How to Make Milky Donuts - Detailed Trending Doughnuts Recipe With Filling #doughnut

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I know you have probably seen the trendy milky Donuts today guys I'm going to share with you how to make your own milky donut at home everything you need to know about donut how to fry your donut to get these white lines and even the Milky feelings I'm going to share it with you if you're into pastries this is the right time for you to cash out with this Mickey donut all right guys let's just go right into the recipe here the list of ingredients you be needing we be needing one egg one whole egg you will need 500 G of all purpose flour you'll be needing 120 g of sugar you'll be needing also 50 g of marine you can use butter and be using warm water to mix all this and you need one cup of one water and one tablespoon of active yeast I didn't show it here so into your mixing bowl you're just going to add in everything we are using but first of all we are going to sift our floor it is very important you are not sifting it because your floor is dirty no you're just going to sa to incorporate more air into the floor the floor is going to be lighter and this is what he wants so first of all we seed in our 500 G of Flor into our mixing [Music] bowl this is a straightforward recipe even if you need to pastries you are going to get this one it's very straightforward so into the bowl just put in all the ingredients I showed you so I've added in here my sugar I'll be going in with the butter add in everything just at the same time and this is the two one teaspoon of active yeast please make sure your yeast is active how to know that your yeast is active just mix it with little warm water and sugar I it for a few minutes if it float or foam you just know that the yeast is active and I've added in one teaspoon of vanilla flavor you can use any flavor of choice and that is just totally optional so I've added in the one cup of one water and I'll be using this my stand mixer to mix this you can as well do this with your hands just that it's going to take more time but be rest assure that the outcome is going to be the same so first of all I'm just going to start mixing these and just missing this on one you don't want the whole thing to Splash everywhere so just start it off on one side and the speed of one or two once everything is well mixed you can now go ahead to increase your speed to four or five depend depending on the stand mixer you are using so right now I'm increasing the speed of this and I'm going to allow this to KN for 20 minutes see let me emphasize this more I'm going to allow this to KN for 20 minutes while your donut does not turn out well or why it doesn't have that white line you are looking for is that it don't allow your dough to KNE for long so after 20 minutes you can see the dough is well needed and you can see this stretch this this is just to show you that you are good to go but if you using your hands just know that within 20 25 minutes to nonstop you can also get the same result so I'm just going to take this off cover it I just allow this dough to rest not necessarily Rising while this door is resting can see how stretchy it is while this dough is resting we can now go ahead and cut our patchman paper first of all I'm just going to clean this work surface because we are going to do a lot of work on this work surface so make sure to wipe your work surface so this is the parchment pepper so I'm just going to cut it into small squares this is where we are going to be placing our Donuts on so you just need your white parchment Pepper or brown pepper any pepper at all can do the same thing if you don't have your parchment paper you can use your regular paper just cut it into small squares like this and we are to go so I'm going to proceed now to line the Peppers into our baking tray you can use any even can even use your baking pan but if you use your baking pan you're just going to allow this dough to rise properly so we going to line your baking p with this Peppers we've already cut please sprinkle a little FL to it don't be like me just sprinkle little FL on that and now we are going to bring out this ad dough it's feeling a little bit sticky and this is okay it's quite difficult to come out just try and bring got everything out of your out of your mixing bowl so you're going to lightly FL your work surface so that this does not stick so you're going to lightly FL your work surface just mix this or just roll it I don't know how to explain just what as I'm doing because we want to cut this dough into sizes so you can see how I'm just pulling the dough together just bringing the dough together let it be more F so just likly your surface and just KNE it so after kneading we are going to be cutting this dough and for this 500 G of all purpose flow we are supposed to get up to 10 to 12 medium siiz donut depending on how you cut your so I proceed now to cut this into sizes even though I'm going to raate this will make it very easier so after cutting I will still wait to make sure that everything is equal and for this donut I'll be going with 85 G you can do within from 75 to 90 G that's okay but for this one I'm doing 85 [Music] G after cutting I'm going to weigh This and like I told you earlier I'm going for 85 gram so if it's not up to that ground you can just add in more if it's more than just REM reduce it and that is how you go about it this will make your do to be the same size especially if you are doing this for business you are sure that your D is the same size and and it is easy to work with but if you just for consumption I just think