21st Pan-European Conference on Digital Education

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[Music] hello everybody welcome at the 21st conference pan-european conference on digital education at the moment we are three girls here but we are still uh waiting for two more presenters that will be with us today uh my name is blanca dancer and i will be the moderator of the conference here is monica ligner she will be part of the first presentation uh in which we will present a new book that was just released today it's about flips classroom and here is vedrana charez who is already with us for the second time she will have a presentation on the importance of encouraging students for entrepreneurship then we have two more presenters branco romina which will present us the vet education and climate action project and in the end david segwi insa will join us with a presentation about ido sayo this is a teacher grade book and planner app thank you very much for all of you who are already watching this uh pan-european conference which is really i can say now a traditional event vetrana maybe just for a start can you um say a little words about yourself and uh then we will proceed with the first presentation that will be about the flipped classroom okay hello everyone uh i'm veterinarians from croatia uh i work in a vocational industrial school uh in japan i work 10 years in this school i'm economics teacher and i'm i'm a mentor i'm professor mentor and i'm mother of four four kids [Laughter] congratulations also on that uh so um and monica can you say a few words uh about yourself of course i i'm sure that most of participants already kind of know us because i have seen the greetings that you have posted in the comments um so yeah i'm monica legendar psychologist i also helped organize this kind of conferences and i really enjoy working with teachers i also am one of the trainers of our erasmus courses and just previous weeks we had a course on emotional intelligence so yeah you're also welcome to join us live actually not just online exactly uh so our first presentation today is a presentation of the newest handbook flip classroom reinvent your teaching practice monika and i will present this and i hope that maybe some of you already download it because it is available since this morning from the pan european conference facebook group and also from the website erasmuspluscourses.com it's of course free and it's in english so monica can you introduce us briefly the book of course at the moment i don't have your presentation yet but probably you will add it here it is yeah just so um people have the impression of how this handbook looks like so the title is flip classroom reinvent your teaching practice okay looks like i have some problems with the screen the second screen it keeps turning off but either way we'll manage it with or without [Music] let me just try one more time and we'll see if it will work here it is again yes um oh looks like uh do you have it somewhere yeah it looks like the screen or action i can also put it here i don't know why this is happening perhaps we can we can try um a little bit differently and um it won't be on the whole screen but still you'll be able to see it it's here yes it looks like that the full screen is the problem so here you can see our handbook uh on the flipped classroom which was developed in the scope of erasmus plus project as blanca will explain a little bit later uh here you can also see the table of contents i can make it a little bit bigger just so you have the impression so at the beginning the handbook is about flipped classroom about meats and facts that are connected with the flipped classroom some things that are true some things that are not true how to implement it you the flipped classroom model in your classrooms um is the second chapter and then you can also see sub chapters so it's about moon flipped classroom mars flips flipped classroom and jupiter flip classroom those are different examples of uh classroom that can help teachers create their own classroom despite their pre-knowledge about this kind of concept at the end you also have a chapter about different kind of resources tools and materials you can use directly with your students and also some real examples from practice about uh how other teachers teachers implemented this flipped classroom in their own classrooms and then some words about defective project and also literature and other kind of sources that were used in this handbook just shortly about the whole and here i can just show a little bit of how the handbook looks like so you have different kinds of photos infographs some kind of activities that you can actually write directly in the document it's meant like kind of interactive handbook not just the ordinary book that you will just review it's kind of engaging at the same time so that's from my my site about the handbook and now i will actually ask you some questions blanca is one of the authors of the handbook so we have a privilege to speak directly with the editors of the flipped classroom handbook blanca what makes this handbook so special why is it different from others thank you very much monica for this brief introduction before i start i would also like to invite all the participants to ask questions about the flipped classroom and we will find some answers during our presentation but first of all yes kindly invited to download it it is available in the links that i put into the comments so you can just click and then download it from the website and now to your question monica so why is this handbook so special first of all i would say that because not because it's just a part of the effective project but because it's a real um result of an intensive co-creation of many many people so first of all the factive project is our project that deals with flipped classroom in the context of textile and clothing industry so in the vocational education and training actually and we are testing how to flip this different