How to make Tomato Sauce from tomatoes | Quick Italian Tomato Passata Sauce

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hello pot stickers today we're making tomato sauce well i was out in my garden and the tomatoes are just starting to come in in large quantities and here you can see this big beautiful bowl of tomatoes that i've just harvested and i have mostly um san marzano paste tomatoes and this is what i'm going to use to make a tomato sauce i have a few other of the slicing tomatoes that i'm not going to be using for anything else so i'm just going to throw those in too i'm going to use these to make an italian style pasata tomato sauce and this is going to be done just by simply cooking these down in a pot until the juice starts to run i'm going to drain off the tomato water i use that water for other things like soups and stews and i'm going to run this through a food mill to remove the skins and the seeds and we will have the most amazing tomato sauce i'm going to flavor it with just a little bit of fresh basil so as you can see some of these have blemishes on them and that's perfectly fine i'll just cut those parts out and we can use all of these tomatoes to make our sauce with what i have here is a big stockpot that i'm going to cook all the tomatoes and i'm just going to take the tomatoes and just core them take off any blemishes any any spots that don't look good and i'm just gonna cut those up into just big chunks and throw them right into the pot so you can see like this one has some blemishes on it i'm just going to cut out the blemish parts that part it'll just go into the compost pile and then this is just going to get chopped up in rough chops into the pot these san marzano's are just beautiful tomatoes you can see i'm just going to cut those in half and throw them right into the pot and i will go through all of these removing the cores and filling my pot up these are some really nice looking tomatoes nothing could be a fresh garden tomato look at that look at that san marzano lots of pulp in that and a delicious delicious flavor beautiful tomatoes now i have these beautiful san marzano tomatoes but you could use any kind of tomato that you have growing in your garden to do this some might have a little bit more juice and water in it than others but uh that's okay if you drain off the water you'll end up with a similar kind of sauce in the end i'll show you how i drain it after i cook them and i'm all done you can see my pot is very full but that's okay this is going to cook down and so i'm just going to cover this and set it right on the stove over a low to medium heat i don't want it to cook too hard because you don't want the bottom to burn so you do want to check this every now and then to make sure that it's not burning on the bottom [Music] it's starting to cook on the bottom as this heats up it'll all sort of sink down you may be able to start to see some of that juice rising up in the pot okay let's take a look it's just coming up to the boil you can see all of the water that's already come out of the tomatoes i'm just going to stir this up make sure the bottom is not sticking or burning and i will cover this and let it cook only for about 10 minutes i just want all the tomatoes to be softened so that they can be run through the food mill easily just cover that and leave it to simmer for about 10 minutes it's been about 10 minutes let's check our tomatoes oh yeah they have cooked nicely looks like they boiled up a little bit um but they are soft everything is soft and cooked i don't want to mush them up too much at this point because i do want to drain the water off the clear water so what i'm going to do is turn off the heat and let this sit uh for a few minutes just to cool down before i process them okay so i have my tomatoes cooked and they've softened and what i want to do is remove the excess water so that i can puree just the pulp so what i'm going to do first i have a colander over a bowl and i'm just going to place these tomatoes into the colander gently and let the water all drain through and i'm going to do this in two batches gotta set this aside for a moment okay what i want to do is just gently move these tomatoes around i don't want the pulp to go through i just want to drain off the water so when most of that water has drained through what you can see inside i have this nice relatively clear water from the tomatoes and this concentrates the flesh of the tomatoes so that you can get a sauce right away without hours and hours of cooking and what i'm going to do is use my food mill this is a food mill that i have actually it's an old food mill it's a single solid piece and i find some of the newer food mills just don't work as well so i just keep using this old one because it works really really well for this so what i'm going to do is take these tomatoes put them into my food mill i've been eyeing those italian tomato mills that have the cylinder where the separates the seeds and the skins from the pulp and they just run with the motor i haven't bought one yet but if i do more tomatoes i think i might end up investing in one of those yeah i haven't really needed it since i have my hand crank food mill here okay so what i'm going to do is just run this through the food mill back and forth back and forth get all that tomato strain through my food mill okay i can show you how it's coming out notice it's coming out as kind of a thick sauce there's a little bit of water we'll cook that down a little bit but it's mostly like thick puree of a tomato sauce you'll see i'm going back and forth as the skins stop the bottom then the pulp doesn't go through anymore so i just back go backwards and scrape it off again and then continue in the forward motion [Applause] you can see that we're getting left with just the skins here i'm just gonna push some of this down to help get the last bits of it i don't like to waste anything [Applause] okay you can see what's left when i'm when i'm done is pretty much dried skins and seeds there's no tomato flesh left in there so we're gonna scrape off the tomato sauce from the bottom and then i'm gonna put this put the skins and seeds into my compost [Music] okay you can see how nicely thick that sauce is after running through the food mill and that's because we drained off all that water to begin with so that is sauce that could be used right away okay i'm going to continue with the other half of this and drain it let me maybe i can just pour this right in here see how clear that tomato water is gently move them around let that water drain and we'll add this right to our food mill for another round [Applause] look at that beautiful pot of tomato sauce no seeds no skins just beautiful tomato now i want to show you how much water we had left over after draining it here's a big bowl you can see that this is the tomato water and