you can just avoid it and just proceed you won't need to weigh it as I'm doing at the [Music] stage after we are done weighing you just need to cover up this dough so that it does not dry out you don't want your dough to dry out and I'm going to be using Lyon cover it this is going to make the dough to remain moist or just soft the dough won to dry [Music] out I'm going to share with you two ways you can perfectly roll your donut see this is the first method you can just watch the boats and know the one that you'll find more easier so after rolling the dough on the work surface like this I'm just going to start pinching this on my hands this way the dough is going to feel very smooth and it's very easy for you to work with just watch as I am rolling this and I'm going to make sure to seal this properly if you don't see your door properly like this just know that it's going to burst when is on fire and you won't like that so after sing it up like this you're going to rub a little bit of your mine on your work surface just transfer the dough to this rubbed this area that you rub the mine this going to help you to seal up the dough properly and this is basically the first method on how to roll your you can see me hitting it on this surface that's the place we rubbed our Marin this is going to help to release any excess air trapped in this D and you can see everything is well SE properly if I'm going to turn up turn the back of this door you can just use your hand and pinch it this is just to ensure that it doesn't open up and that is it for this first method and this is my goto method this is the second method this is just quite easy if you're starting up and you can't get the first one I think this should be for you just roll it as I'm doing with my Palms if your palms are sticking to the dough so much just rub little Marine on your pals and it will be very easy for you to roll just watch as I'm doing this so after rolling turn the back and just use one of your fingers to make sure that you seal it up and with this you won't know where the door was actually joined and that is it it's very easy so I'm just going to do this one more time for you to see [Music] so just watch this carefully I'm going to demonstrate it one more time for you to see it it's very easy yes you can do it it's very easy just make sure to rub your palms with mine if they do is [Music] sticky [Music] so once we are done we'll transfer the dough to the pan we lined our parchment paper with some flour so make sure that you put the dough in the center of the patment paper please make sure to put it so that when the dough rise it won't stick on your pan is very very important you can see how this other one turned out so just lightly FL the top of the dough with some flour and cover this up you're going to allow this to rise for up to 30 to 45 minutes depending on how the weather is or how active your yeast is but for your frying You' been needing a deep pan a walk like this will have so I'm just going to pour in the vegetable oil into it for this frying I just use 1.2 L of vegetable oil to fry this [Music] donut after 35 minutes you can see that the donut has doubled its size depending on the weather your Donuts might rise before 30 to 40 minutes so just look out for it so that it does not overr so to know that your oil is hot enough you're just going to add a pinch of flour to this oil if it bubbles you know that it is too hot if you sizzling like this just know that the oil is at the right temperature for your donut so right now we begin frying the donut and just like I'm doing just placeing your donut into your warm or hot oil depending at this stage you should handle your donuts with care if not properly hand your donut is going to fall and I'm going to show you an example of this the one that was talk to the pan earlier like I said you can see I'm going to show you how how that one deflected in the oil when we are pulling it out but for this this is how to fry your donut just gently drop this in and remove the parchment paper you're going to allow this to fry for 4 to 3 minutes before you can flip it over you flip over only once so make sure to use use your spoon or your skewer to check very well that the under is done before you can flip it over so once I'm sure that the under has properly fried I will just flip over for the other side to fry and that is basically how to fry your donuts and don't forget to reduce your heat or if not turn it off so that the other side doesn't just get brown quickly without actually getting done so you can just reduce your heat for the first two minutes and just freeze it back to the right temperature and once your donut is properly fried this is what you're going to have you can see this perfect white lines and if you follow this recipe just know that you're going to get your donut just like this you see this other one I tried touching this other one at the back this was the one that was deflated in the oil and I know you won't want that for your donut even though the white line is still there but you can see it's quite different from the others so once the donut is also fried under I will check it's properly fried before I will proceed to remove it from this oil and that is just how to fry your donuts with the perfect White Lines it's so easy very easy you two can do it so you're going to remove this from the oil allow this oil to drain transfer this to your paper towel you want the oil you want the paper to to drain any excess oil no want eat an oily donut you're going to transfer this to your peer to and before you start frying in the next batch please reduce your heat because your oil