How to make money with your website - Community Website

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hello everyone and welcome i'm really sorry for those of you uh who signed up on crowdcast unfortunately cloudcast really let me down today and it's super frustrating so apologies for that i will be uh streaming this on facebook and also on youtube and i will send an email to this live stream but um guys please if you can share this please share it around so that everyone gets to see this live workshop so we are live on facebook as i said so we're going to be talking about how to make money with your website and this is super important for me because i really want you to use divi or your web design skills to either generate leads or income and the type of website we're going to be designing today is a community website so if you have any expertise or you have any skills you'll be able to uh make a community website whereby you can charge for your expertise or for your experience and this is something that could generate you some side income so this is very powerful uh all i mean most people are on the internet nowadays so i'm gonna be going through a series of these videos to create uh websites that generate money for you on the side all beat full time i was able to do this myself so i would like to teach you everything that i've come across and i've learned for over 10 to probably 15 years and share this with you so that you guys can be successful as well now i'm going to be sharing all the links to the tools that i'll be using in the video description below so go ahead and check it out so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to make sure everything is working okay so please do let me know if things are working fine like i said i'm on facebook and youtube as well please let me know if this is working fine i'm just going to switch over now to [Music] youtube just to make sure everything is working fine right so it looks like okay it looks like it's working that's fantastic so right so i'd like to welcome everyone here so i can see everyone is uh uh adding all their comments in the comments box uh and i can see from some familiar faces here monique good to see you fantastic uh faso uh thank you and uh isabel fantastic uh wow there's quite a lot a lot of you who are tuning in please do share this link because things didn't work out on crowdcast please share this link with as many people as you can so that everyone is on this live stream that'll be really really cool i'd really appreciate that if you could do that for me um let me just make sure that things are working fine here on facebook yes everything seems to be working okay now as i was saying uh it's going to be very very important for us to learn how to design these type of websites these skills can take you really far if you want to be a freelance designer perhaps maybe design websites on the side the skills you're going to learn today are super powerful it's going to allow you to design websites for others and make money through that or even just for your own website so take a lot of notes i will be taking some questions towards the end of this live workshop it's going to be a long one so uh do take some notes and ask me as we continue all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to dive right in and go into our live workshop so we can get started right away when most people build their websites the websites kind of look like this it's the home services about and contact now these type of websites they may look pretty but they do not give you any money at the end of it or even any leads now these are not the type of websites we need to be focusing on ideally we want websites that can help us generate some sort of income or some sort of money so what you're going to be designing today are websites that look kinda like this so here are websites which uh help us create a an online community so this community can be based on a passion or expertise so you may be someone that perhaps enjoys baking fitness yoga web design like me farming trading metal work and so on so whatever expertise or passion that you have you are able to create a community and once you create this community you're able to then have some sort of a vap vip membership now when it comes to the content that you create over here you can either create videos pdfs text or even audio so you can now decide what you need your community to get for the vip so for this example here we said okay the vip can get all three types of content which is video audio and also text but for those that are free members they only get the text uh information so as you can see this model here will give us money at the end of it so it may look very scary here but this is a very simple process and i'll be showing you step-by-step how to create a website that brings you this type of result and these are the websites we need to be focusing on you can actually achieve this on your own website even your existing website okay so let's continue on now and uh let's talk about how we're going to implement this system so how we're going to implement this system is we're going to create a community so sometimes it may be very difficult here to get the initial people to uh sign up on your website so we are going to be getting people from social media so this could be youtube instagram or even facebook and we can do this organically or we can use paid ads now this is a bit advanced but i will be talking about uh these strategies in uh future live uh workshops anyways so over here we are saying here that people are gonna be coming onto our website so when they come over here the i the idea of the website we're going to be building is we're going to have two types of content vip content and free content so we're going to uh separate these into categories so when people come over here they're going to sign up to then view this free content by doing that we are going to create or generate a list over here of people that are interested in our content so when we create our mailing list then they have the content here so while they're on the mailing list we're going to be sending them emails to then encourage them or persuade them to sign up for the upgrade or the vip membership that is if they gone to this route over here so this is going to be an automated system now the other option is if they do come over here and go straight to the upgrade they start to get all the content and this is the type of content they get which is video audio and also text so at the end of this of course you're going to be making money this is our main goal so this is how the system works it starts over here with getting traffic onto our website they sign up for our free content and then they get added onto a mailing list we then send them emails and encourage them to come over here and get this vip content and definitely this content needs to be so good because they are or they will be paying for it so as you can see this is the system that we're going to need and again i will say it looks very complicated but i will show you step by step how to set this all up in this live workshop okay so let's talk about all the things that are needed in order for this to work okay so over here i have all the software that we're going to use now some of this is going to be paid for so first of all we're going to need good hosting so in our example here we're going to use siteground siteground is fantastic because it's optimized to work really fast with divi it also comes with a lot of features that usually you get from premium hosting like for example uh caching we can also have they also have a backup and restore now backup restore is very important if you're running this type of website now imagine let's say your website gets hacked it's very important that you need to get back up and running super fast so they do automatic updates uh which are very easy to restore and then once you restore your website you're able to go in and fix any problems that you may have encountered uh the also second thing is they have a huge discount it's gonna be 70 off if you use my uh affiliate link which will be in the video description below and also uh siteground as i mentioned earlier has worked with divi behind the scenes to really optimize uh divi to make these websites super fast okay next we're going to be using dv as our page builder now divi in my opinion is is very very easy to use and i also have a lot of resources that help you design these websites super fast and professional and also when it comes to price comparison divi is actually the best out there in terms of pricing compared to other page builders like elementor moving on we're going to have here our email marketing and automation system now remember i mentioned that we are going to be sending emails out automatically this system here fluent crm is going to allow us to send all these emails automatically behind the scenes so this is where the power of email marketing automation comes in and these are the type of websites we need to build we cannot really do everything manually it's going to really drain us and it's going to take a lot of our time so we need to set all this up in a professional manner and this will work very well behind the scenes and again fluent crm has a 20 discount and i also have a course on my website that if you purchase fluency rm it also comes with that course absolutely free all you have to do is just to email me and i will give you access to that course okay moving on we have um woocommerce this is going to uh process our payments now woocommerce is absolutely free which is fantastic and then finally we have our community management software which is a wishlist member again this as a 20 off i'll have all the links uh in the video description below so these are the types of services and software that we're going to need in order for us to build this type of website now over here i also have bonuses if you buy siteground divi siteground or divi i give you these bonuses which is the web design formula course which is worth 497. now this course basically teaches you everything that you need to know about web design using divi so you get to learn all the tools how they work and there's also a step-by-step process of designing a basic website now the idea of this course is it's going to help you become comfortable when you use divi next i also have the dv ultimate template this gets us up and running super fast it has all your 404 pages your footers your headers all designed for you ahead of time which is brilliant and then finally we have the divi style guide pro this has all your modules designed for you these are the buttons the blurbs and all that kind of stuff all designed for you so this is how we're going to be designing our website so i'm super excited and i don't want to waste any more time we might as well go in and let me show you how to sign up for your hosting and then i'm going to show you how to build this website okay so over here i'm on and you can see uh in fact the discount now is uh 73 which is brilliant okay so we have these three options here for our hosting so usually uh what i'll go with here is the highest option but of course you can choose this one which is good enough by the way because you get to host unlimited websites and it's only 4.99 per month and this is the discount normally it's at 20 pounds per month now it's showing pounds here because i'm in the uk but if you are in america or whatever it is it will show the the right uh amount here or or the uh type of currency that you use uh wherever you are so as you can see it comes with quite a lot here we have ssl which is ideal for setting up our website to accept payments because this secures the transaction we also have a cdn which helps make your website fast free email we have enhanced security i wouldn't worry too much about free email because i'm going to show you how to set this up on our system now there is out of the box caching which i mentioned earlier on unlimited databases and it's a 30-day money-back guarantee okay so as you can see this is a very powerful system now let's go ahead and show you how you would set this up so let's say you choose one of these i'll say get plan and this is where you get to in fact let me just accept all cookies here right so this is where you get to uh either choose if you have a domain name this is what you do you'd come over here enter your domain name over here so for example i'll say funnels to income dot com now if you don't have a domain name you'd go with this option right here and uh siteground will help you secure your domain name and uh set it up all up for you and this is going to work correctly now i'm going to say i already have a domain name and click on proceed okay so this is where you get to add your email address and password and you need to confirm the password over here next you need to uh add your client information uh this is where you get to add your country and if you click on this drop down you'll get your country here so in my case i'll choose united kingdom i'll add my first name a last name and then the address okay next is the payment information and this is where you need to add your card number so this could be a visa mastercard or any of these two so in my case i use the visa in the uk here so i would add my long card number the expiry date and the year and the code of my card and if the billing address is the same i would add that and then over here is where you need to add your cardholder's number i mean your card holder's name next we need to just confirm our purchase and this is where it's going to give you the total which is right here so this is the plan and you can see here how much you are going to save so you can also change if you want to go 24 months or one month or whatever it is but i would keep it at 12 months because this is the best deal and maybe uh you may want to change it in the future so it's up to you so i'll leave this at 12 months and then over here it's uh talked about the siteground site scanner i wouldn't worry too much about this uh this is an upsell so i'll just leave that as it is next it's gonna give us our total here and all you have to do is to confirm and then click on pay now now once you've paid what happens is you're going to get an email which will have your registration details so there's two types you're going to get your siteground registration which gets you into the siteground control panel and this is where you go in and set up your website so in my case this is what it looks like so it to create a new website you just click here on a new website and over here you can you have collaborators if you need anyone to help you with your site and so on and uh this is where you get all your services so right now i have no active plans i haven't gone in and activated anything but this is your i mean how the siteground control panel looks like so once you uh click here on uh let's go back to websites once you hit new website what happens is it then installs uh wordpress for you so once you install wordpress pretty much you are good to go and this is now going to take us to uh the process where we get to design our website so the process the process of creating your um website with wordpress also requires a username and password so this is where i mentioned earlier on that you need two uh logins one is for your siteground control panel and the other one is for logging into wordpress so you need to make sure that you save these um safely so let's say you've created your website and it's time now to build your site now what i've done in this tutorial is i'm using a local system because if i use uh a hosted site it's gonna really gonna make my site slow and i don't want this to end up as a two-hour