Create A Social Media/Community Website Using PeepSo

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Hello people, my name is Ferdy. And in this video, I will show you step by step, how you can create your own social media website using WordPress and the plugin called Peepso. So let me show you what we will cover in this tutorial: This is the website we are going to make, I will show you step by step, what we will cover in this tutorial. On the social media website. Everybody can make updates, you can say something, I can add images, videos, I can have a background color I can have all right, let me add a few photos, I can add a few hashtags: "Bahamas" occasion, etc. Over here, I can decide to whom I will show to everybody that visits this website or to decide members are only my friends on the website. Or only to myself, maybe I want to show this myself, why not. I can schedule this. For a certain day in time, I can add this pose to a certain group. And I can have a feeling with it like really happy. And then I can post its look how beautiful this looks, we can take a look over here. Now all the people can like this, they can share it. And they can leave a comment. And they can navigate to the other images. If I scroll down, Kylie posted the video on YouTube. And I can like it, I can go and I can also come into an image or a giffy. Aha. And people can also reply to my reply. So we get message replies. So I scroll up again, what we can do, we can make this website an open website. So also people that are not logged in can see all the content of the website. Or we can make the clothes website that only people that register are a member can see the content of the website. So if I open this in an incognito window, I don't see the feed over here or to stream but I can join it. Now I can register. And if I want to, I can ask extra questions over here that are mandatory to fill in. So I can get to know more about people that are becoming a part of this website. I can even set it up in a way that people need to complete a profile like uploading an image, a cover photo, answering all the questions before they can be active on his website. And that will make sure that I do not get those profiles over here that are not complete, those over here are complete, because they have to be completed in order to participate in the website. You can follow other people, people can follow you, you can like profiles, you can become friends with people. And then when you update something, you can decide who will see that. Here at the homepage, we have the feed, and all the posts on the website are placed over here. But if you want to bring some more structure into your website, you can create groups. So if I go to the groups over here, you can create a specific subject. So a VIP group, a secret VIP group, for all the people that buy my course, for instance, a private group group is private, you cannot see it, but but you can join a group. And then there's an open group, you click on join, and you join automatically. So over here, you need to be accepted. And over here, it is a secret group. So if I would log in as Dwight Trudell, I go to groups, I don't even see a VIP group. So there are open groups, groups as you can join secret groups. And then configuration, you can decide who can create groups. So in my case, on this website, everybody can create a group, but deep so you can send messages to each other. So I can open a message area over here, I can create a new message for Jasmine and type a message or I can send a message to whole group. So the recipients are Freddie Denzel Washington and Charles Braden. Hey, guys, and now those guys get a notification over here that they have an email or over here, and they get an email in their inbox, as well refer them back to this website, we will make use of affiliate links. So over here I have an affiliate link to experts secrets. So if people click over here, you see there's an affiliate link over here and when they buy things from Click Funnels, or from Russell Brunson, I make money a beautiful way to make money affiliate marketing, I will show you how to create affiliate links emblazoned over here in your website. The same goes for Google Adsense over here, I've ads from Google. And if I scroll down, they're also ads based on the interests of the user. When they click on it, you make money. And I will show you how you can set it up. If you take a look over here, you see you have a total of 70 points. If I like something, I like this, for instance. And I like this message. Can even vote over here for the poll. And I see results real time I earned points. And when you earn points, you can get badges. So for instance, when you get 50 points, you get a special badge. And you can also apply badges to fulfilling certain tasks like attending the website for 20 days in a row, you get a badge that you're a super user. And the great thing is with those points, you can even buy things in the shop. So over here, for instance, I've set 76 points. I'm in the leaderboard number one so that can also be motivation for people to be active on your website. So there'll be over here in the leaderboard. And now when I go to the show I can let people buy things with money, or I can let people buy things with points. So I have 76 points, I can buy nothing yet. So what I will do, I will be active on this website, please things over here, reply are things. So I'll get more points because what I want to have is ultimate WordPress template that will save me so much time. So this is a great way to make people active on your website and motivate them to become active members. And when new people register, they see, hey, the website is life. I want to be part of this. So gamification through points is an amazing way to make your website more alive. And I will show you step by step, how you can do that. And what you can also do, you can sell courses. So over here, I talk about affiliate marketing people that are here on this website and want to learn how to make money through the internet, of course, to the groups to the free things over here in the shop intruder community, they can learn a lot of things. But if they really want to take it to the next level, they can buy my course. So over here, if he does marketing course, I can show them step by step how to make money with affiliate marketing. And if I open this as a member, so member dry truth, for instance, he can buy the course for 990 $7. When he thinks of course, he can pay with PayPal, or with credit cards. And then I get the money in he gets ultimately access to the content of the course. I can also assign a certain special secret group to the people that bought the course. So when they have questions, they can leave the questions in that group. And that group will not be seen to people that have not bought the course, I will show you how people can register and login with their own social media accounts. I will talk about possibilities within pizza to make your website a multi vendor marketplace using dope and so all members can start selling things on your website. And when they sell things, you get a commission per sale, I will show you how to display ads in any place within the website, for instance, on specific pages on specific blog posts, but also in between the posts in the stream. So when people scroll down and they click, you can make money. I'll show you how to create blog posts within your social media website and how to let members pre blog posts and we follow all the steps I show you in this tutorial, you will be able to create a professional looking amazing social media website and you can monetize it through a lot of different ways. And I will show you step by step how you can do that. And one more important thing, this website is optimised for all devices. So even people on a tablet, or on a smartphone and navigate through his website. In the description of this video I have timestamps so if you want to go to a certain part in the tutorial, you can click on the timestamp go directly to the parts. If I go too fast for you, you can click over here and slow down the speed of the tutorial. I have been making tutorials now for over six years, people seem to like my videos. And every time I do my best to make a better tutorial than the thorough before in order to give you the best of the best. However, if you have any question, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and I'll do my best to help you. There are four steps we all take in order to create an amazing social media website. If you don't have a jet, I will show you how to get a domain name and web hosting and I can give you 60% of discount, then we'll instal WordPress. After that, we will get the PeepSo plugin. And then we will create an amazing social media website. If you already have a WordPress website up and running, you can skip some one and two and go directly to timestamp over here. If you like what you're seeing so far, and please like this video, because that would mean a lot to me. And feel free to subscribe for more upcoming WordPress related tutorials. Having said that, let's get started. So the first things we need in order to create a website are a domain name and web hosting. If you have this already, that's great that you can skip this part. If you don't ever think and go to web hosting F Hit Enter. And you will be redirected to name hero name hero is in my opinion, the best web hosting provider there is why let me give you a few reasons there are more than one, your website will load fast even if you go for the cheapest package. Why? Because name hero has invested in Lightspeed which is way faster than Apache, which is used with a lot of different web hosting companies. Here you see an overview what the difference is, when you use WordPress. The second one, the prices are really competitive, you get premium web hosting for an affordable rate, which is amazing. And the third one really important the support, you can call them 24/7. You can open the live chat 24/7 and you can leave a ticket and they will get back to you. So three ways to get support. And that's why I love about name hero. Now one of the reasons you get search affordable prices here at name hero is because I get an exclusive discount for you up to 66% instead of the regular 50% that you get a name hero. And if you'll do see what the plans are click over here on this button or scroll down. And there are four packages, the starter clouds plus cloud, Turbo cloud and the business cloud. So what are the differences between those packages with the starter cloud? You can start with a one domain name so if you're really on a budget, this is where you can start. You have one website, one gigabyte of RAM is just like your computer, the more RAM you have, the faster your computer will remain. Also, if you're doing a lot of things at the same time, so if you get a lot of visitors at the same time, they can upgrade but I'm talking about hundreds of visitors per day, you have unlimited SSD storage, what does it mean, you can have 250,000 files on your website, which is more than enough, your free SSL, that means that you can make your website secure. With other web hosting companies that can cause money here, it is free even with the starter cloud plan, and free website migration. So if you have a website already, and you want to transfer it to name hero, you can do that for free, then we have the plus cloud, what is the big difference? Well, you have more a gigabyte of RAM, so more people can go to your website at the same time. And you can have up to seven websites. And the great thing is when you get this package, you can have seven different domain names and all store them on one web hosting package, you get 60% discount, you pay $5.18 per month, and then you can have seven websites. So that is less than one bar per website per month. So my opinion, if you're starting, get this package. And if you're really like, okay, money doesn't matter, I just want to go with the best of the best of the best, then I suggest you go for thermo clouds, you can have unlimited websites. So you can even become a web design agency, start to make websites for clients, and host them on your website and charge them $20 per month for web hosting, depending on what you want to offer. And the great thing about this package is that your websites become even faster using n v m e store storage, which is faster than SSD. So your website will go so fast. And the great thing is those websites are already fast. This one becomes even faster, you have a speed boost plugin, and you will have a free domain, which is quite nice. And then if you're like you know I have too much money, I just want to get the best of the best of the best thinking go for the business cloud. And then I'm talking like if you have 50 websites hosting on name hero, then I would go for the business cloud, the great thing is you can always upgrade later. So you can start with the plus clouds for instance, and then later go to the turbo cloud, send them an email, they will fix it for you. i What i want to do now I want to start with a new website. So I want to start with the plus cloud. So the whole year, I can decide if I want to create a second website or a third one. And I don't pay anything extra except for the domain name. So in order to purchase it, I scroll down and I go to order now. And then when we do register a new domain name, a domain name, can we reduce it only once. So if I say I want to have, and I click on Search, Facebook is unavailable. So you need to have a unique domain name. And I would like to go with 30 WP 30 wordpress, you can have a lot of different extensions. If you want to go international, I would go for that come and you can go for your own country. So for instance, my countries, the Netherlands, I can have this one, or the UK. But as you see, there are a lot of extensions over here. So there are so many, but I would go internationally for dotcom and or locally for your own country extension. And talking about names. If you want to start a new business, use your business name, if it's already taken, you can become creative with your name, I highly suggest you always have your own first and last name You never know what you want to do in your life. And if you have it, you have it. So I go for 30 I click on Search. And it is available. And it's for free if I go for two or three years at once. So I click on continue our explain that to you. Over here we can choose our billing cycle. The great thing is the amazing discount of 60% won't be applicable on the first invoice. So if you go for one year, you get one year of discount, two years of discount, or three years of discounts. And the longer you go, the more extra discount you get, as you see save 30% or 6%. So the longer you go, the cheaper it becomes, I want to go with one year. And then there are a few extra things we can take over here, which are like to add a dedicated IP address, or I don't need all these things. Auto Encrypt is free. We don't need this one. So I click on Continue. And then really important, what we need is ID Protection is only cost less than $3 per year. And this will make sure that when you sign up spammers that will see all the new websites in the world will not spam you with a lot of things like hey, let me create a logo or do SEO or create a website for you or they will call you. You don't want that. So if you use ID Protection, they cannot see all your details. So click on Continue. And the great thing is this is crazy. The total amount we have to pay is less than $100. But other reposting companies really good ones also you pay around $150 Sometimes more and here below $100. I really like it we save a lot of money. And what we have we have two web hosting plus cloud so we can have seven websites and we have our domain registration and since I go for one year I need to pay around $16 for it, but this is great this for 12 months of web hosting and a domain name, you can start your business for just $7 per month. So what I can do now I can create a new account. So I will leave my details over here. That's not my name, this is my name, last name, email address, my phone number. And then my company name, I'm, I have a company with my wife in scalding Anna media. I'm from this address. So I need to fill in your details over here. How did you find us? Well to YouTube, because I'm showing you and then you have a support. And if you want to call them or have a chat session with them, they ask for a pin. So you can leave it here. And then they know you're really, you know, when needs great falls out, of course, make it really secure or you can generate one, and they need to confirm your password. And I scroll down and you can pay with credit cards, PayPal, Coinbase or credit card stripe. Well, I want to go with credit cards. So I can leave my details over here. I scroll down, do I want to receive emails for special savings? Well, there's a great thing or every year, there's Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And then they gave huge discounts for extending the service. So you can get some money on your name hero gowns, and then they Miro as extra money for you. So in that way you have discount for the next invoice. And if you have further agree to the terms of service, you can check this. Keep in mind, that's what you've got here through web hosting Don't pay more, but you get extra discount, and I get a commission. So I see that as a win win situation. Name hero will check all your details and see if there's no fraud. Well, if it's you that's filling in the information, then it should be fine. So I can go to the checkout. And it says Order Confirmation order is placed. If you have any questions about your order, please open support tickets from your client area code your order number. Congratulations. Now you have your own domain name and web hosting. That is amazing. Now let's instal WordPress. I want to go to the client area. So I want to congratulate you you have your own domain name and web hosting. That is amazing. And the great thing with name hero your website is live immediately. The only thing is if you go to 30 looks a little bit weird. So we need to instal WordPress. But the great thing is it's not all web hosting companies that your website is live immediately. If you want to instal WordPress, you click over here on my clouds. And then you click over here on web hosting plus cloud, you're gonna log into the cPanel and now we can instal WordPress, we need to scroll down, or we search over here for WordPress, and that is WordPress manager by Softaculous. Click on it. And now we can instal WordPress on our website. So over here, we can choose our installation URL. First of all, choose HTTPS. That means that your website is secure name hero loose automatically for you. So just put an SOV or maybe get a message over here doesn't matter. Your website will be secure within one hour. Thank you choose your domain name, I've a few over here I choose fairly Corp tutorial. And you can choose directory so if you want to do a test or create a new website, you can say new over here and then your website will be built on 30 Corp tutorial or your domain name that comm forward slash new or forward slash test. If you just leave it empty, it will be installed on your domain name over here. Then we can have our site name and a description I will leave it as this I will change this later. And your admin account. You need this to log in into your WordPress website. So I say 30 Corp, then you can create your own password or create some the sixth one is the best six, this one or you can hide it and create your own one. And then you can change your admin email I say info at Ferdy Korpershoek COMM Thank you scroll down and all this stuff is okay unless you want to change the language of your website. I keep it English. And then I scroll down all the way I don't need all this stuff and I click on instal. And there it goes. It will say it will take between three and four minutes but it will take between 10 and 15 seconds. There we are. If I click over here I see the backend of my website here we can configure our website Change everything change information on our website instal plugins. And then over here, people will see the result of what we have configured over here. So right now, we see it's ugly, we have a lot to do but we're gonna transform this into a beautiful community website or social media asset however you want to call this. You can even call this your 30 website, whatever you want to call this. Okay, that was weird, but we're jokes play a big part in my life jokes that are not funny. And I just I'm okay with it. You know, sometimes I have a funny joke and everybody laughs and say funny. We love you. What would we do without it? This is one of them. Now, I don't know if it's funny, but right now I want to congratulate you with your website. If your domain name if your website maybe ever, ever already, if you have an app before, even if you bought 10 years ago, right now, I want to clean up or press a GM weather default few default plugins and all that stuff, I want to configure it in a way it's clean, and we can work really productive on the website. Yes. So let me show you how to clean up your WordPress website. So in order to do that, I close it and I close this, there's only one tab that's off the back end. If we want to go to the front ends, we can hold Command or Control click over here. And then we open it in a new tab. So the front end and the back ends. I want to dismiss this message over here. And I want to collapse all this stuff over here. I don't need this. And we can even go to the screen options and remove it so we don't even see it. Then I want to go to all the posts, we have our sample posts over here. I want to bring it to the trash. I want to go to the trash to empty the trash. The same I will do with pages. I click over here. There's two pages, I select them all by clicking here. Build actions. Move to refresh, apply. We go to the trash. We enter the trash. I think I've done this more than 1000 times already. Then we go to Appearance Themes. And this theme over here 2019 We don't need it, we delete it. Okay, we delete this one also, we only need one thing later in this tutorial, we will instal the gecko theme, which is the perfect thing for creating a social media website using peeps out. Okay, then we go to the plugins to Plugins both not activated. So I select them both by clicking here and I delete it. You need to deactivate the plugin before you can delete it. They're both deactivated so I can delete them apply. Yes, I am sure. Okay, then we can go to the settings permalinks. Right now, when we have a blog post that says hello world is we'll go to 30 Corp forward slash, the year, the month, the day and then hello world or simple posts or whatever title you give, or post or page. Well, I didn't like this, I want to have this one. So right now it looks really clean, fairly corporate, all those comm forward slash post name, for instance sample post or we go to Australia. So no weird stuff like this, or dates, just a clean URL. So everything you see over here, and the website looks clean when we save it, of course, so I save the changes. Okay, now we have a beautiful structure in our URLs, which is really nice for a Google search results. Then I want to go to this area over here, I edit my profile. Right now it says howdy Ferdy Corp. So if I place a message, it will say message plays by Ferdy Corp. Well, I want to show my whole name. And before I talk about that, we can look a few over here. I always use the default one. And then we scroll down and we can enter our first name. And we can enter our last name. And then if the display name publicity, I want to show 30 corporate hook. And now it also changes over here really nice. And then I want to set a new password. I hide it. I choose one that I know by heart. And then I click on Update Profile. Okay, so far, so good. Right now, our website is called my blog, I want to change that. So I go to the Settings, General, make sure there's an s over here, HTTPS if that's not the case, edit and edit over here and save the changes. And then the site title is affiliate marketing, servants, affiliate marketing servants, and then I can have a subtitle, learn how to make money online. And then over here, a tech line it says in a few words, explain what this site is about. Learn how to grow a passive stream of income, well, helping other people ultimately. So the tagline just sell something in one sentence about your website and here's the site title, affiliate marketing service I want to be found on affiliate marketing. So those two keywords are using here at the left and the more to the left to place the keywords bigger the chances you will be found net so don't say this is my website. Welcome. It is about affiliate marketing no start with keywords affiliate marketing service, learn how to make money online. Yes, you can change your administration. In the email address, you can change your timezone. So you can search for New York, New York, for instance, you can change the date format, and you can change the time format. I like the capitals over here. So it's like this one. The week starts for me on Monday, I save the changes. And then I go to the website and look at this, it still looks ugly. Haha. So how can we make this look better? Well, we can go to the back end. And of course, we are going to make use of the plugin called deep soul. So in order to get the beep, so plugin, let's go to 30 or comm forward slash beep. So hit enter. Look at this, we are going to create a beautiful social media website and optimise it to make money and to help people at the same time. I think that's a beautiful deal, helping people and making money and on automatic pilot. And I will show you step by step how you can do that. Well, you've seen in the introduction of this video, what we're going to create. If you want to you can play around with the demo, see how it will look. You can log in using demo and demo username and password then you can see what is possible over here. So here we have your profile Patricia curry. Your profile is not complete yet. And then there is a few there are a few links, extremes about