how to make PASTA SAUCE from scratch (fresh tomato passata)

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this video is sponsored by skillshare [Music] this is the time of year where families come together in peak tomato season to prepare cook and can fresh tomato sauce for the coming year it's such a beautiful tradition in my opinion however it's a tradition that i don't really have in my family but i'm looking to change that and so i'm trying to figure out my system since i've never done it before there's lots of things to consider you don't just go get tomatoes and invest in hundreds of pounds of tomatoes if they're not the right tomatoes maybe you don't like them maybe they're too acidic maybe you could find better ones we're gonna take it slow over the next few years and try and figure this out you know it's you only have a few shots at it throughout the year in august so it's not something we can kind of rush and figure out this year i thought it'd be a perfect time to talk about making small batch fresh tomato sauce with the idea that we're searching for where we want to get our tomatoes from in the future stuff that we can make smaller batches of store it in the freezer it's a way to enjoy the fresh tomatoes of the season without fully committing to the whole process it's a bit daunting at times it requires lots of huge pieces of equipment some people don't have so if you're like me and you're thinking about figuring out how to set up a system for cooking and canning your own tomato sauce then you come to the right place stay tuned we're gonna jump right into it right here i have about 20 pounds and i'm hoping maybe i can get like three to four quarts of tomato sauce at the end so this is also sort of a way to figure out how much tomatoes we're actually going to need when we eventually make a big batch of canned tomatoes for the year now we have these cherry tomatoes which in case the plum tomatoes are too acidic the sweetness of these cherry tomatoes are going to be a nice balance to that so if you ever are worried about the acidity of your fresh tomato sauce you can always throw in fresh cherry tomatoes these have a higher sugar content so instead of adding a sugar or like you see carrots added a lot to tomato sauces that's to balance out the acidity when that can just be done if you use cherry tomatoes so first we have to wash these tomatoes and like i said right here we have about 20 pounds now if we're gonna make a big batch that's like 300 to 600 pounds of tomatoes we're gonna buy initially and it's gonna yield about 50 to 100 jars i would imagine 200 jars potentially so i have this big pot that i'm going to cook with but for now i'm going to use it to wash so i'm going to get these guys in here and just get them nice and clean cut them in half and then just kind of discard any gross bits that we don't want in our sauce the variety of tomato is important these are plum tomatoes these are the optimal tomatoes for making sauce they have the right meatiness and a lower water content and they usually aren't too acidic but the source of your tomatoes is important this is my second batch and the first batch was a little too acidic so i found another farmer and i'm hoping to strike a better balance of acidic and sweet with these tomatoes so here's the workflow so we're gonna go through we have one bowl for the tomatoes that are chopped up and then one for the kind of gunk you could do this directly into the garbage but we need to remove the root end and then anything that kind of looks a little sketchy around the tomatoes so some people will go in and like really carefully carve out the end and then they can cut it in half the grandma away you cut it again if you want you know i kind of just go in there like this not too kind of crazy about it maybe i cut it into thirds any black spots i'll just cut off with the knife [Music] see how it's super meaty and you don't really need to be delicate with the tomatoes because it's all gonna get pureed anyway so whenever you see just like a a bruise like that you just kind of cut it off [Music] you can go through some people squeeze the tomato get some of that water out you could do that but it's all gonna get boiled out anyway so you just do it now or later [Music] now i must say it might actually be worth it to squeeze that water out of there because i don't know if you could see that's how much water comes out of the tomatoes so that would have just been in there would have been in the pot and that's just would have needed to cook all that out so it's so much better to get that out of there now so i think there is value in squeezing some of that juice out during this process i'm just gonna wash the cherry tomatoes and you don't really need to cut the cherry tomatoes because they'll kind of just pop on their own while cooking so now we've got all of our tomatoes ready we got a lot of tomatoes forget about it the process just kind of simplifies a lot we're basically going to get this into the pot and once we get these in the pot we're going to cook them maybe add a little bit of salt to help them break down but we the goal is to get these softened and broken down enough so that running them through this food mill is no problem it's easy it's fast and then we'll have the right consistency for the sauce then we'll get it back into the pot and then just get it to the right thickness cook any of that water that still remains in the tomatoes out until it's the right thickness [Music] that's basically almost to the top i don't i still have more tomatoes i'm going to get this on the stove and then while this starts to collapse and break down i can get more tomatoes in so let's just head on over to the stove this is pretty straightforward but there's one major issue you need to avoid and that is burning the bottom of this big pot of tomatoes so we need the right tool i like a flat wooden tool ideally but i don't have anything long enough for this pot but i do have this long ass wooden spoon that's going to be perfect to keep these tomatoes moving don't ask me where i got it it's like an ancient relic we're going to want to regulate the heat to as high as we feel comfortable with without worrying about burning we want to go high because this could take a minute to kind of break these down you know unless you have all the time in the world then by all means go slow once they break down and sort of create more space in the pot add the rest of the tomatoes and we're just gonna stir this and let this cook until everything is softened and the cherry tomatoes pop and it's all nicely broken down now while that is on the stove cooking it's a great time to thank our sponsor today's skillshare ask yourself do you get