Delicious Homemade Shrimp Egg Rolls (Easy)

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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Cheney is back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited today because today at the ice house TV I'm just going to share with you all how easy it is to make shrimp egg rolls these egg rolls I'm gonna show you how to make they are delicious they don't require a lot of ingredients and you know make it to the Youngstown they're gonna be so tasty y'all never had my shrimp a girl's before you gotta make you some here the lovely ingredients you will need of course you're going to need some shrimp when I make sure I'm egg rolls I like to get raw peeled and deveined I have washed my shrimp they're small okay now there's a couple of ways you can do that and we'll talk about that later so we have small peeled and deveined shrimp well need some egg roll wrappers be sure that you don't get wonton wrappers wonton wrappers are much smaller than these you need a fresh piece of garlic that we have here and then we also have some close la mix coleslaw mix is gonna give you that cabbage and that shredded carrot that we're looking for you cannot have an egg roll without that sweet and sour sauce when I buy sweet and sour sauce this is the one you want to buy it's d delicious okay you're gonna need a little bit of water in a little tiny bit of oil a little bit of butter and of course you're gonna need a couple of spices so we can spice everything up here are those spices you will need some ground ginger okay you're gonna need some garlic you will need sesame seed oil pepper salt a little bit of parsley just to make everything beautiful make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe ok everyone there's a couple of different ways that we can do our shrimp now when you're making shrimp egg rolls you can put the shrimp into your egg rolls roll and they will get cooked I'm going to do it a little bit different today I'm going to pre cook the shrimp ahead of time and there's something else that you can do if you want to if you want to make your egg rolls nice and beautiful and you want people to like you know how you can slice down into your egg roll you can see that beautiful shrimp on the top you can put your filling at the bottom you can put your shrimp on top and slice some in and they'll be able to see the shrimp I'm going to do it that way either I want to chop up my shrimp because I want for my shrimp egg rolls when you take a bite I want you to have a piece of shrimp and every bite when you put them in hole when you tend to bite it you bite that whole piece out okay so let's first thing we want to do is chop this shrimp just like so we've washed our shrimp with lime juice salt and cold water and they just want to give it a rough chop okay we're not trying to make little teeny tiny pieces not at all just go through it a little bit with your knife just like so okay perfect and then the next thing that I want to do is I want to really season up the shrimp with some great flavors I'm gonna get the shrimp right here into this bowl just like so I want to wash my hands and I'll be right back okay let's season our shrimp we're gonna go in with that garlic powder don't be afraid to season it meat this seasoning and something really interesting that I like to do we are going to use just one drop maybe two drops of sesame seed oil it's gonna give great flavor to the shrimp trust me when I tell you this we're gonna use a little bit of ground ginger just like so not too much but you want to be able to taste it black pepper absolutely for sure great flavor there and you will need some salt okay and then we're going to use parsley flakes just to make it nice and beautiful it's not really gonna change the flavor okay so now what I'm gonna do I want to stir this up just like so get those seasonings into this shrimp now if you look over here at my pan you will see that I have a little bit a sweet cream butter and a tiny bit of vegetable oil in my pan my pan is really hot I'm gonna put that shrimp right in there just like so into a really hot pan and then we want this to cook okay as soon as it starts to turn opaque in color which is a pinkish oranges color we'll take it out the pan I hope you all are having an amazing day as well as a great work week now what we want to do let's peek in at those shrimp you don't want to overcook them the last thing that you want to do is overcook shrimp and I want you all to keep in mind that these shrimp will be cooked two times that's why I give you the option you can put them in to your egg rolls raw or you can do it like I'm gonna do it I'm literally right before they get pink right as they turn pink I'm taking them out of the pan and we want them to cool down you're looking beautiful and they smell delicious oh okay everyone our shrimp are almost done but there's one thing we need to do let's chop up some fresh garlic now I have made egg rolls where I've used fresh ginger in my egg rolls and I really wasn't a fan but when I started using that ground ginger and my egg rolls hmm listen here they're so tasty all right so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take the side of my knife and I just wanna give this garlic a nice whack by giving it a whack it helps you to take the skin off it's not you're gonna be filling for days trying to get that skin off see that and it also helps with the cutting process because it breaks down the garlic just a little bit I'm not gonna use the whole garlic clove I don't feel like we need all of that garlic so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna be very careful and I want to chop it down you don't want any huge pieces but you want enough to give this a that authentic flavor that we all love chop that garlic up but I'm gonna bang it with the side of my knife once again just like so there we go get it nice and fine when I come back we'll check on our shrimp okay everyone so now that our shrimp has just turned pink get it out of that pan don't overcook it all right so I'm gonna take it out and I'm just gonna put it into this bowl just like so juices and all get all that goodness down in there okay all right now anything that's left in this pan we're not gonna rinse the pan out okay whatever's in there is just fine here's what I'd like to do beautiful shrimp set it aside now we're gonna take that garlic get it into the pan just like so let's get this garlic nice beautiful and golden brown by getting the garlic nice and golden brown it's gonna help you to not have that really strong pungent garlic flavor okay it's gonna kind of mellow out a little bit and once that happens we will put our coleslaw mix in I'm gonna take a little bit of butter and I'm gonna put it in with my garlic to give it a little bit more fat to fry it okay everyone you can see that that garlic is nice and golden brown so what you're seeing in the pan is that sweet cream butter that I used to saute up my garlic now that my garlic has golden brown let's get that coleslaw mix right into the pan just like so and you want to cook it up don't be afraid to cook your cabbage up you can cook it halfway you can cook it for a minute but I'm gonna show you how I like to do mine I still want my cabbage it to have a little bit of bite but I don't want