blogs, you can see all the audio and video, the groups you're in. And then you see your friends, photos, latest members, hashtags, place community photos, later community videos in you can adjust it alter your wishes, I will show you how you can do that. And of course, we're gonna monetize it by adding ads and stuff and selling courses. So I close this and I go to pricing. And there are three bundles the basic bundle, which will give you beep So and then a few different plugins and themes like the gecko theme, which is perfect for what you need for the feature plugin and how to make it look good. And there are extra additions, you can let your users upload photos at and chat with each other. And friends, great groups, people can upload videos and add balls. But to be honest, I don't think this will do the job. If you want to get everything out of it. Then there's a starter bundle, which gives you a few more options. This 199 per year for one website. But what I prefer, of course is the ultimate bundle because it will give you so much more possibilities. You can make people excited by giving them points. If they do certain things on your website, when they log in or leave a post or leave a comment. They get points. And with those points, they can buy things I will show you how to do that and historical and advanced so you can make sure your ads will appear on the right places in the website. While there's more to cover this plugin you should go with in my opinion, and if you want to have is for multiple websites for five, you pay just $100 extra you can have five websites, I would focus on one website. So I go for the one site licence 299 per year billed annually, so you're paying 299 per year, even though I can give you a discount of 10%. And then I will do my best in this tutorial to show you how you can make back that money through multiple income streams on your social media website. You get one year of free updates one year of technical support. So if you have questions, reach out to them and they can help you support us from Monday to Friday. In a weekend, it's a limited limited, you get the one year access to future plugins. So if there's a new plug in this year, you'll get access to it. And if you decide to go for the second year, you also get updates for the next year. So if you decide not to go for the second year, you're still website is still up and running. You only do not have access to the super support and to the extra future plugins and all that stuff. So it's up to you. And if you somehow do not like us so you buy this you watch it tutorial, you apply everything. And somehow after 28 days you think it's just not the right thing for me, you can get your money back 100% So they are even happy to give you a refund a full refund. So no risk. So I click on Buy now. So pizza ultimate bundle the best one build a one sprayer until cancelled 299 And then the challenge is to make back that money within one year. I think it's possible with what I will teach you but I have a discount for you. So if you click over here to use a discount code you can enter 30 Then hit apply and they will pay 10% less than your email address minus info at 30 corporate comm my first name and my last name and then I need to have my credit card details over here. Okay, then my billing country it is the Netherlands. You should know that by my accent or not. I'm from the Netherlands, my billing zip postal code, I agree to the terms and conditions. And then I click on Purchase. I will be redirected. And now I can go to my downloads, I can download my invoice. Here's my licence key and blurring it, sorry, because I can use only one website. And then I can go to my downloads. So I click over here visits your downloads, I go to a new tab, which is amazing. I like new tabs closes. And now I can download everything over here. As you've seen, I've copied my licence. So what I can do now, I don't have to go over here actually, I can close this now. I can go to plugins on my website, Add New. Then I searched for beep So and look at the speech show community user profile membership. Here's the basic structure for a beep So community websites, I will instal this. And then on top of that, our use all the premium editions. It is installed, I activate it. Okay, it says Welcome to pixel 3.51 URL for you as well probably say something else, visit the pizza installer. Well, I think that's a good ID Welcome to beep, so I need to fill in my licence key. So I base it over here. I check it. And now I can show build actions. I can instal everything at once, but I prefer just to instal a few plugins and show you step by step what is possible, whatever plugin. So I want to instal the gecko theme. So I click on instal. And I was installing this really easy, I like that they recently added it before you need to do everything manually with uploading stuff. Now to activate this thing. Awesome. Now go to Appearance Themes. I can remove the 2020 theme, I want to keep things clean in my website. So I click on Theme details. I say Delete. And I personally say bye bye. I don't need you. I only need the gecko theme. If I would go to the website, I will do that right now. Look at this Affiliate Marketing Service learn how to make money online. It looks like this. Well, it looks already better than before. But of course, there's a lot of space for improvements. So we go back to the backend. And I dismiss this. I go to PeepSo to the installer. That's where we were I close this. And then what do I want to instal into the core? Well, as I said, I want to show you step by step how you can make your social media website better. But right now we can chat friends, audio, video groups, photos, polls, more stuff. And I want to start with the basics. So I go to the website. And I want to make it look a little bit better. How can we do that we can go to customizer over here. What I prefer you do, it's maybe not necessary for you, I want to make my website a little bit smaller because I'm recording in a small screen. So I say Command or Control minus. So our website looks normal. The first thing I need to do, I need to duplicate the preset. So we can have more presets, we can also have dark presets. So if you want to work with that, and work with a dark website, they end up like that, and then adjust everything to your wishes. I like to work with the light thing. So I click on duplicate it. And I call this 130 or configuration, or 30 Yes, there's it's 30 configuration, I make it a little bit bigger. I click on safe. And now I can adjust things in our website. What I want to do, I want to add my logo over here. In order to do that I go to the site. I scroll down and I have to say in the beginning there was a little bit it took some time for me to get used to this way of displaying things. But I'm, I'm okay with it. Now, I will show you step by step what you need to do so you are not confused. I scroll down and over here at logo image. I can create a store, upload a site logo, site logo, select the foul, and then I go to my desktop to affiliate marketing servants. That's the title of my website, and I searched for my logo. Here it is affiliate marketing servants helping authors and making money at the same time. Then I go to the title, I remove all the dashes and that's how I can optimise my images for Google. I copy the title I placed in the alt text and then place it in the description And then I use this media. Look at this. Wow, affiliate marketing serve as well. I want to make the logo a little bit smaller. It's a little bit overwhelming right now. So I can scroll down, we can have a different logo for a mobile. If I want to, you can see how it will look over here. Well, I use the same one. But if you want to, you can choose a different one. You can show the tagline. But I really suggest you do not do that. That looks like this. I don't see any good reason why you would want to do that. And then we can change the logo height and want to change it to 40. You can play around with it until you think, Hey, this is great. I think this is perfect. Or 46. Yeah, that's perfect. You can change the logo height for the mobile. So go to the mobile view. And I also say make it 40. You know, in five years, I will be 40. That's a great he thought maybe we should think about that. But I'd rather 40 and happy than 20 and dinosaur. That's always what my mother said, No, it's not true. So we can go to the finance. Google Fonts default Sora. You see it over here and how it looks, you can choose anything. And if you want to know more about Google Fonts, you can go to And you can search for a font so you can have your own sentence. My name is Ferdy. And then you can see hey, Roberto is quite nice. Open Sans is quite nice. Noto Sans everything with Sans. Wow. So in that way, you can find something you like. But I go for Open Sans Open Sans there. This is the everything changes over here. Then there's the H, the header typography, how big should headers be? It can make them smaller or bigger. Given mine that I've made my offset a little bit smaller right now so it's not a good measurement area to see with my naked eyes that are saying in English. In Dutch, we say bloat Oh, that means naked eye. Okay, let's continue. I think 16 is great. We can change the global text colour. So for this area, and if you want to know a colour, I always copy this one because it's default and then I change it to green. So I can see what changes within the website so I know okay, this is it. And then I'm like, Okay, I want to use certain colours in the website. I have the colour pick eyedropper from Google Chrome is an extension you can get it over here by searching for Google Chrome colour pick eyedropper and then you can add it to your chrome maybe they also have different browsers and I want to grab this colour copy it and paste it over here another way you can change colours I save it oh no, no, no, no no no no no no. Save it. Yes, now save now I can go to a different place but I want to stick here go back. So now we have our logo over here we changed a few colours. So the global colours scroll down again and then the primary colour again it is this one from my logo, it's not the right one to be honest I need to check this colour. Copy it yes, this is the colour the primary shade colour so I base it again. But now I want to make it a little bit a little bit different colour, maybe a little bit lighter. Primary right light colour. So again, make it a little bit lighter the primary dark colour make it darker and then we can change all those other colours over here. So if something was successful, I would change it to the orange colour copy this colour and that way I can maintain maintain the style of my website bills red light colour orange with pre light and then success dark colour so orange but a little bit darker warning colours well. I think they should be read. I don't mean that people should read but they should be read the collarette so over here more purple, purplish. Yeah, red. Okay, that's okay. A board colours, links, I like to make the links this colour again, make sure I grabbed the right one copy and paste it in the backgrounds, they look great border separators perfect. I save it. Make sure is also published this really important. Saving it is not enough, I learned that the hard way. Okay, we can even collapse this. So if a little bit more space over here. And I want to go back to WordPress. So this how our website looks command zero. That looks okay, I want to go to the back end. Because since we have installed deep so look at this at the pages, we instal a few pages and one of the pages is the recent activity. And that is the feed with all the news that people post. And I want that to be the homepage. So if I go to settings, reading, I can do it over there, I changed my homepage displays from my latest posts to a static page called Reasons activity. I scroll down, I save the changes. And I click over here. And there it is. So here's my recent activity. And the first thing I don't like is that it says recent activity, because we see this is all make sense that this recent activity page. So I click on edit page closes. And then over here at the ngeco page options, I hide the page title. Then I go back over here. And I go back over here. And now it is gone. It looks better. So what I can do now, I'm the administrator. So I have a user, which is called 30. And what I can do, I can say something over here I can say, Wow, this looks better than the 2021 thing, that ugly, green one. I click on Post. And now says Ferdy Korpershoek, just post that world is looks better than 2021 theme. I can like it or love it. I can say You are so right. posted. Thanks Ferdy, I can have a whole conversation with myself, which makes me feel actually really happy somebody is listening to me responding to me. Wow, I like it. I even love the reaction of Ferdy. So I can have my own party over here. We can share things that are on our mind. And then people can like it and reply in that way you can have a community. But there's not much I can do. I can choose over here, if it's public only for site members only for me. So I can really have my own weird updates over here just for myself, I see no reason why I should do it. But some people would like it, I can even schedule it. So I can say it is 1pm and then post it on a selected date. On 1pm done. I can even say how I feel at one o'clock. pm, I always feel really flattered. So I can close it up. Now if I would go to my website, you can go to the homepage by clicking here if I was go as an incognito person, so I'm not logged in anymore. It doesn't show that post yet. So it will be shown when it is 1pm. Right now it's not I 52 minutes before it will be posted. So then it will appear. So that's what you can do it. It's not much what you can do, you can make it public or private or for members only you can schedule it. You can show what in what kind of mood you are, but I cannot upload anything. Well, that's what we're going to talk about later. Right now, I want to talk about your own profile, I will take a look at my own profile, upload a new image. So what I can do, I can click over here or go to the homepage. I click over here. I click on About. We'll talk later about how to adjust these areas over here right now. This is our profile page. And we can change things over here since we're login. So I can change my cover photo but first I want to change my avatar. I can upload a new image and as long as you don't do that the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name will be shown like that. I will have new. I go for 30, July OHRP. I open it. And I think my neck looks a little bit long over here. It's probably the case, but I want to crop it again like that confirm. That's right again, like this. Yeah, better done. So now that looks better already, I can change my cover photo, upload a new one. I search for Tesla, maybe I'm a huge car fan. I'm not but I have a few images on my car. Now, this one, open it. It'll be shown like this. Oh, okay. Then here below, I can change information about myself. It says my profile is 50% complete, I need to add two more things. So my first name is complete my last name, but by gender, well, I can edit it over here. Meal, save it. Or I can say I want to edit all fields. So my first name, last name, meal, and birthday is June it at six. Save it's about me. I love hanging out with friends. Spend time with my family. Chase big dreams and enjoy the process. Save it. And then my website HTTPS really corpus who does come? Typing is not my biggest talent. But I keep learning I save everything. And now my profile is complete. So let's go to my preferences. Allow others to like my profile, I see no reason why I would want that. So I uncheck this, I will later I'll show you that I can turn it off for everybody. So when I refresh this page, this will be gone. Hi, my birthday year. So if you only want to show your your birthday date, but not the year, you can do that. Who can see your profile, you can change it to only site members who can post on my profile, you can also change it to nobody or only me only me. Because I'm an administrator. You can say don't show what I'm online if you're a celebratory celebrity, and you don't want to see people in your alliance, so they start emailing you. And my times on, you can change it to something else if you want to. It's all saved automatically I go up, I go to the notifications, I get a notification at once. When somebody replies to me, I get an email. And over here, I can turn everything on or off. So when somebody comments on my posts, they want to have an on site notification, or an email or both. Well, right now everything is turned on. When somebody likes my profile, I get an email. Maybe I'm like, okay, it's okay to see it over here as an notification. But I don't use email for that. This is what I want to get a notification about. If somebody likes my posts, it happens all the time. Of course, I don't want to get a notification or an email bother. But on my site, I want to have a notification. So I can also turn everything off. So you get no notifications. And everything is saved at once. I can go to my accounts, I can change a few things, I can change my username. When you do that you need to log out and log in again with your new username can change your email, you can change your password, you can export your community data. So let's go back to about over here, people can fill in information. What if I want to add a few extra areas of here? Can I do this? No, you can't. Just going to you can let's go to the back end to peep, so manage. And then we go to profile fields. So this social media website is about affiliate marketing how to make money on the internet passive income. So I want to ask a few questions to the people that want to register. So I click on Add New and I want to have a yes or no. Or I can ask for a date or separate just have a separator s where are they from? Or email well I have that already. I want to go for select single so that means people can select an option but they can only choose one option. So let me start with the question over here. Affiliate Mark marketing experience Now the question just giving them an option. They are a beginner or advanced. And I can have multiple options over here. And then people can select only one. I can show this in the registrations or when people register, they need to fill this in, I can make it half with that means that in the signup form I can have on the left, and then the next question on the right, I want to have it on the full width. So I don't check this. And I don't want it to be searchable. Okay, I can go to appearance, how does it look display default, drop down our checklist, I prefer a checklist. I can have placeholder but I don't need a placeholder. Because I already have this over here affiliate marketing experience, straight to the point, privacy, I wanted to be public, everybody that sees a profile can see this. So it's okay. And I wanted to be required when people sign up. So it's already saved, I cannot save it anywhere. So if I would go to my profile again, clicking here, or click on my profile here. And I go to about one required field is missing. So 85% and then says a field of marketing experience edits, I am advanced. So when I open this website, again, in an incognito window, people can sign up over here, I can change the information, we're going to do that. Oh, I'm really excited. I hope you are too. If you like this video, please like it, it will help me a lot. And feel free to subscribe for more upcoming tutorials. So over here, when people register, username email, password, and this is what I meant with off a half fields, like left, right, left, right, right, left. A you kept Jack, do you know what so if you don't, you're probably really young in your fortunes, because you're young affiliate marketing experience or you're a beginner or advanced, it's mandatory, as you see over here. So that is what we have just added over here. And then I can add something else. So I go back over here, I can add another fields. But this one, I wanted to be only visible for me as an administrator at New, I want to I have a text. And over here, I say what is your goal with affiliate marketing question mark. And they will show in the registration, not how with then appearance. Multiple lines, I can say in the placeholder, be specific. Save it. And the privacy only I will see that. So this really interesting because people cannot see this on someone's profile what their goal is. But I can see it as an owner of this website, I can see what their goal is. And if I see that goal, like hey, I want to learn how to do affiliate marketing with videos or with advertisement, then I know what my audience wants. And then I can think about that. And I can do something with it and create a course and answer the question they have. So I can help them with their goal by selling them something. So they say to me what they want to learn, I create something about that subject that they can buy. And that way I can sell it another way I can monetize my website, and at the same time, help other people. So that's why I say only I will see us and it is a required, there's no minimum length. So again, let me go to register area refresh. What is your goal with affiliate marketing be specific. So now people need to fill this in. And when they do that, I'm the only one that will see this. So I go to my profile, I refresh the page. What is your goal with affiliate marketing to learn how to make money with videos? Safe, something like that. And now when somebody else goes to this profile, so let me go back again in an incognito window. I see 30. About him. I see he's an as far as affiliate marketing, but I do not see the area where the question is like, what is your role? So does it information is only for me so everybody that signs up needs to fill that in. So I can see what people want to learn what their goal is, and then I can help them to achieve that goal by giving them information for free or selling a course about that subject. And again, if you don't want to see this area over here because you Sit over here, edit the page, the about page and then hide the page title, I think is looking great so far, step by step work on the make it look better. So right now if I go to Ferdy Korpershoek, you don't see Ferdy Korpershoek anymore over here, but you see the cover photo and you see his name over here. So that's it about the about information that we can change the information they need to fill in over here. So far, so good. So if I go to the homepage, it looks like this, I want to make it look better. Before we continue, I want to add a few members fake members. So the website looks a little bit more alive. And I can display the things I want to show you better because it's easier when I have some extra profile. So in order to do that, I go to the back end. Or I open it in an incognito window. I sign up a few times or I go to users add new. I say this is Josh and his email address is Josh at 30 corporate comm Josh Groban has a website. And I don't need this, I add them as a subscriber. Okay, now I go to the websites. And I go to members over here. And I see not one but two members. Here's Josh Groban. I can click over here. And since I'm the administrator, I can change things so I can change the avatar, upload new. Well, I have few images downloaded from me tell you from Pixabay. So this is Josh Groban. A really nice guy. And I'd like to crop it a little bit. On firm, done. So that's what I want to do with all the new use our credo, our grade, like 12, something like that. And then I will be back with you. So if I would go to members. I will refresh when I've done it. And then it will look like this. There they are. They don't have a cover photo, but they have a profile picture a few people over here. So it has great you can see them here at the members area. And what I see is is beautiful title and want to get rid of it. How can I do that I edit the page, you should know now what to do. And otherwise, I will show you here at layout page options. Hide the page title and update it, preview it in a new tab. Now it is gone. Great. So what I want to do now I want to go to the homepage. And I want to edit some widgets there, which is that can be added over here at the right at the left even at the footer. Right now I want to take a look at a widget over here. And in order to do that, I go to the back end to Appearance Widgets. And if you scroll down over here, there are a lot of widgets kolender custom HTML gallery. And a lot of them come from WordPress. But there are also PeepSo related ones, as you see over here. And by default, if I hover over here, hold COMMAND and click or hold control, I see a few which is already search reasons, Comments, Archives. And what you will see here at the widget area is that at the sidebar left, we see search posts, comments, search common sterno posts, and for some origins, you can decide to hide it if there are no posts. So if I remove this delete, I open this and I delete it. And I delete this, look at this, refresh the page. And that area has gone there are no widget that's left. So it stretches automatically, all the way to the left. Say with this one, I don't need this. So I go to the right sidebar. Open it deletes. By now you should know I like to start from scratch. I like to keep things clean and simple. Remove what I don't use. And I look like this. This looks nothing like Facebook. So how can we make it look better? We can add PeepSo widgets. So if I scroll down, so hashtags, I can add them if I want to. If so latest members, so maybe I want to edit I want to show the latest members I can do that I open it and I can decide where I want to place this. Or this one. I want to place it that cyber right? So if I add the widget, I can configure it latest members show the latest 12 Hide it's when there are no new members while there are new members so I don't have to hide it. We can show the total amount of members. We can change the position on to be on top Let me show you in a second. What this is, I save it, refresh it. And here at the right you see the latest members. Okay, I also want to add something at the left. So I scroll