content in within this industry so first of all in designing this uh of handbook we had the privilege to work with a really diverse international partnership because as you see also the editorial board is international but also they they actually we co-created together we had different workshops what to put in the book what not to put in the book etc so this is the first part uh then maybe some of the participants will remember the pan-european conference on digital education last february so almost one year back that conference was actually devoted to flipped learning and teachers put their cases on padlet teachers also shared their thoughts on menti matter so we integrated we selected some of the teaching cases and put it into the book that's why the book has so many different cases inside that can inspire us when we try to reinvent our teaching but also all the thoughts that was there on the mention we tried you know to involve them somehow either as quotations either as maybe some extracts so actually many teachers that more than 500 teachers uh contributed in a way to this handbook so and also all the cases yeah i would say perfect thank you so much so 500 teachers no it then it's not so surprising that the document has over 100 pages if there were so many people involved in the co-creation um perfect and can you please share with us some kind of specific example of a flipped classroom activity that was that is described in this handbook uh i can show actually one of them that was a product of our effective partnership and it is included in the handbook first of all i would like to say that teachers sometimes do not have confidence about flipped classroom because they connect flipped classroom with high digital skills so by this handbook we wanted to show that actually flipped classroom is not always connected with digitalization because we can do with it with really low technology tools and this activity that i will present is one of that activities and you can freely use all those activities in your teaching practice this activity we call it transparency in clothing but even though despite the thought that the topic is clothing uh actually you can use also in other subjects because it is about active citizenship activity it's from the page 56 and with this activity students raised their awareness of the importance of transparency in their clothing industry so in when we speak about flip classroom as you know we kind of reverse the learning so students are doing some activities at home then some activities in a classroom and then again some activities in at home so we constructed this activity in such a way in three ways actually so um as you know transparency in clothing is in fashion industry is quite a big problem because if you look into your wardrobe what do you wear do you really know about the issues of raw materials about the chemicals that are used in the material so we wanted you know to raise awareness about these problems also with students and we structured this activity in a way that students at home choose a random item of clothing and trying to find out where the raw materials come from so maybe it's a good idea that students work on the same item of clothing for example a red t-shirt because they must then cooperate with one another and the experiences must be recognizable for instance they uh research i mean this research can simply be done via the internet they can look up to find the resources of raw material then they can maybe compare whether they found the resources or not most likely they will not find maybe some of the brave students will then contact the company to maybe provide information about the sources of raw materials etc so this would be maybe the home part of the activity and then when they come in a classroom they can share their findings in groups preparing a poster session they also discuss the questions of transparency for instance why it's important what are the consequences of non-transparent industry etc and then at home again they can maybe create a model with possible solutions of the transparency problems in the fashion industry so this is for instance one example with really low technology and it is an example of the flipped classroom perfect thank you um before in the introduction we were talking about jupiter mars moon in almost sounds like universe but it's a part of the handbook can you tell a little bit more why are these models included in this flipped classroom reinvent your teaching handbook yes this was our actually we thought really hard about that because many teachers said to us when we asked them different questions in many matter that they have a feeling um i already mentioned that they do not have enough digital skills this was one part of the problem uh the second part that they mentioned quite often was that their students are not so self-autonomous that they would participate actively in a flipped classroom approach so we thought that yeah of course this can be an experience because we have different students but we also thought that this is actually a journey that we have to in a way lead students that they will become self-autonomous so maybe they are not now okay but when we lead them they can become and that's why we created like those three models moon mars and jupiter um because uh we wanted to show that okay moon model this is a really simple model uh of a flipped classroom which is really you know highly structured low technology and it can be accustomed to really i mean all kinds of teachers and students uh then we have a mars model which is a little bit more advanced so there are screen recordings included but then the jupiter model is the model that requires the highest degree of self autonomy by learners and also by teachers so the three ways in a way consider teachers and students psychological safety when they are going out of their comfort zone we have seen many cases in which an ambitious teacher wants to implement implement a flipped classroom all at once with a