it to be mushy not at all so now we want to season even our cabbage so just a little bit of salt okay black pepper you can use white pepper if you like absolutely a little bit more than ginger beautiful flavor little tiny bit garlic just like self okay we have some amazing smells going on don't put any more of that sesame seed oil the sesame seed oil that we put in to the shrub is just enough those two drops is all you're going to need let's cook this until it wilts down a little bit and I'll be back okay everybody I have that perfect wilt that we're looking for for the cabbage keep in mind don't over cook the cabbage don't undercook it here's what it should look like so simple and make sure in jail here's a thing if you wanted to go out and buy it and get a cabbage and carrots and shred it yourself you could that will be just fine but for me I'm always going to use the coals on there nice and low tech go ahead and put the shrimp into the mixture just like so - that gorgeous liquid up you can I don't know maybe make a seafood broth with the liquid possibly if you just didn't want to throw it away all right so now let's get this beautiful shrimp right into the mixture we're turning the piano all right taking everything out and set it in the bowl so that it can fold down beautiful I'm so excited okay everyone so now I'm heating up my vegetable oil in my pan all giving us a little bit of oil let me show you let's take a peek at the pan here so I have this frying pan here and you can see about how much oil we're going to use this is vegetable oil use any kind of oil you would like to use except for olive oil because olive oil burns and a high temperature now I want to get started and showing you all how we're going to wrap these egg rolls okay it's so simple and it's kind of fun alright so let's take them open and I want to show you all what they look like okay now if you are using something like ground chicken ground turkey ground pork you're gonna want to cook that meat before you put it into your mixture okay only thing that you don't have to cook is the shrimp all right so here's what your eggroll wrapper will look like and it's up to your discretion whether you want to use two wrappers put together or just one this wrapper is very like you don't want to tear it so be careful okay so you want to turn it like a diamond and I have just some cold water you can use an egg wash or you could even use corn starch if you like I just want to wet all the corners all the edges of the egg roll wrapper and now what I've done with our mixture here I've taken this mixture and I put it in the deep freezer just for around about 10 minutes it's not freezing cold it's cooled down you know you want for it to be cooled down before you start to wrap that way you can handle this okay just like so put as much or as less as you would like in there make sure you get those gorgeous shrimp in there just like so okay now here's how we do it pretty simple we're going to literally take one fold over just like that okay and I want to scoot the filling towards me just a little bit let's move this so you all can get a really good view okay so now that we've done that we're gonna take and fold in those corners and kind of make it look somewhat like an envelope if you would just like this and then we're gonna roll make a nice tight roll just like so and you have an egg roll it's pretty simple and like I said it is kind of fun if you feel like at any point your edges aren't tight enough just go ahead take you a little bit more water and it will seal up on itself right here I have a cookie sheet and I've just put aluminum foil on it let's do one more just in case you all didn't see okay so now I'm doing the same thing just putting that water one the edges just like this put as much or as less filling as you would like in your egg roll wrapper make sure you have that gorgeous shrimp on there just like so beautiful I tell you when I tasted this and it is so tasty oh I wanted to get two or three more spoonfuls that's how good it was so then we're gonna do that once again just links up just like so wrap that bad boy make it nice and tight pretty simple I'll do the others off-camera and when I come back I'm gonna show you all how to fry up do the young style shrimp egg rolls okay everyone we have our egg rolls wrapped up take a peak Adam our oil is nice and hot and I'm excited so here we go voila alright so now you can actually take these and you can put them in a ziploc bag and throw these bad boys in the freezer and cook them when you like but we're gonna cook ours right now I can't wait so excited so let's go ahead let's get them into this hot oil just like so okay you want to see in here that sizzle if for some reason you don't don't put any more in and the reason why is because you don't want to have oily egg rolls in the way that you can have oily egg rolls as if your oil is not hot enough this one right here tour I'm gonna take a little bit of cold water and I'm just going to put it back together be right back okay everyone flour egg rolls have been cooking for around about two minutes let's take a peek in at oh now I don't want you to go in with the fork or spatula bothering them you'll see a bulb beautiful golden brown color when it's time to just like that go ahead we take that sweet and sour sauce and get right here into my ramekin we love this sweet and sour sauce that's the only way you can eat an egg roll here at the isn't here everybody if you all enjoy this hair video if you haven't subscribed make sure you click on their notification bell so you can be notified every time Gina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know to the whole world about Tina young what I'm doing then there's kitchen on a daily basis shrimp egg rolls Gina young style make you some when I come back we're gonna see an amazing prayer you all are gonna get that first bite Heavenly Father Lord Jesus we thank you for another beautiful day Lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior send your angels down to surround us day and night your Holy Spirit to help us make a decisions give us peace of our mind in the name of Jesus we pray they no weapons formed against us shall prosper and we bind the devil away from us in Jesus name let the devil know that he has no authority over this household in the name of Jesus Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over I had the food that a love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day Lord we thank you for that amen okay everyone take a look at the inside of this beautiful Agro now some of you might wonder what's the blue inside well don't worry about that that's just the purple cabbage and when you cook it it turns a different color that's what that is look at this gorgeous oh we're going in guys this is hot oh my goodness it's crunchy on the outside and you'd better believe it's tasty I'm going in the flavor is so oh that flavor is so good and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night good
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 127,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FoodNetwork #Tasty #ShrimpEggRoll #EggRoll #HowToMakeEggRoll #Christian #QuickMeals #GodIsGood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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