How to make Pancakes at home... Like a Chef

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hey i'm ben chef at salted food and today i'm going to show you how to make pancakes two different ways at home full of tips and tricks and hacks which means it's completely idiot-proof this is where i do it this is the way absolutely you can do it and just stop me getting too chefy and carried away mike you're going to be buying the camera to keep me in check gotta represent us normal fair first up this is how to make the perfect fluffy pancakes the point of today is two pancake recipes but when i say recipes you will never need a recipe ever again it's just a ratio one one one one part eggs one part milk one part flour for every portion you want to make you need one egg so two portions a day mike and i two eggs but weigh them into a bowl because that's the start of your ratio one part egg for us two eggs that's 108 grams remember it this means this ratio will work wherever you are in the world no matter how big or small your eggs are scoop the yolks into a jug so if you're making like meringues you shouldn't really put your fingers into egg whites because natural oils in your fingers might get involved we don't want super stiff egg whites so this is just easy as remember your 108 you're now going to add exactly the same into your egg yolks one part egg one part milk if you want to sub out your milk for buttermilk you can so if you've heard of buttermilk pancakes same same it's almost a bit like the sourness you get in sourdough bread but it's also slightly thicker generally so it might give you slightly thicker batter season at this stage pinch of salt pepper if you're doing savory ones same again of flour so 108 grams again the ratio is one one one one part egg one part milk one part flour trying so hard to get the exact i'm a gram over are you allowing me a one percent tolerance right so to get fluffy pancakes two methods one a pinch of baking powder so that is a chemical raising agent when it gets wet it's going to react and give you the fluff the second way to make these super fluffy is whisk up egg whites and that's why we separate them out chemical in the form of baking powder mechanical in the form of that and snigger that's just looking for nice and soft kind of fluffy peaks it's just gonna hold as with all batters wet into dry so now egg yolks and milk whisk up add to your flour and baking powder stirring as you go and then fold in all of your egg whites and all of that air and when i say fold i mean swapped a spoon rather than a whisk and you're just kind of folding it over cutting through the middle fold it over you've now got wet in there so it's activated baking powder and you end up with gorgeous fluffy pancakes ladles i think add mess so just add it back into your jug you've already used the jug it's already dirty look how fluffy that is this i would say is the most important thing the pan should be preheated and at an even temperature so not just searingly hot but you've kind of had it on the heat for a few minutes to level out the temperature which you're going to cook and either butter the pan or butter the batter the reason with fluffy ones i prefer to the butter the pan is you get that slight brown butter nuttiness going on as well for this batter pour it into the pan and kind of let it find its own level it should end up roughly circular you can always press it out a little bit if you want it slightly thinner [Music] watching it slowly you can see it all kind of dries and sets up and that's when you know it's cooked well basically you can touch it and you don't end up with batter on your finger just get underneath it and flip it again about another minute on the other side then repeat the whole process until your batter's used up [Music] simple ratio a few tips and hacks what you end up with a stack of fluffy pancakes butter maple syrup streaky bacon brunch breakfast done but what i like to do midweek is do an all-day breakfast [Music] one two three pancakes garlic and thyme mushrooms poached egg crispy bacon [Music] now there are absolutely more complex pancake recipes out there but this is the foundation this is an absolute perfect starting point make sure you move on next up the thinner more classic crep recipe and i make this to use up pretty much whatever's left over in the fridge again a simple ratio one one and a half that's one part egg one part milk and a half part flour again just going to crack in as many eggs as you are cooking for people take the measurement 114 grams tear it and add the same of milk 114 grams at this point season it pinch of salt some black pepper that's your wet stuff [Music] pretty much the third and final ingredient is flour we're going to use plain flour because you don't necessarily need these to rise these are flat crepes and you don't want strong flour because they can get a little bit tough with gluten so plain flour or all-purpose flour cake flour and you're going to add half remember the ratio one part egg one part milk half flour so what's half of 114 that's a good question 57 so 57 