bundle of digital tools and gamification elements but actually then they are good intentions resulted in the burnout of the teacher in one side and unmotivated students all just because they wanted too much at once we often say that students those days are digital nomads but actually that is not the case they maybe know how to go on instagram or snapchat and scroll something but it's far from being really digitally skilled so also for students it's so really overwhelming when we use a lot of technology for learning that's why we are going through moon mars and jupiter and then actually we can feel safe in testing and experimenting with different flipped tools perfect so every teacher can find something for themselves where to start how to begin and then how to continue with the flipped classroom and not get overwhelmed by it exactly that was the purpose of those three uh models i have more words here up just a second um and here if we just see quickly what are the characteristics of each model we see that in the moon model we usually have open resources videos from the internet different i don't know reading worksheets so worksheets because they are structured so they do not need a big autonomy from students we have tutoring small groups pairs but then in jupiter we require a lot autonomy also from students because they create videos they create games they go and engage themselves in field work we continue with problem based activities etc so yeah we need to in a way i have the feeling that we need to in a way always be aware where we are we as a teacher but also our students and we include them in that point where they are [Music] perfect and we also have a question from jana many people are saying thank you so is she and then she's asking how is this different or complementary um to the approach or in comparison uh to the project based learning is it somehow different is there any overlapping in this kind of approaches flipped classroom can be a part of a project based learning so i would just say that project based learning is a little bit more um advanced so we would include them in the jupiter model of flipped classroom uh because we can also include different digital sources we can include flip classroom model inside the project-based activity i don't know maybe we for instance i will remember one activity maybe we want okay vedrana has a presentation about entrepreneurship as the next presentation so i will use a case from the entrepreneurship we can maybe uh have a project with students that they develop i don't know maybe new kitchen apron this can be a project based learning they go for instance first they research something on what are different forms of kitchen aprons how they are used who are using them etc they have a research and then their project is that they maybe develop and design a new one so this can be in a way is a project-based learning because they have to create something new really for real but it's also a kind of a flipped classroom because they have they cannot participate in a classroom if they do not do their work outside the classroom because there can be really different i don't know they can maybe um conduct interviews with different um people on using kitchen apron etc perfect um for now we don't have any other questions but uh maybe i would like to ask you uh do you have a favorite part of the handbook that talks to you and to the teachers in your opinion the most oh for me yeah well for me the favorite parts are always the cases so i like reading the cases because then i have a feeling that teachers actually implement things uh in their own way and i see the creativity of teachers cases so i see how they think about flipped approach and they really use it in different uh manners and when i see one case then i can suddenly remember different cases from one case so that's for sure my favorite part but also i like that there are many resources so if we go to the chapter about digital tools we can find a collection of different um of different resources that we can use uh in the fleet model so the part of the resources is actually combined it has digital uh online web pages that people can use and also some specific tools that you can apply directly in the classroom with the students like questionnaires and also self-reflection tools and this kind of exactly and yeah thank you also monica to you for design and thank you to all the partners that contributed to the handbook and of course to the erasmus plus program that enabled us to do so well i also see in the comments that people are asking us for uh the link for the certificate so i just put it uh inside so that you can um download the certificate of the attendance of this pan-european conference all right i think that's it we would also be grateful for all your feedbacks when you will have the time to read so just you can send either post it in the facebook group or send us the email uh with your feedback we will be really grateful if you do that and perhaps they will also find their quote from the pan-european conference included in the handbook that's for sure yeah that's for sure okay so uh thank you very much now i will give a word to vedrana uh hello once again vedrana so vedrana charles will have a next presentation uh so her presentation is about entrepreneurship welcome once again so how to encourage entrepreneurship in students for entrepreneurial thinking hello hello everyone yes can i share my screen sure okay thank you so much okay uh my presentation is about the importance of the encouraging uh students for uh entrepreneurship why is it important to educate students for entrepreneurship introducing entrepreneurship in school significantly help students to recognize their potential and to their us to establish and operate what is entrepreneurship that is the act of creating building and scaling a business or businesses to generate a profit uh that is also or what people do uh to take their career and dreams into their own hands and lead it in the direction