session of us creating this website so that is why i'm building this from the local machine but of course wordpress is wordpress it's going to be the same and there won't be any much difference as we're designing our site okay so this is going to be our blank website so as you can see uh all we have here is just pretty much a blank site we need to log in so i'm going to come over here and then i'm going to add wp iphone admin hit enter we need to add our username so mine is mac admin then i'm going to add my password and log in excellent so this is what it looks like so we don't have much going on on our website so we need to go in and start creating our pages and all that important information so first of all let's create our menu in fact let me show you what this looks like i'm going to open my site in a new tab so i can switch between these two tabs so you can see the changes that i'm actually making as i'm designing this okay so what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna first of all come over here to appearance and go to menus we need to create our menus first so i'm gonna call my menu main menu so the reason why we're creating this menu is because when we take a look at the site here there's no way of for us to navigate our website over here so i'm going to assign my main menu here to the primary menu and click on create menu great so right now we don't have any pages so even if i come over here to view all pretty much i have my home and sample page so we don't need the sample page here so i'm i'm just going to add my home page which is this one and then save the menu now let me show you what is happening over here so if i come back and refresh this you can see we now have a link here which says home so ideally we need to add even more links so let's go ahead and do that so to add more pages i'm going to come over here click on i'm just highlighting here where it says pages i'm going to say add new and i'm just going to close that so my first one here is become a member oops okay i'm going to publish this in fact let me get my video out of the way here i'm going to uncheck this and say publish so that's our first page i'm going to go back add new my next page here is going to be the contact i'm going to publish i'm also going to add another one click on add new this one here is going to be the error page so when someone tries to click a wrong content on our site they're going to get this error page so we're going to create this um as well so i'm going to hit publish next we're going to need a dashboard so this is the page that we want people to go to when they've purchased our membership so let's add our dashboard excellent i'm going to publish this all right so we have quite a few pages now now when i come over here you may notice that when i refresh this nothing is happening that that is because i need to go in and add my pages manually so i'm going to go back now to wordpress go to appearance and then click on menus so you can see these are the pages that we've just created i'm going to say view all so this will show us all our pages and then i can choose the ones that i need to add onto my menu here so i definitely need to add my contact my dashboard and this one here become a member add to menu there we go so these are my pages i can rearrange them by just dragging it here like that and i want to save and then when i take a look at it here and refresh this is what it looks like so i have home become a member dashboard and contact fantastic now you may have noticed that i haven't added my dashboard now i want this dashboard to be accessible to anyone that uh signs up or logs into our website okay brilliant so we have this all set up the next step now is to make sure that our page or our website is showing the right content so if i come over here to reading you can see here our homepage displays our latest posts that's not what we need we want to have a state a static page and let's name our static page home so why don't we have a home page here that's weird okay so okay let me save this i'm going to come back to this because i've just realized we need another page called blog so i'm going to come over here to all pages so let's add a blog page so this is going to have all our posts like that i'm going to publish it okay i'm going to go back now i think i know why that home page didn't show it's because i needed to create it manually over here so let's go ahead and do that so this now is going to become our home page publish that okay great i'm going to go back to my menu so i'm going to come to appearance click on menus so i'm going to get rid of this one here you can see it says custom link so wordpress has created this for us by default so i'm going to remove that and then i'm going to click on view all and i need to add the one that i've just created so i think it's this one here and we've also added a blog page let's add this to the menu oops that's not the one so let's remove that so it's this one on the bottom here okay great so i'm going to drag this all the way to the top like that and this is our menu i'm going to save it now back over here to our settings i'm going to go to reading and now we can change our static page to become the home page which is right here and our post page is going to be our blog page okay it's very important that we do that i'm gonna hit save and uh we are pretty much good to go let's refresh this page now and see if this has worked and there we go so we have our home blog become a member dashboard and contact fantastic okay so we have our pages all set up now on in wordpress the next step now is to go in and set up our page builder which is going to be our software which is going to help us design our website and make it look the way we want because as you can see this site doesn't look very exciting it's pretty much bland so we need to uh add a lot of design onto our website okay so to do that we need to go to elegant themes now i've already gone ahead and signed up for a membership so all i have to do is to go into login now in your case you need to go to pricing and let me just show you how amazing this pricing structure is so whatever license you choose here you're going to get unlimited websites right off the bat okay so you can either choose to have a yearly access which is going to be 89 per year or lifetime which is 249. now i have a lifetime account of course uh i trust divi in fact if you didn't know i'm actually part of the dv content team uh anyway let me log in so what we need to do here is to download the latest version which is right here so i'm going to click on a download dvd theme and you can see here it's been downloaded fantastic now while we're here let's go ahead and copy our api key so i'm going to come over here to account scroll all the way down to api keys so now i need to copy my api key so i'm just going to copy it and let's go back so you can find it over here api keys now back over here to our site in fact we need to be on this tab uh let's install our theme so to install our dvd theme you need to come over here to appearance click on themes and click on add new upload theme now here it is i've downloaded it it's on the bottom on the bottom here of my screen you can either click on choose file and then navigate to your downloads folder but i'm just going to do it quickly drag and drop it here and then click on install now so this now is going to install our dv theme so next we need to activate this so i'm going to click on activate so we're not going to waste any time here let's go straight in and uh let's add our api key so to add our api key you need to come over here to divi all right right here on the bottom and then click on theme options next you want to come over here to updates add your username and then paste your api key like that save changes now the reason why you need your api key is because you need to get your automatic updates you can also get remote support and also you can have access to your pre-made layouts excellent so all this is now saved which is brilliant now let's see if this has worked so this is our default wordpress if i refresh this it's going to show us our site okay so this is the divi theme i know it doesn't look very exciting our footer here has not been designed our header here has not been designed so pretty much it is very bland as well so even if i come to any of these pages our footer is not created and let's say i go to a page that that doesn't even exist on my site so let's say someone ties a wrong types a wrong page you see here we get no results found and there isn't much really happening here on our site over here on the blog page if we go to hello world you can see that our blogs are not even you know styled in any way to look very very exciting so this is where now the divi ultimate theme comes in so as i mentioned before the ultimate theme is going to come in if you purchase divi here so this is this ultimate template is going to have our headers footers 404 pages our blog pages all designed for us ahead of time saving us a lot of time when it comes to designing our websites so i've already gone ahead and downloaded uh the uh the dv ultimate template now i have a discount here by the way so if you have dv or siteground uh or fluent crm you can also get this at a discount i will add all those links in the video description below all right so let's go ahead now and uh let's install our template so i'm going to come over here to theme builder so this is where we need to add the dv ultimate template so what i'm going to do now is to locate my file so it's going to be in fact let me find it first so i can show you what it looks like it's going to be on my desktop over here so when you download it it's going to be a zipped file okay so here we go so dv ultimate template here it is so it comes in as a dot zip you need to unzip it so i'm gonna double click and uh let's find the file now is it right okay there we go so this is the unzipped version it's just a plain folder so what you need to do is to go into this by double clicking you're going to see these two files so there's going to be the the ultimate template colors and then the actual template itself so we need to add a color palette and also the template so we're going to start off with the template here so i'm just going to drag this over to my other screen so i can show you how to install this so you need to click here on portability click on import and now we need to add our file so let me just minimize this so we can see it right so we need to start off with our template so i'm going to drag and drop it over here next or you can also click here which is no file selected and this will navigate to whatever folder you have this unzipped to so this is the ultimate template that we need i'm going to drag and drop it here just like that click on import dv theme builder template so it's going to take a while because there's quite a lot of files here that we created so while this is happening i just want to remind you that the reason why we're using templates uh is because we want to speed up our design process otherwise this will take us hours and hours and hours designing this and the beauty of this is uh take these templates and the style guide as a base for you for your design process so you're using this as a base you can always go in and change the colors add your own colors your own fonts and so on so over here now we can see everything has been designed for us we have our default template here we have our blog post uh we have our website pages so everything here has been designed for us so i'm going to save this and show you the change that has happened to our site so i'm going to hit save changes now remember our blog post looked like this this is happening in real time by the way i'm going to refresh this so you can see the design that has happened to this so here we go refresh don't embarrass me okay there we go boom so now you can see that um our blog page has been updated it now looks like this it isn't it even has the sign up for our newsletter look at that the comments area has been updated and most importantly the footer has been updated as well so all you have to do is to go in and update this to match your own website so i will show you how to do that so let's take a look here at a page which does not exist on our website so let's say someone tries to access a page like that let's see what happens boom this is our 404 page designed for us you can also go in and make changes to it so if i click go to home it's going to take us to our home page which of course doesn't have anything because we haven't designed anything here on this page okay fantastic so that is how we updated our template so everything is all saved the next step now is to add our color palette so if i come over here to theme options uh we have this default color palette here now we don't want that because we need to use our own so you can either use a tool called coolers dot co you can create your own color palettes but in our example here i'm just going to import my color palette quickly so that we can get up and running fast now remember when we unzip that folder we had our dv ultimate template which is what we just installed next we have our dv color palette so i'm gonna gain a drag and drop it here and then i'm going to import there we go so now we have our brand new colors and this is the color palette all i have to do is to save so as i'm designing my website these colors are going to follow me wherever i go next we need to uh create a page which is going to be our style guide which will show us uh all the elements that are designed ahead of time so in fact you know what why don't i show you what it looks like if we start designing this website without a style guide so if i click enable visual builder here and in fact let's click on start building let's add a module here this could be maybe a normal button so let's go to builds from scratch and we're going to add two columns so we're going to add a button here so what happens uh when we use uh these pre-designed styles that come with divi is they all look standard right there's no styling to it this is just the basics so what's gonna happen now is if i come over here to my presets there's no presets for me so we need to add presets here so that our website is going to look much better with all pre-designed presets for us so i've gone ahead and done all the heavy lifting for you so let me show you how to install them okay so uh again uh we're gonna come back to our site here and let's go and create a brand new page so i'm gonna come over here to pages and click on add new so we're going to give a page a name close out of here let's call this style guide [Music] okay we're going to use the dv builder now i need to find my [Music] file or my style guide so i know it's on my desktop here so let's go back one step i'm going to scroll down until we find uh style guide pro right here again we're going to double click it's going to come in as a zip file i'm going to come all the way to the top and here it is so this is okay it's right here at the top i'm gonna double click and here we go so this one also comes with a color palette but since we've installed it already we don't have to worry about the color palette we're just gonna go with our style guide pro over here so i'm just going to drag this over to the side and click on start building great so now i can just drag and drop my style guide onto this area here just like that so i need to import presets because this is very very important that we do that now i'm going to click import dv builder layout so this is going to import all our styles for us so all our buttons our blurbs all of that is going to be pre-designed for us which is going to help us design our websites