further. And I want to go for the deep. So profile, I want to edit to the Cyber Left, edit. I don't want to give it a title, when people are our guests should they see this, if they don't see as they see the login form, I hide it, when they're in our guest. I want to show notifications, show Community Links, and I want to show my cover there, I want to show this on the profile page. No. I save it. And now our website looks like this. Here's a profile widget with my picture cover image, my profile with a few links, and not a few links, I can log out over here. And if I log out, you don't see it right now at the left. Because I said at the left, when there's only a guest over here, you should hide it. So that's why you don't see this, I can log in over here. Or I can join for free. I log in. And now it is back. When I click over here and I go to my profile page, then I also do not see it why I said show on the profile page never saw a profile page, it looks like this and on the homepage like this. Okay, before I continue to add more widgets over here, I want to talk about a really important widget over here. So I go to the widgets, and I want to go to the user bar, I click on it, I want to place it in the header widgets. At the widgets, we ultimately go to that area in the website. And before we save it, or adjust things, I want to refresh it. And now it looks like this, we can log out we can see our latest notifications, there are none. There's a menu streams about preferences, logout, and this menu will change based on the plugins we add. It's the same menu you see over here. So you can ask yourself, if you prefer this one, or this one, or want to have them both, I personally think is that it's this error is taking a lot of space over here. Bar, I personally don't have a problem with it. And then at the rise, we can have different areas. So nice, we can cover it for configured a little bit. position at the left. Guest few hide it. So when you're a guest, you don't see that area. So when I log in, or I go through websites, incognito, you don't see the area can also decide to create a login link. So if I save it, and I open the website in an incognito window, I should be able to see a login area. Yes, I think that is even better. I will do I will show up my avatar, my image notifications, my user drop down menu and a logout I can I don't want to show death. And what I want to show you is that we can change the options to show a widget. So let's go to the right sidebar to this wall for instance. And right now, it looks like this. But we can change the cell to border if I save it and I refresh it. It has a special border around it to get some extra attention or ingredients. Look at this we can select the colours we want. And now if I save it, I can even make the text colour white, the link colour also white. Now it looks like this. So in that way, you can grab some attention if you want to. I personally prefer to put it back to the default one fresh so step by step we start to see that it becomes more and more a social media website. But wait, there's more. I think it's a little bit limited right now. Why is that because there are so many plugins that we can add from people that will make it look so much better. So in order to add a few plugins, we can go to the back end. We can go to beep So installer and then below the theme there are a few core plugins, chat friends, audio video groups, photos and polls if we go to 30 Corp comm forward slash beats so as we hit enter, we can go to the features of the ultimate bundle. If I scroll down a bit, I click on friends. We scroll down automatically And we see what we can do with that particular plugin, we can add friends and followers, we can become friends with people, or you can follow them. And it's up to them. If they choose to follow you back, you can have friends birthday widgets. So you see when people are having their birthday, my friends who are my friends in the widgets, so you can have area with who are my friends, mutual friends. So when you go to someone else's profile, you can see who is a mutual friend, tech friends friends only. But what I actually want to say I don't want to go to over everything I want to show you that you can go to this page. And with every plugin, you see what is possible. So it's not just a photo plugin. Okay, now we can upload a photo now, you can upload in galleries, you have a photo widget, you can link things you can support more stuff. So you see, it's way more than just adding audio video. There's so much more as you see. So if you want to look at that, and go to the website of and go to features, and then search for the plugin you want to add. So what I want to do, I want to add those all at the same time. How can I do that I go up, I click on Show build actions. I scroll down and click on four. So I select them all I scroll down, I click on instal. And then I need to wait for a moment. So now they're all installed but not activated. I can activate them individually or I scroll down still selected over here. And I click on Activate. Now they're all activated, I can scroll up and hide all the milk action stuff. So now all those plugins are activated. And now if I go to Appearance, Widgets, look at this. Over here, audio and video. Community audio, video widget photos most reason upwards of people in the community. beep So friends, if so friend's birthday widget. So now I have hashtags I have so much more. And that's the whole power of deep. So you start with a free plugin. Then on top of that you use a core with the gecko theme. And then you can add additional stuff. So you don't have to import a really big foul and make your website slower. Even if you do not use all the plugins now you can instal what you want to use. And that way, keep your website light and fast. So what I would like to see his friends birthdays, so I can add it to the right sidebar, add a widget. And now over here I can say what I want to see upcoming birthdays, I can hide it if it's empty. I can show upcoming birthdays the next 30 days for like five people. So the next five people in 30 days that have their birthday will show up over here. And nothing will be shown if there's if it's nobody's birthday. So I save it. What I also can do, I can change the order. So I can drag it here on top. And now if I refresh the page, and we see exactly nothing. So what I found out, I turn it off. I save it. I refresh it. It says no friends birthday, so I need to get some friends. So in order to get those, I need to go to James Lange to add him as a friend. So now I need to wait until we will accept me. And then if it's his birthday, I will see that so I will add a few friends. Add him tiny me know Jasmine's whole Mendi Hannington. And of course, just call you. Okay, so now since I do not have a mutual friendship, yet, I'm following her. But if she replies we become friends. So now I'm logged in as Dwight and I see a few things over here. I've a friend request. And I also see that my profile is just 37% complete. So in this way I can motivate people to complete this because somehow people like to get this complete. I'd like to get rid of all the red number ones. So red number ones it sounds weird. So I see a 30 has a friend request. Yes. And if I take a look at my friend, Dwight Schrute just totally came up with a name. I have no idea if he ever played in a sitcom or something about offices. I don't know. His birthday is July the 15th 2013 So he looks a little bit older for us ah no problem. So if I would log out and I would log in as 30 Knowing that I'm now friends with dry truth sighs Jim can remember me I will be here often. Look at this. I see over here a notification Dwight accepted your friend request what I see over here upcoming friends birthdays, do I truth in a days I will definitely check it out when it says birthday and what it is today I will see that it is today. So going back over here, I can hide it if it is empty. Me see if that changes something if this will be hidden. Now, so no birthday birthdays today. And in a daze this one. So I want to show my friends over here so I can go back to the widgets? If so, friend's birthday, okay. Let me search for PeepSo friends. Bring it to the left sidebar, add a widget. Okay. Refresh. I scroll down, and I see all my friends. I don't need to show my friends because they're my friends. So I just gonna say friends show 12 of them. If I want to put a nice gradient. I prefer in the colour style of my website. So not something like this. If you want to make your websites ugly, do something like this. Wow. Hmm. I prefer just to give you that default, but we'll use those colours. Not those colours but different colours to add some attention to a certain area, but we'll do it later. Okay, I go to my thing over here and I mark as as red. Okay. I don't want this to be on top over here. I want to be low. So how can I do that to the right sidebar, and just switch them. So let's talk about the first way to monetize your website. Okay, we're gonna do the first thing in order to monetize our website right now we have paid money for web hosting, we buy it paid money for peep. So now we want to make money with our website, how can we do that we can make use of affiliate marketing. In my opinion, one of the best and funnest funnest wastes to make money on the internet, we will provide an affiliate link to a certain programme we like we totally believe in, then when people click on a link and they go to the sales page and they buy the thing we promoted on our website using our affiliate link, we get money. So when we when we place affiliate links on our websites, and people click on it, they buy the thing we promote, we make money. That's affiliate marketing. And that's what we're going to do. Right now let me show you how you can do that. So in order to do this, I go to my website Ferdy When I go to a random tutorial, I see this over here and I click over here I go in a new tab through this with an affiliate link. And when people buy this through my link, I get a commission that's called affiliate marketing. And I love it. So what I want to do, I want to log into my website and I want to grab this quote, do you want to become an expert secrets seller and search for Click Funnels affiliate. And then you can become an affiliate of Click Funnels. It can be that you need to become a user of the software. It's not the case with every but everything but then you can promote things like this. Start promoting it now. See how amazing it is. And an old The only thing you need to do is send people to this link. And when people buy this through your link, and they do all the optimization, they know how to sell this. Only thing is this get people to this page with your unique affiliate link. And when you do that, and people buy it, you get a commission. So I can copy this HTML code because I already have it. So here I have my custom HTML scold. It's the link the affiliate link with my ID over here. Then over here, it has the image. This image which is hosted at expert secrets calm with the width and the height, the border of zero. So those two combined are an image and a link to a page that opens in a new tab in a blank blank tab. So what I can do now I can go to this website, go to the custom HTML In the right sidebar, add a widget. And I just paste it. And as I said before, Clickfunnels is doing all the hard work onto it to be prominent, the top. So now when I see this over here, we have our first way to monetize our website become an affiliate of a programme you like, or actually prefer that you love it. And now when people go to my website, and let's say 1000 people per day, come over here, and 10 people per day, click over here. Now, if there's 10, people, three, three people buy this, then three people will pay $20, I only get one dollars, but then people get linked to their marketing funnels, like getting emails and all that stuff. And then they try to teach resave it, they want people to buy Click Funnels, and when they buy Click Funnels, I get $40 per month, per user. So if one person per day would buy this, I would make $4 per day. But every month, so after 30 days, okay, let's say 10 people per month will buy Click Funnels to me, so times $40, because I get $40 commission per month. So every month, that's $400. But since they paid every month, the month, the second month, 800, the third month is $1,200. And that way you can grow your passive income stream and Clickfunnels is a great programme to promote because the software is nice. And they they help people to become better at selling stuff on the internet. So yeah, that's what you can promote this. What I do is sometimes people buy this through my links. That's nice. Yes, I hope I made that clear. So our first way to make money. Of course, there are more ways we're going to talk about that. But right now, I think it looks nice. This looks nice. This looks nice. Okay, here's further from the future with my website already almost finished. Or I want to show you, since I have a lot of posts with hashtags. Here's a hashtag, here's a hashtag, I can have a hair stick out in my sidebar here at the right or at the left, how can I do that I go to the widgets. And I have to say WordPress is updated. So right now, our widgets over here are the parents widgets look a little bit different. But we still can do the same thing. So what I can do, I can click on the plus, then I can search for hash tech people hashtag so I can decide at the right sidebar, to please the hashtags. So let me go back. Ash, click on it. There we go. Community hashtags, I can also say most used use hashtags, I can limited to 12 it can be clouds can be listed can be mixed. I like the clouds. So let me show you an example if I go to peep, so I go to the demo website. And I login. Over here, going to the hashtags. I see there's over here and the more one is used, the bigger it will be displayed over here. And when I click on it, I see all the posts with that certain hashtag. And that the way you can search for certain things in the stream. And that is good for a search results within Google. So sort of by name, I say update. I refresh the page. And I scroll down and here I see the most used hashtags. So if I would search for free value, I see all posts which that with the hashtag free fail you. So if you want to use that Be my guest I will not use it so I can remove it over here remove the block update and now it is gone in 60 seconds. So when people add images, we can do that now over here. So I can add a photo so okay, what I will say I have been to a robot with my wife and my son. It was amazing. Look at this. I can click over here. I want to add a photo or multiple photos. I can click here to start uploading photos. And then I want to go to am servants that come and grab these images over here because that was everything about the vacation in Aruba and look at this. They will be added like that I can say is the order. And then I'm like, Okay, that's it. Post, I can tag people, I can give my post a feeling, I can make it visible to only friends, so only my friends can see this. Now when I click over here I can edit the caption, my son when he was five months old, save it. And now people can like it. Write a comment. You see, it looks similar to Facebook. And we can navigate with our arrows or over here by clicking here. But also with the arrows on our keyboard, it was an amazing vacation, my son was five months old, look at how smart he was. And we wanted to do something crazy for once Buka expensive hotel, take the best room. And I had a great time with this. So as you see, it starts to look better and better. Ferdy Korpershoek uploaded seven photos just now to the public. And we can like it. We can comment on it. And we can reply to those comments and see every message over here has some space between it, I think it all looks beautiful. And the only thing we need to do is fill this with great content. And that's what we are doing right now. Sorry, I'm making the screen a little bit lighter. And since we have done that, we can go back to the widgets. And then we can scroll down and search for we can do two things, we can show my photos. So PeepSo photos, at the left. My Photos limited 12th. Hide one empty, showed on the top. And now if I refresh the page, we see my photos, all the photos I have uploaded. But what we also can do besides latest member, we can also decide to show the latest images. So right now it's about my photos. But um, let's see audio or video widget at the right sidebar at it. Sometimes you just need to try out this is again my media. So it can be images and videos. I want to delete it when I don't use it. I am searching for the latest photos. So maybe this one, I think I just use it Yes, so um, let me see. Maybe he'll make it a bit smaller, I can see all the complete titles of the widgets, heaps of community audio, and video while I'm searching for a community, but then the photos Yes, there it is. So I prefer to put things for the community at the right things for myself here at the left. Somehow, it's my preferred app, but it's just my how I work how I think. But it's not the right or wrong. So you can place it at the right or at the left wherever you want. So right now my images will appear at the latest photos, but if I would log out. And I would log in as Dwight and I want to say I don't know depending on the image I find. So let me go to downloads I can say I've been playing around with thumb nails, which one do you prefer? When it comes to colours? Image and layouts? Question mark. Okay, so I post two pictures. While I'm logged in as DWAI truth, you see them over here. People can reply. And if I refresh the page, you see the latest photos over here so your people can see an overview of all the latest images. So if you see this one, you can click over here. Okay, interesting. And you can reply. I think birthdays is something that should not be shown right now because Dwight has no friends that has a birthday within 30 days. Oh, I need to log out again. Again, again, that's Ferdy Corp. And then add over here. Widgets, I can go to the right sidebar, with birthdays, I will bring it up top below custom HTML, I want to hide it if it's if it's empty. So when I go to Drive, by true this account, and he has no friends who had a birthday, within 30 days it will just be empty. So everything that is seen over here is relevant and not like empty, empty, empty. So if I take a look at people that are aligned, for instance, month F, or Ctrl, F online PeepSo online members, I can bring it to the right. Only show it when it is not empty when there are people online otherwise, it just looks weird. And I prefer only to do that when you have a big website with a lot of members. Otherwise, it's like there's only one person online. Okay, it's a boring website, probably there's all people can think. So show total amount members that are aligned. And I can also I want to show this one and not latest members. So so far, so goods. Okay. Let me close this for now. So let me go back to the back end to PeepSo installer. Let's see what we have installed a few minutes ago, audio video, if I go to my website over here, I can now upload audio video, I can have a text post like this, a photo, discuss that audio, we can have a URL over here, video, and a all nice. But what I don't like when I go to video, I want to upload my own recorded video. But I only can enter a URL. So as a member of this website, I don't like it. If you want to have the option to upload things, you need to get the upgraded package from Ultimate to VIP extraordinary. Now just getting up, we need to go to the settings, that was a bad joke. So we can go to PeepSo configuration. And there we can configure our website. All the red ones are general settings or settings that have everything to do with beep So and then those over here has everything to do with specific plugins. So if I go to audio and video, there are settings that are only for audio video. So right now video is enabled. But it's only enabled true embedding, so like a YouTube link. So if I would go to YouTube, and I searched for 30 WordPress. And I grabbed this link. And I base it, look at this. Really nice, nice embedding. And then I can say, what is on my mind about this video. But it's embedding, I want to upload. Thanks. So, oh, here are a few settings play in line on mobile. So do I want to have that option. And if you don't want to, you can read over here what's all about means that all mobile people can also play those videos in line in within the reason activity feed. Yes, I like that. Do I want to be able to upload audio? Well, personally, I would say no. Because why? Why would somebody upload an audio message. So when I refresh the page, I reload it this will be gone forever and ever. I click over here and now there's no audio. I've never seen a website where you can upload audio I think it's not necessary. So I turned that off over here. video uploads Hey, we checked that and now it's enabled. Then we can do a lot of complicated stuff with integration with Amazon but I don't need that. What I want to say I want to say that the output resolution should be than 80 but keep in mind the bigger this number the bigger the files on your website will become. So then it is now in our since we are watching this on the screen like this. Depending on if people make it bigger or not make it full screen. I think 720s Okay, never obstacle videos if you upload a video this to the 60 be never obstacle it to 720 only downscale it. So the word compress and the maximum file upload sales size for a video let's say 35 You can say that allow space per user. So if somebody is uploading all the time, you can say, the maximum amount, you can upload this 300 megabytes. And if you say zero, they have no limit. Do want to show thumbnails and previews, we can generate them from the poster, or we can generate an animated GIF. The output format is GIF, or GIF. That's my small group. Whatsapp group. Let me close that. Output GIF. And then over here, there's more information. It's important information. And you need to have a powerful server. Yes, save the settings. So that's all about videos. And now if I want to say something, check out this video. Now, I can click over here, I can go to video and I can upload a video with a maximum maximum file size of 35 megabytes. So I have a lot of videos over here. Okay, so super personal. Taylor Swift as soon as one it's how big is it? 288? Well, let's go to the file size, search for mp4 in Dropbox. So this one. Hi, guys, my name is Ferdy. And is my son? No, I believe. So I can click on open. And I will upload this video. Look at this. I can even have a title 30. And Noah, check out this video files uploaded. Now I need to click on Post. And it will take a few seconds or minutes to convert it. So it's really nice that PeepSo is doing that for us. It will be available in a few minutes. So that is all about videos audio. Yeah, it's not only videos because audio is removed. Sorry, nice that they changed it over here. So what else let's take a look at photos are few settings maximum uploads file size in megabytes, allowed space per user in megabytes maximum number of photos per user. So we can bring it back to a certain amount. We can resize them maximum file size. Well I can make it smaller because this is really big. So so as if I added in to 2000 by 1500. And if you want you can decrease the image quality, thumbnail quality. autoplay GIFs, yes. So GSR animated images, I save the settings. So if I would say maximum daily five, save the settings. And now I refresh the page. I want to upload a lot of images more than 512-345-6789 then I open it well probably because I'm the administrator I can do this. But if you're not, you will be limited. So let me show you something this car is the car I will be selling because it's really low Tesla Model three performance. I really like it. And this is the car I want beautiful forks waggon ID for it's higher and it's easier to put in children in six weeks, I expect to become a follower again. I'm baby Dollar Baby girl. So um, but I was talking about the limit over here of daily photos. And as I said, since I'm the administrator, I have no limits. Okay, let's take a look at the poll. So I will log out. Well, I don't need to log out I should not log out because then I cannot adjust the settings. Let's go to the settings. Note the Select balls enable users to have more than one vote in each poll. And if you're disabled users can only vote for one option in each poll. So Do other people to fill in multiple answers or only one. I want to have polls in groups allow a vote changes so they can change their vote. I don't like that and always show results. I prefer to show the results When people have given an answer, so people fill in the answer so they can see the results that will trigger people to fill in the poll. So I want to create a full, full PC or Mac or Linux or both. It's say something about spall. What do you prefer? Most? OK, nice. No votes yet. So that's about polls. Videos, polls, photos. So we have grooves and chats. Let's talk about a later what I want to do. Now I want to go to the all these settings over here before we continue. So again, here's the homepage. And what I don't like is that you see recent activity. I want to change that. So I edit this page. And I change it to affiliate marketing servants. Copy, go to the permalink there's none. Okay, update. I go to the website. And that's called affiliate marketing service. I also want to change the fav icon, can how can I do that not by going to the customizer, but by going to the dashboards. And then to appearance this customised a little bit confusing, maybe. But this is the customizer from WordPress itself. And here we can go to site identity. And we can add a site I can, I can select it, upload files, select files, and then I go to the desktop, affiliate marketing servants, and I search for the fav I can just this one. Select Skip cropping needs to be square. And now it's over here. So if I click on Publish, and I close it, I go to the website, we have our title. And our fav icon. One more thing I showed you how to remove those titles over here. manually, you can also do it for everybody by