they want it's about building a life on your own terms about something about entrepreneurship in school in croatia in croatia during the education in the third and fourth years students have a subject called a training company during these two years students establish their own training company uh choose a business idea for the company using methods of finding ideas brand writing brainstorming give it a name choose a partner company from the environment create a logo trademark organize business by department etc students compile an offer in inquiry uh sales contact balance sheet cv create a business plan for the company uh brochures catalog posters invitation videos radio sport and media clip this is a one practical example about a training company and one work of my students um here uh we can see one interactive image like a presentation about one product that is a bracelet yes we can see here sorry okay with a glargolitic letter this is uh in the creation alphabet we can see the company logo that also create my student in canva uh also we can see tree letter on glycolytic and this is the letter j which has made in autocad in a tree cores and red blue and white and here we can see prototype this is three my students which made this um this interactive image and that is that is the idea laura mariana and moxin also for uh this this product they made one card on the which we put the bracelet uh with all the necessary information about globalistic qr codes for facebook for facebook and instagram addresses telephone number email and other other things they also created instagram and facebook page when we click here this is a facebook page and when we click on [Music] this button we can see the instagram page also that we plan to do other gogolitic letter uh and the croatian globalistic day is in february 22 and what is important about why globalistic letter glagolitic letter is a part of croatian culture heritage that is their idea and this idea they present on an international millennium competition on uh economic university in osek in croatia that is all from my side okay thank you vedrana thank you uh for your presentation so at the moment i don't see any questions so if you have dear teachers any questions you can also post them later and aha visna is asking if you can send a link of facebook and instagram that you mentioned in your presentation you can maybe give in the private chat and then i can share on the comments yeah okay yes okay yes okay thank you thank you uh so uh the next presentation i'm uh inviting uh bronco hello branco hello can you hear me yes we hear you okay so branco is also one of the very active teachers maybe for a start you can say some words about yourself before we continue with your presentation okay i'm branco romanovic and i am a economic teacher from augulin i work at bernard in francophan grammar and vocational school i'm a teacher mentor i like statistics economy climate change and in private i like folklore great thank you and you can combine all those things that you are interested in also in your teaching right yes yes and i will speak about climate change and economy can i share my screen yes so presentation his is about a vet education and a climate action pro project yes just a second okay here we have your presentation yes okay now you see my presentation yes okay uh my presentation is about a vet education and clima action project as i said uh i work in augulin in bernard in francopan grammar and vocational school as a vet teacher and teacher mentor i will speak about connection between vet education and clima action project education is education in school and in the workplace this education combines skills development taught theoretical education in school and develop of practical skills in the workplace my school participate in this project since 2020 clema action project is organized by non-profit organization take action global from usa the organizator prepare click room for teacher and web platform for all materials the project lasts for six weeks in project participate 146 countries from the world and 2.7 million students from about thirteen thousand schools in this project participate forty forty four uh fifty four students from oguilla in first week we look uh for causes of climate change we work with webtool linoit and we exchange experience with students and teachers from cameroon in week 2 we learn about connection between climate change and economy we use photos graphs data pictures to learn about connection between economy and climate change in this week we plant a tree for future genetic generation in week 3 we have a big webinar zoom meeting with students and teachers from cameroon nigeria india tunisia portugal and croatia it is great to see how students work together in this project we have here few pictures of students work in climb in a week four we create new ideas and new solutions to save planet earth and in week five we connect with a local community in this last two week we decide to plant more tree every student plant one tree at his or her home and we have exhibition about students work at the end of this project we have klima action day lots of public people support this project such as prince william and princess esmeralda of belgium on this day the organizators present earth project application you can download this application to your mobile phone and work with this application on this application in this application you can track your carbon and plastic footprint and what is the most interesting thing in this uh climate action day this event uh organizators give award they give a reward for 250 schools of excellence in the world as i say at the beginning more than 20 000 schools participate in this project and my school received this reward as one of 250 schools of excellence organizators created level education for teachers certification program for teachers have three levels you can apply here here is the web page and became a cab cape teacher or klima action project teacher