super super fast so while this is happening uh let's talk about uh the next steps so now that we've installed the page builder we've installed uh all the templates that we need so we don't have to spend a lot of time designing all these pages we've just installed our style guide which has our pre-designed uh modules for us that come uh with divi so it's gonna help us design our website super super fast so if i take a look here everything has been imported you can see here we have this check mark which is brilliant so the next step now is to [Music] just go through this so you can see i've designed all this ahead of time for you these are hero areas we have our style guide here page titles we have our headings all pre-designed ahead of time notices so all these you would have you'll have to go in and design these manually one by one look at all these buttons all designed ahead of time for us our blurbs again all designed for us so pretty much we are good to go here excellent okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to go in and start building our site uh we're going to do it super quick because we have all these styles designed for us so all i have to do now is to hit publish now it's important that we keep this page open because as we're designing our website we're going to reference this so i'm going to click on exit visual builder okay so we're going to reference this as we're designing our website now remember we created this button earlier on so let's just refresh this page i'm sure this will work i'm just going to reload this so i can show you how easy it is now with our presets so i'm going to say don't restore we don't need to restore anything here okay so let's build this from scratch now remember to build uh to add our button here we search for button over here on the modules click on add new and i'm just going to snap this over to the left so i can see what i'm designing here so this is the default button you get but notice what happens now when i click on this drop down we now have all our button presets so the reason why we have this open here is because if you need to add a button and you're not sure which button to add you can just come all the way down here to your buttons and we can see this is the bright button we have the dock button so let's say we need to add a dock button so we can just come over here and choose the the dock button like that and now i haven't spent time designing that button so this is how we're going to be building our websites super fast now if we didn't do that so let me just do a control z if we wanted to achieve that we would need to come over here to design click on button and then we would need to go in and start designing this so first of all we would go in here add our shadows spacing and all of that now we're not going to spend too much time with that it's going to take us too long so let's go ahead and let's start working on our website so what we need is great images to make our website look really nice so uh let's start off by building our first part of our site i'm going to go with specialty here and i'm going to go with let's go with this style here okay so over here we're going to add some text so let me we don't need this api key anymore so let me open my lorem ipsum for my dummy text okay so this is going to be my dummy text i'm going to copy it and then back over here on my site i can decide how i'm going to have my content let's delete this top section here we don't need that so over here we're going to add a video so i'm going to search for my video module and select it excellent so on my presets here i know i have a video preset it's going to give us some rounded corners there just to make things look nicer and if i click on this drop down next time we need to add a video preset i'm going to add this star so this becomes the default so i'm going to say yes next we're going to add an overlay in fact let's do that later let's save this for now so we can just get the structure of our website next i'm going to come over here and add a single row and we're going to add this as a text module like that so now we need to add a description for our website so this is going to be our membership site so this is our basic text and over here we're going to make this a heading 2 right so here's how things get more exciting so i've said this to heading to a normal paragraph so if i come over here now to my presets i can just choose let's go for heading two now notice all this has been applied for me super fast so maybe this is a bit too much text we just need a description of uh of our membership here for membership websites or our community site we're going to save that and then i'm going to add another row and this time i'm going to have buttons in there so i'm going to go in set my button here and i'm going to say [Music] become a member okay so i'm going to say become a member and for my button style i'm going to choose the bright one there we go i'm going to save that i'm going to add another one in here so let's search for a button module so this one here is going to be uh learn more or what should we say so become a member or okay let's just say learn more oops okay great and i'm also going to come over here and choose this time i'm going to choose the dock button so we have contrast between these two now this is where we need to add our url i'm just going to add a blank one over here i'm going to save that so now you can see we have our two buttons so for the background we can either decide to have an image there in the background or we can just have a color so let's go in so first of all i'm going to come over here to design spacing and i'm just going to give this a bit of padding so let's give this about five percent five percent to the top five percent to the bottom in fact let's increase this to about maybe eight okay now over here on the background we can decide uh what sort of background you wanna have do you wanna have a dark one or do we want to have a light one so we can go for dark so these are the options that we have from our color palette and then the rest of the text that we have here is going to be on a lighter background so let's go ahead with a dark background here and i'm just going to change this to uh light so we're going to choose heading 2 light like that i'm gonna go into the text make it light as well okay so now we have enough contrast it's now easier to read so i'm gonna save this in fact this button here needs to be closer so let's go in and align it to the left okay in fact it's aligned so what i may need to do is to go in to our row settings design and then i'm going to go into sizing i'm going to equalize column heights and then use custom cutter width and reduce the space between the buttons so you can see here by setting it to 2 the buttons have become closer all right i think that's the best we can do for that i'm going to save that right so let's carry on let's add another section so this one here is going to be regular and i'm going to add my text module in here so we need to add some sort of description here so let's go in and choose our description for that part of our site so i'm going to paste this and okay let's do that so this is going to be say heading 2. now i'm going to come over here to my text and i know i have section description here like that so now that was a preset that has adjusted that for me right away which is brilliant i'm going to save that and then over here as we add our sections i want to give this 10 padding automatically so i'm going to activate that and say yes so now i have automatic padding over here on my side okay so what we're gonna do next is uh we're going to add all our blog posts so i'm gonna click here on this plus button and add a single column here and we are going to add a blog module okay there we go so this is going to show our posts so for now i'm going to leave that as it is and in fact let's just take a look at the styles here okay so that's the style i think we're gonna go with let's save this for now and then we're gonna go in and add some categories to our blog posts so so far we've added this first part of our site and then we've added another section which is going to have our content so we need to differentiate our content here and make sure that we have two categories we're going to have a paid category of content and a free one so why don't we go in and create that so that when we start adding all our components of our site everything is going to be quite clear so what i'm going to do here is okay so what i'm gonna do now is let's create our blog post i think that's easier all right so this is going to be my content for our blog post so i need to open my site here let's go to the dashboard that way is going to be easier for us so i've got my tab open here so our content here as i mentioned is going to have free and paid so i'm going to come over here to posts and then go to categories so here we're going to have our vip category okay i'm going to add to category and this uncategorized we can either in fact let's go and edit it so let's call this free member okay free member i'm gonna hit update okay great so i have two categories now if i come over here you can see our vip and free member okay so now we need to add we need to create the content so i want to come over here to all posts so this is the default one we have this hello world let's get rid of it by just trashing it so i'm going to go in and click on add new so this is going to be post one i'm gonna use the default editor i'm gonna paste my content in here now the reason why we're doing it this way is because we have a template for our blog page anyways so that's going to be our post one so what i may want to do here is let's go to pixels and let's download some images so let's say our membership here is for what membership can we build let's go with fitness okay so our membership here is going to be about fitness so i'm going to start downloading my images so let's go with this size free download so we need quite a few for our site here right maybe we could go with that download so in your case you need to have your own images all set up so i'm just doing this because we're just creating our content for our site go for that one so that's four let's have six in total and maybe this one here as well that's five okay we're going to need uh one more okay i like this one here so that's that's going to be our sixth one okay so what we need to do now is to add our image and this is going to be our featured image so notice i clicked here on post so on featured image i'm going to say set featured image and then i'm going to select my files so i know that everything is in the downloads folder which is right here so i'm going to click here and highlight my six images click open so now they're going to be added on to my media library okay so i'm going to set featured image that's going to be my first one so you can see it's been added here that's great let's just drag this to the top okay so that's been added there so the next step now is to come over here to categories and then decide where this is gonna go so i'm gonna set this to vip and then publish i'm gonna uh uncheck this and publish now we're gonna just uh fast forward let's go ahead and create post number two so i'm gonna come back over here and let's add a new one so this one here is going to be post 2 default editor i'm just going to paste some dummy text in here just to make things easy for me come over here to post let's choose our category so this one here is going to be let's go vip again set featured image this time i'm going to go with this one okay let's publish it now if you make a mistake you can always come back and change the categories over here it's fine okay so let's go back so we have post two let's go post three use default editor we're going to paste it and again this is going to be vip and this time we're going to go with this one here we're going to set our featured image and publish okay great let's add post number four default editor i'm going to paste it like that come over here post 4 let's set it as free member set our image and this time we're going to go for this one set featured image publish okay and then we're just gonna do two more so this one now is going to be post number five so i'm gonna hit add new post five use default editor we're going to paste our content free member okay so this time we're going to go with this one set featured image we're gonna publish it and then we've got one more and this one here is our post number six we're gonna add new excellent uh now let's paste our content in here we're gonna come to post tab free member and i think we haven't used this one here set featured image we're going to publish great so now we have everything all set let's have a look at this one here so i've clicked on view so we want to see what this looks like excellent now look at that all this has been designed for us because of our templates that we used so this is fantastic so our blog posts look really nice okay so now that we have all our blog posts you may be wondering okay mac how are we gonna know um if say someone has landed on a page or on a blog post and they have chosen to watch the vip what's going to control that so this is where we need to go in and set up our membership plugin okay so i'm going to come over here now we're going to go to wishlist member okay so let's go to wishlist member i'm going to sign into my account okay so where's the login i always go to the wrong page here anyway let's search for there we go so this is the link so i've already gone ahead and purchased it um not sure why you know what would help is if you come to to just log in you know i think his wishlist member insiders oh yes wish this products okay so here we go so wish this product is where this is uh normally i don't i don't come in here and log in because i have it all set up on my site so i'm going to come over here to customers and log in okay so here are my downloads so in your case once you've logged in this is where you click on downloads and this is uh your downloads in fact i'm just gonna switch away from that because this is going to have my api key which of course i don't want to share with the world okay so i've copied my api key i just need to download my license here and okay so it's been downloaded here it is on the bottom of my screen let's go ahead and install it so over here now on my site okay let's use this one here so i'm going to go back to my dashboard and we're going to go into plugins add new upload plugin i'm going to drag and drop it here click install now so this is wishlist member that we're installing so it's important that we do that okay so let's go ahead and activate the plugin so i'm going to come over here excellent so now it's been activated in fact let's go to our settings here and see if there's anything we need to do okay so it's uh it's going through this wizard so we don't need this we're going to exit out of this say yes we're going to do this all manually okay great so i'm not sure i think my license has been automatically added here which is great okay fantastic so we have wishlist member installed the next one we need to install is woocommerce because this is going to control our payment system so again that's a plugin i'm going to come over here click on add new search for wishlist member oh no sorry for woocommerce now the really cool thing about woocommerce is it is absolutely free so here again i'm going to hit install okay so that's going to take a while okay so it has installed all i have to do is to activate okay so again it's going to take me through this wizard to set this all up but we're going to exit out of this so i can show you okay let's skip this and say no thanks okay close out of here