How to make "Pawnee Foots" Indian Meatpies

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hi my name is Molly Horst chief and I'm going to be doing a cooking demonstration homie but being much better known as India me twice I'm 3/4 on a one quarter Cherokee and my mother's simple with that money on father's money what we're going to start off with today is we have the program start with five cups of all-purpose flour also come to will be welcome shortening found a tablespoon of salt exact measurements here making powder with a bit more of an exact measurement a tablespoon of half of baking powder sufficient teaspoon of sugar sweetness the salt Armenia sugar combination comes take away the flower tea taste the flower that can be kind of milky tasting next we have pine trees tree cutter which we just use to cut in the shortening and you like the shortening to come to pay like a small pea-sized and what that did is a short meat is blended in there into the pastry dough it melts out and gives it more of a kind of a buttery soft texture and alter of the pastry dough bread-making is also known to be a stress reliever and as you see as we get to working with our dough a little bit later on you'll see why okay here's the texture that we have of our pastry dough right now little these of the shortening are start to come apart this is something that you can have your children my daughter normally she's a nine years old and she will help me make meat pies or baking it's a good way to spend time with your family and it's also teaching them the importance of spending time together as a family and just spending time that fondue time as who loves the better to bake with your church and then they'd a result their sweets here we go we have the texture here and it'll come to me proximately about three cups and here's where you just dig in with your hands and have fun with it the texture that you'll want will be to a kind of a soft and sticky once you get familiar with making working with threads and knows there's different textures that you like for your breads say I might go and get freshmen and my dough is a little bit of Rises that flower will soak up a little bit of that water and that just makes it all the more softer a little bit easier to work with so here's we have fun you just start doing them working it around with your hands and this is a little bit of a white consistency right now so that was about three cups and just take some dust and flour here and we're just going to really dig into and have some fun with this though here there we go get some flour on your hands so it doesn't stick to your hands work it around and you just work your dough into working your flour into your dough now working with the different types of breads that's where you can if you're making like white bread wheat bread loaves the Panther bread that's where you really you're folding it in and that's race really can use it as a stress reliever especially when you're doing at big batches here you're just using the palm of your hand to go push down into the dough and you're working it all throughout the dough and as you can see the dough becomes a soft texture we need to have all the wonderful aroma of flour keep working it in here we go here now normally with the hybrid you would let this rise over about 30 45 minutes and but as we're going with the pony foot story Indian me twice today just pitch you off a little bit section of the dough here keep your flour next to you handy and you just work it into a ball depending on what size you would like your meat might be we're going to make they largely here that's the size that you would pinch off more place by the size of the home your hand so we're gonna set that to the side and here I have used ground beef with some a buffalo and I also mixed in the bell peppers jalapenos some fresh yellow tomatoes for media local farmer who gave those to me and then I won a soul also I was cilantro and yet and believe that's about it so I've mixed that into my Buffalo and ground beef and as you can see that about a little bit sauce bigger than the large Montgomery that's about probably about seven ounces of meat which is sufficient for a serving a day to serve eight years we have our dough and I have my little mini meat pie roller here my rubber you just make any work from the inner part of the circle to the outer this would be sufficient measure simply as you were doing with the pie crust and I've made my meat sort of a little bit oblong and the reason I call it Pony thundersense that's about the length of your foot the shape of a foot so here we go we could just shake that to the size of the dough and then I have here just a little bit of water to put on the edges breasts are all around the edges and we have if you have if you would like to I like a little bit of extra dough on my meat pie because of the dough I went to me it's like the best part everybody has their favorite parts and he can add a little bit of that juice that soaks into the dough and it just makes it all nice thank you and you just fold this over as so and then you take the edges of your meat pie and you just sort of turn it around pinch it up they want to ensure that you don't have any holes so that the juice from the meat pie will so go so if you get a little bit of a pageant will hold there you just put a little dab of water in your finger a little bit of flour and you just pitch that whole back together there we go and there is a funny foot before now what we'll do next is these will cook at 425 I do on the bottom rack for about move to the top arrives on the top base off and I had already prepared so there's the four goes into the oven and here's the finishing product or comes out of that and I will this year and there we have a pony foot Union repine and as you can see the very kind of puffs up from the baking powder and then you can see the peppers jalapenos onions and all that cilantro they have any other stuff in there good stuff this is a pointy foot meet my better known as a Indian meet hi thank you for taking the time to spend the time with me too show you a little bit about more money people and things that we have we uses at social gatherings and just spending time around a family with this big something baking times that you can use to spend with your family bring your daughter in or your son that's bonding time so thank you for coming into moenay's kitchen today then I hope to see you on Maui native foods thank you very much you
Channel: Ramona Horsechief
Views: 69,204
Rating: 4.8928986 out of 5
Keywords: indian meatpies, pawnee foots, Meatpies
Id: Sw1586D8vYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2013
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