How to make the best Milky Doughnuts for beginners | step by step | viral milky Doughnuts

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[Music] hi guys you're welcome back to our Channel today we're going to be learning how to make the popular milky Donut from start to finish every single thing you need to know about making a fluffy donut with up to four different fing are you ready without wasting your time you're going to start with your flour okay you're going to get your all purpose flour from the market we are going to be sifting this flour in a bowl okay so get your SE get your strainer and filter the FL flour in a bowl and set it aside apart from the flour we also going to be needing what they call the yeast powder this is what is going to make a donut to rice and then some margarine okay and then some sugar and then some water okay are you following and finally a scale okay this is actually important if you want your donut to be as perfect as possible okay you can get this from any store and it's not expensive at all okay so first we're going to start by measuring our flour into this bowl okay so place your bowl on the scale and then set it back back to zero and then you're going to pour your flour inside it we are trying to get about 500 G flour so measure it in till you get the accurate 500 G and yes we have it already we are now going to be adding some sugar 4 to 5 tbsp of sugar is okay as sugar is in we also going to be pouring our yeast powder a tablespoon is okay and then we're also going to be measuring about 50 g of of um Marine you can use any brand of choice just measure out your 50 gram and then you're going to pour it in that bowl and you're going to get one egg okay your normal regular egg break it in and get some water a cup of water pour in as well you're going to mix this into a dough you guys don't worry the full ingredient list will be in the description box so you can always check it and if you are familiar with this channel you know we already have a donut recipe on this channel yes yes and this is just an updated version with feeling especially that Viral milky donut a lot of you have been asking me T spices can you make it for us this is it okay so now we going to need our donut our dough on a work surface like this you're going to place on and KN for like 25 minutes set your alarm to 25 minutes and continuously KNE ah voice over is not easy if you have a mixer this is the time to bring it out but for those of you that don't have a mixer don't worry just use your hand okay it either you use your wrist or you coil your fingers into a fist and just continuously massage like that for approximately 25 minutes I kid you not you have to be ready to walk it out if you have your sibling around especially those last BN just tell them to come and need for you okay so you're going to do this continuously for 25 minutes and after 25 minutes this is what we have so your dough is supposed to become lighter stretchy and very very soft and smooth and still FM at the same time this is what your dough should look like if you're is in a mixer this should take about half the time 10 15 minutes and you are done so set it aside and now you're going to arrange some parchment paper on a work surface yes they call it baking paper just go to any baking store or supermarket and tell them you want to buy parchment paper and then you're going to cut into square shapes like this and you're going to flat it like FL it generously this is where we're going to be placing our dough on when we are done rolling so you want to make sure that your dough is not sticking to the parchment paper so just flare the parchment paper generously okay so that your dough will not stick to it and this is what a parchment paper looks like this is what it came in it comes as a roll like this and then you can just use your scissors to just to just cut it up into any shape or size that you want set it aside now it's time for us to roll our dough this can be very complex especially if you're trying this for the first time so just pay attention now you're going to cut your dough into smaller sizes okay if you use the same measurement that I am using you should get about 12 medium size of um the dough okay and you can measure it with your scale so each dough should be about 75 G okay so that is what I'm trying to do I'm trying to measure um okay now it's 77 you're going to take it out till you get 75 and you see why a measuring scale is very important hand so if you want your dough not to come out perfect invest in it okay now we have our dough aha now you're going to oil a walk surface because we're going to be rolling our dough on this walk surface just oil it with a little bit of oil and then you're going to take one of the dough piece yes you're going to start by flattening the dough like this to get a very smooth surface and you're not going to use your hand to just bend it inside H this English is not is not coming very well but just attention to the way I'm doing it so you're going to use your hand to mold into a ball like this see this part is very important because it's the way you mold your ball that's the way your donut is going to come out so if you mold it anyhow your donut will come out looking anyhow so this part is very very important uhhuh you're going to mold it and then you're going to now roll it up on that oil surface yeah so you want your dough to just Glide easily when you are rolling because of the oil that is already on it yes and then you're going to eat it on that work surface one or two times to just allow any excess air or bubble to escape and to just give you that perfect round dough shape set it aside