we disseminate this project on school web page and facebook page also we have a webinar in etwinning group for teacher statistics at school i would like to share again if you want you can uh join this education and became a clema action project teacher later i will share the link for this education with you so if you have any question you can ask me and i ask you to complete this evaluation of this webinar if you have any question i am here and i will answer to your question okay thank you thank you branco also for your climate action project and thank you that you shared with us this certification uh possibility on the earth project dot orega so and as the climate change is definitely one of the most important topics for students today so i have one question and there was actually a saying uh in uh i think it's an international saying that a man becomes a man when you father a child when you write a book and when you plant a tree so you enable your students at least for one one pillar yeah uh so paula is uh asking uh uh she would like to have the link of the earth project if possible so we can give you give her this link uh and blanco you can also send us the link um for the evaluation i see it uh so that we post it because otherwise it's difficult for participants to uh to click on it congratulations that you are the winner of the uh award of school of excellence thank you yes the links are coming just a moment we will provide them um earthproject.org yes so here they are and climate action dot info is yes is another link yes uh can you maybe say some um feedbacks from your students so how students reacted to this project do you have any feedbacks from them yes one class ten her students participate last year in this project and they asked me will we participate this year in the project and i said yes and they were very happy they like to participate uh they like to connect with other students from the world they like to exchange experience with other students we have a meeting with students from cameron i have six students in the class and my colleague from cameroon she have 50 students in class and in one yes yes and my students wow you work with six students and she worked with 50 students oh my god yes yes it is interesting that when students see this yes yes exactly yeah they they can be aware yeah so uh what about our teachers so can you write us how many students do you have in your class sis so that we can see a little bit what are the experience of other teachers um so um because yes there are really different numbers of people in one class in different countries yeah uh 30 students is saying mirela so probably around 20 to 30 is probably the average i would say yeah okay so you will um so you will uh participate again thank you very much uh thank you branco for your uh for your um presentation uh and i hope to see you again in one of our conferences thank you very much and thank you thanks to thank for the nice comments on my presentation thank you yes there are many uh comments like great project thank you very much and people are congratulating you thank you very much before uh before we are before we are going to the um next presentation we are still waiting for uh david i saw one question in the comments uh still about flipped approach so there was one question about um so i think by valentina yes why did you decide to flip what were your expectations um okay uh maybe i can comment uh or would you like monica to comment first my first thought on this question was um why not that was the first question that popped into my mind because it's a different approach a more natural one um once you have a certain problem in your own life first you research about it a little bit and then after doing research on your own that kind of increases your motivation to learn then you can learn from other people and i think it's the same with the philippe classroom at the beginning students are learning for themselves at home and when they go to the classroom they're already about one topic they already know that what they will have to learn what would they like to learn so it's a little bit different when it comes to the motivation of the students and also um i think that all the tools and interaction between students increases their motivation to work so i think that motivation is one of the um greatest things when it comes to flipped classroom uh yeah because it comes from real life problems that was also actually mine because i think that students and teachers both are sometimes tired from just from presentations they have the this natural need to create something to do something and the flipped approach is actually perfect for that that you can just engage students but be careful because maybe your students are not used to it and they will be at first reluctant to it one thing in flipped classroom approach there is really popular to use videos and then teachers are saying well my students they don't take videos seriously they don't watch it they don't like it etc i think the answer to this is that it is sometimes because we don't teach them how to watch videos so in the flipped classroom handbook we provide step-by-step uh instructions in a way so how to teach what to tell them to students how to watch a video how to engage with us those what materials can we prepare in order to support students that they will actually take seriously all the video contents that we gave we give them yeah um you agree yeah and i would like to take also this opportunity for one another thing that i would like to invite all you all of you to the next pan-european conference which will be also special uh just a moment because it will be devoted to the to the digital teaching of languages uh so digital teaching of languages is another um erasmus plus project that we are starting with and this time we already have a part of the program so we will have a round table about the digitalization and inclusion in teaching languages are they friends or enemies then we will have