there's quite a bit in here now don't throw this away this is perfectly delicious i use this to cook beans in or i will use it in soups and stews or use it as a vegetable broth it's got a nice tanginess because of the acidity of the tomatoes that lends itself well to a lot of different foods so don't throw it away you can put it into containers and freeze it or you could even can it in a jar if you do water bath canning just like you would a tomato sauce but it's just the tomato water in order to give this sauce just a little bit more flavor i'm going to add a pinch of salt to it not too much you want to taste your tomatoes because the tomatoes also do have some natural salinity to it but just a pinch of salt just to bring out the flavor and then i have a sprig of a large sprig of basil fresh from the garden and i'm going to leave it whole on this sprig and i just want to infuse that in there i'm going to fish this out later and so what i'm going to do is just simmer this down for about 15 minutes let that basil infuse into the sauce and there we have our beautiful tomatoes so let me let me put this on the stove and i'll simmer it for about 15 minutes and here's the tomato sauce oh it looks really good you can smell that basil infused into the sauce now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to fish that basil out and we will throw it away the head didn't get too cooked so it's not like falling apart sometimes those basil leaves fall off which is fine they're good to eat but they get a little slimy when they're cooked so i don't really like the texture of basil leaves when they're cooked but i sure like the flavor it infuses into this sauce and there you have it a simple delicious tomato sauce from fresh garden tomatoes now you can use your tomato sauce just like this or you could save it it'll last for a week or so in the fridge if you want to use it within a week or if you want to preserve it longer you could can it like i'm doing i'm going to water bath can this you can also put it in containers and store it in the freezer since my freezer space is a little bit limited i prefer to actually can it so i can store it in my cellar without having to chill it so what i have is um i have some pint jars here that i've sanitized they are hot and sanitized and i have my tomato sauce which i've just taken off the stove from simmering and so it's nice and hot so i'm hot packing these jars usually if i had just made the tomato sauce without seasoning it with anything i would add some things to the jars but i've already added salt and basil what i do like to do just to make sure that there's enough acidity in the jars for preservation i do like to add a teaspoon of lemon juice to each of these jars so i'm going to do that right now and that'll just add a little bit more acidity and assurance that you have a product that will be safe preserving by water bath canning so it's a teaspoon of lemon juice for each one i would normally add a pinch of salt if i haven't already salted my tomato sauce and you can add a basil leaf or two into these two but i've already seasoned it as i said with basil so i'm just going to fill these jars one of these funnels for canning works really well i highly recommend them and i'm just going to fill it up just until it's about maybe a half an inch from the top now all the way to the top need a little bit of air space at the top so that it doesn't come out of the top of the oh that one's a little bit full i might just take a little bit of sauce out of that one that's about where i like it now i have nine pint jars here if i don't use it all i'll use the rest of the sauce that i don't can soon i think i might get close to nine pints oops i spilled that on the outside we'll wipe these off before i put them in the counter looks like i might get eight pints out of this batch of sauce and that will be just about perfect perfect just about eight pints now what i'm gonna do is wipe these rims really carefully make sure they're good and clean so that the lid will seal perfectly on them if you have any food bits on there then it will prevent that lid from sealing get all that tomato off that i spilled and i have these lids that they don't need to be sterilized but they uh are washed and clean and we'll put the rings on and you just want them finger tight you don't want them too tight because what happens when you process these is you want the air to escape and then you want it to seal and create a vacuum when it cools back down so if you if you uh put these too tight you just want them nudged finger tight if you put them too tight then they might have a problem actually releasing the air that's inside and creating that vacuum to make a good seal okay so there are my eight pints of freshly made passata tomato sauce and i'm going to put these into my water bath banner and process them for 25 minutes okay i have my water bath canning pot filled about two thirds of the way and it's the water is boiling and i am going to carefully place these planks gently into the water now if i just put the first one or two in you're just gonna see it doesn't cover the top but when you get all of them in hopefully that water will cover the top and you want the water to be at least a good inch over the top at least yep see the water came up really nicely over the top if there's not enough water in there when you have all of your jars in you can always add a little bit of water and if it doesn't boil right away when you have the jars in there you want to start counting your time from when it comes back up to the boil so you can see my water is boiling nicely i am going to start my timer for 25 minutes cover this and let it process okay these have been processing for 25 minutes and they should be ready i'm going to turn off the heat and i'm going to transfer these over onto a clean towel and let them slowly cool down now when these cool the vacuum will pull the lid down and cause them to seal you might hear them starting to pop as i they start to cool after taking them out of the hot water bath and when if they stay down and don't pop back up when they're fully cooled then they've sealed well yep there goes another one thank you for watching and join me next time is the pot thickens
Channel: The Pot Thickens
Views: 203,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade tomato sauce, fresh tomato sauce, tomato passata, how to make tomato passata, italian tomato passata, tomato passata recipe, tomato passata pasta, tomato passata sauce, tomato sauce, tomato sauce recipe, passata, how to make tomato sauce, italian tomato sauce, how to make tomato passata at home, small batch tomato sauce, easy tomato passata, how to make passata, passata recipe, tomato passata at home, tomato sauce from garden tomatoes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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