How to make Pizza Dough at Home... Like a Chef

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What am I missing here? How is this Adam's method? The only method I would say is probably unique to Adam might be the oven rack broiler method, as I've never seen that before.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/lumberjackhammerhead 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Are we trademarking cooking methods?

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/bill_murray1 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sorted Food is such a fun channel! I think they first tried the method while reviewing DIY meal kits from popular London restaurants and they were super surprised at how well it worked/how easy it was. Looks like this method is just going to keep becoming more and more popular.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/HarpsandBees 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think Adam would find this gatekeeping to be obnoxious. He’s not a chef, he’s a home cook, just trying to help people out and make a living for his family.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jassbuster 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music) - Hey, I'm Ben, one of the chefs from Sorted Food and today I'm gonna show you how to make pizza. Pizza you can make at home that is incredible and absolutely delicious. Chances are you haven't got a pizza oven at home. We haven't got a pizza oven at home. So this is something you can do that gets so close to that restaurant quality but is easy. I've got Mike here behind the camera as well. He's a normal. In case I get too chefy, he's gonna keep me on the rains. Both recipes are super easy and actually neither need a recipe. (upbeat music) To begin, let's do the dough, the same dough for both versions. It needs five, three as a ratio, five parts flour, three parts liquid. So first up the flour, 500 grams to keep it easy. - What flour are you using? - So this is a strong white flour. You could use double zero, like a pasta pizza kind of flour but you do want something that's got some gluten in it 'cause that's gonna give you a nice stretchy elastic dough. I'm gonna season it now by putting a teaspoon of salt in one corner of the bowl, a teaspoon of sugar in another corner of the bowl and one sachet of fast action yeast, in the UK that's seven grams, in another corner of the bowl. And I know what you're gonna say in the comments, round bowls don't have corners. I know. Now the reason we do that is that you don't really want the yeast and the salt to touch immediately. Once it's all mixed into the dough, it's fine but you wanna keep them separate. So salt, sugar, yeast in and then we're gonna add in your three parts of water and the water is warm, body temperature. Five parts flour, in this case 500 grams. Three parts warm water, 300 grams and then mix it together. I just use a table knife before getting my hands in there 'cause it's just a little bit easier. This is mixing the salt, mixing the sugar, mixing the yeast and eventually it comes together. I've already brought in maths with ratios but it's really easy, five:three. Now for the science of yeast, yeast needs four things. It needs water, which we've given it, food in the form of sugar. There's natural sugars and starches in the flour. We've also added that little bit just to kickstart it. It needs temperature, nice warm temperature which is why we started off with the warm water and then it needs time and this is where you have two options. No knead dough, that can go into a fridge covered overnight. Well I say overnight, you're not gonna have it for breakfast. So for about 18 hours, for lunch or dinner the next day. You don't need to knead it. You're giving it a lower temperature but more time. When you were tucking yourself up into bed last night, I was making a homogenous dough and this I then put in the fridge. So this is a bowl from home but that's what it looks like. So it has doubled in size. What it means is you get a much deeper flavor and a better ferment but no knead. And if I show you this now, but you can see just how elasticy and stretchy it is and the reason being rather than kneading it by hand as big as my muscles are, there are over a hundred billion yeast cells that have been at a microscopic level kneading this for 19 hours. So you're stretching the gluten for much longer at a much lower temperature. And this is still cold, but you've still got a wonderful dough to work with. If you haven't got the time to wait overnight or you haven't been that prepared, then all you need to do is take the same dough we just made and put in some elbow grease. So flour up a work surface and give it a knead, about 10 minutes. And while I'm doing this I just wanna say, we are super lucky in London 'cause we have got excellent pizza on our doorstep. This is gonna be the best version that you can make at home with the least effort and never needing to remember a recipe. Knead it until it's soft, elasticy, feels to be like play dough. If you've got to a stand mixer with a dough hook, use that probably about five minutes. - [Mike] Have you done that on purpose? - I love pizza. Go on, you know the song. ♪ When the moon hits your eye ♪ ♪ Like a big pizza pie ♪ ♪ That's amore ♪ - You now have a wonderful, soft dough. Place it into a bowl, cover it with a tea towel and after an hour at room temperature, when I say room temperature I mean UK room temperature, might take less if it's warmer, you end up with a nice puffed up dough. So that is beautiful. So the same dough, you got two options, in the fridge overnight or 18-20 hours or room temperature with a good knead for an hour but either way you get incredible, stretchy, gorgeous pizza dough. And if you hold it up to the light, you should even be able to see through it. That's my