so woocommerce has been installed so excellent so woocommerce has been installed so all we have to do now is to add our paid uh membership level which is or which can be done by adding it as a product so we can come over here to products click on add new so let's call this um vip vip member we're going to give this a price so let's say this is 297 or 299 okay that's pretty much what we need to do we're going to publish this great now we're going to need to install our email marketing system now this again is also very powerful and all these all these products i'm setting up here all work together it all makes sense in a moment so here i'm going to go to [Music] fluentcrm so this is the software we're going to use so here it is so let's head over here so this is the software it's email marketing automation dedicated to wordpress uh so this is very very powerful so what i'm going to do now is i already have um a lifetime member membership so i'm going to go into my account here and download fluent crm so again you notice that i've just moved away from my screen here because i just need to uh copy my api key all right so uh let me just find my downloads i'll show you my screen in a moment okay so i need a fluent crm pro i'm going to copy my api key that's what i'm doing here okay so i've gone ahead and downloaded uh fluent crm so let's take a look at our site here it's right here at the bottom so what i'm going to do now is to install the plugins so i need to install the first plugin and this is the free one now the free one doesn't have a lot of features so that is why we can't really use this for what we're trying to achieve okay so it's fluent crm so we need to first install the free one so the free one does not allow us to do our automation uh email automation marketing so i'm going to click install and activate next i'm going to click on add new so we can install the pro version so i'm going to drag and drop it here and click install now i'm going to activate the plugin excellent so my plugin here has been activated the pro version all i have to do now is to go in and add my api key so i'm going to come over here to fluid crm in fact you can see where it says activate now so i'm going to come over here and oh this is asking us to add all our business information you know what i'm going to skip that for now all i need is to go in and add my api key so i'm going to come over here to settings because i think it's somewhere here license management here we go so this is where i need to paste my api key paste that verify license okay so my license is valid and activated so so far what we've done is we've gone in and we've added all the plugins that we need in order for our system to work so we've gone ahead and set up a siteground for our hosting we've set up divi we added all our templates and this was the divi style guide pro and the ultimate template we've just installed fluent crm the pro version we've also installed wish dismember we've also come over here and installed woocommerce so pretty much we have everything that we need over here which is super super powerful so what we're going to do now is we're going to go in and further set up our system to achieve uh what we are planning to achieve here which is having an automated community website which has free and paid content so that's what we're gonna do next okay i know uh some of you are asking if this is live yes it's absolutely live in fact let me read a few comments here what's the latest comment uh let's take a look um the latest comment is from john harris saying uh hi mac good to see you awesome um right so as you can see guys there's a lot that we've covered so far but we are just on a basic kind of website it's not really doing what it's supposed to do uh in terms of uh being a community website let me just put this to the side because i might just uh spill this okay so um any questions so far because i think we're halfway in um we are going to uh continue in a moment so let's have a look here any questions uh byron says are you going to show the setup of fluent crm absolutely yes i'm going to set up a wishlist member and fluent crm so you can see everything working all together [Music] sufian is asking a flu and crm lifetime deal is for unlimited domain yes i have an unlimited domain in fact you know what i've just uh got a message from jewell he's the ceo of fluent crm if you go to my video description right now fluent crm is at 40 discount uh i totally forgot about that guys grab it fluent crm 40 discount you really need to get this software it's going to automate your emails and also uh manage all your customers on your membership website so uh yes check it out you see the video description below and you also get um my marketing automation course uh that comes with this as well okay let me have a look here so it looks like um looks like uh that's all the questions we have guys please do me a favor please share this live stream um with others and also please do give it a thumbs up as well i'd really appreciate that all right so uh let's continue this uh this is going to be a long one but very exciting i'm sure uh you want to see how far we get with our membership website so let's continue here um i'm just gonna ignore the the comments for now uh let me just check what's happening on facebook okay all right so i'm just gonna ignore the comments for now and then i'm going to uh jump back once we've covered quite a bit of more information here okay so um what we have so far is uh this type of website okay so we have a home page services about in fact we have a blog page which i haven't included here but it's not really giving us the money this is where we need to fix we want this to give us the money and also here is uh the type of website for those of you are joining us we are trying to create a system or a type of website here that has uh paid members we're calling them vip here and uh we're going to be able to uh generate some income with our website okay so what we're gonna do now is uh let's take a look and see what has happened so far so remember i added a um a module here to show our blogs and these are the posts that we've just added now they're showing on the home page but the problem is in fact let me save and exit this let's exit the visual builder and i'll show you where the problem is and how we can fix this right away right so this is now our home page so if i come over here and view any of these posts so remember some of these posts are vip and some are not so for example this one here i think this is vip but as you can see i can read it anyone that comes to our website can read it this is where wishlist member comes in so wish this memory is going to come in and help us secure some of the content that we that we need to uh uh prohibit from those who are on the free membership so it's important now that we set up wishlist member okay let's do this all right so over here on my site i'm just going to close out of here and we need to now go to wishlist member and set up our membership levels so here's wishlist member and this is what the dashboard looks like in fact i have a wizard here it wants me to set up my membership level so let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to run the wizard so this one here is going to be a vip membership so let's name this vip ongoing require approval i'm just going to leave this as it is nope and automatically protect pages posts we're going to do this manually and okay messages will be sent to this is where you want to add your email address because anything that happens on your site here is going to be sent to your email address all right so we also need a payment provider which we'll do later on i'm going to save this and exit the wizard okay great so this is the dashboard that you'll get now and you can see my membership levels here i have vip at any point you can go in and take a look at it and also make some changes now what i need to do next because if you recall we created a product here in woocommerce so if i come to all products you will see all the products here which is the vip member and we gave it a price of 299. so what we need to do now is to connect wishlist members so that as soon as someone buys uh this membership level they get automatically added to to the list so let's go back to wishlist member here so we're going to come in fact yes let's go to wishlist member and we need to go to setup and integrations all right so by default we have stripe here integrated that's fine we want to have emo provider here which is fluent crm in this case also connected with wishlist member it's very important and this is how we're now saying that the software that i'm going to use today all works together and i also use this on my own website by the way the similar setup that i'm talking about right now is on my website so i'm not recommending products which i don't use myself okay so let's connect here and let's find where is fluency rm here it is i was about to panic for a moment there all right so we're gonna connect this with fluent crm and membership level vip that's good so this is all set up now i will come in and add the tags later on but the most important thing here is my membership level here is connected so i also have list actions here if i need to add any and then over here on the other services this is where we can also connect this with divi so we can actually allow people to view sections buttons modules based on membership levels this is super powerful guys i wish this member has really really really made a fantastic integration here and let's continue and integrate it so i'm going to come over here to divi and i'm going to activate this okay configuration is not required with business member for this integration blah blah blah okay so i think everything is all enabled this is weird i've never seen this before but uh we'll test this and make sure it's working fine um okay so we have dv here it's it's got the check mark not sure why we got that message earlier on uh it's um okay not sure what was that about okay so we have uh divi let me see what else we can integrate here we need woocommerce uh where is woocommerce oh it's under premium providers okay so i'm going to look for woocommerce now and here it is boom so woocommerce now is part of this integration so everything now is going to be automated now notice this next step i'm going to do here and that is linking our product so i'm going to come over here we're going to choose our product vip member and then we're going to choose our membership level it's also vip and then i'm going to save and close so now when someone purchases the membership level vip they're automatically going to add going to be added to the membership level this is huge guys this is this is fantastic it's all it's doing all this for you without you going and doing this manually okay so what we need to do next now is to tell which this member what we need to protect okay so let's go ahead and do that so now i'm coming i'm gonna come over here uh we're gonna go to our categories so i'm gonna come to posts click on categories and here we are so over here on categories i'm going to go to this vip click on edit i'm pretty sure we can do it from here right so you see here where it says protect this category it says yes so i'm just going to update that make sure that that is set okay fantastic now let me check the free one the other one let me hit edit protect this category no we don't want to protect this category because this is free i'm going to hit update okay great now i'm going to come over here to wishlist and let's go to content protection so what i need here are categories and you can see here we have our free member and we also have vip so i need to go in now select vip edit protection status i'm going to say protected i'm going to update that so i need to assign membership levels here not sure what it's saying if i miss something let me have a look let's add membership levels okay vip so we need to add membership level to this vip here and now only vip members can see this uh this category here called vip all right so we're going to test this in a moment and see if this is working uh well for us so pretty much i think we are done here i think we're done all right so i'm now going to um copy this url and go into incognito mode and see if this is working all right so i'm on my landing page here and let's try this okay so this one is working so i think the initial ones here are the ones which are protected oops okay something is not working correct here let me go back and check it out so i've protected it here this is what happens when you are working on this live okay so uh let's have a look here and see what is going on let's go to our posts right i just want to make sure that all my posts are in the right categories okay so this one here is in the right category as well so let's view this okay okay so i need to protect it via the right category so i'm going to do that in a moment so let's hit update here and right so all our posts are here we have our categories we have free member we have vip so now uh so far we've made our connection with uh wishlist member so what we need to do next here is the error page we need to create an error page so i am going to come over here to pages and click on add new i'm not sure if i created this if i did i create this let's create our error page in fact let's go back and just double check all pages and here is our error page fantastic so we need to link this to wishlist member so i'm going to come over here now to wishlist setup and we need to go to [Music] advanced options i think error pages and for non-members we want them to see the error page and where is it it should be down here error we're going to save and close fantastic so anyone that goes to a wrong membership level or who is a non-member who tries to view our content is going to see the error page some save and close here and pretty much i think these two will should work fine okay great so we have that set now we also need to have our redirects so we need a page when someone registers they need to go to a specific page now if you recall we created a dashboard so we want that when someone logs onto our website they go to the dashboard so we're going to come over here and let's go to our page select and here's our dashboard fantastic now we're going to save and close membership approval after login yes we may also need to do that after logging in let them go to the dashboard and it's selected there i'm going to save and close brilliant okay so what we need to do now is to go to the dashboard and add a bit more content onto it so we're going to come over here to pages click on add new okay in fact we need to go to a page we already have this page i don't know why i'm even clicking add new so we need to go to our dashboard and add some content in there so we're just going to add a bit of text okay so here let's use the divi builder for this one so i'm going to edit with the divi builder now i hope you can follow this because there's so many steps that are happening here uh so this is going to be our main page which um all our visitors will land on this page as soon as they log in and this is where they can find their information so i'm going to have a first column here which describes our dashboard so let this be a text module so in fact it says dashboard here so i just need a bit of a description so let's just add that okay so i'm gonna come over here to let's add our text preset so for this text here let's just have it as a description like that and then we're also going to add another column here and this time we're going to add three uh blurbs so let's add our blurb and this is where they they come to play now so if i take a look here and uh have a look at our