okay I know you didn't get it let's do it again you're going to get one of dopes you're going to flatten it with your hand make sure it is looking very smooth then you're going to bend it inside more like you're trying to roll out a ball yes so just bend it in like this and then make sure that all the edges are well sealed okay you don't want your dough to open up when you are frying or just use your hand to just press all the sides together till you get a well sealed dough like this and then roll it up on your old oil surface and then you're going to set it aside okay and set it aside of course on the patment paper yeah so this is it drop it on patment paper and then use your hand to just just press it a little bit so that the door can sit comfortably and also expand to the left and to the right okay let's try this for the last time in case you didn't get the other two that we did earlier now this is what we have this is looking like a Ab just bring your Goosey soup now you're going to just you know roll it up and then um yeah yeah you know how we do it already don't worry the more you do this the better and the faster you become so yes practice makes perfect C so you're going to just place this on your parchment paper Aha and then going to leave this to rise we're going to leaving this for about 1 hour okay or till it doubles in size and then I'm just sprinkling flour on it so that if I cover it with this Lon it will not stick on it and the reason why we are covering is because we don't want the dough to dry out so set it aside and now to our filling okay we are going to start by making some condensed milk yes a cup of your powdered milk normal milk half cup of sugar and then half cup of warm water you're going to mix together because condensed milk is a very important ingredient when you want to make your milky feeling okay now you're going to place this on low eat emphasis on low eat and then allow this to just boil for a few minutes immediately it starts to Bubble it is ready okay also you're going to be stirring continuously while it is warming up to break up any clums in your condensed milk yes and I'm showing you how to make this because I don't want to hear any te spices where can we get condensed milk mhm you can make it by yourself and it is very very easy in 5 minutes it is ready can you see can you see how easy this is okay just mix your milk and your sugar and water and you're good to go and of course the full ingredients will also be in the description box so that you can check it for yourself and now we're going to pour this in a bowl and we're going to set it aside now my goal is to show you how to make other feeling for donuts as well so apart from this milk feeling there's also one that they call cream custard yes before the old C for milky donut came this was what a lot of people were used to and to make that all you need to do is just to combine some sugar some cornflour this is what the cor flour pack looks like and then you're going to pour it in that um pot and then sprinkle a little bit of salt get your milk yes your normal milk and just mix this pour a little bit of it and then mix this in into a Puri more like a slurry right and then pour the remaining milk inside it and yes and then just mix together to break up any clums any lump inside and then get your egg one egg yes your normal egg pour it in and mix together that is all now you're going to place this on low it and allow this to boil till tiin yes make sure you stir till it is smooth before you place sit on low it and then boil for a few minutes till it thickens and like I said before this is called custard cream filling vanilla custard cream filling you guys I actually forgot to add the vanilla um at this point your normal vanilla flavor yes so it was when I had poured in this bowl that I realized that ahh where's your vanilla so I poured it in while it was still out and just mixed it together but yeah you can just mix everything together on fire as well and here you have it your custard cream filling is ready I'll show you the other feeling later let's check on our dough it's been on her already and our dough has risen it has puffed up it has doubled in size and now it's time to fry you're going to place your pan of oil on medium to low it yes and then one good way to test if your oil is all enough is to sprinkle flour immediately it starts to sizzle eh you can tell that it is a enough and now you're going to take your dough together with the parchment paper and then just drop it inside the oil um with the bottom facing down yes did you guys notice the way I'm doing it yes just place it inside it and then you want to make sure that you don't overcrowd your pan at all you want to fry in batches so at a go two to three Donuts in your pan to four is okay and then you are going to Now flip your donut your oil must not be too hot if it's too H your dough will get burnt quickly and if your oil is cold it's going to just soak up oil okay so you don't want that so you want to continuously check your eat at every single point can you people see that white line because at this point we need to ask this Donut for a skin care routine I mean look at the golden brown color and if you follow the ingredients and the steps in this video trust me you're going to end up with exactly the same donut okay and by the way this is your first time on this channel what are you waiting for Please Subscribe now we have to mix our milky filling okay in the bowl you're going to get your powdered milk mhm you're going to get your condensed milk as well you're also going to be needing some evaporated milk okay your normal evaporated milk you're going to mixing