Homemade pickled bolonga @sandy #pickled

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all righty so this is not a special request but it is for us fellow michiganders and one in particular Sandy I want you to look at the name brand it says kogel and it's ring bologna so let me bring you down here and show you what I'm gonna do now in Michigan and I know it's quite popular down south too I don't know how it is around the other parts of the country down south they make it spicy and I don't like it spicy I don't like anything that's spicy to be honest I mean it's okay spicy is okay as long as it's not burning my mouth off how's that I'm just gonna cut the ends off here because then I ring baloney it has string that holds it together so I don't want that all right so I'm gonna take this bologna this is the hard part actually I think I'm gonna do it different this time I'm going to cut it into pieces already I'm making me and Jacqueline if the pieces don't work then I'll do the whole one for mine because this is real nice thick baloney today all righty it'll fit like that of course so now I thought about what someone said to me yesterday when I use water and something I should use purified or whatever so I did use my water that's out of my fridge because that is like purified water so you're going to add a cup of water and you're going to add a teaspoon of salt and one then you're going to add this is from balls it's mixed pickling spice you're going to mix some of that in there how much ever you want is up to you I like to use a good couple tablespoon as well then you're going to use pure white vinegar and fill it the rest of the way up then I'm going to put the lid on it and I'm going to shake it up and let the spices get wrapped up in there and see if I can add more vinegar thank you I can add just a little bit more all right so there's that one let's do up mine so like I said I don't know if you guys have it in other parts of the country I'm sure you do it's just a big hoopla here in Michigan you have pickled bologna Tom doesn't like it that well my kids love it when we save a cabin years ago we used to keep pickled bologna in our refrigerator at the cabin and that way the kids could always have bologna and cheese when they got to the cabin if they were hungry if we didn't take up groceries that weekend so they both love pickle baloney you know for a while I had to quit eating pickled bologna because it'd give me nightmares I think it was all the vinegar in it but now it doesn't bother me and I love it and I can some last year I didn't can it but I did this last shot here and then I'd forgotten about it and we'd run all out and I hadn't thought anything about it there we go and then we're gonna put some more salt in there because we're basically pickling it without canning it if that makes sense the bad thing about this is you can't taste it for 10 days which that sucks because you want it before 10 days I want it today but you know it's got a it's got a flavor up all right and the good thing about this is once you get this done if you run out all you got to do is add more bologna and you can add more vinegar or whatever else you want to it you can do it about three times before you have to make it fresh over again and just a little bit more to mine and now what I do for the next 10 days is bring you back here is I will go every once in a while in the refrigerator you don't have to refrigerate this by the way but to me meat that's not been canned needs to stay in the bridge that's just how I feel so there we go homemade pickled bologna let me smell it by the way yeah buddy this is gonna be good if I can get my lid back on it'd be great but every once in a while just go through and shake it get those spices all mixed up in there wait 10 days that's like a lifetime and then you can pull it up and actually I think I like that I chopped up the pieces because then when I want a piece I don't have to pull it out and cut it up yeah it kind of saves time I think so yeah oh you guys so again you're going to use one cup of water and this is a quart jar you're going to use one teaspoon of salt you're gonna use the mixed pickling spice some people if you want it spicy then you add the red pepper flakes and you can make as little or as much as you want of those and then you're going to fill your jar up with um the rest of it with white vinegar if you think that it's not strong enough drain out some of the water and put more vinegar in it because it's basically pickling it and it will be delightful and then what I usually do is have crackers and cheese with it but you can also because like my sister doesn't do pork you can also can or you can do this with um I'll meet bologna I'll meet hot dogs you know the beef cut you don't even have to use the pork I happen to like regular ring bologna and it's cobal which is Michigan as well so there you go Sandy and I hope you enjoy it you guys have a very blessed day I'll be back with a special request
Channel: Citygirl Homestead
Views: 1,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3o_4qdxxSu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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