blurbs we can see that we have these different styles here okay so we're gonna go with um maybe we should go with this dark blurb here okay so back back over here let's select our dark blurb here we go like that so we are going to say downloads so this is for members by the way so we're just directing our members to the right place so we want to tell them where to get all the downloads so let's just add a brief description here about the downloads and uh somewhere in here we're just gonna say click here how about that okay so let's just say click here so let's make this a hyperlink we're gonna add a blank link like that so okay you can see that it says click here now what we're going to do is we're going to link the whole thing because it's pointless to link i mean in fact we could do it right here but we could also link the whole thing okay so that's the fire alarm thank god for that i thought that was a real fire anyway so we can add our hyperlink in here or we can link the whole thing next we are going to uh add an icon so let's go to image an icon we're going to say use icon and let's choose our download icon so let's go in and where is it here we go boom so that's our download icon that's fantastic so this is going to take them to the downloads now let's duplicate this twice and let's drag it over here right okay so the next one here could be uh maybe uh book free call so this could be for vip members they can book a free call so let's change the icon and this icon here do we have an icon or for phone i don't know uh let's have a look let's just put a chat one okay save that and this one here could be one to one okay this this could be a one two one depending on whatever your membership is about there we go we're also going to uh come over here to image an icon and let's choose an icon that works with that so um what can we use here let me just add this calendar thing okay great so this is all for vip members so this is what we need to show when the vip members uh log in and see this okay so we also need a section for people that who are not uh vip members so let's create that so i'm gonna click here on add new it's gonna be regular and single column let's add a text module here so what we're going to do here is let's just add our dummy text again so this is just going to be kind of like a description for that and then we're going to add a call to action okay so here we go we're going to make this heading 2 maybe even heading 3 and then on the top here we're going to set this to a section description maybe this could be heading two there we go okay so that's our section description i'm going to save that and we're also going to add a call to action button here click on this plus button and we're going to add a button like that so we're going to say become a member so you're probably thinking okay how is this going to work now we're going to use conditions here to show contents and also uh not show certain type of content so i'm going to come over here and we're going to use a bright button for this there we go and we also need to center this right there like that okay great so we have these two sections here now to this to distinguish them let's just add uh a background color here so i'm going to come over here to background choose this dark one and we're just going to add quite a bit of transparency there so we can see the difference okay there we go so how do we know uh what to um what to show to who so to do that we uh we need to come over here now to our section settings advanced now you're going to notice that we have wishlist member here right so if i click here we're going to say this is only for logged in users or we can choose members who are not in a specific level or in a specific level so this one here is for members in membership levels so we want uh people in vip and i'm going to select it here to view this whole section here okay that is powerful i'm going to save that so if you're not a vip you will not see that okay so let's save this so we're going to save the page and we're going to test it as well and see if this is working so for this one here this is for non-members so i'm going to come over here to advanced wish this member and i'm going to say members not in vip and save that so anyone else that comes in who is not in vip will get this error message okay so we're going to save this one more time we're going to exit the visual builder and we're going to take a quick look at the dashboard page and see if this is working okay so i'm going to copy this so you can see already this is now uh not showing me that content because i am not a vip member so even if i come over here to new in incognito window and show this you're going to notice that okay this is not showing okay let me just drag this incognito window to the side and let me go back in maybe i shouldn't have done that i can just remove that condition all right okay so um it's going to go back in here and just remove that condition this was unnecessary actually so everyone can see that if they're not vip they will not see that so i guess we need to um and another button here which says with vip log in here uh let's just duplicate this button that we have like that and then we're just going to call this vip member question mark log in here vip member log in there we go so i'm going to save that save one more time so now let's bring our incognito window we need to make sure this is working fine uh before we can finalize this okay there we go so now this is our dashboard so if you if anyone comes to this dashboard they can either become a member or if they're a vip member they can log in so this will take them to the login page so it's very very important that we set it up this way now the next step is we need to uh create our login page so to do that we're going to come over here go to our dashboard and we need to create a login page so we're going to say add new alright so this is going to be log in and let's publish that in fact you know what let's go in and publish this we're going to add this link later on to the site in fact you know what let's just add it in right now uh we need to add it so that people can see it when they use our website so i'm going to come over here to appearance menus and we're going to add our login page over here to our menu now another way you could you can have this dashboard show is you can actually go in and disable this based on the membership level so this isn't what which this member has done here so we can actually say okay you know what this is only for logged in users or login users boom so now if you're not logged in you will not be able to see that and this is our login page that we've just added okay so in fact you know what what's even more amazing is instead of having this login page let's get rid of this i'd totally forgotten about this wish this member has a feature where you can have a login log out so what this does is if you're logged in it will show you the link as logged out if you're logged out it will show you as logged in that's really smart so let's do that so i'm going to add this to the menu like that and then we're going to save the menu right so now when i come over here to my site and refresh this page i'm on my style guide so that's the wrong one let's go to the dashboard okay so i'm on my dashboard now you can see it says log out which is brilliant so it's a little thing but um it goes a long way so as you're designing you're going to be able to see this but once the website is live you're going to see uh this content here based on your membership level okay fantastic so you're wondering now okay we've set up um our dashboard we've also set up um our membership levels we've also set up our product in woocommerce we're going to now need to create a tag and automate this whole system because we don't want to go in and really have to do this all manually and this is where fluent crm comes in so what fluency rm does is it manages all your customers as well as send automated emails in fact you know what let's dive in and let's talk about this but before i do that let me just take a quick look and see if there are any questions here i can see quite a lot coming through all right let me just go through in case uh we have something very important here okay uh careful uh uh kefus i think says what do you think about web uh webflow uh webflow i'm not really a fan uh i prefer having um especially if i'm running an online business uh because the way i approach web design is you can either design pretty websites in quick easy ways or you can design websites that later on can give you uh some revenue or even leads so i'm more leading towards websites that create uh money so webflow yes it is good the interface is good but i rather stick with wordpress because as you can see there are so many tools that we can integrate wordpress with to make our websites super powerful in fact uh next week we're going to do funnels i'm going to show you how to set up sales funnels so this is going to be amazing and all this is going to be just using our our plugins to add different functionalities to our websites okay moving on andrew from scotland it's been a while yes andrew i recognize you awesome good to see you um let's have a look here yes um william says can we create uh separate menus for vip members yes we can uh wish this member allows us to do that we can actually go in and create links only for vip members so let's say for example you have specific downloads only vip members can see that and nobody else so it's super cool okay and that's why i recommend uh you use wishlist member okay let me have a look here is anything else okay nothing so far now let's carry on all right so what we're gonna do now is we need to go in and set up our email system and our tags so i'm going to go back to our dashboard so now we're going to be dealing with fluent crm so here's fluency rm so you can see here we haven't completed any of these steps so let's start with creating a tag so i'm going to come over here and we want a tag for vip members so someone that has bought vip so let's call let's call this bought vip you can also call this vip members you know whatever you whatever you prefer i'm gonna confirm that fantastic i also need another one for our free members oops i almost spilt my tea can you believe that oh my goodness it's crazy all right so let's call this free members right so [Music] this one here is for people that sign up on to our mailing list great so we have our tags here ready for us that is brilliant uh next we're just going to come back to our dashboard and let's see what fluent crm is asking us to do so if you have uh contacts let's say in mailchimp or any other like convertkit any other any other of those services you can actually import all your contacts like that we can also create a campaign or and also an automation and a form so here's the thing uh this tag here is the uh for me is the most important thing right now so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at our website here and so i can show you what we need to do next we want to uh go to our template and add a functionality which then adds our subscribers onto our mailing list okay so if i go to any of these blog posts you're going to notice something here and that is the ability to collect emails for our subscribers okay so you can see here it says sign up for a free newsletter ideally you want to give them something even better for free for them to sign up onto this so we want to connect this with uh fluent crm so let's go ahead and do that so to do that we are going to need to go into our templates so i'm going to come over here to dashboard and now let's head all the all the way down here to templates we're going to go to theme builder and this is our blog post template by the way so here's our all our blog posts i'm going to go into the custom body now what i'm going to do here is also to use our latest feature from divi which also shows content based on um uh based on conditions okay so i'm gonna come all the way down here and go to our form which is right here okay so first of all we're going to go in and you see here it says sign up for newsletter this is where you can go in and change this so i could say download your free okay let's call this download your free ebook okay i'm gonna call this download your free ebook so that's the title now for this opt-in next we're gonna come all the way down here to email account so this is where we need to connect our email account here it has convertkit why the hell does this have convertkit this is weird okay um i think i need to refresh this because when i created this template it had convertkit by default so i think that's where this is picking this up from okay let's go to our email account okay so now i can go into fluent crm great oh you know what i had i was supposed to create a list so we don't have a list here so let's close out in fact let's go to a new page here and let's create a list in fluent crm so i'm going to come over here and to create a list this is our mailing list and the mailing list works this way when someone signs up on that opt-in form they get added to a mailing list okay so i'm going to come over here to contacts click on lists and let's create a new list we are going to call this free subscribers okay great so oops free subscribers so we have our subscriber list now created brilliant so now we can go back let's refresh this in fact let's just save and open it again maybe that's going to refresh to show our list okay so i'm back in here now let's go in and go to our email account and let's choose fluent crm and now we can choose our list i'm going to say add my account name so let's take a look now yo there we go so our list here is now showing it's called free subscribers i'm gonna go and add it and for our fields here we don't need the last name so let's get rid of that we might not even need the first name so if you want you can get rid of the first name and just collect the emails only okay so i'm going to save that now here's the thing so this is for free subscribers but the thing is we don't want to show this to anyone that is a vip member because it's very annoying imagine uh going to your contents or your or your vip members going to the content and seeing this form all the time so let me show you now how we can um disable this for someone who has gone in and purchased the vip so we're going to do this conditionally now i haven't done this before so let's see how this works so i'm going to come over here to conditions and i'm going to add my condition and this is a new feature by the way from divi so oh we can do this by post category isn't that cool so i can come over here to post category and i'm going to say display only if post category is and then i'm going to scroll down here and a free member okay so this is only going to show if the post category is free member so if it's not free member no actually this is not right you see i almost messed it up okay so we want to show this let's go back in let's not use post category let's see if we have products okay so display only if product is not vip member hopefully that's gonna work so this is only going to show if the product is not vip member we can actually go in and also say uh do not show if there's quite a few here that we can choose from uh logged in status user role and so on but you know what i think for this here to work much easier we need to use wishlist member so let's come over here and say um this should not show or we can say members in not in vip okay so this will show for members who are not in vip if it's in vip then it will not show okay so i'm going to save that so that means that when someone goes to a blog post and they are a vip member then this is not going to show okay fantastic