Jemma's Jammy Donut Recipe! | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hello and welcome to the cupcake gemma channel with me gemma and i'm so excited because i've got one of my favorite recipes to show you it is a jammy donut oh jammy donuts i think i grew up on these as a child like you can get them in every supermarket in england probably where you are as well i think it's like a human right to have access to them at all times which is why i thought i would show you how to make them from scratch and you might have already seen me testing this recipe over on patreon if you're a member of our bait club there was a little behind the scenes video a week or so ago and you will have seen me doing that and if you haven't checked out the bait club yet then head over to patreon to have a look um maybe sign up if you have already thank you very much it means the world to us and it is super super helpful and if you haven't don't worry we're here on youtube still every week bringing you all the recipes so you know everyone's a winner but for now it's dough time so i'm going to be making a yeast raised donut i'm also going to be deep frying them because i love a fried good and i think that doughnuts are in their element when they are fried so i'm going to start with the dough of course and i am going to start with my dry ingredients but i've also mixed together some melted butter and melted vegetable shortening i've got 35 grams of each in this bowl and i've got my mixer and i've got my bits and bobs i've got 660 grams of strong white flour you could do this with plain flour but i think it really helps elasticity to use strong flour i've also got 50 grams of caster sugar and i'm going to be adding some salt of course but i've also got some spices now i think it's really really vital to add a little bit of spice to your donut mix not to make them a particular flavor i actually use nutmeg and mace i use half a teaspoon of nutmeg and a sort of eighth of a teaspoon of mace along with one and a half teaspoons of salt and i think it really just brings out the depth of flavor in the whole donut it's not that it makes it spicy it just like adds a little extra something so i'm gonna add that in as well now i'm also using quick yeast which is a magical stuff because you don't have to activate it first so you don't have to like warm up your milk or water to like a certain temperature you can literally just snip the top off your sachet this has 15 grams in it which is kind of the norm for um pre-bought stuff i'm just going to whack that in [Music] and i might actually just give this a little mix without the butter in just to kind of get all the dry ingredients incorporated together and once it's had a few seconds you can pour in your butter shortening mixture and let that go just speed it up a little bit and you want to let it get to a kind of crummy consistency so while it's doing that i'm going to just add half a teaspoon of good quality vanilla extract to two large free range eggs and just give that a little wiggle and then while the mix is still going you can just pour that in to the rest of your mixture [Music] it'll still look a bit crummy at this stage don't worry it will turn into dough any minute now because i'm also going to add 400 milliliters of whole milk just add it straight in so it's a shaggy dough at the minute shaggy and so this just needs to be turned up a little bit just to kind of get it all moving around and doing its thing so after about 30 seconds to a minute you can switch up your paddle to your dough hook [Music] now you can do this without a mixer and a dough hook and all these time-saving contraptions but it will obviously not save you any time you will actually be doing this for quite a long time if you do it by hand you'll need to mix it in a bowl with a wooden spoon quite vigorously until it kind of comes together and then you'll need to turn it out onto a work surface and knead it for quite a long time and it is quite a wet dough at this stage so don't be disheartened and don't feel the urge to add more flour at that point just keep going keep kneading it it will eventually become smooth and dough-like so just keep that going for 10 or 15 minutes until the dough is starting to come away from the side of the bowl nice and cleanly as you can see this dough is looking a lot more like dough now that it's had 10 or 15 minutes it's coming away from the bowl and it's looking pretty good in there so i'm going to turn it off oh look at that i love how dough kind of looks like it's alive and i guess it kind of is alive um so i like to turn this out onto the workshop and just give it one last brief need mainly i think probably because the machine's done all the work and i really love dough and this is just my moment to have a little time with with my dough alone so i'm just gonna um just lightly dust my work top i've also got a dough scraper here these are super super useful when you're working with dough just because that way you can get out nice and cleanly everything in the bowl oh this is the best bit he's reluctant to come out but here he is so i like to just give it a little bit of a flap and fold if you will that's what it's called as you can see it's lovely and elastic all that gluten in the flour is doing its thing which is exactly what we want oh that's looking lovely and as you can see it's nice and smooth on the top it's not shaggy anymore so we can now transfer it to an oiled bowl which i happen to have right here and you want to also cover that now i like to do that with a plastic bag i've got the world's biggest plastic bag here so give me a second if you don't have a plastic bag or you don't want to use one you could use a tea towel that just does let a little bit of air in and i think plastic bags are great because they can kind of keep all the moisture in helps with the proof so that's going into my bag and you want to let that prove in a kind of cozy ambient temperature for about an hour until it's doubled in size see ya oh look at my little guy he's grown so big look at that doubled in size isn't yeast amazing like how amazing is that anyway i'll stop falling over my dough baby and we do need to knock him back a little bit um before we roll him and so i'm going to use my dough scraper again oh but first of all i'm going to flour my workshop because otherwise it's going to get stuck so flour your worked up nice and generously then turn your dough out onto the worktop he's alive and then just a little bit of kneading won't hurt um you will knock it back a bit more with the um rolling pin when we roll it out but i like to just give him a little squeeze just because it kind of feels nice more than anything so just make sure at all times your workshop is floured well so it doesn't stick and i'm going to roll this guy out with a floured rolling pin to about two-thirds of an inch thick you can pick him up every now and then and just kind of reposition him just so he doesn't get stuck is it normal to prevent your dough like it's a actual child and just be gentle with him um so that's probably about right and he will kind of ping back a little bit but don't worry too much about that so when he stopped pinging you want to grab yourself a cookie cutter i'm using just a round cookie cutter you could use a square or you could just cut it i guess use whatever you like but i mean this is a classic jammy