finger. - Thanks. - Right, should we make pizza? - Yes! - And now this is my favorite cheat for awesome pizza at home. You need to try and replicate the fierce cooking of a pizza oven. So get yourself a pan and whack it on a really hot heat so it is practically smoking hot. Do that while you're rolling out your dough. Let's go with that overnight dough. What you want is about a handful. Now I appreciate I've got quite small hands, but what you wanna do is roll it quite thin so that it will cover the bottom and sides of your frying pan. So if you think about the size of your frying pan and then go in to about a third of that and that's kind of the ball size you want 'cause you're gonna go out. Roll it out or press it out on a floured surface. Use more of the flour you used to make the dough or if you've got it, semolina, just gives you an extra bit of crunch to the base of your pizza. Now, because it's nice and elastic, I'm not even gonna necessarily need a rolling pin. You just kind of pulling and twisting, pulling and twisting, pulling and twisting, pushing out from the middle. And it's not gonna stick to the table because you got it floured but you do want it thin 'cause you want it to cook quick. See how stretchy that is? - [Mike] So stretchy. - And I haven't kneaded that at all. Because this is gonna cook nice and quick, the other thing to think about is your toppings. Make sure that all your toppings are pretty much already cooked. No going and putting on raw peppers or raw chicken or anything like that. Try and get all your ingredients pre-cooked or use ingredients that don't need cooking. Very thinly sliced onion and then maybe crack an egg on the top when it goes under the grill. Today, I've got tomato sauce, that's a passata tomato just with some herbs through it. 'Nduja for some incredible spicy smoked paprika and garlic oils that are gonna come out of that but it's already cooked. Very thinly, sliced red onion. Doesn't need cooking but it's thin enough that it's not gonna be too crunchy. Some mushrooms, they are cooked and double cheese, Parmesan and pizza mozzarella. So not the buffalo that's really watery and delicious on salads but one that's a little bit firmer for your pizza. Now your dough's rolled out, your ingredients are ready and your pan is screaming hot and your grill is pre-heated. You wanna work swiftly but carefully 'cause everything's really hot. So, you're gonna pick up your dough and lay it into your pan. Oil on the bottom and a bit at the side. Tomato sauce, some but actually you don't wanna go too heavy. Don't, it's too saucy. This is not a deep dish kind of pie-like pizza. Parmesan, some of this gorgeous 'nduja. It's quite spicy, releases loads of gorgeous oils. - Do you just buy that next to the chorizo? - Yeah, you can actually get it in jars. It's more like a paste. It's almost like a meat patty. Mushrooms, I think fungi from a pizza is one of my favorites. - I agree. - Got a bit of red onion, for some crunch but it's so fine and it's not too fiery. Mozzarella, it's a bit drier which is why you can grate it. - It melts really well, doesn't it? But it does melt and it will give you a nice cheese pull. Just before it goes into a grill, little drizzle of oil, crack a black pepper. Because the pan was searingly hot, it's already cooking around there. And then that goes under your really hot grill for another few minutes, two or three until hopefully you're blistering the crust around the edge and the cheese is bubbling. Pizza. - [Mike] Oh, hello. - That's all right. And it bubbling away, crispy. Because the yeast is puffed up, you've got these little bubbles that have gone crispy and we'll see in a minute but hopefully a crusty bottom too. Fresh basil, more fresh Parmesan and my, look at this site. So two things I love about frying pan pizza. As you're grating in the Parmesan, some of it catches on the side of the pan, on the side of the dough which is why you get these crispy bits of cheese, the best bits of a grilled cheese sandwich. And, because it's screaming hot, the base is like it's come off a pizza stone and yet you've done it at home. It's five three ratio, any toppings you like, frying pan, under the grill. It cooks in five minutes. And whether it's an hour, an hour and a half of proving with a good knead or overnight with no knead, you cannot get it wrong. (upbeat music) The awesome thing about this, is it is one of the easiest and tastiest pizzas you'll be able to do at home. Whether you're doing the overnight dough or the quick dough, it's exactly the same method in the frying pan. But this is just one way of doing it. As you know, Sorted is a community all about sharing tips, tricks, advice, hacks. How would you have done this differently? Different toppings, maybe flavors in the dough. Comment down below and let us know and as always join in the conversation over on Twitter. And as if that's not enough, right now we've got bunch of blogs to upscale everyone in the kitchen. So you can go and check those out too. Right, do you want a slice, Mike? - Yeah. Cheers. Oh! - The 'nduja has got a kick but is phenomenal. I'm choked with the crust and all the air bubbles in there. - That is great. (camera beeps)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 333,788
Rating: 4.9653091 out of 5
Keywords: how to make pizza, pizza recipe, pizza dough recipe, sorted, sortedfood, sorted food, chef, chef hacks, chef tips, frying pan pizza, best pizza recipe, likeachef, pro tips, homemade pizza, home made pizza recipe, chefs vs normals, sortedfood pass it on, sortedfood ultimate battle, sorted battle, sorted gadgets, at home, but better, better, food, recipe, cooking, cook, perfect pizza dough, perfect poached egg, chef tips for perfect, perfect pancakes
Id: B_sLZIogqGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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