going to the customizer, this time over here that this one, they see the customizer visor, that is from deep so they can go to pixel general settings. And then we can go to General Settings, scroll up, turn off Show based on pixel pages. So if I turn this off, and I publish it, I go back to WordPress, I go back to the website. And I go to groups, it is gone. So that's also a better way to get rid of those titles over here. Let's go back to the homepage. So in order to go to the configuration settings, we go to the back end to PeepSo configuration. And now we see all the basic configurations over here. And then here are the configurations based on the tools we use. So we use a chat, plugin groups, photos, etc. If we want to, we can make it look bigger. So we see all the names, I like to keep it like this. And here are a few descriptions. So here I see a description of this option. And if I turn it off, it will be turned off over there. I like to keep it like this. So let's start with the general options. Over here at activity, hide activity stream for non logged in users. So if I open this page in an incognito window, do I see this error? Yeah, I see it. So if I hide it, refresh this page, you will not see this anymore. And if you turn it on, it will hide the activity string from not login user. So you will not see that stream anymore. And they will reposts what does it mean? If I save it, and I open the website and I see a post I like I can repost it. But I personally prefer not to use it. So I turn this off. I think I can also turn this off. And they will post updates upon user after change. What does it mean? If that is turned on and I will change my avatar or my cover image it will be displayed over here in the activity feed. I don't want that. If I have if I go live with this website and get a lot of visitors over here. If you turn it on, that means if you change the cover photo in the image over here, everybody will see all those changes over here. I personally prefer not to have that Let's scroll down. We don't use this, the amount of comments to be shown. So right now if I scroll down all the way, I see this post, and then I see two comments. If I say, another comments, I post it. And I refresh the page. And I say, another comments again. And I refresh the page, then it displays only two colons. And it says one more comment. And if you click on that, then you see all the comments. So you can decide how many comments By default, you want to display, how many more able to show, and people click on show more. The same goes for pin posts. So if I would be in this as an administrator, that means it will be ultimately on top over here, it's nice line stroke around it border, they can also say how it should look. So I can say Show All Comments, five. And if I refresh the page, you see all the comments at once. I bring this back to two, and I unpin. This when you click on read more, so when there's a long message, you can click on read more, they see the rest of the text, and from 2000 characters, when you click on read more, you go to a different page that only displays that sort of post. reporting out, I really like this option, because when you start a community, especially around affiliate marketing, people sometimes want to spend their affiliate links, and I don't want that. So what I can do, I can enable reporting. And when I know that two people report it the post, it will immediately be re be removed. So and I get an email. And I can also add different people. So if you have someone else that's taking care of your website, you can leave their email address over here. I save it. So now when I refresh this page, I can go to do I choose this post, it's his birthday, by the way today. Excited for him a, I can say okay, this goes too far, I can report it. And I can have the reasons over here are I don't like Dwight. So if someone else will do the same thing, and two people will before this, it will be taken offline automatically. So those are the basic settings, or beep. So let's go to the second one appearance, default sorting. So if I go to the website, and I go to members over here, I see the most recent ones. If I want to I can change it to alphabetical latest members most likes I like to use it looked like to use the reason once No no no. Leaders members. And then again, I need to save it. Okay, users can hide from the user listing so users can hide over here. No, I want everybody to be part of this area that everybody can be seen. Allow guest accounts to member Listen, know, only show members when something is searched? Nope. Allow searching using your emails. No, I don't want that. The user profiles right now. We see their full names Charles Braden, Denzel Washington, I can also change it to first name. If I save it. And I refresh it. I only see the first names of everybody. So I only see that it's the birthday of Dwight. I prefer the full name. You can also say first name and the last name initial. So one letter if the last name or by the user name. I like to use the full name. And you can decide that users can override a setting. So if they want to, they can show different than what I like to give you with a real name. So I don't turn this on. People can delete their own profile if they want to. I turn it off for now. Profile likes. So if I go to the profile of Dwight, I can see the views but I can also like this. I see no reason why I wanted. Well, somebody some people can feel good. But I turned off profile view counts. Well, that's what is seen over here. It's up to you. You can turn it off. You can make it hidden so only you as administrators see it. Only the site members will see it or it's hidden. I like to I get to be only bcmy always linked to a PCO profile. So wherever you are in the website, when you click on a name, you go to that profile and use its own names everywhere. Well I'm not sure if I understand what this means. So I will leave it as it is. Right now, when I go to a profile, since I'm the administrator, I can change I can change after. Right now we use the beep So avatars, so not from WordPress, not from Gravatar. Actually this one, so I leave it as it is, if you want to change it, you can do that over here. Default avatars generate name based avatar. So there are two new people over here. How should they be shown? Right now you see a colour and a letter, I can change the background to very light, I can change the colour also here to white. So it looks like that. I can have a grayscale background. I save it. If you want to, you can use full colours by default to full full covers the full cover displays only in the header of the stream section. So it depends you can change the size of a cover depending on which page you are, I leave it as this. You can make it compatible with Divi Builder if you use that. And then over here, we have general options. So right now, I see this bar because I'm the administrator, but the users that log in don't see that they see this area over here. But you can combine this area with this one. So people see the stop bar, and they can show notifications in the WP toolbar. This is the WP toolbar or disable the PeepSo navigation bar. Or replace wordpress admin navigation bar. Well, I leave it as this. I can use absolute days. So right now if I go to the homepage, I see it six days ago that I wrote this. Was that a scheduled post I can also say always use the exact date. So now you won't see six days ago years ago, but you will see July the eighth. You say only when it's all done in 24 hours, you will see the absolute date. I say never. So it's relative always relative the date formats. Jul 15. Perfect. I can show to beep. So Power BI pico link. I don't want that. You can make use of hover cards and I tried to play around with it. I see no results. I think it's not that important. This is important. Let's talk about when people want to sign up. So I open this in an incognito window. And this won't be we'll see Get Connected come and join our community, expand your network and get to know new people. Join us now it's free Oracle login. So that's for people that watch this website for the first time without being a member. And we can customise over here. So I can say learn or affiliate. Oh, what am I doing? Affiliate marketing community learn how to make money. Without? No no how to learn how to make money, well, helping others on our auto pilot. Join us now. Join us. Now something like that. We can change the image, I select a new image, upload a foul. I select the foul. And I choose. This one is the stock image from a stock tossed around or nine or 27 euros I think dollars. I think it pays off to have professional images. So now if I save the settings, and I opened this website in an incognito window. It looks like that affiliate margin community. And I think if I turn this off, it will get more users. So I turned that off over here. Hide it. I save it. I refresh it. It's nice see nothing over here. And people can sign up like this. Well, let's do that. So I choose a new email address. No no, I need to join now. My username will be for the crop by email info at 30 Corp. Oh Ferdy info at Ferdy password and then are the questions we talked about before affiliate marketing experience. I'm in the beginner. What is your goal with affiliate marketing to make 1000s of dollars per month. Be specific Okay, $10,000 per month, within 14 months from now, register. So this is the process what happens, your account has been created an activation link has been sent to the email address you provided. To be honest guys, my best friend gave me a six pack with beer, I do not drink beer that much. And now I'm drinking beer, because it was the only thing in the in the fridge. I'm halfway through, I think even further and I, I have the idea that my tongue is slipping a little bit more than normal. So maybe if I take a second there, it will become better. Now, probably not. That's the reason why I should not do this anymore when I create tutorials. So over here, affiliate marketing servants learn how to make money online hello for the court. Welcome to the fleet marketing, blah, blah, blah, I need to verify my email by clicking here. And then I am logged in as a new user. Awesome. Let's go back to the settings. Let's go to the third step accounts and security. We can disable the PeepSo registration, I leave it as this. And we can redirect WordPress registrations to beep. So to the peep toe. For me just solve. When I registered Well, I leave them both turned off, repeat email fields, I just had to repeat my email fields in order to make sure I have no errors in my email address. And I can also decided I as an administrator also need to configure need to confirm people before they are confirmed on my website. While I leave this off force SSL on registration page. Well, I don't need that because it's always already secure. And then over here, I can skip the email verification, that means when people sign up, they automatically become a member, I leave it turned off, because people need to confirm the email address. And when they're confirmed to where should they go to the homepage. I can work with terms and conditions. And when I turn this on, turn it on, I need to add those over here. And also create a page for it and LinkedIn over there. I think that's better. So I need to create two pages, I can do it like this old grant. Terms and conditions, base it Publish. And then the second one, privacy policy. New beach basics. Okay, now, when I would save the settings, I can go over here. And I can send this one to the terms and conditions. And this one to the privacy policy. Let me save it again. So now, when I would register Join us now or register, I need to agree with the terms and conditions. If I click over here, go to that in a new tab and the privacy policy. And I need to check those both before I can register. When people do not activate their account after they register it, they did not confirm that link, then I will send it every 24 hours for 30 times because I don't want to lose them. If they registered, I want them to confirm their email. If they do not do that after three times, I will not send it again and they probably will not become a member. But if you turn it off the whole formation thing. And people can sign up leave a different email address. Knowing I can become a member without leaving my email address and I want to have their email address, we can use reCAPTCHA to make sure no robots will become a member. I can change the password length to a minimum of 10 characters password reset delay. So when they reset the password, they get it after 30 seconds. Otherwise and both can also play around that. Again, security check remember me, I prefer that so that when they log in once it will be remembered require an email to login. Now they can use your username or they can use their email. I don't do this security in caching. I leave though as it is and profile force profile completion. That's what I prefer. Allow username changes, people can change their username and clean up third party registrations from WooCommerce and other tools while I turn it off because I want to use WooCommerce in my website and I want to use the learned, so I don't do that. I click on save the settings, and I go to stream posts. By default, if I place a new post, by default, it will be displayed to the public. If I try to change it to only me, that will be weird. I default only sending messages through yourself. But hey, you can do that. And when you do that, look at this. It's only focused on me, so I turn it back to public. So everybody will see by default, unless you decide to change over here to only show things to your friends. Post length maximum of 4000 characters, when people edit their own posts, so when I would edit one of my posts, yeah. And I update it, it will say that it is updated. Because I said, So over here, displayed a few counts, you can turn it on. And then you can see how many views every post has I turned it off, allow non admins to schedule posts. So that means that if you're not a administrator, but just a member of the website, you can decide to schedule something for a certain time. I don't like that. So I turn it off. And who can post in my profile. So if I go to certain profile, who can leave a post over there? I would say only me, the profile owner, lets users override the setting no links and embeds open all links in new tab. Yes, so I click on a certain link on the home page, for instance, or anywhere, I open it in a new tab. That's what I prefer. Otherwise, they go from my website, and I want them to be on my website. Hide URL if there is no other text. So if you only want to embed a YouTube video, so Go Pro Hero. I copy this link, and I only base it and then I post it then they can remove this text this this link. So hide era if there's no other text. So now, if I will do it again, you will not see this trim links down. So if I send something to Ferdy Korpershoek COMM forward slash how to make a WordPress website and I copy this link, and I paste it I will only see this area over here says we'll trim it down. If you turn it on, you can hide as well these days, yes, mandatory. So I turn that off, I want to s3 visible. Link previews load link preview. So if I play something again, so I refresh the page. Oh, let me go to the homepage. So when I placed this link over here, my posts it shows this area over here. And this logo, what should be shown while the link preview should be shown, you can prefer a smaller thumbnail. So this area will be smaller. Allow non SSL preview. So if a website is not secure, should this still be shown? For sure previews with images. So if there are more images on this page, you can navigate through those if you turn it on, fallback to IMG tag. So if there is no image over here, it will fall back to a certain default image. And refresh previews. No, that means if I change this page on my website every 15 minutes it will check if there's a new image Well, I say no to that. WordPress embeds. If a thumbnail is resized, I would keep it with 1500. And do I want to display a location using Google Maps API? Three? No. Do I want to enable moods? So if I play something, I can say how I'm feeling and Can I mention other people? So I can say Dwight, let's say at twice Dwight. This is something you will like and that's why you can mention other people say the settings let's go back up over your hashtags. They will hashtags. So if I edit this I can have the hashtag WordPress hashtag tutorial And then that way, I can use hashtags, updates post count every in every tech every 60 minutes. Yes, in advance allow non alpha numeric hashtags. While it's advanced, I leave it as it is. So let's go to the next one mark down. markdown says over here. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. So what it means if people use those estimates over here, you can make your text bold, if you want to have inline code, use those things over here. If you don't have something, strike true, use those. So people can use that now to enable in the posts in the comments in the group discussions, and in the group rules, I say the setting. So let's test it. If I want to have a bold text, I copy this over here, I go to the website, I refresh the page. This is a this is not bold. And this is bold. So if I posted it is bolt. So that is what it means with mark down in markup. There's markup and there's mark down and there's mark, left and Mark, right. Let's go to the blog posts. And since we don't have blog posts yet, I will skip this for now. And we go to notifications. I close this and this. Do I want to have on site notification previews? Yes. Notifications has everything to do with this area over here? And what kind of notifications do I want to have my website? When Shabbat is somebody get a post, or I mean, a notification on the website or on the email? Well, there's a quite big list and you can decide for everything that's to be done. It's nice to send people an email when something goes on on the profile or something that has something to do with them. But they get emails for everything. They can become frustrated with the website. So choose carefully. I personally I turn on all the on site notifications, and then I turn on a lot of them for email. If somebody liked my comments, I don't think you should receive an email. But if somebody replied, Yes, somebody shared your post know if somebody liked your profile? No. Yes. So you can decide for yourself what you want to do over here, how should those emails look, the name of the website and then community? Well, I already have community in my name, I think so I don't use it or I say email sender, affiliate marketing community. And I would definitely choose a admin email that is related to this website. Otherwise, I get all the replies to those emails in my info at Ferdy Korpershoek inbox, and that makes it a little bit a crowded place. And it's already quite crowded. You can override all the settings over here with a text over here, but I'm okay with this. save the settings. Okay. Edits emails, well, go ahead and take a look at what you want to change this one, there's a new user, Hello, welcome to site, click on this link, verify your email once approved to be notified and then be able to log in and participate. Thank you. Cheers 30. We look forward to see you on our website. And you can do that with all those emails over here. When somebody changes something, when a user likes a comment when there's a wall post, so it's up to you to adjust it. I scroll down all the way to save it. And then we go to advanced. I leave this as it is you can take a look into this if you want to social sharing. Do you want to be able to share profiles of his website on your own social media? Yeah, why not? And which social networks should be available. I think they're all great GDPR compliance enable it. You can turn this on so it will help peep so to see how people navigate through the website and then it can help them to become make the website or make the tool better. It can block each other so that means that that other person cannot see their profile anymore, but the more people you block, the slower the website becomes. So it's up to you if you want to do this and they will know more You can see everywhere. So people can click a little more or a little more automatically, right? Like, like this, I prefer that. So I say, No. You can turn on this cache busting, I turn it off the avatar size for all storage, the quality of the Avatar, the higher it is, the better the quality, but also the more storage you need for your website. And they will External links. So if you send somebody to an external link, for instance, to this website, and you click on it, it will give you warning, are you sure you want to go to this website? If you turn it on, you can exclude certain domains. And you can turn on PeepSo debug log and show developer tools. I don't do that. And this is something you can take a look at I do not use it, I do not exactly understand it. So if you want to do something with that, go ahead. And then navigation. The homepage can be the front page. You can change all these things over here. You can or by default, it's correct. So I see no reason why you want to change this. What should people go do when they log in, or when they log out, I will redirect them to the front page all the time. So when they log in, they go to the front page. And when they log out, they go to the front page. Okay, and then we have those settings that are related to those tools. And now, I want to go through all the extra things we can do. So I think what we have so far over here, it looks amazing. I want to go for Instagram so people can log in using their Instagram accounts are registered with their Instagram account, and they're already logged in at Instagram. So it will become a much easier task for them. So I go to the backend. Then I go to PeepSo installer. Then we scroll down. And here at integrations we see social login and infant tations. I click on instal. And then I click on Activate. Now if we scroll down, it is activated. Great. Now we can go to social login by beep. So now we can select multiple providers. Well, we can use Facebook, for instance. And we can use Twitter, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn. So depending on where your audience is, I think mine is on Instagram. I want to go for Instagram. So what I need to do, I need to go to forward slash apps. I have a few apps already. I want to create a new one. And I need to select an app type we need to scroll down, click on none, I can imagine it looks a little bit overwhelming. Just follow the steps. And you should be on your way. Continue. Over here. I need to give this a name. So I say affiliate marketing servants munity. My email address so people can reach out to me, Do I have a business manager while I seem to have one or even three, I select it. You can leave this empty. By the way, if you want to click on create an app. It's a little bit too long. I need to re enter my password. Res and I can choose a product. So I scroll down and I search for Instagram basic display. I click on Setup. See some explanation. And I want to go to settings. Basic. Okay, so I need to do a few things over here. Oh, the app, the app ID is created the app secret also the display name also the namespace I call this one affiliate marketing servants, login Insta. And the domain really important. What is the domain? It is in my case. This one my contact email my privacy policy URL if you don't have that yet. You can just use your own domain which you use over here. The app icon you can have an icon if you want to. You can choose a category. It's about community and government. It's not about government but it's about quantity. I do this for myself. I need to start the verification process. I want to save the changes first. I can either have uppercase letter so I say a MC login. Save the changes Okay, brought up again. And they need to have no capitals and a different last name. And it's already used. So I say AMC login deep. So I save the changes, I think nobody will have that name. Okay, I scroll down, I need to fill in some details. Optional is the name so I say Ferdy Like a street. Slice, Zod, Mt 3144. BM in the Netherlands save the changes. Okay, so far, so good. I click on Add a platform to go for a website. The euro area of the website is this one. Save the changes. There we go to the left to Instagram basic display, click over here create a new app. Click on create app over here. They get three URLs. If we scroll down over here, what we need to do is to grab our domain name. And then type in forward slash WP dash login dot PHP. copy it, paste it over here and paste it over here. Save the changes. Now what we need to do, we need to go to our website. Paste the ID over here. Copy it, I paste it. And then I go to the Instagram app secrets and paste it over here. I scroll down and I save it. Okay, I want to dismiss this message. And I go to Appearance Widgets. That is scroll down and I search for social login. Me see the more plugins I installed the more you see over here. So here it is social login. And to bring it to I can bring it to the sidebar left at the widget. Okay, title, login, login with Instagram and of course you can have more options. But I decided to go with Instagram. Okay, done. Now let's drag it on top. Yes, it's saved. Let me go to the website in a new tab. Okay, I don't see it. So if I would open it in an incognito window, it will say login with Instagram, I click over here, it's contacting Instagram accepts all the cookies. And it doesn't work why we need to switch something on, I need to click over here. I need to switch the mode. Yes, so now it's life. Now I go back over here I go to the website. I'm not logged in, because I want to log in using Instagram. So login with Instagram, I click over here. And it says there's an error. So what I will do, I will go over here to the settings basic. And then I scroll down. All the verified is clicking here. You need to verify this with a business account. Otherwise it will not work. Then you need to fill in a lot of information over here. I select my business, check all the information. And we have fill in all this information, verified