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hey besties welcome back again to my Channel today we'll be making the viral milky donut recipe okay everything from the dough to the feeling and an additional bonus which is the chocolate feeling and the strawberry feeling you do not want to miss it so sit back relax watch this video to the end and you can take me later as usual all our ingredients have been pre-measured we have 650 g of flour we have 120 g of sugar we have two eggs 220 G of water room temperature water marine 65 G we have STK Royal yeast this is my favorite yeast and I'll show you how I preserve it we have super milk flavor we have nutmeg um you can feel free to add any other flavor of your choice to this recipe but that's perfect now you need a stand mixer that is good an industrial mixer but if you don't have you can just make do with your hands all you need to do is mix the ingredients together without the Maring for 10 minutes and when you're done you include your Marin and mix for another 20 minutes so the first thing we're going to do is to cut up the yeast okay and into an airtight container you want to go ahead and pour your yeast into it cover it tightly make sure you keep your yeast away from it don't keep it in your kitchen just keep it in any cool room you have in your fridge or something like that you want to make sure that there's no air also entering into your yeast okay so the first thing is to add 650 g of flour as I mentioned I'm using golden Penny flour today I'm using 120 g of sugar you can feel free to increase your sugar to 140 G but this Milky donut can be too sweet so I don't want to for my nutmeg I use half teaspoon you can add half teaspoon of cinnamon if you also love cinnamon okay and for my yeast I'm using 1 tesp of yeast you can see that I'm mixing everything gradually I'm using two eggs so I'm cracking in the second egg right now and I'm going to go ahead and add in the water and also so the mine if you're still watching up to this point please like comment and subscribe if you're here to thank you so now I've added my flavor you can use one over 4 teaspoon of super milk or half teaspoon of super milk you can also use vanilla flavor strawberry flavor whichever one you prefer so I'm fixing my mixer now the mixer bowl and I'm going to take it to where I would mix it I really don't like mixing donut on the table so I'd rather mix on the floor so the time for your mixing if you're using industrial mixer is 20 minutes okay you can stop your mixer at intervals maybe after every 10 minutes and just check so right now it's been 20 minutes and I'm just going to show you how you know that your dough is ready when you pull and you spread apart and your dough is not tearing if it's stretchy like this without tearing easily then your D is ready you want to go ahead and get your patment paper or whatever you want to use for your Donuts but I'm using patment paper so I'll fold and cut into the numbers that I need okay and I'll will get my tray spread my pment paper on it sprinkle enough flour on the patment paper so make sure that my dough does not deflate cuz if you don't use enough flour your dough might deflate okay so now you want to go and measure the all of the dough I measured everything and then I divided into 15 so this is 74 G into 15 places this recipe gives you 15 Donuts okay so you want to go ahead and mold it as I'm doing in this video it's quite easy to do just want to make sure that everything is neat and perfectly sealed okay and you want to make sure that you mold your dough as quick as possible before it starts to swell up or proof okay make sure you seal everything sprinkle flour on the table and then slam your dough on the flour slam it on the table a bit and just form the bow the the beauty of your Donuts is solely dependent on how much you how well you mix your dough and how well you mold your dough so I'm sprinkling a little flour on the top of the molded donut and I'm going to cover with nylon this proofing should take about 40 minutes if the weather is not cold so I'm going to cover it for 35 minutes and after 35 minutes I'm going to open it and then preheat my oil while I open the the proofed donuts for another 10 minutes so that it can have a smooth surface and you can see what it looks like after 35 minutes of proofing this donut were made I think around 11 so the weather wasn't cold at all but if you live in a place where it's cold you want to go ahead and you know increase your time I shook the donuts for you to see that it's ready for you to fry unlike this ones that I just molded you can see it's not shaking but the other one I showed you when I shook the pan the second one I showed you that is ready for frying I shook the pan you can see how the donuts was shaking so that's how you know that your Donuts is ready for frying now into your oil you add in a little bit of flour sprinkle a little bit and if you sizzles a bit you know it's time for you to go ahead and place your dough into the oil so now just just gently drop your donut you don't want to deflate your dough you don't want to press it and you don't want to overproof your dough if you overproof your dough it's going to um get flat it will shrink it will get flat it will have bubbles it in my crack in my Breck and what have you but if you use the right proofing time right mixing time and you follow this recipe to the letter you will get a beautiful and tasty donut okay so you fry on both out side for 3 minutes each on medium heat not high heat not low heat medium heat you can see at this point I've taken out the donuts from the oil and I placed it on tissue paper I have my milk now and all I'm doing is to coat my milk you can decide