so now let's save this and let's exit the visual builder okay so we've set all that up now we need to uh set our emails so they can trigger correctly so i'm going to come over here to fluent crm we are now going to go into let's go to our dashboard we are going to test this by the way so we have our two tags so the automation here is where this this is where fluent crm really really works well here so let's add our new automation so this automation is going to be based on uh quite a lot of things here we can choose wishlist member we can choose woocommerce we can choose woocommerce triggers i mean it's it's really really powerful so what we can do here is let's set this up based on woocommerce so we're going to say when an order is completed so i'm going to say vip member oh let's actually call this bought vip member okay so when an order is completed this is where this funnel is going to start so let's hit continue right so they're going to be automatically subscribed so we can send them emails and so on and so forth uh conditions this is vip member now this is showing here because we created um the vip member in woocommerce okay this is why it's showing here if we hadn't created uh that vip member it wouldn't show here so this is why it's important we create the member first or the product first for that to show over here okay great i don't need any of that so let's see save settings so now we can choose what we need to do once someone has bought this membership level so i can say okay why don't we send a custom email just like a thank you for signing up for the vip so here i'm going to go to email and say welcome so let's welcome to vip okay great and now here is where we can add our text so we're going to say hello and we can add let's add some dummy text in here okay here we are so this is our contents of the email we can also add a button here a call to action button so let's add i've just added a forward slash and here's button so i'm going to say go to your dashboard oops we want all caps right so this now is going to take them to the dashboard okay we can add our url in here i'm just going to add a blank one great so this email here is going to be sent when someone buys the product so we can do a quick view here and just see what the email looks like so you can see here it's nice and simple we can also add images here if we need to so i think we have some images in here so let's add an image i've added a forward slash now let's add an image and the cool thing about this is our images are already in our media library so uh maybe let's use this one here but of course you can use any image that you want we're gonna save settings okay so when someone buys vip member they're gonna get a custom email so what you can also do here is uh we can continue and add other things but we are keeping things very simple here let us go in and end our automation okay let's end it here save settings at any point you can always come in here and add more to this automation right here okay so to make it live all we need to do is to come over here to your status and set this to live or published and you can also view the stats by the way of how this is working on your site as well okay great so that's our first automation funnel our next one is going to be for the free members so let's go back to our funnels automation funnels so let's create create new and this time is going to be tag applied okay so let's select that hit continue oops i need to give this a name so we're going to call this free subscribers okay i'm going to say to continue so this is going to work when someone signs up for uh for our free downloadable uh in fact we called it free ebook right so here our tag is going to be free members and we created those tags earlier on you remember uh so now this is going to be activated when someone signs up for that free ebook okay so now we can now add everything that we need so we can apply a tag we can do all this stuff i know it looks overwhelming but for now let's just add a custom email just like how we did before so we can just say here is your download because like i said you need to automate your website you don't want to do anything manual you know in fact i am actually working on this on my own website um i'm sure uh you guys who are running uh your own websites you've come across this where something is not really working on your site like for example in my case i have a situation where someone buys a product and for some reason they don't get the email to download let's say in my case the the templates and that's very annoying because i have to go in and do it manually so i really need to uh automate it the similar way as i'm doing this right now but you have to be very careful because you want to break things as well as you're setting it up so that's why you need to write it all out and then doing and then do it that way all right so over here now i'm going to say here is your download okay um and then we can just say hello [Music] that's our text there and then we can just add a button to download whatever it is that they signed up for okay so let's just call this download here brilliant so now they can download their pdf nice and simple just add your url here like that and they can go in and download it so we're gonna come all the way down here and save settings okay so the tag was added we sent this download email now here is where it gets really really fun we can now start creating content that encourages them to sign up for the vip membership so let's start with our first email here in fact the easiest way is to have a sequence of emails that get sent out one after another but uh for the sake of this example let's just go in and let's say 10 discount here people love discounts so uh discounts for vip okay 10 discount for vip membership so we're going to say hello right so we're going to paste our content in here and i'm going to say let's add a button okay here we go and we're going to say get 10 percent off here gets 10 off here all right so that's going to link to your 10 discount so let us save this okay now we can uh also add conditions in fact you know what after sending this uh email to say download your product whatever it is uh download let's wait a day okay because we don't want to send so many emails one after another so this is really cool and this is this is all in fluent crm by the way so we're gonna wait a day and then send this custom email now we can further make this even more crazy so we're gonna say um we're gonna activate this with uh woocommerce conditions so you can see here we have so much stuff so woocommerce conditions so we can say if a purchased products and the product is vip member let's save settings okay so we've sent the vip vip discount code so here we are saying when customer purchases um this vip then over here we need to send them that email to say welcome so we're going to come over here and this could be our welcome email so i'm not going to do the whole thing again so because we created this already so i'm gonna call this welcome and then just add some dummy text in here it's gonna tell them to go to the dashboard so let's save this now let's and let's end our funnel over here because we don't need anything else after that so we are going to say end this funnel here because they have already bought now over here this is where we can say okay you know what we need to um go in send a custom email and uh perhaps start sending some content so we're gonna say uh features of vip membership then we can go in and add our content here i'm going to save that so we can add all these actions here now over here on this side remember when they bought the product here we also need to remove um we need to remove them from the lists for that free membership so i'm going to come over here and say remove from free subscribers i'm going to save that so when they purchase they're going to be automatically added to vip anyway so that's fine so all we need to do now is to make sure it's in the right position here there we go so as you can see this is now becoming very logical it starts off with a free subscriber here we send them a custom email for the free download we wait for a day and then here we send them a custom email with a 10 discount and then over here we wait and listen to this condition and the condition is if they purchase um the product and the answer is yes they're going to get a custom email to go to the dashboard and then we're going to remove them from the list called free subscribers and then we're going to end the funnel here if they haven't bought the products we're going to continue sending them emails until they they purchase a product and then we can send them through this whole system over here okay and as you can see here it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on so you can really have sophisticated uh funnels here so i'm going to say yes and now this is active so this is going to work behind the scenes and it's going to work really really cool so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go back to our site here and go to a blog post so we can see how this is going to work right so when someone goes to our blog in fact our blog page has already been designed for us it's pretty cool uh let me just show you what that looks like and this is through our template okay so these are the different posts so you can cycle through these over here all pre-designed for you via the the template so over here let's say i go to post five so i go in and i read this article blah blah blah and then i come over here and add my my email address uh which one should i add um dot co dot uk all right so i'm gonna hit subscribe okay so i've subscribed now let's see what happens so if i go now to my site dashboard what we're going to notice is when i go to my fluency rm dashboard i have a subscriber boom right there you see that so what's gonna happen now if this is worked okay i'm gonna go to my contact lists and see all my subscribers and there we go that's me right there now in your case if you have a lot of subscribers you're gonna have a whole list of subscribers here with their tags so if i click here it will show me all my information so you can see my list here and all my information so i just notice here we don't have a tag i mean i can always go into the automation and add the tag over there now let's see what happens when i go to my email i'm not sure if this is going to um show so i'm going to go to automations right so it's the free subscribers okay so this hasn't updated now you can also view the reports here but i don't think there's any data here showing yet that's because we haven't connected our email system to uh a service like amazon ses and so on so that is why this hasn't shown but this should be able to send an email automatically so what we have so far now is a system that looks similar to this so let me see if we are there yet so we're going to get quite a lot of subscribers here from social media they come to our website they see our blog posts and if they don't purchase anything i mean if they subscribe they're going to be added to a mailing list and this mailing list here will be able to send them emails one after another persuading them to sign up for uh this vip membership we want them to upgrade to vip right where they get all the content so videos uh audio text and so on and this is how we're going to make our money over here okay so as you can see uh we've covered quite a lot here and uh we are pretty close to finalizing this okay let me just take a look and see if there's any questions i'm pretty sure there's a lot of questions here because so much is going on right let's have a look the woman who doesn't exist to you i like that name that is crazy okay all right so there's no questions really really guys no questions okay that's very surprising um okay um if you haven't uh hit the thumbs up please do hit the thumbs up button uh that would really help this as well okay so now there's a question um i'm not sure william what you uh what's your question here um what are you trying to say here in your question uh is there are these products uh can be configured to manage the subscriptions i'm not sure what you mean by that but what we can do oops what we need to do next uh guys should we carry on are we uh are we together here i know uh this live stream has uh i mean we're still going how long have we been live streaming it's quite a while now two hours oh my goodness i think we're gonna break a record again should we continue because we still need to create a page uh where our sales page okay then the sales page is going to put everything all together so if you're pretty cool let me know or if you do if you do a part two let me know because we do need to create that page right so uh let's do a vote in fact uh this is gonna allow me to see if you guys are really there uh because i can see 62 people are watching which is fantastic so if you want me to carry on uh in the comments box you say yes uh if you want to do a part if you want me to do a part two then uh say part two okay so continue say yes part two just say part two so i know uh because i know we've been doing this live stream for about two hours but if uh if you guys are tired it's okay we could do a part two so let's do a vote okay so i can see here keep going yes all right come on guys add your comments please i can see a yes okay there's a part two there's another yes so it looks like the yeses are more keep going okay let's have a couple of a couple more votes so we can see uh so uh so i can know if we if i should continue or not let's have three more votes okay there's uh one from monique excellent martin okay one more is it gonna be a yes [Music] okay fantastic all right looks like we need to continue so we we've built our system now we're going to need a page which people go to to make the purchase okay it's very important because right now we don't have that page so we need to create a page and this could be a sales page okay so let's go ahead and let's set up the sales page link everything up so we have a complete working system all right so what we're going to do now uh for our sales page uh we're going to need to have let's come back over here okay so for our sales page we're going to uh need to install card flows so i'm going to come over here click on add new and we're going to call this cut flows now i'm just going to set a basic one here because we could use the advanced uh funnels here but um let's go into the funnels in the next uh in the next live episode okay so i'm just gonna say activate all right so we have cod flows here so the pro version will have all the bells and whistles but uh for now we're just going to create a basic really really basic um page okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to look for cut flows here it is we're going to go to flows and we're going to say add new we're going to build this from scratch in fact you know what i missed the step when you install card flows you need to come all the way down here to divi click on theme options because you need to activate it first so that it works with the builder so we're going to come over here to builder now you see here where it says steps this is cut flows so you need to activate that and save changes so now divi is going to uh is going to be able to go into cut flows and make those changes and updates okay fantastic so now that we have this all set up uh let's go back to cod flows and in fact let's go to the home all right so here on the home let's go to settings so we need to uh choose our page builder here we're going to choose divi i'm going to save that so we have all the templates we need here you can see now they have populated because we've selected uh dv here oops my mouse stopped