with the dough talk to me about dough what would it do you can either buy it from the store you can make it at home if you want to make it at home you got a mixer some flour some water a couple other ingredients and you can just do it that way but who asked for that it's a busy day this is New York it's fast so you can trust you can trust store dough is what you're tellin ya hundred percent they can they can't mess it up I'm ready let's go down stomach it's a pizza first things first you got to take it from the sides make sure they're not hitting nothing so now you're gonna pull this fast see it's nice and round love it you take your flour just easily not too hard not too slow if you'll want to put any holes in you don't want you to put any holes in oh you monster thrown in the garbage don't you wanna give it a try yeah yeah yeah alright so watch me separate you can't have them touching I learned that from my buddy Dom there you go come on you got it that was that pretty good I'll go through the top from the front and then you're all ready lift it off now usually now even everything out you pull it out boom put it right here so now you take my flour just get a little bit around your area spread it out nice make a little bit of a mess yeah go go nuts that's why why don't you ask flying why we're not in the store if you want because the ovens a little bit smaller at home if people buy a whole pizza you actually ought to cut it to make a little bit smaller for it to fit in the oven oh you're attractive I'll give it a try I'm nervous about this one don't be nervous just don't make it too small no you don't go go go go ahead you're doing good you don't keep up you're going BAM now if you want we put C's decides what makes that please later [Music] give your hands up a little bit of heart and just stop pressing down easily don't dab at it don't push down just easily put your fingers now palm it basically all you're gonna do is just you're gonna move it this way just counterclockwise just wax on wax off literally it's legitimately the same is AG most relaxed on hey though I feel like it's not going as well as yours second I read that it's a heart-shaped pedes it's our that's what I'm going for it's alright I love today down go come so now we're gonna do is pick it up flop it on your own now back and forth maybe once what's always that's about it now do you want how to spend yep you gonna bite this know what you gonna do is you're just gonna there you go it's been an Smith it's just stay out of the middle cuz you're gonna you're gonna Haines gonna go right through it take your beats like this and just flop it right on it this you actually made it a little bit better than mine mine's a little bit too big for the panel uses a good personal size you just learned the biggest step of making pizza that was the hardest part the dough is the toughest dough is the toughest part now we're gonna put the sauce on all right working our way to the other side of the kitchen for the next step we have to make some sauce and for the sauce stuff we have a very special guest we do have a very special guest it's my moment I'm here you got me Mom I gotcha okay this is my mother's home-cooked marinara sauce here's time for my family from generation to generation so if we mess it up you gotta be you know you gotta be honest I'm watching I can't don't make sure we get this right I am a homemaker get this right alright so what's the first thing first step we need all right boil put your frame a little Maya hi Emma yes nice to have is Carla grandma yeah now do you want me to crush it or you want my slice climate and then too much garlic too little garlic to your preference I like five what can be five to a can you could even if you don't like garlic you could fry it take it out but you have the flavor of it in your oil I put hot pepper flake only because I like it a little spicy gives it that little extra kick okay I see [Music] say one month but some people don't believe in cooking with salt they were afraid of it they honestly are but when you eat there yeah a lot of pepper and you eat their food and it's so bland oh you could add the soul no the soul brings out the flavor sometimes of the tomato and the God it does important stuff you can use a red wine and it honestly enhances the flavor only a good wine I don't use a cooking wine I use a good wine that I would drink good right now I'm just trying to mix all the ingredients together just have some continuity in the sauce just so it's all even out once you get to a certain point you just leave it on sim and then you fine would you ever use jarred sauce on your pizza never never golf a bit I never never there's no need for a jar sauce if everybody just follows my recipe you'll have moderniser all the time the nice big scoop you're gonna put a rein in the middle if you think that's nothing just start spread and just go circular circular see all those hunks of fresh garlic in there that's that's how you know it's real and those that's how you know it's real going with a heaping spoonful plop right in the middle and then BAM and just gradually get bigger with it just don't keep too much sauce in the middle goes in your pizza okay VIN well did I put too much sauce on you can never have too much sauce so for the people making this at home how do you go after the mozzarella you can make it thin but then it's gonna somewhat evaporate on the clients and a burn really fast so you want a little bit chunkier it's just so it doesn't burn as quick cuz it'll burn on the top and then it's just like eating chocolates nasty this is a stick pepperoni that comes from prince tree pizza ain't giving up the name cuz if I give you the name you're probably gonna make it out of this house now if you want to learn a trick to do at home that you really can't do in the store cuz it kind of violate ethical violations which we don't want just keep it and open it up a little bit whoa it's a bit of wave action so that'll faster it doesn't stick there you go perfect now just leave it at that hey gets in your eye you get used to it so we're ready to put the pizza in the oven but before we get to that finish line what are the people at home need to know what you want to do is pre-heat your oven at the highest temperature can go I put it around 500 degrees if you haven't then go to 550 that's beautiful do it at that set the stones in there for about an hour and a half so it heats up a little bit and then put your peach in there for about 10 minutes pop it out and you good to go all right so we're here at the dinner table the pies are out and I don't mean to Pat myself on the back too much here but out of the oven I have to say I'm gonna damn good-looking pizza but it really means nothing unless it gets your cosign mom so that's what we're gonna do what are you thinking it for in a good-looking pizza oh not saggy not flappy they put me floppy you know I don't like pop no no it's mostly passing small tests in this smell pass in the eyeball eyeball test you're a hundred Oh gross it's amazing you're not just saying that no I'm not need a thick skin I'm a thick skin now go Staten Island on me I'm still telling you there's no way you're gonna believe it made us at home no way and that's a good point because you know people might be slightly intimidated by it I know it pizza it's not the hardest thing to making the world but you really can at home body a restaurant as long as you just keep it going keep it practice and get the ingredients right get your technique down and it doesn't have to look perfect they followed my recipe it's absolutely delicious well there you have it it's the Prince Street pizza Commandments now you know how to make this beautiful meal at home and no more excuses when it comes to eating sauce out of a jar no more I don't want to hear that [Music] mozzarella oh that hurt you that that brought into your heart the way I said that I have people online in the store I wanted are like it's a mozzarella mozzarella no it is it OH what's it up mutti
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,083,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), how to make pizza, pizza recipe, sean evans, sean in the wild, dominic morano, soho, nyc, prince street pizza, staten island, making pizza from scratch
Id: q9erQqb_o8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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