to coat every single thing without without leaving the white lines you know revealing or you leave it like I did here you know I left the white lines you know without covering it with milk but you can decide to coat it with any amount of milk that you want but make sure you coat it while it's still slightly warm if you coat your donut while it's totally cold it will be hard for the milk to stick to it um if your donut is not so sweet maybe you reduce your sugar you can decide to use um icing sugar mixed with your powdered milk and also use it to coat okay and if you have a customer or a client that has a sweet to you can decide to increase your sugar a little bit so all I'm doing now is to just coat my Donuts in milk and I'm arranging it into the boxes cuz we have a whole lot of deliveries for this day but I chose to share this recipe just to help somebody out there who is probably looking for a good recipe for milky Donuts okay so to make our Milky filling I have powdered milk and that's 100 G of powdered milk I have 200 g of condensed milk and I have 60 G of whipping cream powder 60 G of cold water in a bowl I'm going to go ahead and add my whipped cream my powdered milk and the condensed milk the water and the condensed milk and I'm also going to mix this with my hand mixer you need an hand mixer to do this you're going to mix this for 3 to 5 minutes until it doubles in size and then it Bec comes slightly offwhite you'll see what that looks like in a bit okay you can also use condensed milk and just powdered milk with a tablespoon of water if that's what you're going for if it's watery you add a little more powdered milk if it's too thick you tin it out with a little water but I prefer this recipe it's it's it's very nice and it's not sugary at all so I have my strawberry feeling you can use any strawberry jam of your choice that you like or any chocolate feeling of your chice that you like you can use Nutella there are several in the market you can try out there Leon okay just use a good feeling and this is our Milky feeling you can see what it looks like it is not creamy in color it's slightly offwhite now to fill your Donuts you need this spatular okay if you take note of the shape you see it you need you need the spatula you want to go ahead and measure the height of your donut before you dip in your spatula make enough space for for the feeling inside okay but make sure that you do not puncture your Donuts you know at the base so you just want to go ahead and make the ho you can twist it or turn it around just create a you know enough space for the Milky feeling okay or you can also use a skewer all you need to do is just dip your skewer in and keep going round round round create space for the feeling okay with this you might get you know less space than the um spatular depending on the way you do it but if you still want to achieve the same thing just make sure it creates more space and and it's as simple as that I'm used to spat so I still had to use my Sparta because I'd like my clients or customers to have enough milky feeling or enough chocolate feeling strawberry feeling what whichever on they want so I have my boxes this is my box of three and I I've already lined it with my um grease paper okay I'm just going to make sure that I place everything into the boxes it's ready now for filling look at this gorgeous donut so I have my strawberry filling I've put it in my Piping Bag I have my milky feeling and chocolate filling I've also put it in the Piping Bag so it's time for us to F our Donuts I'll be mixing the feelings I have here milky feeling you can see that it's not runny okay it's thick it's not runny but there's a considerable amount of Milky feeling in that and this is a chocolate feeling like I said you can use Nutella you can use the born chocolate feeling whatever feeling of your choice you can Crush some Oreos into it you can make strawberry feeling okay you can use any Jam of your choice okay there are several feelings and several recipes for your feeling okay it just depends on the one that you prefer so I wanted to mention that you can store your condensed milk when you open it don't store it with the tin in your freezer pour it into an airtight container and put it in your freezer that way whenever you need it it won't freeze trust me but it get very cold whenever you need it you measure the amount you need for this recipe okay so if you're a business person that's one way to manage your condensed milk okay so we're feeling it we have more Donuts going out today I would also like to mention that your yeast make sure you use fresh yeast all the time okay if your yeast has been open for more than 2 weeks you can just keep it for puff puff or something else and then get fresh yeast okay if you know that you you can't trust your yeast because your yeast is the most important ingredient okay that's aside let's take a look at this girl gorgeous milky Donuts in all its Glory okay it's beautiful it's fluffy it's yummy let's just cut it and reveal okay it is thick it is not runny it is not too sugary it's yummy it's mouth watering milky okay eat one eat two if you enjoyed watching this video please please please like comment subscribe you can drop your comments or questions and I'll see you in my next video bye bye guys
Views: 82,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milky doughnut, doughnut, how to make milky doughnut, milky cheese donut, filling, milk doughnut, milky, milk coated doughnut, how to make milky doughnut filling, dougnut fillings, crusted doughnut, milky doughnut filling recipe, crusted doughnuts
Id: V_c2_EQgLgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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