working let's connect this it's weird all right i'll just have to use my laptop here okay so we need a sales page let's use one of these templates so that we can just create this quickly so i'm going to come over here to flows i'm going to create a brand new one and we're gonna call this vip so i'm gonna say add new let's go with this template here and we just need a checkout okay import flow and okay here we go my mouse is working now i'm going to call this vip import so this is going to import all these three templates for us which is brilliant okay great so we have the landing page here check out page and thank you page so we don't really need the landing page here because we just want to keep things simple let's delete this get rid of that great okay so that's gone now we need to go into uh this one here the checkout page so let's go in and edit so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to skip the design for now let's add our products so i'm going to come over here to products click on add product and let's search for it i think we call it vip there we go vip member add product by the way card flows works really well with woocommerce so this is the woocommerce builder so i've selected that if you have coupon codes you can add them here but this will need to upgrade so let's save this so we have added our product here which is great um we're not going to go into order bumps and anyway this is for the upgrade the checkout offer is also for the upgrade and for the form fields that's also for the upgrade so pretty much we have this all set so this shortcode here is also important let me copy it when we design our page so i'm going to come back over here to design and then edit with divi alright so we're going to edit this with divi all right so all we need to do here is just to keep it simple it's going to give us a title uh to this page so in fact let's just delete all this um add another section and just give this section a title so let's just give this a text module right so let's call this out keep things simple [Music] okay we're gonna set this to heading one i'm gonna center it and then over here we're gonna go to heading one light i know it's not showing here that's because my background here is white so let's go back and let's change the background color to something like that nice and bright and we want this to the top will that work yep ah there's a bit too much space here let's bring this down to about four percent all right so this is our checkout code you can see here this is uh is this is where the form is going to show but you know what let's stylize our form in a better way let's delete this and uh now i'm gonna add my short code so you can go in as a text module it doesn't really matter i'm going to paste it in here so the shortcode is just check out underscore whatever okay so i'm going to save that now i'm going to customize this i'm going to go into my row settings let's design this a little bit so we're going to go into in fact let's first of all give this a background color so i'm going to come over here to background and i'm just going to give this a really light gray okay like that now over here on the design let's give this a border i really like doing this as i'm designing so we're going to give this 10 and for our form it needs some spacing so let's go to spacing here and add let's say 5 padding on both sides and maybe three for the top and bottom okay so i know the form is not showing yet that is because our short code here is not showing right now so i'm it's not rendered so i'm not sure why let's go to spacing okay padding let's add 50. all right so now we have our form there let's save this and exit the visual builder and see what this looks like okay so we're going to exit visual builder there we go look at that so now our form is showing we can place our order and that is pretty cool so this is the link we need to add to the home page so let's copy it right here i'm going to copy that url let's go back to our home page so in our home page here we need to link this button here which says become a member so i'm going to enable the visual builder okay let's go in so i'm going to click on this gear icon and let's add our link and this is going to link to our button so let's say i mean to our checkout page i'm going to save that this one here this button here needs to link to our blog page so let's find out how we can get to our blog page i think it's just forward slash blog i'm pretty sure it's that so let me just confirm that there we go okay forward slash blog i'm going to copy this url we're going to come back where is it oops where's the page there we go okay so we're gonna go back and label this button here give it a link and now this is going to link to our blog page brilliant so our homepage is now complete so when our visitors come to this site let's exit the visual builder so you can see this so when the visitors come to our website they can either become a member or read the articles here so if they become a member boom it's going to take us to our checkout page look at that of course we need to add more detail here explaining what they get when they become a vip member so this free version of card flows does not allow us to remove some of these [Music] options here so it just gives you a basic form like this so i also have a coupon code for card flows and the link is in the video description below check out that link it will uh give you a discount and you also get the funnels course that comes with it but this is a basic setup okay so what we need to do now is we need to make sure that this page does not have a header and footer so i'm just going to go back in fact it doesn't have a header and footer so that's pretty cool so now if we go back to our home page and let's say a new person lands on this page and they click on read articles here this is now going to take them to the blog and they can read the blogs over here there we go they can log in so this time i'm going to say this is jack this is a made up email address by the way at funnels to income dot com subscribe so my system now should recognize that i have two subscribers okay so now if i go to my site dashboard and i go to you know what there's so much going on here let's fix this right so uh i don't know if you noticed that i just clicked this uh little i just dropped down here on the top and i'm just gonna remove quite a bit of this it's just too much going on here okay so i think that's better okay so that's looking cool so if we come over now to fluent crm we're going to notice now we have two subscribers and if i go to my contacts click on all contacts you can see here i have jack and augustine so these are the two that i've just uh entered and for our automations here we have our two automations so to connect our email system here we need to add another plugin i know it sounds like there's so much happening so this one here is fluent what's it called again smtp here it is it's a fleet plugin and this is now the plugin that allows us to connect to say amazon ses and many other services uh to connect with fluent crm and trust me this will make your emails much much cheaper as compared to say using something like say because before i used to use convertkit so this is where you can go to your settings here and you can see all these services we can link it up with all these services it's really amazing right so for amazon ses you'd come over here and you would add your from email the name the access key secret and once you set all this up you can save the connection settings and pretty much your emails are going to be sent using this fluent crm system very very powerful you can also do this for any other smtp if it's a custom one you can just come over here and set it through that way some of you may be aware of mail gun or sendgrid these are all services that you can use and we also have google workspace by the way you can also use that but you need to uh set it all up with the api keys for this to work they even have a youtube video tutorial showing you how you can do that now once you connect it that way all your emails are going to be sent and it's going to be very very easy to manage them okay so over here on the settings in fact this is the settings you can also test to see if this whole system is working and you also have the ability to see all your email logs so it's very very very powerful okay so uh let's take a look here at uh some of our questions byron says now you're talking awesome um right um let's have a look any more questions guys i know we can uh we're going to continue on because i'm really enjoying this um like i said my passion is really to um to help you set up websites that generate either leads or sales i mean gone are the days of setting up pretty websites that don't do much these are the type of websites that really really really generate uh sales and um and money okay so i want to show you the page in fact it's in the video description below [Music] tools i use i think yeah tools i use so this page here no success tools this page here is very important because this is the page which has all the services that i use so if you guys purchase any of this using my affiliate link this also helps me create all this content and also uh to um find other guys to help me with editing and creating more super content uh over here is our divi ultimate template this is a very very powerful template for those of you that haven't bought it i've just gone ahead and i've reset my timer to give you guys a 50 discount okay so if you come over here you can see 14 hours to go if you click here to get the offer you only get it at 47 so this is a really really powerful template the divi style guide pro is also powerful because all these buttons here are pretty much pre-created for you i've gone ahead and created all these modules for you ahead of time so when you design websites like how we've been doing today everything is all set up so if you take a look at um our blog page let's bring it up here you may have noticed that i do not go in and set up this this uh this design here everything is all in the templates which i created for you all this comments area you can go in and customize this now let me just show you quickly how you can go in and customize this because i don't want you to think that you're stuck with my colors only okay so what i'll do is let me go to a website called coolers this is the uh the website that i use to choose my color palettes in fact there's a new product coming out which i'm working on um i was hoping to get it uh sooner but i think it's gonna be ready about uh by the end of next week it's called dv super colors these are 16 16 uh color palettes pre-designed for you these color palettes are going to work well for different types of industries so in so uh you don't have to spend a lot of time here trying to uh generate color palettes yourself so this is how you would create one you'd come over here to generate a color palette so out of the box sometimes colors may not work well together so this is where you need to go in and make some tweaks so let's say that's our first color here let's go for our second color and we also need a lighter version here and i think that one is fine so let's say this is your color palette uh what you would do is you would come over here where is it okay here we go i want to make sure i have the right pages i'm working here so let's say you download my template all you have to do is to come over here to divi theme options okay and then override these colors with yours so let's say for one of my colors it's going to be maybe this this blue here i'll come over here copy the color like that come to the templates i'm going to paste it so you can see that's a darker version i know it's not a big example but this is how you'd go in and replace all these colors with your colors that you have generated from here okay so once you've done that you hit save changes okay and then as you're designing your site the first place you want to go is to the theme builder because this is where you're going to get updates that are going to go across the whole website this is super super powerful guys so look at this so this is uh let me look for a page in fact let's just go to our home page so let's say we're here on our home page okay so let's see this is our home page and this is our footer area so let's say i want to change that footer i'll just come over here to my footer so you can see i'm being specific here i'm going to the actual footer now let's change the colors so let's say i want to change the color of this part right here i'll go to background add my color like that now you know what i've just done here the color that i've just added here is going to be applied across the whole website so i'm going to close out of here save and then this is our home page if i refresh this there we go you can see now that this has updated i can also go to other pages like contact you can see here our contact has also updated so i can go in and change all these colors the links and all that good stuff and our website is going to be super updated and it's going to have everything that we need in terms of creating a new color palette now it's also very important that the style guide that i that i'm using here is going to also make your website fast because it's going to have your website is going to have to load very very little css because all the buttons or all the areas that you've designated on your website are going to have pretty much the same code so gone are the days where you create websites with different styles of buttons throughout the whole website it's not going to be consistent as you can see here we were able to design this website super fast uh i know we haven't gone in to add our contact page and all of that but pretty much we've got the frame of our website working so this is where you'd need to go in and add more content onto these pages but the most important thing is our system here which we created is now in place when people come over here whether they're coming from youtube facebook or even um instagram they come to our website they're going to see that landing page so this is the landing page so let's go to our home page here so it's important that we i show you that we've achieved what we're trying to do here so this is our homepage so when they get on our landing page they're going to decide either they're going to become a member or they want to read articles in fact we also have even more options here for them to go through our articles here okay so let's say they say read articles here you can go in and what's really cool here is they can choose the the article here and when they go into an article now if i go back here you can see there's an option for them to subscribe as a free member okay let's go back so if i come over here oops i don't know what happened here why is that showing like that strange i don't have caching installed i'm not sure why it's showing that way okay that's weird all right anyway so they'll come over here we capture their email address here because we're giving them a free download so again we are right here okay we're building our mailing list over here okay we have an automated system which gives them the free download okay we did that in fluent crm okay so that's the system next we can send them some emails and we've already set them up in fluent crm and this is where it takes them to the vip which to access the vip they would need to go to the checkout page which we can get to by coming over here to become a member but in those emails remember we had a button which redirects them to this checkout page once they become a vip member fantastic this this is where now they uh they will be get they'll be able to get access to all