your email address and your website, then your account will become active. Okay, it's successfully submitted. Now I need to wait for a while before it's verified. And then it should work out we'll be back with you to show you how to go. It's a few days later, I am accepted at the Facebook developer area. So let's try to login again. And now look at this. I'm logged in. So if I go to my profile, fetches some information from my Instagram accounts, here at the boats but every not everything, so I need to complete it. It fetches my name, last name, gender, birthday and by default said I'm, I'm a beginner, I want to become an advanced. So there's some information I yet need to fill in but isn't a great job. For me, it is what's the hardest part of the tutorial, making sure everything works. If you somehow do not get what I get, you get stuck, feel free to reach out at PeepSo and then scroll down, go to my tickets. And here, they helped me over here. So you can open a new ticket and let them know where it gets stuck. And they are able to help you. That's how I got helped. So in that way, you can use Instagram, but also Facebook, they're still expanding it. So there's still more ways to have social login. And then that way people don't have to register, just click on button, and then they're registered automatically using Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or something else. Right now we have one place in the website, our stream where all the discussions are going on all the bowls, everything that everybody shares, comes on that page of what if you want to make structure in our website, bring some structure into it by creating groups, you can have a group about affiliate marketing with WordPress, you can have a group about affiliate marketing with YouTube. And thing you will do when you create a group it will create their own stream. So we can talk about specific things in groups. And let me show you how we're gonna create groups and how we're gonna I'll figure it out right now. I already see it over here, we can go to groups, and we can add groups. Right now on our homepage, we have a beautiful overview with the latest things that are placed on our website is our feed. But if you have 1000 members and this is the only feed they have, it can become quite unorganised. And we don't like that. I don't like it. But I think you also do not like it. So what we can do, we can split our websites into multiple groups. So my website, my community is about affiliate marketing. But you can do affiliate marketing using WordPress using YouTube using advertisements. So what we can do, we can create groups. And in those groups, you can have your own feeds, and you can segment your website into certain subjects. So if I go to groups, I can create a group is that for everybody? Well, let me show you if I go to Safari. And I am logged in as DVI truth, I can go to groups. And I can also create a group. So if I click there, I can say this group is for affiliate marketing with worth press. And I can say learn how to make money online using a web sites, I can say that this group is for everybody, everybody can join, or it's a private group. And it says users need to be invited or request group membership and be accepted. non members can only see the group's about page. So it's a little bit more private, as it says. And then the secret, nobody will see it. And you can only be part of the group by personal infiltration. So I say set it to open, I create the group. And I can upload an image of the group. And since it's about WordPress, I go to my desktop, search for WordPress, this image over here I got this from Pixabay. It's free, you can use it. I upload it as the editor and as the cover image. And now I can do whatever I want to do. So I can say ask all your questions that are worth ress and affiliate marketing related. I click on post. So this is a group. So if I go to all the groups, we see this group over here. So if I go to my administrator account, and I refresh the page, I see this group over here and it has one member, I can click on more. And I see who's the owner, I see the date this will start us and I can join if I click on that I become a member at once because it is a an open group. I can reply over here. Awesome man. Wide, wide Why'd and now I can go to YouTube. I can search for affiliate marketing 30. I grab the link of this video. I can face it over here. Like I say, what is your best resource How to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing and a website. This is mine, let me know, we will I got an email, I don't, I hope it does not distract you too much. So I placed something in this group in the affiliate marketing group. So if I go to the homepage, I see it over here Ferdy Korpershoek, from the affiliate marketing with WordPress groups, and that way, it's a little advertisement for this group, because now can people click, I can click over here, and they can become interested. So this is an open group. People can place things, I go to the backend, I go to PeepSo configuration. And then over here, we can go to groups. I can enable or disable group creation. So I can also turn this off. And then only I, as an administrator can create new groups, but not other people. Sometimes people create groups. And they use it as a tool to promote their own stuff. So if you think that can be the case, you can turn it off. And then you're the only one that can create a new group, I turn around for now. And they will post updates upon groups after change. So when the gravatar is changed, or the the cover image, should there be an update? No, I don't think it should be is necessary. Okay, new members post to stream when joining. So should somebody on the homepage when I talk about defede. It's also called the string should be appearing over here that somebody joined the group. I disable it as medically, subscribe, new members to notifications. So when you become a member of the group, get automatically get a notification when something is happening in that group. I turn it on or I leave it on group listing. So we have the groups over here. So the group listing is over here, show the owner, do I truth? Show the creation dates over here. If I turn that off, allow guest access? No, because if you do that, then everybody can see the content, I want people to become a member of the group default sorts recently added. So if I go to all the members who see who is the newest member, so I like it. And single column view that can be an option enable or disable single column view on the group listing. If you turn it on, you save the changes. You click over here. Click on the members look like this. I see no difference. I turn it off. I save the settings. And I refresh it. What I do I play around with these tools that I make tutorials about sometimes I do not exactly see what something means. So I tried to think what it could mean. And sometimes I found out I don't know. So I don't know what it means. Then there's categories enable group categories, users will be able to assign groups to categories. If you want to you can turn it on. You can have default categories. I don't use it. I think it will make my website a little bit messy. Then there's category listing. How many groups do you want to show in each category? Well, since we do not use it, I leave it off. But if you want to dive deeper into subjects, you can go to beep sodas COMM And then you scroll down, you'll go to the documentation. And as far as for group, get grease you see something over here, managing group categories, and then with images. You can see what is possible SEO use slugs in group URLs, yes. Because if I go to this group, there's a stream. I see groups over here and then affiliate marketing with WordPress. So I want to keep that on. Don't change the slugs. Adding group posts add comments only group owners or also managers or also moderators who can do that. I leave them on and then as far as been to top only inside groups, so if I think this message is so amazing, it should be pinned to the top and over here in this group it has been to the top but if I go to the homepage is also pinned to the top. If I turn this on, then it will not be pinned to the top anymore over here but only within the group. Refresh and as not spend any more force unique names to have the same name. So two times affiliate marketing with WordPress, only one can be the case, replace invite would add for admins. So I can just click on a button and add someone to the group. Email admins when a new group is graded. Yes, definitely, because I can see what kind of group it is if it's not spam, show membership summary for group names on the stream. Well, it's explained over here, I turn it off. So I click on save the settings. So we only created one group, and everybody can see that but what if we create a group over here? Or by the way, over here, or over here? What if we create a group for sort of math people? So I call this a private group. This is very private. I change the privacy to private, I create this group I can change the avatar. So let's grab this guy, or is he I stuck it is one. Done and the avatar so this is the private group Okay, awesome. So I as an administrator, I will see two groups. So if I go to groups, as an administrator, I see everything looks like this. Here. See, it's private, if I would log in as do I truth and I go to the groups I do see it. But I also see it's private. And over here. I had to join here I need to request to join so you see the group but you need to request access pending approval. So now over here I will see the Dwight Schrute requested to join your group. And I think you know what, Dwight? I've liked you since I met you 25 years ago we're so young and I accept you and now Dwight gets the message that he's accepted to the group so in this private group, do I can share things thank you for adding me Yeah, why not? Why not show this image post Okay, that was the second group now let's go for the third group groups create a group but this time it is a secret group Wow. Very secret so only for people that bought a course for instance so I will have an affiliate marketing course and those people get access to the secret VIP group for affiliate marketing course owners or users members whatever only for a VIP affiliate marketing course owners. So it is secrets create the group and since it's about affiliate marketing, this time I will use this button or this image dumb for editor sorry to cover same thing open it and there it goes. How much money do you make per month copy bow option to one to two two till five five till 10. Plus, okay, that's it. Post it's so in the secret group from people that bought my course, I can have this poll and now If I go to Dwight Schrute, who is not a member, and he goes to the groups, he does not even see the group, look at this, it's not there. And if I, as an administrator go to the groups, I do see it, because I'm the administrator. And that is why it is called a secret VIP group or a secret group. So I can follow and be notified. So whenever something happens over here, I get a notification. And I want that because I'm the administrator. And I want to see what's going on in this group. So let me go to this group. You see to stream all all the updates, we see the settings, we can adjust it, we see the amount of members can see overview of all the images, all the videos. So when I have videos, that will be shown over here, I can also watch it like this large thumbnails small thumbnails. So that's it about groups. From this moment on, there will be a small shift in the way we approach this tutorial. What we'll do from now on, we will expand our website with more and more functionalities, I think we laid a great foundation, what we have so far is amazing. And now we can add jet functionalities JIFFies a lot of different things, but maybe you don't need all those things. So from this point on, I will talk subject by subject about all the additions that are, are above most of them. And then you can decide what you want to add in your website. If you want to you can go to the timestamps in the description of this video to go to a certain part of the tutorial if you want to add a specific thing. And now let's start with the chat plugin how to add it and how to configure it. And now I want to take a look at all the additions you have over here. So right now we have taken a look at the groups. We already discussed photos, polls and videos. Let's take a look at the chat option. So messages enable read notifications. So if I turn this on, and I send a message, somebody gets a notification that there is a new message. If you turn this off, which is the originally the case, I will get a notification over here. So let me send a message to Dwight Dwight, how are you doing? I want to send you a message. I say Hey, drive. How are you? Doing question mark, enter. There it goes. Now go to Safari where I'm logged in as white. I see nothing yet. Or it will refresh automatically. Yes, it will. Over here it comes. Hey, Dwight, how are you doing? Hey, Ferdy. Nice to hear from you. I am doing fine. How about you? And how is Emma? Say hi to her from me. Okay, it's sent. So it becomes blue and sent. Otherwise it's a little bit greyish. So I go back, and I have a nice conversation with myself. I just wait a few seconds, I'm doing my thing over here, just going through the website. Having fun, nice, hey, I have a notification of blah, blah. And now over here, I get a message back. I will take care. So that's how you can send messages. And what can we can do over here. We can turn off the chats, we can mute this conversation. So I get no notification when there's a new update from Dwight, I can view the full conversation or I can block to user. So if I click over here, I see our messages over here and I can go back to the messages. And here I would see an overview with all my messages. So that's what you can do with messages. But you also can do you can send a message to multiple people by clicking over here. Messages. I hope I pronounced the Right, right. New message. And I want to send this to Freddie crop and to Dwight Of course one of my besties to enter she there Hannington Mandy, also Josh, you should be there. Sorry, Josh. And I say hi guys. How about we start our own social media upside, not this one, and start to make money like crazy. So I send it to those four people. Awesome. And now if I go to do i truth and I reply, sounds good. I can add an image Look at this weirdo. Uh huh. Now I hear that Do you hear that sound, I get those sounds when I get a new message. So that's a good thing. Because if you're over here on the social media website, or you go to a different website, you can hear a message. So that's really nice. And everybody in this group gets it. And also here are options. I can view the conversation, I can turn off the chat and mute a conversation. So in that way, you can send messages to multiple people. Okay, what is next? Let's go to the installer. We talked about chat, friends, audio, video groups, photos, bowls, how about our friends, our friends. So what you can do with that, let's instal this, you can set people on a list. And that will make them friends with everybody that is new in this community. So if I would go to the configuration, I will see it over here. It's new auto friends. So if I say 30 should be another list for the corp. He's on the list. He only has one friends, what I can do, I can do two things I can be friends, all the users in one click, and now he has 14 friends. I save it, I can remove him from the list. But since he is on his list, he will become friends with everybody that signs up. And that can be handy for administrators. So you become a member of this website, new member and your whole idol. Your whole favourite person in the world is Ferdy Korpershoek from the YouTube channel. And he has his own social media website. And he will sign up because you want to learn about everything has to teach you the first friends who get his 30 CORBA. Souk. How great is that? Well, that's an option over here. And I think it can be very encouraging. And it also shows you that this guy is willing to help you. So somebody signs up for these are friends, and you can send them a message you can become, I don't know, acquainted with each other with each other. And that's what you can do with auto friends, not every plugin is really in depth, which is great, because then it will save me some time to show it to you and I will save you some time. So that's the auto friends. So I want to go through all of them. Not all in detail. Some are a little bit more complicated, so you can better follow a separate tutorial about that I don't want it to be six hours. So Email Digest, instal now, with email digests, you can send people that are not active on your website, and email with everything that's going on. So I go to the configuration. I go to email digests, and what I can say over here, I can turn it on, Send Email Digest to emails to users that are inactive for more than three days. You can say seven days or I don't know, whatever you want to do. How often should you send, you know, digest emails to be sent? Well, I want to send it every Friday at six, no, no, no, no, no, no, no at 5pm because then it's time for the weekend. And then you get this email, you're like, hey, let's learn something about affiliate marketing in my case. So every Friday at 5pm, it will be sent to all the people and when people are inactive for three days, they also get an email digests a really great way to keep people connected with your website, which are social media website. This is okay, I'll leave it as this the title. I don't want this to be long title. So I say affiliate marketing, servants email, digest, something like that. I can use images. And also here you can see an example beep. So let's come go to the ultimate bundle. And then we can then we can scroll down. And we search for Email Digest, then you go to the right place on the website from PeepSo. And we'll show you what's possible. And this is how it looks. So with images with the most commented posts of popular posts, most liked posts and then that way people can stay connected, you can change the activity. There's so much you can do. And people can also opt out if they don't want to receive those emails anymore. So it's all set up automatically. You don't have to create a new email every week. No, it's all on autopilot. How many posts should be included per email and all these settings you can take a look at them. I think they are fine. By default people are subscribed over here and then they can unsubscribe if they want to. And when I'm finished with all the settings I say the settings so far, so goods then I go to the installer. I scroll down, and I see user limits. I want to instal this. And I want to activate it. How about we go to the configuration to the new tap user limits? Okay, allow disallow registrations from certain email domains. So everybody at Gmail cannot be a member, for instance. But that can be turned off. So it's a lot of things to restrict visitors from becoming a member, or from spamming or whatever, allow only select a domain. So I can say only people that have a Gmail account can become a member. I don't want that. So I leave this empty, hide users from listings. So if I hide administrators from these things, and I save it over here, if I would go to members, I will not see Ferdy Korpershoek anymore, because we just said that we do not see, we hide an administrators from all listings. So if you want to do that, you can do that over here. What I prefer, is hired users. Based on a profile completeness, I want people to have a complete profile. So if I go to dry truth, I go to his profile of this image, but I mean, yeah, his profile, then he see, I see three required fields are missing. So his profile is 37% complete, I don't want that. I don't want to see this, or this or this. So what I can do with this plugin, I can say based on the profile completeness of at least 80% You will be shown so if it's if it's profiles, not 80%, he will not be shown in the listings, or users who did not upload an avatar. So if I turn those two on 80%, and this, that means that everybody does that does not have a avatar will be hidden from all the listings. So disable new posts, people that have no complete profile cannot play something in the website or based on the avatar. So if I do those 100% and based on the avatar for disabled comments, disable reactions, people can do nothing until they have an avatar not for now I will turn off the avatar, I want to focus on one half chance completion of their profile, I scroll down and I save it. That means that Dwight Schrute needs to complete let me go to Dwight, he needs to complete his profile. Look at this. You see over here what he needs to do. So right now he can do nothing. So what I will do I divide this a men male. This is a beginner make per month. Save it, save it and save it. So 57% 75 I mean, about I am a nice guy. Our website is Dwight 123 dot com. And look at this, ladies and gentlemen, we achieved our 2% I think everything so if I go to the homepage, now I can say what is on my mind. So that's why you have this plugin. So people that do not have a complete account cannot be participating in his website. And another way you motivate people to get a profile, one option because I really don't like this. No images, it just looks stupid. So that's what you can do with this plug in. And here's the same thing you can take a look at groups just disable to join groups when you're not at 100% when you're not at 100% and we are not at 100%. So people need to have a complete profile or almost complete or they need to become a be an editor or an author before they can be participate thing in certain areas of the website. And one more thing, I want to make sure that everybody that has no upload of Avatar, another access to anything. So based on Avatar based on Avatar I can also copy this command C one f one V, okay, click one F, click, call F, click, when f click 14 times. save the settings. So anyone who has not upload an avatar and do nothing when in his website, let me show you that. I removed the avatar from dry truth. And now if I go to the homepage, upload an avatar to all do all these things, I cannot become a member of a group, I can do nothing, because I have not uploaded a gravatar image. So that's how it works. What is next installer? What does next installer tell us? We're curious. VIP, you can become a VIP member, I activate it, and I want to go to the configuration to VIP look at this, I can position relative to the username, what you can do over here, you can give people certain status. So I teach people how to make money with youtube. What I can do, I can give people status that have 1000 subscribers, or 10, or 20, or 50, or 100,000. And that will be displayed at the right of their real name. And when people see, well, this guy is a 100k guy, you know, he's the real deal, because he put everything into practice that I teach. And that way, it becomes more interesting to be on this website, and you want to achieve that 1000 subscriber because then you also get a VIP button. How many eigenes? Do you want to show maybe only one or 10? Well, let's just make it then. Or they need to click on more indicators, more icon indicators. But I like to show them all. Just like all those generals in the Army has a lot of budgets. In order to manage those icons, you can click over here, go to VIP ions or go to manage over here. And then we can manage a few different things. One of those is VIP, I can see you can see them over here. Click on it. I can dismiss this permanently. And then I see then different are now eight different verified eigenes. By default, they're created, we can create new ones, we can expand them. So we see a little bit more information. And we can change a lot of things over here. So I start with this one, I want to change it. And I click over here. And I call this one one gate. It's all about subscribers on my website. But you can have anything you want as a as an icon like VIP or super member or VIP member Gold member, platinum member on the Jay Z image by clicking here, add an icon and I want to add a few upload files, select files. Over here, I have a lot of them. 1k 5k 1025 50 and 100 Upload small I just made him in Photoshop. And the first member of VIP is 1k 1k. Save it. So the second one, I think it speaks for itself how does works now 5k 5k Copy, Paste Safe, safe 10k 10k, copy Safe, safe. Then I will be back with you when I've uploaded them all. And those who I leave them as they are. We don't have to save it. If I go to groups. I go back to VIP icons. There they are. I want to collapse them all. So you see all those icons and how can we assign those icons to the right people. In order to do that I go to the users. And we all know Dwight Dwight has a killer, amazing YouTube channel. So I click on Dwight over here. I scroll down and then I see this option. One case what what they need to do they need to go to you as social media owner or website owner. And then they can say look at this. I have so many YouTube subscribers. They saw the channel verified them. And now when we go to the website, and we take a look at what Dwight Schrute has said we see one gate over here. It's a little bit small So maybe I should make the 1k 11 bigger, but they fell over it, you also see. So that can be a nice way to build some trust with people like, oh, wow, this guy's the real deal. And I'm the only one that can do that for people. You cannot do it by yourself. So that's how you can work with VI. Pease, hey, how about we go to peep show installer. And we go to the next thing, word filter. When people are cursing or doing saying bad things, you can filter that. So it's installed. Now I activate it. And I go to the configuration, and I go to the word filter. So by default, it is enabled. And I can say that the word Flexa. Man, that's super bad word. So when people say that, it will be removed. I can also have a comma, say fluxo. And we can filter both comments, and even chat messages. I turn this off, because what people want to say to each other is up to them. And how to render just make it points or