doughnut so i'm going classic round so make sure it's well floured and then chomp as many rounds as possible out and i actually like to remove them straight away just so they don't sort of sit around and get stuck to themselves and put them directly onto a floured baking sheet here you want to make sure it is well floured so it doesn't stick [Music] so i've chopped out as many as i can and i've got what am i got 13. a baker's dozen but i am going to just re-roll the scraps once just to get another maybe three or four out so that's all my little dough babies ready to roll they need a second proof though so you want to put your uh day babies somewhere warm for about half an hour don't bother covering them this time because you don't want them to get stuck to whatever you're covering them with because that would be disastrous and do they just need to be plumped up um you can give them a poke every now and then and they still need a bit of resistance and if your finger kind of disappears into them and never returns then you've over proved them and you can still fry them but they just won't be the same they'll kind of sink which will be very sad so do keep an eye on them give them a poke every now and then [Music] yeah my chubby little babies have had 30 minutes just on their second proof and as you can see they're chubby and springing back and they are ready i've also meanwhile been heating my oil now i'm using an electric deep fat fryer if you've got one of these fantastic if you don't you can do this with a saucepan either way be very very careful hot oil is not something you want to mess with guys it's a little bit like caramel just be very careful don't rock any boats or especially if they're filled with oil so i've got my temperature of my oil to about 175 180 degrees c um you might want to adjust it as you go just depending on how all your doughnuts are cooking but just keep it around that temperature and i'm just going to start because i'm so excited so i've got my basket here i'm going to put two at a time because i don't want to overload my basket and just very gently place them in if you're doing this in a saucepan always make sure you put them in away from you so you don't splash any hot oil on you [Music] exciting times we're going to split them over i'm just going to be really gentle and use some tongs oh look at that lovely color now you can afford to go quite far with the color on these like this isn't too dark you could even go a little bit further but you need to make sure they do have color because obviously you're going to be dredging them in castle sugar you don't want them to look anemic and also you don't want raw donuts right i think these ones are ready so i've got some kitchen paper just here just going to pop them on there just to get a little bit of the oil off now you want to keep going cooking them all for two minutes on each side until you've finished making your donuts [Music] [Music] ah the smell of a freshly fried donut it's delicious so i fried them all and they've been cooling down and so now it is time to finish them off so a classic jammy donut is covered in sugar now you can use granulated sugar or caster sugar i like caster sugar but mainly because that's all i ever really have in my in my house and in my kitchen so i have a bowl here with my caster sugar and i've also got my raspberry jam now this is just based on our classic raspberry goo recipe all i did was i used 700 grams of frozen raspberries i added 300 grams of caster sugar and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract and just let that come to a boil then i let it simmer for about 30 to 45 minutes until it was really nice and thick once it's just the right consistency you want to pass it through a sieve while it's still warm get rid of as many seeds as possible and then what you end up with is this lovely thick jam you can't actually see it because i've put it in a piping bag already but let's have a little squeeze and see if he oh there he is he's there so he's not runny at all this is going to be the perfect jam donut filling so first things first we need to cover our doughnuts and sugar so just in a bowl with your caster sugar just cover it all over and then pop it onto a plate or a baking sheet [Music] all right that's looking much more doughnutty now they really come into their own when they're covered in sugar as i think you'll agree so the next thing to do is to fill them but i'm going to just give them all a little poke into the middle of them with a chopstick just to make access a lot easier so just um using my chopstick just get right in the middle there give it a little wiggle oh now it is time to get filling with that delicious jam so i've got a piping nozzle on my piping bag but as you can see i'm using a coupler and the reason for that is i've tried it without a coupler and because you have to kind of get the nozzle right into the donut sometimes it can actually get pushed back into the piping bag and then what you've got is an enormous jammy mess that none of it's in the donuts just all over your hands and everywhere else so i would highly recommend using a coupler and yeah just grab your donut whack your piping nozzle right in give it a squeeze it should plump up a little bit and then pops your uncle oh look at that looks like a professional donut turns out unprofessional [Music] so [Music] oh yeah last jammy donut filled oh it is very very tempting to just i could literally smash about five of these in a row in fact i did last week you know testing testing luckily i have a kitchen full of hungry bakers you're hungry for donuts [Applause] i think that's a yes i hope there's going to be enough after i've eaten my five so let's have a little lick shall we so let's rip open one of these guys oh my goodness oh look at that jammy much oh my goodness maybe this one had a little bit too much filling in but you know what that's fine it's just a bit messy did you ever used to do that thing where you didn't wipe your mouth at the when you ate a doughnut you just did the whole thing without whipping oh i did it's a good excuse to eat a doughnut this is so good though light got enough sort of bounciness to it slightly crispy on the outside with the sugar and that tangy raspberry jam oh my god it's heavenly now i love donuts and obviously you can fill a doughnut with just about well just about anything and if you have a favorite filling or even a favorite kind of doughnut that you want us to try then please pop it in the comments box below and maybe just maybe sally dane and i will get our experimenting hats on and come up with a little recipe for you for some extra fillings who knows um if you make these also do take a picture make sure you hashtag cupcake gemma on instagram so that we can see how you got on and just let me know just because i i think you'll agree that these are the most delicious donuts ever should i eat the whole thing without wiping my mouth so we'll be back next week with another recipe so in the meantime have fun making donuts just have fun in life and i will see you another time thanks guys oh i lick my lips by mistake [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 110,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, jam donut, jammy donut, doughnuts
Id: wcgh-277_Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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