grams of flour and it sounds precise but generally round it up always add wet into dry and then it'll be pretty much lump free and just slowly but surely combine it that is crep batter now two trains of thought here you can either add a little bit of melted butter into your batter to lace the whole batter that will save you having to butter the pan each time or you can butter the pan it's entirely up to you any preference lace it let's lake let's get lacy it sounds cheffy just about a tablespoon of butter you seasoned it right at the start that's literally good to go a couple of schools of thought on batter leave it to rest if you've just been whisking it up it's better if it relaxes a little bit and in the meantime you can heat up a pan this happens to be a crepe pan and flat but you can basically do it in any frying pan now you got it in your jug it's easy you're just going to pour it into your preheated pan going to put in enough to be able to swill it right round into a thin layer and the first one you'll just judge that and work it out it's actually quite comforting that you don't get it right the first time yeah i think you got to get your eye in you forget how big the pan is you forget how kind of thin it is how hot it is so if the pan is nice and preheated and even cooking and you've got it nice and thin when it comes away from the edges it's probably a minute 90 seconds and then you can just get underneath it you can always check and peel back and have a look then you just want to flip it and you want to be confident with that just go for it oh you didn't even go for the pancake flip well i wanted to show you can keep control yeah you can flip it but even a small thing like this you can just get underneath it in one smooth motion again about another minute on the other side and you can just slide it onto a plate lined with baking paper now this means that you can basically stack them up um and keep them all warm until you serve it if you're cooking for more people because you'd obviously cook one pancake at a time but the next one ready to go into the pan [Music] you can see the lovely golden mottled laced effect you'll get that on the first side of the pancake you cook the second side tends to not look as laced but that's not a problem because as long as you fold it and fill it the way that it looks good it's fine lacy pancake you wouldn't wear your lacy underwear inside out would you i didn't see that coming i'm not going to let you get away without tossing that this time [Music] in between cooking them and bear in mind they take a couple of minutes each you can create a filling now without the black pepper in the batter it could just literally be squeeze a lemon drizzle of honey you could throw some fresh berries in there some sliced up banana make it your own but if we're talking savoury and using up leftovers i'm chopping up some fresh oregano because it's what we've got but use basil thyme hugo u and then mix it into some roasted veg again whatever left in the fridge peppers courgette onion garlic you can see i cut it up pretty small and the oven was pretty hot and it literally took 10 minutes the same time it takes to cook three or four pancakes crepe origami is important generous on filling fill half of it fold it over fill a quarter of it fold it over and then repeat finish fresh oregano flowers how fast is that mike two options for you you've got the crepes which couldn't be an easier method one one half as a ratio we've stuffed ours with roasted veg and goat's cheese over here one extra tiny step in the method but an even easier ratio one one one all day breakfast on a stack of fluffy pancakes and here's the thing if you want a gluten-free version of this just sub out the plain flour for gram flour that's chickpea flour otherwise follow exactly the same method and if you want a dairy-free version of these pancakes just sub out the milk for soy milk almond milk or oat milk otherwise same ratios we'd love to hear what you do with your pancakes your tips your tricks your flavors you like to put in it and on it comment down below and join the conversation over on twitter but if you want to see our chefs show you a bit more of what we cook at home then give the video a like can we eat them now goat shoes is a bit of a luxury i don't always have goat cheese kicking around but i always have an end of parmesan or cheddar i'm gonna try some of these crepes oh that's great
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 352,920
Rating: 4.9802246 out of 5
Keywords: pancake recipe, how to make pancakes, fluffy pancakes, easy pancakes, how to cook pancakes, how to cook easy pancakes, how to make fluffy pancakes, how to cook, how to make pancakes without pancake mix, cheap recipes for college students, cheap recipes for dinner, cheap recipes for one person, cheap recipes vegetarian, how to make crepes at home, how to make crepe batter, how to make crepes, crepe recipe, crepe, perfect pancake recipe, Basics with
Id: sF6TcQbRnpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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