the content that we have over here now when i do the funnels i will be going through some information on what information you need to add on your sales pages on your landing pages in order to encourage people to buy okay and also the funnels themselves so that's going to be another long one it's going to be very exciting i know right now i've just kind of like rushed it just to have things in place so you can really get the full picture of how the whole system works so i'm sure you've seen how we've turned a basic website which just has your normal pages into a fully functional website which is also automated all the emails that we have are automated all the tags are all automated so you just have to sit back and create content the website is going to just do its job it's going to send the emails it's going to add tags it's going to remove tags it's going to do all that great stuff so this is how you build a community website that makes you money now guys i also have something very exciting coming up and that is a vip membership to funnels to income so right now i'm pretty much almost 100 back to creating content i know the covid thing really messed things up i couldn't really use the studio for many hours but now uh the hours are pretty much back to normal we are going to have a lot of these live workshops and i'll be also creating uh exclusive content for the products that we use every day but it's going to be in a way that you can uh in a way that is practical that you can apply in your everyday use of websites be it as a freelance designer or on your own website so there's a lot to do i'm going to be doing so much content on woocommerce um membership websites uh email marketing sales funnels and so on a ton of content is going to be coming out in fact i'll be doing more of these uh live workshops as well so i can interact with you guys i know it's been almost uh two and a half hours crazy but uh super exciting i'm going to leave this on my youtube channel so if you want to revisit this you can always watch this at any point but guys um all the links you need for the products that we use today are all in the video description below uh i know i really touched a little bit on fluent crm and wish this member wishlist member is really what brings all this together it's super powerful and it allows us to control our website and really assign certain areas for members only and and all that good stuff so fluent crm uh woocommerce and wishlist member you definitely need to have those three so go ahead sign up i have a discount links in the video description below you guys will be the first to know when i launch my um lifetime memberships and also my uh yearly subscription okay so guys i think i've covered quite a lot here let me have a look at our comments and see if there's any uh questions right let's have a look here right alexander says scam what do you mean by a scam you think this is a scam uh there's a question here i can't pronounce the name i think it's i can't pronounce the name sorry uh but it says do these templates come with vip membership yes absolutely the templates come with vip membership so um and really need to uh create uh a space on the website where once you buy these uh templates or if you're a vip or lifetime member you'll automatically see them because a lot of questions are coming through um people can't find where to download these so i'm going to be working this working on this on the over the weekend to make sure this is working fine okay um let's have a look here byron says when you fold the social ninja and um presto it'll be it'll be the mack daddy yes uh guys i am going to show you how to use presto player that's another plugin as well that is super powerful and if you integrate all this together oh my goodness it's going to be fantastic so i will be showing you that as well uh william asks is there a course on wish this member yes but you know what it's outdated wish this member came up came where has updated their plugin to have even way more features so i have to redo the wishlist member mini course so yeah if you do purchase it just let me know so i can add you to the mailing list of the wishlist member mini course so you can i can get you up and running with that it's a very very powerful plugin uh desmond says great work brother appreciate it thank you very much um yeah rank math i agree hundred percent um uh ranked math is the best plugin for seo in fact i will be covering seo as well that's another topic let me write it down where's my pen okay here we go seo very important right um is there anything else uh sophian uh where is your message can you just type your your question again please uh sophian i it's gonna take me a while to scroll back and try and find it so just type your question again in here please um right guys i have an apology to make and that is for those of you that bought uh any of my products uh i've really been behind on um uh catching up with my support so i am going to uh take a look at that today and tomorrow and make sure that i deliver what you guys uh bought and what i promised so this is not a scam that's not how i do business i try to give as much content as possible and but this is a one-man band i'm trying to do this by myself so sometimes things can get overwhelming that's just the case i'm not trying to scam anyone i am going to catch up with those emails and those messages and make sure that all you guys get what you purchased so i'm really sorry about that but uh i have this i'll have this sorted right uh right uh our first k can you send me an email so i can send you the link to sign up for the free wordpress course um or if you go to you should be able to get that as well uh our first k you should be able to get that so if you go to let's go to the home page yep here we go so this is the free wordpress course it's right on the home page so go ahead and sign up for that okay um sofian i can see your message right now the one that you've just typed please ask me your questions so i can respond to it tangier says is there any security plug-in needed for wordpress website um i'm really lazy on this one but uh there's a very good security plug-in what's the name again um i'm forgetting the name of the plugin but the good news is if you use siteground they have a plugin in there that takes care of your security as well and they also have um features that really make the security of your website really cool um okay our first k let me just type in my email in here smack at oh yeah word fans yes uh thank you css portal where have you been it's been a while good to see you right uh funnels to income dot com so that's my email right there right sophian i think you're late i was promoting um funnels i mean fluent crm for the lifetime membership for unlimited domain uh it's not there anymore uh that's because the lifetime offer i mean expired you know uh ages ago so i think the offer they have now is for a specific amount of domains so this is why i mean i've mentioned this before guys when i talk to these uh companies they give me um discounts to lifetime memberships so if you don't jump onto that when the offer goes it's really gone for good so even the wp um what's it called wp social ninja again the lifetime is gone now i think so you really need to jump on these uh lifetime offers as soon as i announce them but i will try and uh see if i can get uh the ceo of um uh fluent crm to perhaps maybe do a lifetime not sure if i can pull that off but i'll do my best okay um yes marvin thank you so much it's uh word fans yes thank you so much our first case says i'm a beginner and i learn a lot from you god bless you for real oh thank you so much i really appreciate it thank you so much uh sophian maybe maybe maybe black friday i'm gonna try and push for this uh maybe i can just get this for just my subscribers because you guys have supported me a lot so i'm gonna see if i can get like a lifetime just for uh for my subscribers for black friday hopefully fingers crossed i will speak to the uh the ceo of fluent crm uh tangier yes a do a dv uh ecommerce website is coming up i am going to show you how to create a full website uh using woocommerce for woocommerce and divi so that's coming up so this one here is also again falls under the type of websites i want to create for you guys which are websites that help you generate sales and income okay so these websites woocommerce is one of them so woocommerce is going to be covered next week i'm going to do sales funnels and then after that we're going to do woocommerce okay so uh make sure you keep an eye on that um byron here says i mean lifetime yes byron i know uh you're always on the ball when it comes to these lifetime lifetime subscriptions so yes i mean you've done a fantastic job i have a lifetime as well so it's a product which is continuously being updated i really love fluent crm you know you can't go wrong with that in fact i used to spend about almost 150 with convertkit but now i only spend about two dollars sending like the same amount of emails it is really amazing so guys all the products that i'm suggesting here are products that i use so they so they're super super awesome um alex says okay your bonuses are still due yes alex i am going to uh follow up i mean go into my emails and really respond to everyone sorry about that right uh yes uh tangier i'm gonna make it happen definitely uh woocommerce plus divi it's coming um right guys any more questions is anything that i left out oh very important very very important let me show you how you can just fix your homepage because right now it's not looking good um here we go okay so you see here how we have this default uh elegant themes video ideally what you need to do is to go in so i'm going to enable the visual builder here okay so let's go in by clicking this gear icon so what you need to do here is you need to add your video so you click here on this plus button i don't highly recommend to upload videos over here please don't do that you need to insert from url so this is where you'd uh add your vimeo link or your youtube link to your video now once you've done that you add it and then you want to come over here to overlay so on the overlay we need to add an image so the image you want to add is a nice image for our main video over here this could be a sales video it could be any type of video so you can see now that looks really nice so it's got our preset which is fantastic so that's all done for us i'm going to save that and there you go now you have a beautiful landing page which is fully designed it's nice it's simple it's clear and it's straight to the point these are the type of sides that you really want to create because it just makes everything looks look really really nice okay so i'm going to save this and exit the visual builder okay let's have a look and see what this looks like now there we go so you can see by adding our overlay image this looks really really really nice i mean i really like that i'm sure you can agree with me and there you go here's our content and again all this is designed for you using my divi ultimate template no need to go in and make all these uh major changes to your design even our blog page here is also super customized it's looking great there we go you can search the blog say let's say you search for like six for example we have a search results page that shows up you can see there and then if you click on that it takes you to the actual blog post so all the aspects of your website are all designed not sure why this is happening i think this is to do with um caching or something wrong because it's all running from the same template anyways and then our dashboard here we created that and here it is now there's also something i need to show you here and that is in wishlist member so when we come over here to wish this member i only touch the servers of what wishlist member and fluent crm can do here so if i come over here to dashboard i want you to notice something we can also add some features here so let's go to our setup so under integrations you can see here we have quite a lot of services so if you have uh let's say any of these clickbank paypal pay flow payments pro and so on thrive cart you can really integrate um wish this member with any of these services for your payments okay so it doesn't have to be woocommerce but the reason why i like woocommerce is because woocommerce works really well with card flows which then allows us to have sales funnels okay because the sales funnels help us make even more money with our website so it's super powerful that we have these uh integrations and again over here our email providers we have quite a few active campaign convertkit and so on but of course by now i think you know that fluent crm is my favorite and then other services this is where you get the body bars we are going to be covering that as well for those of you that use elementor there it is divi is there as well all activated twitter lms is also here i am going to also have a live workshop where we set up a an online course website as well using twitter lms and learndash so the integrations here are super awesome um under content creation uh content protection here you can uh protect all your contents so as you add more services here they are going to show uh up here so it's uh it's really really cool that you can go in and really um add your membership levels to pretty much anything here okay and we also have content control you can enable the scheduler i mean this goes into super detail so as you can see these are very very powerful plugins if we take a look here at fluence crm as well there's a lot we can do over here on settings we also have what is known as smart links so with smart links you can track and automate based on what links people click on so let's say i have a link here and let's say the link is our sales page okay i can add the full target url and then when someone clicks it i can add a tag so i could say maybe abundant cart apply the tag here and send them emails based on this smart link now i know i'm not doing this justice uh because there's a lot that we could um set it up with but i am going to be covering quite a lot of this information here in the specific mini courses of these tools because they're really getting super advanced and super sophisticated which is a good thing all right so i think i don't want to go on and on here and just waffle i think we've covered quite a lot of information here let's have a look here uh yes you can use smart links it's uh it uses what's it called again i remember joel explaining this to me uh it uses cookies to track uh the person but they need to be uh part of your website for them to be tracked okay via the cookies so yes you can you can track them via social media campaigns all right guys thank you so much i'm super tired now uh today's friday so i'm gonna go and rest i am um yeah i'm really tired now but uh thank you so much for hanging there with me i think we've just hit almost three hours on this live stream so thank you so much guys and thank you for your support um i will be uh sending some emails out to to those of you that have missed this live uh workshop so that you can uh rewatch it and also forty percent fluent crm video description below and all the tools that i use are also in there uh make sure you uh go in and don't miss out on this 40 guys because once it's gone again it's gone okay all right guys thank you so much appreciate it see you again in the next live workshop next week i will i will announce it take care guys
Channel: MAK
Views: 2,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3AQtIn5A-LY
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Length: 176min 34sec (10594 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.