how to motivate colleagues who don't like to use digital tools uh we will have teams and quizlets platforms to support the teaching of foreign languages that will be presented by espacia and nekoshka and we will present one etwinning project initiative but we are still looking for two more presentations which we will choose from the teacher's application so if you are a language teacher oops please apply the next conference in january is in the end of the month 27th of uh january and you can have the so your presentation there and the presentation have to be has to be focused on uh digital tools in teaching languages uh because we will devote the conference to this topic okay perhaps we can also ask um participant one more question because i have seen that there was a comment that uh students love flipped classroom and perhaps those of you who have experiences with flipped classroom what are the impression of the students in this handbook we had the impressions of teachers and of vet educators different kind of experts but maybe the students points uh would be also interesting how how what do students think of to flip classroom um do they like it are they not motivated to work if you have any experience you're welcome to share them yes please share with us your thoughts so how students react to flipped classroom um it's not always obviously that they would be enthusiastic about that that's at least my experience because if we only come with videos without some engaging activities in discussion or real life problems or engaging them in with powerful questions they will just take those with us like okay this is some supplemented material this is not really important etc this is at least my experience um also i have an experience that if the video is in foreign language this can also sometimes be a barrier and um you won't maybe believe it but students love the videos that teachers create for them because then they have a feeling that actually the the teacher put an effort that actually a teacher teaches so they have more trust in their own teacher than in some youtube videos sometimes also they learn with the role model it's hard for the teacher to say to students make a video about something and he or she isn't willing to do the same so as a teacher if he or she or you actually who are listening if you begin with the video then it's easier to also ask students you have seen i have done it i know that sometimes we don't think that we're the ones that are able to make create a video but once the teacher does it then also students believe that it's possible to do it it's something that's more um possible yeah in a way yes exactly uh so um i think that maybe david uh will attend a little bit later for his presentation so monica do you have any thoughts maybe we can conclude or we continue with uh somehow he will join at four or at four yeah okay maybe we can um share a little bit more how the handbook looks like we can go through the okay or something like that or if there are any more questions uh from the participants yeah david cannot join before because he has classes he's a teacher of course uh that's why uh we agreed with him to join at four uh and usually we are late but of course today we are yeah a little bit quick but we have one interesting comment from vesna uh flipped classroom is an interesting practice but in the kindergarten i do not know how to do it that's a very interesting one yeah i have an example of flipped classroom in kindergarten where one of our slovenian teachers created with their children so um kitchen uh so a recipe book so the children at home had uh had a homework that they have to you know engage with their mother or with their father in preparing a dinner or something and they have to you know to remember uh what they put into i don't know pancakes or etc and then when they come into the class they created together a book of recipes with simple recipes like pancakes smoothies and things that they like that was for instance one uh example of flipped approaching kindergarten also perfect so it doesn't have to be necessarily just online content to make the flipped classroom comes to life it can also be life to life and also uh rosalinda has shared her experience uh she said that she has uh she has three main expectations regarding the flipped classroom so the one is in the that is in the classroom would be more loud and engaging then the second expectation that she had was that the students would come to the class prepared so they would have some kind of a pre-knowledge and the last expectation that she had what was that students would perform better under some of their assessment and in fact her research has shown that they performed exactly the same yes that is also my experience and the experience that is also then um a lot of times presented in the uh in the science articles because even though the flipped classroom has quite a tradition it's still not the the technique that we would say that is a science based and that's because uh um it it's so much flexible that it really depends on a teacher how he or she implement it so we can have you know we can even have a decrease of motivation if it's not implemented in a good way okay so alexandra is asking us to present also some of the techniques that we are using in the uh in the handbook uh so i'm just wanted to show one of the example uh because before i mentioned the kitchen apron so i will mention and go through this activity uh so indeed in the effective partnership we created one of the activity for students that also you can use is the redesign of traditional aprons i will speak about climate change and okay there was some yeah so how we conducted this activity so uh the task of the students is that they redesign a traditional kitchen apron and through this activity students gain knowledge about how to connect their current design challenge with global mega trends uh in addition to creativity they also develop a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship so we wanted you know to connect the current mega trends that you can imagine so for instance climate change that bronco just presented us is one of the mega trends but there are also other for instance circular business models or everything connected with sustainability then digitalization is also one of the mega mega trend so and in part one at home this is the home part of the flipped classroom students have to do a desk research about different forms and usage the usage of aprons so as support material the teacher prepares a worksheet with different questions like how popular are aprons how are aprons displayed in the kitchen what are their advantages of different designs of kitchen aprons what materials are used for kitchen aprons so we prepare this workshop in order to direct students a little bit about the research they have to do then when they come to the classroom they first need to discuss their findings with simple questions such as what surprised you the most or what are the facts you didn't know before your research for instance then after the discussion students form groups of four to six students who will redesign a traditional apron using inspiration from one of the global mega threats and the teacher then presents three global mega trends that i just mentioned so the teacher presents something about digitalization teacher presents something about the circular economy and teacher presents something about green and sustainability and then the task for students is you know to connect those things together so they have they are in a way to be inspired by one of these strengths so digitalization uh circularity or sustainability and then they have to redesign the classical apron in line with their chosen megatrends so this we use this philosophy for actually to inspire students and then in the handbook in the page 70 is also connected one of the creativity techniques that is called uh scamper that we can use uh when we are doing this um activity with our students so then they create something real and something really innovative when they have to think about digitalization and kitchen apron [Music] and the youngest are the students the more creative they are [Music] is david already with us or uh is he still in the classes yeah okay uh so the microphone yes so this is one of the um the activity yeah my children are saying hello to everyone so they are uh with us here um okay so valentina is commenting that by these teachers can focus on the individual needs of students and they can learn on their own pace from class discussions yeah i often recommend teachers to use different debona techniques because sometimes teachers also come to me when they implement flipped classroom they say oh what students are on their own now what can i do now in the classroom so i usually then um suggest to them that they use different the bono techniques in order to inspire students on thinking critical thinking skills and creative and collaborative skills they are really useful because teacher really gets additional time in the classroom when we implement the flipped classroom approach yeah there is also some more comments from valentina so the model facilitates the development of autonomy and critical thinking promotes acceptance of others and the discovery of weaknesses and strength that makes students unique so it's really also about not not just the final result as a great or something the students uh have at the end it's also about learning social skills uh critical thinking as valentina mentioned different kind of skills that comes with this approach of work that really prepares them more for the everyday life not just for the um final assessment at the end when they would just get the grade yes exactly and we can also share some resources that we put into the flip classroom uh which are on the page of 93 okay we will i will just share the screen window so you can see here there are uh useful online resources they're in alphabetical order so they are really different i think that a lot of them you already know it and maybe use them in the your teaching practice but there are also some new and you can maybe consider them when you want to do something with your students so you can see that it's a lot of them uh it's on the page 90. okay and now um i think that uh david is finally here uh so thank you uh dear participants for your patience i think that uh monika and i were now in a little bit of improvisation mode because we really wanted to hear david because he has a really nice presentation uh about uh the the teaching great app but uh also yeah usually we are late with different presentations but today we were kind of a quick but i think maybe this is also great that we discussed a little bit more about flipped classroom because i think that maybe also in the future we will have more presentations about that so monica can say a few words for a conclusion yeah i wanted to thank um the participants that were also sharing their own experiences uh it is the most beneficial when we are from such different countries that we all share at the same time we figure out that sometimes we have the same struggles um and we're not even aware of the that other teachers have the same problems as well so uh or ideas or maybe good stuff so it's great to share everything so thank you monica very much for your contribution um and david uh welcome really warm welcome to you well also david he is a teacher and uh he had a specific situation uh in connected with kovitz but he put so much effort into it that he is able to join uh with us today thank you very much uh david before you start can you say just maybe three sentences about yourself okay um i have to say that i'm a passionate of uh education i'm an astronaut of pix2 and esports it's uh how is what i can say about me and what describes me better i want to first of all uh say hello all of you and apologize for my for my english because it's not as better as i i want but i'm going to put all my effort in being under