make it look like this sort of post where we post but only the text will be gone. So flex. Keep that in mind. Now there's the white again, always Dwight, it refreshes the page. And he says, Whoa, that was so Flexa amazing. I posted and there it goes. So that is what you can do with the word filter, straight to the point. Awesome. Let's go to the installer. Scroll down and over here I see GIF ease. So right now if I want to play something, I cannot add a GIF. Also here, only an image. But if I want to add GIF ease, I can go over here. I hope I pronounced it the right way. Sometimes I do this. Pronounce giffy Okay, give fee. Okay, giffy click on instal, in our call this JIFFies maybe I prayed a trend. Everybody started to call. I think they still got like that. I activated it. And now if we go to the configuration, what seems to be the case over here, there already is an API key. What does it mean? Without the secured one? What does it mean? If I refresh the page, I can reply with a jiffy. So I can search for haha. I can scroll or click over here is this one I say? Aha, that is amazing. And then post it and it will we place over here like that. So we can check it off and go to the next thing. And it's a really nice one. I like it if we go to installer, I scroll down over here and I go for to my credit I skipped this one my credit but my credit is a plugin and this is the integration for my credit in peeps out so I need to go back to the plugins search for a new one and then search for my credit there it is instal now activate it. I skip this area this stuff. Okay, now I need to set it up. So I click on setup my krath and I can create a point system or maybe have a certain theme air websites. Like for instance, if a website about frogs, they can create frog points. Make sense? I hope so. Over here we can create how would we want to call this I just want to call this point so Singler is point zero is points. We can have a prefix PTS points, but I don't want that separators with a comma, all that stuff. Whatever point over here so 1000 A million and 1000 all points. Now this most no suffix. I save the point type or I create it now it's created okay. Now I can go to hooks over here and there it says when should people get points? Now various either available hooks. So when somebody registers on my website, I want to give him or her points. How many then Why I want to give them flying start a Kickstarter. So they come to my website, they register. And they immediately see immediately see, they have 10 points. And that gets them excited. You know, as I told you about FIFA playing FIFA getting more points, the more points you get more active you want to become. So I really love this way of gamification, because the more people interact, the more points you get, the more points you get, the more they want to interact. So that's how it works. I think that's a great addition to this tutorial. So what else when people are a member for a year or a month, they can get points? Well, I prefer to give people points when they do something. So when they have daily visits, I want to give them points for that. I click over here, I want to give them five points if they appear every day. So for luck, they can see they get points, because they visit the site, you can save over here, those I have over here, but there can be more over here. But then we need to instal addition for PeepSo. So we need to go to PeepSo installer. Scroll down. And now over here, my krath instal. By the way, I have no idea how much work it is to blur my licence key all the time over here. But I like to put hard work into the other stuff in order to create a beautiful end result. So right now it is active. And if I go to points, I can go to hooks. And now there are more options. Oh, now over here, I see beep So so if I drag this over here, I see a lot of pizza related stuff. points for new types of posts. So if people post something in the overview over here, how many points do they get? Five. But then I don't want people to get spammy. Like I will create posts about everything. So I can create a limit. Or like, they can get a maximum of 20 points per week. So if they create more than four posts, they do get points for it. And then here, the luck template was will be set for a new post. If people delete posts, should they get points? No. points for new people message. So if people send messages to each other, they can get points but a maximum of 10 per week. Otherwise people can have a conversation. Realise conversation, they get a lot of points. points for pizza message deletion points for new comments. Well, I would like to promote it. So three points, but a maximum of nine per day. points for comments, deletion now, points for liking. If you like something you can have three likes as a maximum per day for liking messages. So the fourth, fourth, like so if you like one thing, second thing, the third thing, the fourth one, you don't get a point. So make sure you you keep it all honest. Oh, how do you say let's try to define all the points the right way. So people really need to do their best, but they don't spam. No. And they then they're similarly motivated. To get a lot of points. I help I make myself clear. points for like people no points for adding people friends. No. No points for any people's three photos. Yeah, five. Three, I would put a limit on everything. Otherwise people can be the system Wait a minute, wait, over here, see PeepSo posts, post and deletion message message deletion. I was like why would you give points to people that delete things, but I get it. When people play something a post, they get five points. So when they delete the post, they should get minus five points. Otherwise they can post something deleted post something, delete it that way maximise their points. And that's not an honest way of course. So message deletion, if you get one point per message, you should get minus one point for deletion. So that's what I want to do. Here's three and minus three. So let me see deletion zero because it's 03 minus three minus three and then we are ready you Transcribed by To save everything. And now I want to go to the appearance and to the customizer. So now we see the website I want I want to do, I want to give it a prominent place the number of points people have. So I go to widgets, I go to the right-sidebar, and I add a new widget. And here it is my credit leaderboard on my credit balance. I want to edit one on top below the custom HTML. And I say my points and then I see if five points I can also Yeah, I can leave like this, this our waters will read out five, I can say points after that. See five points, I can get rid of this. And what I can do now when I like I change the widget style to gradients, I publish it, and I close it out to give them more attention. So I go to appearance widgets to the right sidebar. Okay, and over here, I want to choose the colors. So I can go to my website and grab the first color. Or I go to the customize over here and I search for the colors global colors, the primary one, copy it. Paste it. And then over here. Let's see if there are some orange color orange color. Okay, this one, copy it. I think this looks bad. So let me show you how bad it looks. Text Colour white link colour, also white. I think it looks really ugly. So let me go to the website. Yes, it looks really ugly. So what I can do, I can choose one of those colours. Let's choose the blue one based over here and make it a little bit a different colour. So make it a little bit lighter. But I want it to be blue, like this. And now ladies and gentlemen. I think we have a beautiful area. I can also say you have a total of that many points. Let me see if that is in one sentence. Okay, so I have five points, I can place it over here, or even on the top, I can do it over here by dragging it refresh. Total five points. So now if I would reply, or I would like something you are all areas. I post it I have a total of eight points. So let me show that again. If I like everything and I go to a different page, or I refresh the page. I still have a points. Why? Because I said there's a maximum of liking things because it's really easy to to to like everything at points. So if I would say I created a points system. So you can get more points. With those points. You can achieve a status or even buy things in the website. So there's also thing we can do and I will talk about it. So I just placed that if I refresh the page, I have 13 points. So it works. And that's what I really like. And as I said you can get a status so you can link badges to certain amount of points. We can have leaderboards so why not? Let's edit Minecraft leaderboards. I can add to the right sidebar, edit over here. leaderboards balance based on the balance. So balance is based on the current balance. So if I would buy something on this website for 13 points, I have zero points again, but what I also can do I can say make it one So all the points you've ever got through this website will be added up. And that will be a leaderboard, or the current balance. In the show nothing when the leaderboard is empty, exclude zeros or people that have no points will not be selected in the leaderboard. You can have a total of five users and then you can have the position, the user profile, and the amount of points or is the sending. And I can also use a timeframe. I can say the last seven days or old time. So if I would save this, it's still only at the bottom here at the right, the right button, and I scroll down, and then there's a leaderboard only me. I don't like it. So what I can do, I can adjust it. If I will get rid of it. Command X. So I can place it back if I don't like the results. Refresh. That's better. Ferdy Korpershoek. With so I like to, to say something like this. So it's called semi colon. No, no. I think so. Refresh. Yes, leaderboards. So I can change leaderboard and I'm Yeah, something with points or just Yeah, leave it as this. And also here, I can change the colours and all that stuff. I can bring it up, I can bring it down, I can do whatever I want to because I decide what to do on his website. So the more people are active, the bigger the leaderboard will become. And that can motivate people. So I will prefer to put it somewhere higher on the website. Okay, let me close this. Let me close this. So let's go to the back end. To PeepSo installer. I scroll down and I search for batch O S, operating system activated. I go to the dashboards, and I need to have the batch o s plugin. So I click on instal instal now and I activate the plugin. So now if the plugin and the PeepSo integration, great, I can click over here to configure or create a new batch page, or I can click over here OB integration. And I just save the settings. And that's the whole setup really weird, then I go to batches. Okay, and I want to add a batch. So let's start with I can call this rank one, I can call this gold, I can call this gem jam. I can have a text over here, if you if you have the jam batch. That means you earned 50 points on this website. Okay, let's configure it. Scroll down to the achievement data. You can give people points when they achieve this result. So I can give them 10 points. When they receive this gem, you can earn it by completing certain steps. We'll take a look at it later right now, I want to talk about minimum number of points. So if people have 50 points, they will get this gem badge. We can show a list of the earners we can say congrats with earning the gem badge you can earn it one time I want to upload the featured image of the gym. Let me upload them all three and I choose this one and I publish it. So what will happen when I earn when I have a total of 50 points of First I need to earn a few points. So I will be back with you. So now I have a total of 63 points. Well, let me take a look at the configuration. If so configuration. And I go to batch Oh s enable it. We can show the badges link in a piece of Profile menu. We can create posts when users earn a new badge display reasons badges on their profile cover. That's what I really like to show the amount of badges and display reason badges on the profile widget, how many recent badges, I would like to say, then. So I save it. Now, if I go to my profile page, and over here I see for the groups who recently earned batch in Sham one, but not only here. Also, here are the new batch in my personal post to area. If I go to the homepage, I also see it Ferdy Korpershoek, earn a new batch. Congrats, congrats with earning that gem batch. And again, I've six eight boys because I get points when I earn it. And then when I like my own post, I will have more points. So also over here, you will see it. So it gives people a certain status. And that can be nice for people. So just only the first batch. Now I have 180 points. So I get a lot of points when I earned this. Okay, what else, let's go back over here to badges. I can go to badges over here, I can create new ones, apply the same thing. But what I also can do look at this add new, I can say super user. And then I can go over here, I can give the points when I reach this, let's say 30 points. But it's earned by completing certain steps. So before we had minimum number of points. So when they reach a certain amount of points, they get 30 points and they get the batch. I can say admin award only, that means that I as an administrator need to manually edit awards a little bit what we did with why truth over here, but then you will see it over here, over here below to the has a dash. So maybe that's a better option. If you want to do that thing. You can use admin award only batches. But I want to go for completing steps and there are a lot of steps you can take. So first, we can change the text all that stuff. How many times can you earn this one time? Okay. What I want to do I want to save more steps. I want to save it or publish it. I want to give it a crown which one I don't know this one, for instance. Update. And now I need to enter step, add a new step. When Should people be able to get this beautiful super user batch with this crown icon? Well, that's what we can see over here. So I can also go to I can visit a certain page that they get it. But I would like to go to the peep. So community related steps. So when you change your profile avatar, or I call someone a super user, so when somebody writes a status update, how many times when they do it 10 times, so when people posted 10 times something on a website, I can give them the same labour over here and then they are a super user. Also death give some status. So if somebody posts 10 times, then he earns that other batch. So what I will do, I will create 10 posts, and then I will be back with you. Okay, here's my 10th update, just see over here. Post it, refresh. And now I earned my second second batch. So if I go to my profile, hover over here. I see I have this super user badge if you click on it, you see everybody that has it, you see that I am a super user. So that's how you can create those badges based on a lot of different things. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, still having fun I hope so. What we will do now we are going to sell things on our website there's a plugin called WooCommerce It costs around 299 per month, but you can make so much money with it. I'm just kidding is a free programme or a free plugin called WooCommerce. And it says already a little bit in the name. We can sell things on a website using commerce, e commerce, e Commerce on the internet. So I will show you how to do it. We can sell physical products we can sell digital products or they will also I'll show you how to sell products on your website using the points they earned when they're active on your website. Why would you want to do that? Because when you give away things for free, for instance, ebooks, or a Skype sale yourself, or a WordPress template, or a cheat sheet about subject your whole social media website is about when you give that away in exchange for points, people will do their best to earn those points. And when they earn those points, that means that they're active on your website. So when you give those things in exchange for points, you sell those digital products, you can get a lot of how do we say that involvement in your website, your social media website becomes alive and more alive, and more people will do their best to become FDA active. And an active website active social media website is attractive for new customers. When I become a member on social media website, and I see there's nothing going on the latest posts from then weeks ago. I'm like, Okay, I don't want to be here. But if people resist there, and they come to a website that is alive, a lot of updates a lot of reactions. Why because all those people get points when they leave comments, or when they post something. With those points they can buy the things you promote on your website. It's just a great way to get a more popular website and have a more popular website. More people will click on your advertisements, more people will click on your affiliate links and more people will buy your courses if you have course on your website. And I will show you later in the tutorial, how to add a course and his website and make more money with it. So it's through of numbers, more people you have on your website, the bigger the chance you will make money with your website or make a lot of money with your website. So without further ado, let's instal WooCommerce. To start to sell products on our website. Or to sell products on our website, we go to the backend to Plugins Add New, and I search for blue commerce. free plugin, one of the most popular plugins more than 5 million installations instal now last updated five days ago. And I can activate it if you want to learn in depth how to create a website using WooCommerce has a greater webshop then you can go to YouTube and search for WooCommerce tutorial. And if you don't find me really important, then say 30 After that, but you will find me over here probably I have a new tutorial two weeks old. And there are shows step by step, how to create your own webshop how to add payment methods and all stuff. But right now, I just want to skip to the good stuff. Not go over all the details. So right now I want to skip this area, skip setup store details. And over here I say no thanks. Okay, now and create and create a product. So I go to new product. And you can sell anything on your website, it can be a digital product, a physical product as will be shipped to sort of address. So what I will do right now, I will sell a Skype session or a one on one session with 30. So over here, right below, I searched for a beautiful product image, upload files, select files. And over here I search for 30 July Corp, because it's taken this month. Okay, there it is. And I can give a long description over here and I can give a short description over here. Book a book, a one on one session with Ferdy 30. I'm not the best typer in the world. Or you have 60 minutes to ask him anything. So let's go up and over here I want to tell them it's a simple virtual product. It's not downloadable, and the regular price is 199. But because I'm in a good mood is 139 for a certain amount of time so I can schedule this for the next week if I want to from today on until the 31st of July 2021. Okay, I think that's it. We can create categories and all this stuff. But right now I want to sell only one product. I click on publish. And I can go to the website. And if I want to go to the shop, there's no shop title over here. So what I need to do I need to go to the backend. I go to Appearance menus. Because we don't I open this new tab, we don't have a menu yet. Everything we've done so far is without a menu. Right now I want to show you how to create a menu. So here at the backend Appearance Menus, I can create a menu, I can call this anything is just for a reference purpose, the main menu, and I want to display it at the header menu, which is this area over here. So I created the menu. And now I can drag items to that menu. So over here, I see the most recent pages. So the shop page, I can edit to the menu and there it will appear. Those are different pages if I want to, for instance, members, or groups, edit to the menu. Thank you for that nice email. I can drag this over here, I can drag this down, I can do whatever I want, I can even create a subcategory and in the header or sub item. So if I refresh the page, look at this over here, we see a menu with a sub item. So if I hover over here, I see groups. So I get rid of that I bring it to the left, I don't want to have the members over there, I remove it, I save the menu. So now, if I refresh it, I see groups nicely shop. If I go to the shop, it looks like this. This is by default, how it will look we can adjust it right now, I just want to show you how this is done. There was a sale, one on one session with $3,139, I can add it to the cart, or I can click over here, see some information and then I can add it to the cart, I can leave a review, or people that have the session with me can leave a review. That review will be posted on the main area over here if I want to. So before we continue, let me go to the backend to peep so installer. And then I scroll down. And I installed the WooCommerce integration with PeepSo or UPS or integration with WooCommerce or WooCommerce. If so integrates you'll see all the support. And now if I go to the configuration, and there it is. So I click over here. Okay, the orders, it says the orders should be visible. Over here. If I turn it on, oh, yes, and I can even give it a different label. We can also add the cart area over here in our personal menu. And when somebody orders a post, it should be placed in the stream. Users can override the settings. And also when there's a review, it's what we post in the stream. And also users can overwrite that setting I save the settings. So if I would buy something over here, it will be shown over here. So what I can do, I can go to the shop. And not only me, but everybody that's a member of this website. Even people that are not a member, they can go over here. Edit to the cart, view to cart. And they can proceed to the checkout. But there's one small problem. Here below, there is no payment option. Or you can use stripe, you can use cash on delivery, you can use a lot of things. That's why I have the tutorial, you can also find it at 30 And then go to tutorials WooCommerce at the right plugin tutorials, the second one, and then I'll show you step by step how to add payment providers and all that stuff. So people can pay for this. So let's give you an example. I am the affiliate marketing servant, I know how to make money with affiliate marketing and if people want to. And that's why I create this platform so people can learn more about it connect with each other, find ideas be inspired. And if they want to have one on one contact with me. They can book the session. So I can build this whole website around the idea of making money by doing one on one sessions. Or what I can do, I can give something for free in exchange for points. What happens when I do that people are motivated to become active on this website. The more active people, the more Google will notice this website. The more Google notice his website, the more people will find this website, the more people that will find his website, the more people will register. More people that register more people that get points and how to get more points. And then that's where you can create a viral effect. And if one in 1000 people wants to book a session with you and you will get 5000 new members per month that means five sessions per month and that can grow expansional exponential. So that's just thinking out loud what could happen it can also go totally the wrong way south I think although I don't get it it went totally South even though sound is in my opinion the best place to be because it seems that the water is better but let's go back to the subject of this tutorial we were talking about creating a product and selling it for a certain amount of money. But what if I want to change this to points so people can bind us with points well in order to do that, we go to the back end we can go to WooCommerce settings and since I want people to pay with points I can also change the symbol before the number right now so dollar over here the currency I can change this to something would it be Botswana Pula okay there are no decimals zero so don't see how many cents only points and then I want to go to points where are you add ons that I searched for a gateway over here I activate it so now I say that we can pay with points and then at vous commerce we need to go to the settings again. But this time we need to go to payments and then I check my CREP turn it on save the changes and then onto go to Manage Okay, the title is you pay with your points it's enabled customer message you can change it that I like the way it is points exchange rate is one that means it's one point is $1. And I think this is all great. So imagine do I truth is back over here goes to the homepage logs in As Dwight and he only has five points. So he goes to the shop and what does he see a Skype session with 34 139 points interesting added to the cart View Cart proceed to the checkout and then I find out I can buy this so what he does he starts to become really active over here gets more points just like 30 because 30 has all those points and then he goes to the shop over here as to the cart View Cart only one so for 139 points I can buy this so I proceed to the checkout and as I said before we can adjust these settings how it looks. So let me fill in all this information from Belgium my address my email address and until say you will pay which are points I click on Place order my order is received I know it's all loosely with crappy because we make use of this small area we can make it look better. But um and obviously this order thank you for your order. And I can have text over here like okay, you can reach out to me through this link to book a Skype session with me and then I will be back with you. If you want to learn how to make this look better well you can go to my YouTube channel search for how to adjust the WooCommerce