the skills to pay the bills i know i didn't always have them it wasn't until i went out and sought out new skills that i found myself in the position i am today figuring out how to produce stuff and make food and teach so that's why i'm super psyched to be partnering up with skillshare skillshare is an online learning community it's solely designed on teaching you new skills skillshare has classes to fit all sorts of schedules and lifestyles and now that we're all at home we have plenty of time to kind of add new things into our regimen they've got all sorts of classes on all sorts of topics such as design photography gardening food you name it so whether you're a beginner whatever you're doing or an expert there's something for everybody it's curated specifically to focus on learning which means there's no ads disrupting you at all and they're always launching new premium classes and it's all less than 10 a month with an annual subscription right now i'm taking video editing with final cut pro from beginner to youtuber with ali abdal i never really went through and actually learned the proper way to edit through a lot of these systems i kind of created my own way so i like learning how other people do it i'm also kind of brushing up on my understanding of beef and the cuts of beef and i'm learning from one of the best butchers there is pat lafreda in his course beef 101 10 popular cuts and how to prepare them the first 1 000 subscribers who click the link down in the description will get a two-month free premium skillshare account so you can dive into what you want to learn and develop new skills thank you so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video so as you see as everything starts to cook a sauce starts to form from the juices and the pulp and that's exactly what we want everything softened now we can run it through a food mill so as you can see it's already reduced a little bit it's collapsed you see it turned into like a lot of tomatoes suddenly it starts to look like not so much and it'll continue to look like not so much i got my food mill it's going into a what is this an eight cup measuring cup the biggest one i've got and then i'm gonna start to pour it into one of these smaller pots and then this is gonna be the pot i used to reduce it to its storing consistency so again we're not making like our weekday sauce right now we're making the tomatoes that we use to make weekday sauce we're just replacing the can of tomatoes that we normally use to make sauce with the ones we made ourselves if you guys don't have a food mill i highly suggest you get one you'll see me use this often this creates the ideal texture for sauce in my opinion can you use a blender sure but that's gonna alter the color slightly it's gonna beat air into it and to me it's just not quite the same but that's just me i'll leave a link down to a good one in the description make sure to extract all the puree you can and constantly scrape the bottom of the food mill to get every last drop out and in between batches just kind of scrape out some of those skins just so the food mill doesn't get all clogged up [Music] [Music] so the consistency is what i like pulpy there's a couple seeds in there no problem lots of water the water as i ever said is what we're cooking down so we're just going to go over the stove and you can boil this as slow as you want or as fast as you want the key is just kind of making sure you stir the bottom and nothing burns as long as nothing burns like we were worried about before you're good so let's get this on the stove this is the simple technique of reduction that results in the concentration intensification of the natural flavor in the tomatoes now this isn't going to be the final sauce we do want to get it to almost its final consistency so when we do make weekday sauce or whatever we're going to make it's a very quick process to flavor and finish it all up should be smelling amazing right about now so make sure you've got some good italian bread to munch on throughout this process that's literally my favorite part now we're trying to cook this relatively fast but you do want to manage the heat so you don't make a mess and have everything splattering everywhere [Music] still a little bit too watery for me i'm gonna keep going now this is more or less the same process we would go through when canning large batches of tomatoes just on a slightly smaller scale that's a little bit more manageable for the different sized kitchens that i know a lot of my viewers have once you reach a thickness that looks good to you then you're ready to store it forget about it there's no salt oil garlic nothing this is just pureed tomatoes and what was the problem with my last batch of tomatoes there's not a problem with this it is a perfect balance of acidity and sweetness it almost literally doesn't need anything when you find the right tomato that's everything you rely on just really good quality ingredients and you get better quality end result it's the reason why we would even go through the effort of making our own tomato sauce this sauce just replaces a can of tomatoes so this isn't quite a sauce yet this is what you would find in here so what did we yield from 20 pounds of tomatoes five and a half quarts i'm happy i told you i was looking for three to four so it's a good yield so i think we found a good source for our tomatoes now these are gonna go in the freezer so you had weekday sauce down now you got summer sauce forget about it thank you so much for watching i really hope you enjoy that and you kind of apply that into your life there's something special the smell the aroma it really is like the taste of italy let me know what you think leave comments tag me on instagram i'm also on tik tok now doing exclusive content that you're not getting anywhere there's sort of like mini episodes of this show not another cooking show over there the food freak on instagram make sure you subscribe to this channel hit that notification bell give me a like on this video because apparently it really helps the youtube algorithm thanks to all my patrons scrolling up on the screen love you all if you'd like to become a patron there's a link down in the description and on the screen that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself you
Views: 143,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomato sauce, marinara sauce, tomato sauce recipe, how to make tomato sauce, easy tomato sauce, homemade tomato sauce, fresh tomato sauce, weekday sauce, how to turn fresh tomatoes into sauce, how to make tomato passata at home, passata, small batch tomato sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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