understood for you thank you thank you david so you can just share your script and present your presentation so i do say oh teacher grade book and planner app okay let me upload okay uh-huh uh if uh something is not working then i can share your presentation if you wish please share my presentation you please okay okay just a moment i will upload and okay i have to two screens now so that's um okay here we are okay and present that's okay okay my presentation is about idoc idose for me is the most useful app for teachers um what i'm gonna uh tell you what i say what things i can do with it and i have to pay for it okay the first point is what are yourself and how i say you for me idoseo is the most powerful teaching assistant you can add unlimited of students and classes but i think that better than words are a video to explain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay what i can do with either sale whatever you imagine you can do with it whatever you need in your work you can do it with ioseo ioseo is a notebook when you can do all the things that you need with the mars of your students they don't say notebook will allow you to keep track of any data nodes evaluation or evidence of your day-to-day in class each cell is a multilateral container capable of holding text icons nodes resources like images video photos files or annotations whatever you need you will be able to add calculations means sums conditions and you will see all the results in real time while you enter your data you can do whatever you imagine with the mass of your students and whatever you need uh either cell is also a class gallery you can do a follow-up of your teaching a class diagram will help you to keep track of your progress our daily or weekly schedule will help you to have a overview of your classes the class diary is for me the most powerful results of iroseo it we can write down either with keyboard or by hand with the apple pencil or other types of pencils in this dre we can write down any type of relevant information from the day to day of our classes how are going the classes how is the behavior of our students or whatever you need or you imagine of the content to explain the that is as well as attached photos that you are going to use in your classes audios video recordings whatever you need in short a great way to have at hand absolutely everything that you were going to need for your classes um i remember when i was pe teacher and i have to go with all the car all the the notebooks and nowadays uh when i the only what i need is take my my ipad uh iseo is a class map too uh you can organize your groups and you can have up to five plants per class with configurable backgrounds choose a studios uh test choose students at random pass node edit data from the notebook uh the classroom plan offers you a new perspective to your notebook is another approach to a notebook more things about ioseo iosel have to a a bulletin board where you can organize all the resources that you find interesting with interest for your classes you can add files images videos photos whatever you find or web pages too for the diary of your students you can organize all the resources in this board pdf files pages documents excel documents whatever you need whatever you imagine it's possible in ioseo more things that you can do you can create unlimit a notepad uh for for example uh departments uh you can have your notes and you can create unlimited notes a full period report to do list on a lot of things uh that you can see in the in the screen io have multiple options of backup with dropbox google drive icloud or your own web server and accomplish is important accomplished with the legal legalising or laws of data protection um other apps of the group of iot is the greatest scanner you can do tests and with this app you can scanner the great the marks of your students and is connected to idoseo and you only have to scan another one is the bullet to using your classes or other apps that you can see in the screen and the last thing that i have to say you uh before and is that a i don't say you have to pay for others iselle in spain 12 euros but only only one time in your life and only one time for all your devices for me is the that [Music] the money that i have best invest in my life uh because i use idoseo everyday my teaching thanks and if you have any question you can ask me okay thank you very much and yes yes yes thank you this is a really great uh application and especially a value for money so 12 euro is really great uh catalina is asking whether the educa is available for windows or only for mac okay it's only for mac for ios and for mac but it exists an alternative app that is called aditio that works with all the systems aditya was in windows on [Music] okay then valentina is asking um do i understand that i do say allows easier access to all options yes it's really intuitive it exists this was in in english or i invented this work in spanish we say in twitter i think in english is intuitive you can do whatever and it's so easy to learn how to do because is designing so well and you can do everything and it's so easy to learn how to do the things in yourself all right okay uh so thank you very much for your contribution uh and yes so all the presentations are available in the facebook group so also the presentation by davids he put his contact also in this presentation so you can find it in the facebook group and european conference on uh digital education uh thank you also david so we've come to the end thank you very much kindly invited to january's edition which will be devoted to teaching languages by using digital tools uh we will discuss that and kindly invited to present your case in teaching languages using different digital tools thank you very much bye so [Music]
Channel: Erasmus by Primera
Views: 806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kKpTA6qVwOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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