How to Make PANNA COTTA Like an Italian

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ladies and gentlemen this is panna cotta together with tiramisu is the most popular italian dessert but this is also the easiest that's so popular in the restaurant so instead of ordering this from the restaurant you make it make it with me oh yes let's do it [Music] hi and welcome to bee chain sauce plate the place where you get to learn how to make italian food in your own kitchen and today you're learning how to make panna cotta yes italian way just with cream no milk no no no no you do not use milk for panna cotta it's cooked cream with the flavors that you love let's bake it we're making panna cotta for four people and these are the simple ingredients that we need so we need 90 grams of white sugar 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract 300 meals of cream three gelatine leaves which is about five grams of gelatin leaves and then to make the sauce you know the beautiful sauce that we need for the panna cotta we need 50 grams of white sugar and 250 grams of nice fresh strawberries first thing we want to do is to get a gelatin leaves and the gelatin leaves needs to be placed for about five to seven minutes in water just get tap water put it in there we want the gelatin leaves to become soft to become extremely soft you know they need to melt in the panna cotta okay so just put it in there and let's wait five to seven minutes in the meantime we're going to cook the panna cotta panna cotta means cooked cream there's no milk involved so what we do we put the cream in the pan in a little in a little pot you don't need a large pot just a little one we turn it on and we want to cook the panna cotta but not boil we do not want to boil it what you want to do instead you want to warm up the cream you want just to see the little bubbles on the edges okay when you see the bubbles on the edges it means that the cream is ready okay so do not put the temperature too high make sure your temperature is medium low and do this with calm you go five minutes to wait for the gelatin so you can dedicate five minutes to your cream as the cream gets warmer after about two minutes i'm going to add the 90 gram of sugar okay so what's gonna happen now the sugar is going to melt in the cream and it will taste nicer sugar is so important for your desserts and just gently okay just stir gently now the sugar is in there and we are going to add one teaspoon of vanilla extract the vanilla extract can be replaced with almond extract any extract that you like any flavors that you like you can put alcohol if you want you can really play with this you can give the flavor to your panna cotta right now with whatever you like just stir so the vanilla extract goes everywhere the smell in your kitchen must be divine right now you want to smell that vanilla extract right now yes okay now can you see those bubbles here on the side can you see those bubbles here that is a sign that your cream is ready see those bubbles bubbling we don't want this cream to boil don't forget we don't want this cream to boil we want the bubbles happening on the side and it is happening all those bubbles are here little bubbles so what we do now we switch off and we put the gelatin inside the gelatin by now will be ready so as you can see see how it changed what we want to do is we want to squeeze the gelatin all the water out squeeze it and then we put it in the cream just like that squeeze it out ready to go in the hot cream so at the moment the cream is nice and hot so you want to make sure that you put the gelatin right now when it's nice and hot because the gelatin needs to melt you don't you don't want to eat the gelatin the way it is you want the gelatin to disappear in the cream the gelatin will help to make this this dessert nice and dense you can use jelly in many other desserts but it is important that the gelatin dissolves you don't want to eat the piece of gelatin it's not a good thing to do as you can see the gelatin melts very quickly within two minutes in this hot water your gelatin it is melted so just keep stirring keep stirring and then once the gelatin is completely completely melted dissolved we are going to place it in glass okay look as you can see i can okay i can't see any pieces of gelatin i don't see any lumps you definitely don't want to see lamps in your cream because if you see lamps in your cream i would just recommend you to do it again from scratch you do not want lumps either we want this to be creamy now panna cotta it's really a panna cotta now needs to be transferred into a glass you can use the cupcake mold if you want you can use anything you like to shape your panna cotta i just love to put my panna cotta in a glass because it looks elegant it looks sexy and it's much easier to serve so now you all you have to do is to put the panna cotta in the glass just don't put too much in the glass because the panna cotta is a nice rich dessert you don't want too much just put it in there beautiful you just want to make sure you cover the panna cotta before you put it in the fridge because it needs to be sealed we do not want the top part of the panna cotta to go dry cave the panna cotta and now we're going to place a panna cotta in the fridge for a minimum of four hours yes you do need time now to wait because the gelatin needs to make these dense okay i do like to make my panna cotta the day before i think it's set better you do need at least four hours to make sure the panna cotta sets and also you want the gelatin to create this dense dessert for you okay you need time this is a slow process you know in the meantime we can make the strawberry sauce the strawberry for a panna cotta fridge now we're making a strawberry sauce for the panna cotta you can use blueberries raspberries any type of fruit that you want you can use