is already very hot and like we did earlier just gently drop in your [Music] donuts and just the same method in which we did and the first one you have to check whether the under is fried before you flip over to the other side if your oil is getting too hot please just reduce your oil especially when you just flip it over as you can see this has already gotten so Brown and we're just going to flip it over and I'll proceed now to reduce the heat because I don't just want this to get brown and not properly fried inside and within 2 to 3 minutes your Donuts should be ready and that is it guys this is how to properly make your donut with this white lines and I'm sure with this recipe you should be a pro in frying donuts and you to can cash that with this trendy milky Donuts so once we transfer this to a pepper to we are just going to allow this to cool a bit you don't want to rub in your milk when it is still very hot so you're going to allow this to cool a bit and once it's warm we can proceed with coating this with our milk and adding end the feeling before we proceed I just want to ask have you subscribed to my channel are you a member of this our wonderful Community please just take a moment and hit the Subscribe button below it's totally free you won't be charge for anything please subscribe for more recipes like this so this is the donuts we just fried as you can see I transferred this to a paper tow for you to drain any oil so we are going to be pouring in milk to our Bowl and for this I'm using cowb milk you can use any milk of choice proceed now to coat in your donut into this milk remember the donut is now warm it's no longer hot the oil has already drained so just make sure to just coat this properly depending on how you want it everything from here is all about preference and what maybe your customers we want so this is what it should look like after you are done coating apart from milk we have other some people do sugar glazing so I'm transferring this now to My Pan and this is what you have the pan can only take four at a time and we have this this is our donut that we just fried is already looking good already right so into the same I'll be adding in my condensed milk and for this filling I'm using one cup of condensed milk to 1 3 cup of powdered milk that's the same milk we use so just pour it in and mix this thoroughly if you don't like the consistency if it's too thin you can add more powdered milk and if it's too thick you can add more condensed milk and that is how to make your milk feeling the trending one yes the one everyone want this is how to make it but life for me for this donut I just prefer that the custard feeling or the chocolate feeling for this because this is just too sweet but we just want to join the trend right this is the consistency that we have so into the Piping Bag now I'm just going to pour it this in but I added in the Piping Bag into a glass cup just put it in this will help you pour in your feelings easily without making any mess so try not to fill in the Piping Bag so you can have a grip of it with your hands so this is what we have this is our Milky feeling so once we are done I'm going to show you how to pipe this into your donut but on a more serious note we need to find out who started this trend please if you know who started this train please let me know in the comment section like who started this train is just all over the place so once we are done I'm just going to use my scissors to cut out the mouth and this is our donut so you can use anything to poke a hole into this you can use your skwa I'm using the back of my Fork to do this just create this hole into the donut and you just begin piping this milk filling into it so depending on how you want it you can go in easy or you can go in more see you can join the trend and just make it more but I'm just going to show you the difference between the one we piped Minima and the one we added in the feeling more you can see how it's going to turn out so right now I'm just going to add in the feelings into the donuts at least one thing that is certain in this channel is that we don't hide updates at all so make sure to share this video with your friends and family so so they too can enjoy as they hot and this is the moment of Tru this actually looks so good it's very milky it's very sweet if you're on the sweet suits you actually like this recipe so this is the one we just added in a little bit of the milk feeling this is how it looks like nothing messy just nice with the Milky feeling inside not too much but if you don't want it this way or your customer wants more like they want it to drip Glory this is for there this is how it should look like it's very sticky is very messy and this is just what is trending everywhere at this point and this is the Milky Donuts I'm just going to show you another one how it looks like at this point I'll just tell you give them what they want and also cash out this season see guys this is actually very good but I think just go in minimal with this condensed milk thank you guys for watching this recipe to this point don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed this recipe I will see you another time with another amazing recipe just make sure to subscribe to our Channel take care guys have a nice day bye
Channel: Grace Value
Views: 174,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donuts, Donut, milky donut, viral donut, pastry, for you, made for you, easy recipe, donut making, Small business idea, Easy donut, Donut filling, easy donut recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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