How To Make Pig Candy

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all right so what we're doing is pig candy what is pig candy you ask pig candy is thick sliced bacon that is caramelized on the smoker and turns into something that you've never had before that you'll always cook and want more of so what we're doing today is we are using thick sliced bacon you can use any type of bacon you want you can get the hickory smoked or the applewood smoked or whatever type of bacon you want I wouldn't recommend doing the the peppered bacon but that again is personal preference if you like that kind of bacon you can try it see if you like it this way and see what what it does for you so what I'm gonna do first I'm gonna go ahead and cut this package of bacon it so I can get to the bacon when I have everything ready here the one warning that I will tell you right now is that once you try this you will eat a pound of bacon quicker than you've ever imagined so be careful it's the only warning you're getting from us so what we're doing now just a regular ziplock bag and brown sugar what I typically do is I'll put two cups of brown sugar in the bag now you can add traditionally guys just use brown sugar and paprika what I've found that we've liked a lot more is instead of using paprika I just go ahead and use one of our rubs and I'll put in about a half a cup of rub in with the brown sugar close it up and then just mix your brown sugar up and your rub up get all the air out of there you see any of these little brown sugar balls that are in there you can go ahead and crush them up with your fingers here real quick and then there you go now understanding that you're probably not going to use this brown sugar after this nor what I encourage you to do so but what we do from here is quite simple you take a couple slices of bacon throw them in the bag kind of like that shake and bake product that we all know about so I put four slices in there you can put more in there if you'd like to and then all you're doing is just shaking it up making sure they get all well coated what we've got today is I'm just using a sheet of foil I'm gonna put in smoker with the bacon you can see my take it out it's pretty well covered with our mixture of the brown sugar in the rub now obviously if you see places on there that you missed you can grab a little bit of that rub and you can go over it but in most cases when you use this bag do it you'll get all those spots it's hard to believe that something as simple as this can taste as good as it does again I got a couple spots on here so I'm just gonna take a little bit of that rub now when you do this unlike most of the barbecued meats that you're gonna do you're gonna want to keep an eye on this because if you don't what will end up happening is with the grease and everything else you can have a grease fire so keep a close eye on this and watch it you can see when it caramelizes when it gets done caramelizing and it looks like the bacons done take out a piece and try it if not let it cook a little bit longer so now what we're gonna do is take what we have now and put it in the smoker and get our Pig candy going noodles go ahead and put the pig candy on so go ahead and open up the smoker and I put it right here in the front because obviously I got something else cooking in here go ahead and leave it in there check it every 15 to 20 minutes just to see where the the bacon are the pig candies at and check it for doneness and we'll go from there so we'll check it here in just about 15-20 minutes okay so what we're doing is our pig candy is done we're gonna take it out of the tinfoil now put it on this rack and let it set cool down a little bit it helps the bacon set up and so it's not so soggy and everything so we'll go ahead and pull this off now if you want your bacon to be cooked a little bit more than this that's fine but you need to understand that this stuff is going to set up and it's going to make the bacon really stiff you don't really want it real real crispy you want to be able to enjoy it and savor it so what we do is just go ahead and let it cool for a little bit and then you can make a BLT sandwich out of it you can crumble it up and add it to your salads put it in potato salad whatever you like to do or just eat it straight up like this just beware it's not beef jerky you'll be able to eat a pound of this stuff really quick so I hope you enjoyed the pic handy share the love share it with your family I guarantee it's gonna be a family favorite favorite check back with us later for other classes and other tips that we have to make your barbecue and grilling experiences exceptional thanks
Channel: Blue Smoke University
Views: 11,754
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Id: BJgBT7b9lFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 17 2014
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