caramel you can put chocolate you can put nutella honestly anything you want to put as a salt go for it i'm just showing you the simple way to do it and again you can be done with blueberries or raspberries if you follow this this way so we just cut the top part of the strawberries and we want to cut the strawberries into a full the reason why i cut into full so it's going to be quicker to cook them okay we don't want to put the whole piece in there just cut it into full and then we're quickly going to cook them and it's going to take no time honestly to make these sauce so so easy try to avoid to buy those sauce that you buy from them from the shops you know they've got too much rubbish in there they're not as good as they're homemade yeah okay you can use jam on your panna cotta it's just not the right thing that you want now this is so easy to do just try and keep it fresh keep it simple because you will never go wrong let's turn the cooktop on on a medium heat and let's put the strawberries inside beautiful strawberries so i love this metal strawberries in the comments below you need to tell me what is your favorite sauce for the panna cotta at this point we're also going to add the sugar 50 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoon of water for this what i'm going to do the combination of water and sugar is going to help the strawberries to release the juice which is what we want for this recipe in about maximum maximum maximum five minutes our strawberries will be so beautiful and soft ready to be blended there is not much to do guys so relaxing so easy and if you want you can make extra sauce if you want you can use it on your pancakes you can use it on english muffins on croissants you can use it any way you want [Music] see a very simple hand blender will do the job if you're using a stainless steel pan you can put this straight in the pan i'm gonna do it in here and i'll show you how beautiful it's gonna turn oh look at that oh who needs candles in the kitchen who needs candles in the house when you have the smell of strawberries real strawberries huh i love it so now they're very nice and soft very nice and soft which means ready we're ready to blend okay so now we place the strawberry in the blender now let's quickly blend our strawberries and here it is guys the strawberry sauce is here for your panna cotta offer whatever you want to use it for just before you put in the last drop make sure you try it the vine same process like the panna cotta we put plastic wrap on top and we keep it in the fridge for the next four hours or until the panna cotta is ready i really cannot wait to pull this sauce on the panna cotta and eat it yes i want it right now guys after a few hours a panna cotta is ready so what we do is we remove the plastic and we do the test the test is this let's see if the panna cotta goes on the table the panna cotta is not going anywhere panna cotta is perfect it is important that your panna cotta is not runny otherwise isn't the panna cotta anymore here we have the strawberry cream you're gonna put the strawberry cream in the panna cotta but don't put too much okay just wanna be we just want the strawberries to go on top to cover it but not too much see that would be enough the panna cotta is the king of this recipe okay and here we have the other one just wanna put the strawberry cool in there beautiful sure it goes everywhere yeah wow it's very generous in this one oh my god i love these i love it i love it love it love it these are classy just the way they are but let's say i want to make it more fancy what i can do i can add some blueberries in there let's do a little bit fancier i've got some basil here just because i don't have mint a home otherwise i would say go for mint a little bit of basil there just give a little bit of green and here we have the panna cotta that i want you to have this is the panna cotta made in a glass easy to serve fancy to serve and everybody is gonna love it surprise your guests or just your belly this is the favorite time of the video it's time to eat oh yes it's beautiful wonderful sexy panna cotta yeah let's see how it is it's meant to be dense but creamy at the same time see yeah it is it's just what i want see that i've got a beautiful sauce look how deep it's dipping up and then i've got the beautiful cream cooked cream then it's let's have it perfect consistency perfect consistency with that perfect consistency that this is what you want my friend this is what you want to use the consistency that you want you don't want to put too much gelatin otherwise will become a rock this is soft but dense at the same time this is dense and delicious what are you waiting for go and buy the cream and make it because this is what you need for this evening for dinner after dinner pre-dinner anytime you want it's panna cotta time i hope you guys enjoy this video as always please write a comment below that's all i want from you a like and a comment please thank you so much enjoy the panna cotta with me and honestly use any topping that you want chocolate no chocolate raspberry coffee anything but please do not pull milk thank you so much eurasimanja bingenzo's plate
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 173,470
Rating: 4.9348989 out of 5
Keywords: how to make panna cotta, how to make panna cotta like an italian, panna cotta recipe, strawberry panna cotta, panna cotta dessert, how to make panna cotta at home, how to make panna cotta easy, how to panna cotta, how panna cotta is made, how to make panna cotta dessert, panna cotta, pannacotta, italian panna cotta recipe, easy panna cotta recipe, best panna cotta recipe, strawberry panna cotta recipe, italian panna cotta, vincenzo's plate panna cotta, vincenzo's plate
Id: z0EuLWudR-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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