everything together in a bowl starting with the condensed milk and then the powder milk and then the evaporated milk okay so the powder milk is going to act as a sort of a thick now this is milk flavor this is very very optional this is just an after thought it's not necessary at all but if you have it you can add a little if you want your milky feeling to be very you know to have that milky Aroma okay so now the powdered milk is going to act as a thickener for the Milky feeling okay so if you want it to be thicker add more powder milk if you want it to be very watchy add more evaporated milk okay so just continuously mix till you get the consistency that you desire okay when I was mixing this milk let me not lie I was like who is that person that came up with this thinge because what in the name of Jedi ji is this one I know I have sweet mouth but this one is another level I loved it though anyway this is our milk flavor our milk feeling rather is ready so our donut is also ready as well now we are going to start by dipping the if you check all those viral videos you see them um dipping the dough Donuts in milk you're going to dust your donuts with milk first of all because you know we have to be extra right and then we are done dust dust it very very well okay come on be generous with your milk because you have to enjoy this Milky Donuts to the fullest um do this the way you want to do it okay so now that we have our well dusted in milk we are going to now drein a oil in our donut so that we can pour in the Milky feeling so you can use a chopstick like I am using just get any stick or get a fork or get a knife get a spoon U whatever you have in your house just make sure that you drill the O inside with what you have and then after drilling you are then going to get what they call Piping Bag you can get this from any baking store tell them you want a Piping Bag a disposable Piping Bag it comes like this yes you are now going to pour your milky feeling inside it if you don't have a piping bag there's a way you can use a Ziploc bag as well if you just tilt it to one side that would work okay so now that we have our filling inside this is what it should look like when you are done so we going to cut the edge of this Piping Bag and then fill our D nut with it okay so cut it up with the scissors and then just push it inside and fill it up fill it up as much as you want till you are satisfied now now let me just tell you guys um what my look like a mistake um at first for me when I was filling this up okay so my feeling was quite um watery cuz the more I was feeling it was as if the donut was just drinking the feeling a meet me at the top of this donut what is happening so one very good way to fix that is just to either um add more powdered milk that is all okay so what I did was just make under another batch and then mix it thoroughly with more powdered milk to make it thicker and then when I did this was what I had can you see that the feeling was looking thicker and fmer than the other one and now our Milky donut is ready to be consumed all right let's open this up and let's see how it looks inside okay so this is what your milky donut should look like if you're making this by yourself you can always control the feeling as much as you want you can go extra like I did and yes just look at that I hope you guys try this recipe eh now apart from the Milky feeling you can also make some whipping cream filling your whipping cream some powdered milk and some evaporated milk if you guys want I can show you how to make some whipping cream at home I just got my regular powdered whipping cream mix it up and then you are going to mix it with your powdered milk and some evaporated milk your liquid milk milk pour into a Piping Bag and then you are going to just allow this to chill in the fridge for a while before you use it so that it can just um become thicker right and then apart from that you can also use some strawberry jam as well so you can get this from your supermarket and then just pour into a Piping Bag apart from strawberry jam you can also use your Nutella if you like Nutella yes you can use it as a feeling for your dut okay okay so the same way drill um the oil and the donut and then get your feeling we have here some Nutella some whipping cream and some strawberry jam okay so just fill it up the way you want to fill up fill it up with whatever feeling of choice so I think so far we already learned how to make a many feeling four five can somebody help us count in the comment section how many feeling have we learned how to make into this video and if this is your first time on this channel you're welcome my name is still scene and my goal is to help you become a better home cook with step-by-step recipes like this so if there's any recipe you'd like me to create or to recreate please let me know in the comment section I'll be glad to hear from you and today's shout out is going out to Christine thank you so much for dropping a comment in our previous post if you want to get a shout out just drop a comment under this post and I'm going to shout you out in our next video so guys we just finished learning out to make the popular milky donut and now nobody can make Shakara for you nobody can prep you again because yes you are now a pro whether it's for business or it's for personal use this recipe is going to help you a lot I hope you learned something from the video thank you so much for watching bye [Music] guys
Channel: Tspices Kitchen
Views: 300,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QnWbFjlZJCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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