comm confer nation email at and always a good thing to add 30 at the end it's a recent tutorial that's what's probably not appearing yet. So you can also go to my YouTube channel a video videos Oh, it's not released yet. Of course it will be uploaded next week. So and then I'll show you how to make this look better. And one more thing, here is my receipt. And off what I also can do, I can go to the product. So I go to products, all products, I go to my zoom session or my Skype session. And I can add a notes. So I go to attributes, sorry, advanced purchase notes, you will receive a an email with the link in order that you need in order to schedule a meeting with me. Looking forward to meet you. Of course, this is not real. So if you get one out of 39 points, you do not get a free Skype session or zoom session with me. But it can be a way I just want to illustrate what is possible. It is a way to motivate people to become active on your website, it guess what I can also do, I can create a quality website around WordPress, and then have beautiful websites that I designed. And then they get them for free when they have a certain amount of points. And then they can buy me see those points are deducted right now. And if I scroll down, also here it is deducted. So it shows the current balance and not the total points you earned through the years over here, made a purchase one on one session refer to and the more people do that, the more people will think hey, that's probably a good thing to do. So people can buy this now. So if I would go to the website of do I truths, or his profile, I can also click on Buy now. And then, if I have enough points, look at this, if you like this, I set the like points to 50. So now if you look at this 55 points, wow, I think we are doing a great job over here. If you follow along with everything, you have a beautiful website, you can monetize it, you can out, automate, automated, monetize and automate. So we're doing a great job. And I think it's time for the next subject. And that is courses, you can sell courses, I have a website. But before we do that, I want to show you one more thing. If I go to the backend to widgets, since we use WooCommerce, we see her cart widget. So what I can do, I can direct the cart over here. And now if I click on Done, and I go to the website, I see this card over here. Well, right now it's empty. If I go to do I truitt's, like refresh, it is not empty, I see this over here. That means I have something in the basket. So I can view the card and I can go to the check out. So if you want that as an option in your website, you can do it like that. What I want to mention is that you can make this social media website a multi vendor marketplace. What does it mean right now I'm the only person that can sell things in his website. Right now it's four points. But I also can do this for dollars or euros. But you can turn this website into a multi vendor marketplace, it means that all the members on this website can sell their own stuff on this website. And in order to do that, you need to have the plug in called dough con 30 corporate comm forward slash dough comm hit enter. The best way to build your electronic Mark flex with WordPress. So there's a free demo that you can see there's also a free version of this. So if I go to the backend, to Plugins new you can download dough con. And then over here, we can instal this now by clicking here. And then we can activate it. There's one small problem you cannot by default to an existing members into a vendor, but there's a workaround with PeepSo. So if I would go to PeepSo configuration, I go to WooCommerce look at this, if I scroll down, let users become vendors, yes immediately. So if we go to the profile of Dwight Schrute, I can go to the preferences. And now over here then the application become a vendor you will automatically be approved. Awesome. So now at the vendor application, we can set up our shop and dashboards and again my screen is a bit small so for you this should look a little bit better and I can add my own products. Add a new product and I can upload all this stuff so this can be done from the front end and it's amazing that you can do that with integration of dough con and PeepSo. However, the free version of docam is a little bit limited. So if I go to the website over here and I go to Products doac on multivendor and we go to pricing look at this There's a free version that will eliminate the fenders, front end vendor dashboard, which we just saw with DVI truth, order management, they can even withdraw money if they made a lot of sales. But very important thing is missing in a sec commission type. Because what you want when people sell things on your website, you want to get a commission of $1, or $2, or 10% of every sale. So if 1000 People sell 1000 Things per month, on your website, you say, for every sale that will be made on your website, you get 10%, or $2, in the case of $2, to make $2,000 extra per month. So that's a great thing. And docum does all the hard work for you. And then I think all these prizes are relatively cheap for what you get for it if you have a lot of visitors. So there will be a different tutorial about this, but I just wanted to mention that it is possible not with the free version, but with the pro version. And I will make sure that while we tutorial about the subject and right now there are also already stories about it not from me, but from others Dogan or press tutorial. From there always also, for instance, is this one is really good. That seems to be because there are also a lot of bad ones. So make sure to watch the great ones, I of course want to create one with 99%. A, I seem to have watched it for a small bit. Nice. So this is what I wanted to mention, I will not cover it in this tutorial. It's a whole tutorial on its own. But I just wanted to mention that it is possible to let your members sell things on your website and that you get a commission per sale and everything can be on automatic pilot with withdrawals. With statistics analytics, it's an amazing plugin. However, there is an alternative from WooCommerce itself. If you go to 30 Corp comm forward slash product slash vendors and hit enter because it costs $79 per year. And then you can turn your store into a multi vendor marketplace. And if you want to learn how you can do that, you can go to YouTube, and search for WooCommerce product. Then there's a plugin or a tutorial or plugin. And you also find this, however, they can watch this one for instance. And I will also make a tutorial about it. So make sure to subscribe. And since we're talking about having a shop, if you only want to sell digital stuff, an e book or maybe a WordPress plugin or whatever, as long as it is digital, there is a great alternative for WooCommerce. And it's gold. Let's go to birdie or uplift comm forward slash ie D D. It stands for easy digital downloads. And the great thing is, this tool does so many amazing things. For instance, if you have a WordPress plugin, it will take care of automatic generated licence keys. And also great thing is that PeepSo has an integration with it. So if you would go to the free version, let's go to the backhand to plugins, add new, and search for easy digital downloads. You can download it over here and then beep So we'll make sure everything looks really beautiful and slick. And also about this there'll be a separate tutorial. Another great way to make money with your website and at the same time help a lot of people big time on automatic pilot is by selling courses. And there's a great integration with PeepSo LearnDash learners is a plugin that will enable you to sell courses on the internet and learners and peeps out to get our dynamite That's power. So you can sell courses IO website and around those courses. You can have your community so people can ask questions about certain things you can even have a specific group for the people that buy a course or one of your courses, you can have a specific group for every course you promote and that way you can structure your website and sell courses. So let me show you how you can sell courses on your website using LearnDash. So talking about courses, we can sell courses on our website so in my case is all about affiliate marketing. So I want to sell my affiliate marketing course and in order to do that I use LearnDash so in order to get learners should go to Ferdy Corp comm forward slash learn dash it enter this is an affiliate link you don't be more but I get a commission so thank you for that. And you can get learned over here so what I will do if I were you, you can pay one other $69 per year for the basic plan then you don't have to pro panel which shows you how many people are on your website, which videos or which content they watch from your courses and education idea on how good the content of your courses and where you can make it better. And for just $30 more, you can have up to 10 licences, so you can have 10 websites. So I would definitely go with this plan. And if you want it, there's a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you really don't like it, somehow, you can get your money back, you can try it out for free, follow this tutorial. Or if you really want to follow an in depth tutorial, you can go to YouTube and search for LearnDash tutorial. And of course, I hope to be number one, create an online course website. Yes. Four hours. Really nice. 30 I think I have a second one. Yeah, using learners. Yes, this is it. So you can follow that one. But here, I will just want to show you how to sell courses on your website. So I click on add to the cards and says I sell a course that's $997 with just one so I can make back this money from learners and from the warehousing and from peeps out all by selling one course. So fill your first name, or last name, or email address. And you can pay with credit cards. And if so you need to fill in those details again. Or you can check out with PayPal in it click on I've read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. And if you click over here, you go to paypal. And then when you confirm everything through email on stuff, you can download learners over here. And you need a licence, you can find it over here. So this is my licence closes. Then I go to the backend. to plugins add new uploader plugin, I drag it over here. I click on instal now. And I want to activate the plugin. Over here it says we can click here and update our licence. So you go over here or go to learn LMS and then Settings, I need to leave my email, which I used to purchase LearnDash. And I need to place my licence key, update the licence. It says your licence is valid. So that's great. Now I can create my first course. So I can do that by clicking over here. And as I said before, I have a complete tour about it almost four hours. And now I just want to show you how to get your course up and running and how to sell it. So I click over here or over here to my new course. My course is gold really creative. It's gold, the affiliate marketing course. Wow. So over here, the course title deed, affiliate marketing course, I publish my course I publish my course, I hold commands, and then I click over here. So I open the website in a new tab or the back end. Then I want to go to Appearance Menus. We have our main menu over here with groups and shop, I want to collapse this, I want to go to Courses, I want to add the affiliate marketing course to the menu. It says my menu goes from the right to the left, I want to bring it over here to the left, say it. And now look at this, the affiliate marketing course. So on all the pages of this website, wherever you are, maybe here below here on the top, you can see the affiliate marketing course. So when I would have 5000 people over here, being a member creating points, being excited and learning stuff every day people and click over here and they have a certain percentage buys it, I get a commission. So right now it looks a little bit empty. We're gonna make it look better. How can we do that? Let's go over here. We can add some content over here. This is an amazing course that will teach you how to make money on YouTube using affiliate marketing update and now step by step we can refresh and see what will happen. Now see it over here. Okay. So what I want to do, I want to go to the biller, I want to set up my course structure. So I start with a heading. I call this one week one intro duction edits and in a section we can have lessons. So lesson 101 is introduction. Telling people welcome all that stuff. Second lesson 0202 What is affiliate marketing? Again, my beautiful skills by typing is being shown over here 03 What? Why affiliate marketing? Why not drop shipping? Why not importing things from different countries and selling it why affiliate marketing? Well, I'll show you in this video, the old The old way of doing affiliate marketing, and 05 the new way of doing affiliate marketing what I can do now I can create a second section and in that way you can create the structure of your website. So new heading, week, two, free bearing for success. That's the title. And in that I can have new lessons, again, 01, Intro duction zero to the net, lakes, Jenna ERATION, et cetera. So in that way, using sections and lessons, I can create the course structure. So I will be back with you. When I've updated this structure and edit my complete course over here. I will keep it with those three chapters. If I'm finished, I click on Update. What I can do if I want to I can drag things around. So I can click over here and then five will be over here four, so I can direct things if I want to. And if I click over here, I can drop a topic or a quiz nucleus new topic. I can collapse it, let me update it. Let me show you how it looks. So again, I refresh this page. And now look at this, the affiliate marketing course. And then the content what we will learn. And since I'm a member and administrator, I will see all the content. So if I click over here is what you will see not much. So what we can do first, over here, and he closes, go back to the course page. I mean, bring this back, go to the course. So click over here. So you see this area, click on the course step, scroll down, featured image that can have a featured image for your course, upload files, select files, and I want to go with this image set the featured image update. Now, if I go to the affiliate marketing course, it looks like this. If it is marketing course 0% Complete. And if I would go to this page as an incognito person, so I'm not a member at all. It looks like this the affiliate marketing courses and made a course that will teach how to make money on YouTube using affiliate marketing, of course content. And then if I want to see this, I cannot. I can why? Because I did not say to learn so that this course is only for people that pay. How can we adjust that? Well, let me close this. Go back, I go to the settings of this course I can of course materials. So I can say you need a PC internet. Update, what it will do. If I refresh the page. It will say the course content and the materials you need. So that's what you can do. What else you can create a course certificate that people get when they finish the course the course content is always visible. This area over here Well, if you say no update, or refresh, and then I can see because I'm administrator but if I would go over here as an incognito user, I will not see that overview I only see materials I'll make it visible for always. Okay, course X is really important right now it says open so it's available for everybody. It is free, or is protected, but you need to register in order to enrol by now, a one time fee of 997 dollars, paid something per month. Or make close and use an external Buy button. It's also an option I talked about it in my tutorial about it, right I say buy now 990 $7. And the rest is all okay how to use free forms. So people can go from video one to video 50 If they want to, if you say linear, it means that they need to complete the first video before they can watch the second video is up to you. I like free form can even give a few people access if I want to. But I have given all access they need to pay. So those are the settings refresh. So I say to course cause money. But if I open this in an incognito window, I don't see how I can pay. I need to get started login to get started. Okay, well let me log in as nobody less. Let me log in as Dwight truth, refresh the page, go to the affiliate marketing course page. And then I cannot pay. Well, let me show you how you can pay let's go to the back end. Back to the course. We can go to LearnDash and then to add ons. And then we see stripe for learners. If you don't see that over here, you can click on Check updates. And then they should appear I click on stripe for LearnDash activate the plugin. So I've been in the best game provider there is. And there's also PayPal, it's automatically integrated with LearnDash. So I go to the settings here below. And I go to the PayPal settings first I have a PayPal account. So I fill it in over here at Ferdy And the currency is US dollars is all fine. I click on safe. And now and by truth wants to buy the course, he can take the course he goes to PayPal, and he can buy it. That's how easy it is. And when they do so they get access to the course. But wait, there is more. Over here stripe settings. I have a complete tutorial about that in my learners tutorial. And if you search for YouTube stripe tutorial 30. But it's better to go for it. I hear this but it's better to go for the LearnDash tutorial because there I show you how to integrate it but learn. So it's up to you look at this, you can use a test mode, you need to have a life publishable key life secret key or epic URL in its users willing stripe, then we'll create a new key you can pay list over here and change the currency, the payment methods the return URL, where should people go when they have paid. And I will show you that in that other tutorial. If you turn this on, you will see another option over here that you can also pay with stripe. So let's talk about the content of the course over here. I'm logged in. So if I go to the introduction, I see nothing. Nothing. So what I can do, I can go to I have a Vimeo pro account. And over here I can go to my videos. And I can search for intro duction is a video I recorded I uploaded it to Vimeo and over here this I want to copy the link, the video link and the first way on how to get a lesson over here, go to the back end. Go to learn ash courses. Then I can go to the affiliate marketing course. And I go through the course biller clicking here. And then here at the introduction, I can click on Edit, leave I can do two things I can start writing stuff over here and creating new areas. Think enter click on the plus browse all and then I can learn stuff over here and other stuff. I personally don't like that. So I remove this a lot. I prefer to go to the settings and go to Video progression. And I placed my Vimeo URL over here before completed substep I can let it out or start I can let people see the video control this place and pause the video when they go to a different tab. I can add a video resume so if people closer the tab and they watch the course, they close it, and they come back later than it's continuous from where it stops. But I'm okay with all this, I can make it the sample. So this lesson is free. So people can see how the courses, I think every other failure of this course, should be paid. And then I create a beautiful video on how to and why people should get this course and how to help them to make money online. So update. And now if we go back to the lessons, the affiliate marketing course, look at this introduction. I'm enrolled since the administrator and then I can watch this video. What are this finished, I can complete it and I can go to the next lesson. So that's how it works a course within this website and it's integrated in the deep. So theme. But wait, there is more, we can go to the back end to peep so installer, I can scroll down over here at monetization, I can see learners, I can integrate the beep, so plugin for LearnDash. So I activate it. And then I go to the configuration and I open the website in a new tab. So what I do not see right now over here at the left is courses, I want to see that. So over here, I can go to LearnDash. And the first thing I can do enable the learner step in the user profile. Okay, so I save it night, refresh it. So over here at courses, if I click on it, I can see, I can see my course the affiliate marketing course. But I want to make it look a little bit better. So I go over here. I will talk about this later. But I want to do I want to have two columns. So not one column. But two, I don't want to see the course title. I also want to see the featured images. And then over here, when somebody enrols in a course, I definitely want to pose an activity and I can just I can say just enrolled, just enrolled into this course, before privacy public. So everybody will see hey, this person bought a course, that can also motivate other people to buy the course. So if I would refresh the page, it will look like this. But maybe I have a very special VIP course for only a few people that cost $30,000. And only those people get access to my amazing super course with personal help and stuff. If that won't be the case with this course, I want to hide it over here because I don't want to show to people. Because I don't want to show all the members that there are a few people and as a VIP course, then I can go to learn that courses, I open it in a new tab holding Command or Control on a PC. And I hover over here, and then left below, I see post 149. So I know the ID is supposed 149. So if I would say 149 over here and then comma 150. For instance, those two courses, if this will be of course, will be hidden. So I don't save it, but I go to Safari. Then I click our fairly corporate hook. And then I scroll down over here at the courses. I see he has the affiliate marketing course. But if I would save this, it will say it will hide course ID number 149. So if I want to take a look again and I refresh the page, it is gone. So in that way you can hide certain courses from all the members. I remove this. And I am happy with every thing. When somebody completes a course you can also posted an activity and I think yeah, why not? Just completed this course. save the settings. And that's it about adding courses through your website. Okay, let's talk about placing advertisements on your website. There are two things we can do. We can make it automatic. So a Google ads or a Google Adsense will do it for you. You just say go ahead, feel free to do whatever you like. And Google will decide where they will place the ads. And trust me, they know where to place ads in order to convert them so they know what they're doing. So they will do all the hard work for you. Or you can just choose a specific place on our website. We also have an app and that ad will be displayed on that specific place, which you decide. But the great thing is you do not place a certain at about a certain subject. You just place the code for an app based on the interests of the people on your website. Ads will be shown so if there's someone was interested in bras and they bought In the past, and he or she, maybe he for his girlfriend, I don't know, is interested in that, then beautiful bras will be shown on your website. Based on the interest of your visitor, if there's another visitor who is interested in fishing, you can see fishing equipment advertisements. So based on the interest of your viewers, Google ads, Google Adsense will place advertisements and in that way, more people click. So you build a website that will gather people give them information, they can interact with each other. And they can place ads on specific plays, or based on what Google wants what Google thinks is best. And they can monetize your website and make a lot of money with it are excited I am, I hope you're doing and let's get started with this area of the tutorial. So in order to get Google ads on your website, let's go to AdSense that Login, then we go to sites over here. I don't have any site yet. So I want to add a site. And I grab this link, copy it, paste it, save and continue. Connect your site to AdSense. So there's a script over here, we copy this script over here, the code, then I go to the backend of my website. I search for Plugins Add New. I search for AdSense and then site get by Google. I instal it, I activated, that I can set it up, I want to skip the setup or closes. And then I want to go to the site get dashboard. Sign in with Google. Sign in with Google. Use the account you use for AdSense. I click on Continue. Proceed. Okay, I'm verified. I allow all this stuff. And I'll just set up Search Console. So I add a site. I go to my dashboard. Okay, then I want to connect the service AdSense. I click over here. I continue. And then over here it says let site get place AdSense code on your site to get your site approved? Yes, definitely. I don't have to copy this code. So let's get your site ready for Elsinore to make your site to display ads, make sure you've completed the steps. And they will out auto ads for your site, verify that your site is marked as ready. Okay, so I go over here, request a review. Okay, then I go to ADS overview. I scroll down, click over here. And then I say auto ads apply to the site. I can run the experience first because in some cases it can go wrong. Or you can apply it directly. So I save it or what you can do not use auto ads. So turn it off, apply to site apply now. So I apply that is turned off. And then I can go to ad units. The second tip, I can go for display ads like this, I can name this right sidebar ad. I can make it horizontal, vertical. I like vertical. Then I created. I copy this code, copy the code snippet code snippets. Then I go to my website to Appearance Widgets. And then the sidebar right. I already have a lot of here I can add custom HTML. Click over here, sidebar right or sidebar left edits and then I placed the code it will take some time before it will be active. And then it will appear here at the left. So the billing where I placed that I can place your on top and then people will see more and then they click more. And what I can do over here I can change the way it looks. So I can also make it square. I can call this square, right. Sidebar create it's copy the code go to that Custom HTML, sidebar right at the widget, bring it on top first. And save it. So let me show you another great way to place your advertisements Google Adsense or something else on your website. So we go through the dashboards, I go to plugins, add new search for, at Advanced ads. This plugin is amazing. It costs around $200. Now it's free as a free version. And we will only use a free version, or integrate it with deep sell, because peeps also has an integration with advanced ads. And this will turn your website into a money making machine. Although I do not like to use a term because then it sounds that we're only doing this to make money. So I close this. And what I can do now, I can go to advance ads, create an ad. And this time, you don't have to work with codes and stuff. We just can upload images. And then when people click on the image, we can decide to which link PhillyD link those people should go to. So I stopped the wizard, I want to add a title, I call this one of my first dummy ad. We can use plain text and code as we did before with AdSense. And with this area over here, I want to use dummy. But you will also use rich content, just the text. And when people click on a text, they go to a link, an image ad an ad group ad sets at Google Ad Manager and AMB so right now I want to use the dummy ad. Let me show you what we can do this how it will look the URL, where should it go to? So let's say it should go to web hosting is an affiliate link. Where should it be displayed? Or how should it be display by default or inline? Or should be space around the ad? So let's say I wanted to be a default. No margins, no container ID no class is all great. We'll talk later about conditions. Right now I'm okay with this. I click on publish. Okay, now we go to the next step. Where do we want to display this as we can display this in sidebar or on top of the content in the content. So if I would say on top of the content, it says your app is now visible in the front end. So if I would refresh the page, and I say it will be before the content, where should it appear probably over here. And that is the case. So over here, the first thing people will see is an advertisement. And of course this is a dummy ad, but it can be a long ad stretch over the width of this area. When people click on it, they go to my affiliate link, and then it works like that. So let's take it a step further. What I want to do I want to go to pip, so installer, I want to integrate this with PIP so So I scroll down. And I go to add files as instal and activate it. And now we will see the power of advertisings winning PeepSo. So if I would go to ads over here. Let me create a second ads really quick Elementor Pro stream one. I scroll down all the way and I searched for the beep So stream app, as that will display in the pixel stream. How great would it be if people scroll over here and they start to see your content, your sponsored content and when they click on it you make money or when they buy the thing you promote? So deep so stream ad. Now I need to add a few things. I can change the avatar, I search for my own face. Insert or I search for the logo of Elementor let's do the face title override learn how to create pro websites using Elementor Pro capital for every new word. Capital isn't that a big city? I don't know the head city or country capitals whatever contents so an image I will use one of those images again, let me use the orange one. Insert the URL is the affiliate link. So based over here, the layout options I like it to be in the centre with no space at the left and at the right or whitespace at the left and the right margin that say then, then, then then although at the left and right 00 This is all fine. is also fine. I want to publish it. And now I want to use the peeps of stream placement. So there it is. Okay, updates. But we're not there yet what I need to do, I need to go over here that files apps, ads to groups and rotations, advanced apps, it's something I will have in a few weeks. When I try and like reading old stuff. Right now I don't have it yet. I create a new ad group. By call this one Elementor. Pro Stream Ads, I save it can edit the stream visible ads over here, I choose Elementor Pro stream one right now i will use one advertisement but I can make other ones like Elementor Pro. So I have two different now, two different now they will go in a random order, update two groups. Then I want to go to the placements. I create a new placement over here that PeepSo stream. And then I need to assign the group I just created. So if I select it over here, elemental pro Stream Ads, I also call this like that, like that Elementor Pro Stream Ads. I saved the new placements. Okay, so while we have craze we have created a few ads, those ads are now in group rotation. And we said that group rotation should be displayed on the homepage. But we need to go to PeepSo configuration first, then we go to Advanced ads. Look at this ads on stream every three posts or four posts, there should be an advertisement. And after that every three posts, the more you do this, the more people will be annoyed with you. So you can choose what you want to do. You can have a sponsored marker if you want to. I don't do that. And we can save the settings. And now ladies and gentlemen, if I refresh the page, we should be able to see an advertisement after the fourth post. Look at this learn how to create pro websites using Elementor. Pro is Website Builder is out of this world check it if you click on it, and then people go to the space. And now when they buy it, I get my commission. So that's how you can work with that. But you can also do the same with Google AdSense. So now every three posts with this as a small glitch. Let me see if I can fix that. So I'll leave you with this part what I want to do, I want to go to Advanced ads to groups and rotation, click over here on Edit, scroll down and I remove one of those over here. Update. Now if I refresh the page, the first one second 1/3 One and fourth one. So now I only see one advertisement. And then after three posts 123 Is there again, before I think for sure I'm not counting the right way. But um, that's what you can do. And again, if people click over here, they go to that website. So the more as you place over here. And the more you assign over here, so groups and rotation, edit at them over here, you just show one, the more variation there will be so the more people there are on your website, the more people will click the more money you make. And you can notice with AdSense, they created an ad over here with the ad code over here at sands ad account, fill in the ID configure all the settings and then add it into groups and rotation. And voila, you will have personalised ads specially for people that visit your website because Google knows what they're interested in. And that will make them click even more. So that is a great way to monetize your website. I want to talk about a new feature that is hot off the press right now I see a few post types over here text Photo Video and old and there's a new one. Probably you do not see it maybe you do if you don't see it, go to the back end to PeepSo configuration. Then go to To stream posts, and scroll down here at the rights and what you'll see posts and backgrounds beta, maximum post length one on 50, it's okay, I save it. And now ladies and gentlemen, when I go to the website, I can post something over here and over here you see no post type is called posts backgrounds. And I can see up to 150 characters something like, Whoa, I just have my first $375 sale, true affiliate marketing, I am so excited. And I can choose something if I choose this one, I have a light text on a dark background. But if I choose this one after dark text and a light background, so I can choose what I want, I think this one is sufficient. And I can click on post. I don't know if sufficient is the right word, I think this mount fits with the story. And now it looks like this. So that is what you can do. But wait, there is more if I go to the back end. To eat so manage, I can go to post backgrounds over here. You see there are a few over here can see them if I create a new post. Or if I create a new post over here. And so are the backgrounds I see those over here your way fireworks, that's why I see over here. So I can create a new one I can publish it, I can change the image to this one for instance. I can change the text colour. Awesome. It is published. So now let me click over here one more time. I say satellite bright. Save it to see this person here the sky. So now if I refresh the page, and I create a post background, I can choose this one in white text. A I think that's a great option. And it's even in beta so it's probably will become even better. And of course if I want to I can like my own posts. And I can choose a light laugh haha, wink etc. All those over here celebrate grateful. But what if I want to change outs for adjusters I can do that in the back end, open it in a new top, drag it to the left, I would like to edit at the left and show results at the right just a personal preference. I go too deep so manage that I go to reactions. If I want to get rid of this one, I can open it. I can unpublish it. Okay, and now if I refresh the page, I want to be speechless. I click on the like and I cannot be spirited anymore and that's why you can unpublish those icons you can also add them add new ones so you can add new and there's what appear I can give this a name and then when I change the name it will be published so I can say Happy Fourth of July save it's and then I click over here on the icon and I can choose one so something with fireworks or just a cocktail Okay, looks like that I copy this and I click over here I also want to place it over here save it and now if I refresh the page over here happy Fourth of July What else can we do add new senses about affiliate marketing okay can create this copy it's Oh wait wait wait copy command we'll see okay. bases here and then I click on the I Can I want to change it to a bag of money. Okay, what else Halloween copy or pump again. Copy Paste it click over here okay, and if I save it I can reply with a money like or with a pumpkin and if I'm like okay, Halloween is not the whole year and the Fourth of July also not I can always unpublish things when I want to so I can collapse everything To unpublish anything under like, or publish it again, click over here. If I were to publish this one for instance, again, I can open it and publish it. I can also direct or change the order. Or like love haha, wink. And now I refresh it a one more time. And it looks like this. While I think it says pumpkin, I can also say Happy Halloween, copy, save it's expanded, base it, save it and check the results. And that'll people can say Happy Halloween over here. Another thing you can do is you can add blog posts to your social media website. How can you do that? Well, first, let me go to New Page and call this one blog, publish it. Then I want to go over here to the WordPress I can. I go to settings, reading. And then over here to post page, I select the blog page, I save it, then I go to Appearance, Menus. And over here, I search for the blog page. If I cannot find it, I can click on Search, search for blog. There it is I select it, and I add it to the menu. I can shift it like that. Drag it around, save it. And now if I go to the website, I see the blog page over here. So I click on it. And then it says ready to publish your first blog post get started here. So I click over here. You can also hover over here and click on blog. So I can say, okay, let's just make a sample blog post as a man thinks. So we can use Gutenberg, the default editor for WordPress. And I can start typing over here, the way you see yourself, I just stopped typing and then I'll be back with you off the earth. So what I can do now I have one paragraph, I can hit Enter, I see a few errors over here. I hit enter and then I can add a new paragraph or I can add something else. So I can click on the plus, I can search for an image, I can go to the media library. I can grab any wish. There's solely not related. So I can also go to There you can find free images and you don't need to give credit. So I say happy people. And then I can add this one, free downloads, downloads, it always rename it as a man thinks, Okay, then I go over here and drag it in here. I can make it smaller. That's for a different tutorial. And I select it. Okay, now I can click over here, bring it to the right. Make it smaller. I can bring it over here, move it up. And now look at this, this what happens. So great. I click on Enter. And I can continue to type. But if you think so, again, I click on Enter. And I can choose something by clicking on the plus it can be anything I can also bring it over here, browse or then I can see things over here, Page Break separator I can do a lot over here. I use blog posts primarily for text, links and images. So I can also add a new title, the fruits or the route. If I hit Enter, I start a new area and I can start typing again. An Apple does not the roots. Okay, a new title five ways to get a better self image. I can hit Enter and now I can choose to go for a bullet list so I can search for bullets. I see list and I can type over here start reading books hit enter and then the second one arrives. Okay. And now if I click over here, I can change this to a heading. h2 perfect also over here. h2 Okay, I can add more images so I can go back. I can even Make it smaller Deus otherwise it can interfere with the next title. Okay. So if I publish it, they publish it, it is published. Wow. So I click over here, I want to go to the post. And then over here, I want to add a featured image, set the featured image. I can use this one as main things and you see women Okay, and woman, I don't know if that's correct, you can have categories of complete tutorials about this area. So I can add a new category, motivation, I can have a subcategory that is called self worth. And can be a child of innovation. And that way I can give all my blog posts, beautiful categories, uncheck this one update. So now if I go to the website over here, and I click on blog, I see this blog post with this over here, and looks great. I can even click on it, then I go to the blog post itself right now see an overview. And then people can leave a reply when they're logged in. So do I truth, where are you? Do I it goes to the blog page to the blog posts. And you can say, Wow, this helped me a lot. Oh, so Collins. Great. And if we go to the homepage, we do not see that 30 posts at this, but we can make it that way. So let me go to the back end over here. I'm here again, as for the corpse with the administrator again, I close this and I go to I see the live comments, but I want to go to PeepSo configuration Mellon to go to the blog posts, I want to enable author profiles, that means that blog will be shown in the profile. It can be hidden when it's empty. I didn't want that. I wanted to be shown at every profile. So everybody can add new blog posts. And I want to have two columns. Because right now, if I would save this I open this in a new tab. And I go over here to block I see that looks like this. I think that's better than ones over the whole width. But I don't like it, there's more that can be done. So we go back over here. I want to show a little bit of text, I want to show a featured image. I want to have the activity stream. So when somebody writes a new post, it's what we said in the other stream, there is a new post written by blardy blar. On that integration, you can leave a comment, save the settings. And now when I would upload a new blog post, it will be shown on the homepage right now is not the case because we just configured that. So if dry Truitt goes to my profile over here, he can see my blog posts like that, and then he can click on it. So if he goes to the homepage, and goes these Oh menu, he also sees block, what I can decide, I can decide that everybody can create blog posts, all the members, I will not dive too deep into this, I just want to show you how it is done. And then there are different tutorials for that if you want to get that go to the backend, go to PeepSo configuration, then go to blog posts. And over here, user submitted post integration you need to have a plugin for that user submitted posts. So I go to Plugins Add New User sub method posts. Here it is instal now activate it and then you can set it up and I scroll down or you go to the settings user submitted posts and then over here the plugin settings what should be shown when people upload update upload things. So we can configure this all I will skip this for now one important thing of course is it not be shown immediately. So when people publish it, it should be pending or after they have already three approved proofs post by me and I know okay, these guys are okay. And it's already published automatically. I can design it over here and the rest of it so finally Me, I saved the settings a lot I can do now, to leave with a workaround people need to search in order to find this. I can go to PeepSo configuration. And I go to blog posts, I scroll down and user posts, post integrate sorry, user submitted post integration. Yes, I turn that on. So what happens now? When do I Truitt goes to the homepage, and he goes to his own blog area. Look at this, now he can create his own blog post. Look at this, he can fill in his name, the URL, the title, the tax, and the spam questions. And then it looks like this. So here he can create a blog post. And if you select it, then you can decide in which category it falls. But this looks a little bit weird. won't have the rich editor. So I go to the settings over here to settings, user submitted posts. And then here at the editor, I want to get rid of the username, zero this field because it's already known. The post title the post tax, no post tax, no categories. Yes, of course. There's no custom fields. No. Okay. post images right now I say no. Okay. And then here a general settings really important, rich text editor. Check that, scroll down all the way. save the settings. And now when do I truth wants to create a blog post, he can go to his homepage to the homepage, go to blog. Then create. Now it looks like this post title, the anti spam question. And then he has a little bit more options to create a blog post and then he can submit the post and then I can approve it, assign a category I can assign text and then it will be displayed at his place over here at view. But also on the blog post and it will be shown that it is created by by truth. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to a close where Lance, it's been an amazing journey. I think more than five hours of tutorials more than four I don't know yet I have to edit it. But um, what I see with PeepSo is that they're continuing to expand their login, or their suite of plugins. So right now there's a plugin called WP event manager. So if I go to the back end, and I go to plugins, add new plugin called WP Event Manager. There it is installed. Now what you can do with this lightweight scalable, full featured event listing amendment management plugin for mentioned. Even you know, I can better explain this in my own words what you can do with this, you can set events within your social media website. And not only you also all the members. So if there's a certain group about affiliate marketing with YouTube, then somebody in the group can say, hey, tomorrow at this time, I will go live. And then you can schedule an event people can attend. And this plugin has a beautiful integration with PeepSo. Or Professor beautiful integration with WP event manager. So I activated I just want to show you this. It's hot off the press. As I said, I can continue to the page set up. Everything is fine with me. Except for this note. So okay, great select pages. So a lot of new pages will be created. You can watch this video too, as refers events. So if I will do that, click over here. I can see it's an online event that even better. So I can upload an image register to this URL, the video URL, you can have a promotion video, when does it start? And on what time does it start? When does it end? What time does it end and be a little bit longer. One, our registration deadline is today. And I'm the organiser. So we can do that. And then if you go to the back end, I believe there's now it said you should watch a different tutorial for this. You can go to PeepSo installer and look at this there is something new. If I scroll down. Look at there's new WP Event Manager beta. So they're continuing to make this better. And the great thing is when you have the ultimate bundle from PeepSo whenever new plugins are added as they will be automatically included in the ultimate bundle subscription. So you can enjoy it. So I activate it and then we can go figure it. You can watch tutorials about it or take a look at the documentation. And maybe there's already a tutorial on YouTube, about web The events manager tutorial. And yes, there is, I think it's time for a new one. So that's what I really like about PeepSo. They keep on adding stuff, integrating stuff. So it becomes easier for you to integrate a lot of external plugins into your social media website made with PeepSo. So that's it, guys. And ladies, thank you so much for watching, we covered a lot of stuff. If I can wrap it up really easy. I just showed you how to create different kinds of post types text, photo, video posts, background polls, you can choose to whom you want to show to the public side memories, friends, or only yourself, you can schedule things you can post in a certain group, you can display a mood with and everything will be seen over here in the big stream. If we create groups, you can have your own streams. Groups can be specific for a certain subject. within your niche of your website or for social media websites. Today, somebody created a chatbot area. And then we created all the widgets here at the left about our own profile on the bot friends we have by uploaded photos, so I can go to a certain photo, I can give a description if I want to edit the caption people can like it. People can comment, people can go to the next picture or the latest one. And here to write. We talked about getting more points. And with those points, you can buy things in the shop if you want to, or get a batch. So if you have 3050 points, you get this. If you achieve certain task, you get this one, I show you step by step, how you can create your own badges. I showed you how to use affiliate links in your website. Here are the latest members, the latest photos from all the members a leaderboard that can motivate people to be active on your website. And when people get active, as I said they can buy things in the shop can be digital things, or it can be physical things. Although I will not sell physical things with points they can digitally. I show you how to sell courses on your website. how it integrates with learners peeps, our learners are beautiful integration. I showed you how to create blog posts and how how to let users create blog posts. We have a multi vendor website where multiple members and create blog posts and other people can read it and you are the administrator you can. You can make sure if they're published or not. So there won't be any spam. And I'll show you how to make use of advertisements, a lot of different kinds of ads. For instance, as I said, this ad over here, you can have Google Adsense or website you can even make sure Google Adsense will take care of where the placement will be. And I've showed you how to make sure that every few posts that will be an advertisement it can be an AdSense advertisement or a manual advertisement but an affiliate link it can be a pay per click and in that way you can make money I also mentioned that you can make is a multi vendor marketplace that all the members can sell things on this website, you get a cart of a certain amount of dollars or certain amount of percentage for every sale till we made using peep so you can create a beautiful community website and monetize it like crazy so you're helping people at the same time to make a lot or nice amount of money with it. I think it's a beautiful plugin. Thank you for watching guys. Ladies that's it thank you for watching this tutorial if you have a question let me know in the comments I'll do my best to answer them and feel free to like this video subscribe for more upcoming WordPress related tutorials and even more about affiliate marketing about making money about Barbies and stuff no not that latest thing but I I would like to talk more about different subjects but I'm it's a WordPress related channel so I need to figure out how I can do that what I can teach and what I cannot teach but um I don't know why I'm sharing this with you probably because I don't know this video sponsored by peppermints put a drop over here start to sneeze like crazy and when you sneeze that's it seems to be a fraction of a second that you're really happy while you sneeze and that makes you happy. Yeah, let's keep with this this thank you for watching this video, and see you in the next one when you subscribe bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 35,785
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Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, Social Media Website Tutorial, How to make a website like facebook, how to make a social media website with wordpress, social media website wordpress, social media website using wordpress, social media website create, best social media website plugin, wordpress website tutorial, social network wordpress, how to make facebook website, how to make a social media website like facebook, gecko theme, Peepso tutorial, Buddyboss tutorial
Id: UPduBmmvz4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 279min 35sec (16775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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