Mama's Meatloaf - Old Fashioned - Simple Ingredient - Southern Cooking

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hey y'all it's Tammy in our first volume cookbook we have a tomato sauce meatloaf it's a lot like what Chris ate growing up but my mother made more of a beefy meatloaf with a tomato topping so we're going to make that tonight so these will not be in one of my cookbooks until I come out with my third one just giving you a heads up but let's get started we're going to start out with one and 1/2 lbs of ground beef and this is not ground chug it's ground beef so it's going to have some fat in it okay I have bought me a meatloaf pan and this is available on our website to to buy and it has SL slots down in the bottom of it and you can actually pick it up and kind of bend it so that it will get a little deeper than that if you want it to be cuz once the weight sits down on there but um it's a nonstick Chicago metallic pan and we'll be putting our meatloaf down on top of that and all the grass will run to the bottom which is kind of cool okay so we're going to start out with the ground beef and we're going to put in a container of lipon well this is an offbrand but it said onion soup mix okay now we're going to use an egg and I'm going to rinse my hands off right quick before I touch the uh spices we're going to put in a/ teaspoon of pepper and we're going to put in a whole teaspoon of salt and that's a heaping one and remember the liptin onion I have some salt in it as well we're going to use some wish to Shire wor your Shire some of y'all get on to me for the way I say that how you supposed to say it Chris I don't know wor looking at that Chester there nothing at all like just say it the way you say it oh anyway we're going to get out some worshire sauce and we're going to put in a couple of shakes five or six actually for that much ground beef we're going to put in a little bit of this uh B roasted garlic powder so I'll shake in about I'd say half a teaspoon so I'm also going to put um crackers in it with me and Chris vers met um he told me real quick like he didn't like the oatmeal in his meatloaf because now if you use oatmeal most of the time it's instant quick oatmeal even if you get it in a large container and it it makes it kind of have a slimy taste and he doesn't like that let's just say about a half sleeve of crackers how's that these are Zesta daddy always likes Zesta just Saltines okay I think I'm going to use two eggs since I got that many crackers and the only way you can mix up a meatloaf and do a good job is with your hands and if y'all want to take the time and try to do it with something else you can go ahead but I'm just going to tell you nothing works better than hands for meatloaf a lot of different things really so you're going to want to really mix this in there good you can't do that with a spoon not with these type of ingredients um you would be here so much longer trying to get everything in there and dispersed evenly um it smells so good already it's not even it's raw meat and it smells so good another meatloaf that's really really good will make sometime for y'all is a Mexican meatloaf it's really good too all right so we're just going to take this meatloaf just want to make sure I got it mixed up really good and I don't really want to put this out on my cutting board cuz it's more for veggies so I'm going to try to just form it in the in the um Bowl as much as I can and if you want to get out a plate or something to put it on and form it on it you can but this should work fine make sure you take your rings off off before you make a meatloaf okay now we're going to put it down in here and now I'm going to make it more the size of the pan and it did make that fall down in there but it is going to hold it up we're going to get this in the oven and bake it we're going to bake it I like to bake my meatloaf on like 375 cuz I like for it to get nice and brown on the outside so I'm going to bake this at 375 and it's going to bake 45 minutes minimum okay so we're going to put this in there after the 45 minutes I'm going to take it out put a topping on it let's mix up a topping y'all we're got we got 3/4 cup of ketchup and you can't have meatloaf without ketchup on top of it not here anyway so I'm going to use some brown sugar and put in here I'm going to put in three tablespoons of brown sugar whoops so it's a tablespoon per 1/4 cup of ketchup that way you can reduce it or make it bigger if you want to and this is a half teaspoon of onion powder so it's not got salt in it y'all remember that onion powder just a half teaspoon just enough give it just a little bit of a good flavor ketchup's already got spices in it um so putting that half teaspoon of onion powder and that sugar in there will just make it glaze and be really really good that's it y'all yummy okay y'all take a look at the way this pan works you can see uh the the oil's in the bottom instead of it sitting in the oil and this was the cheaper ground beef I'm going to lift it up and kind of let you take a look underneath it and look your meat love is nice and formed okay so I am going to put the topping on it that's really cool thing I I thought that was the neatest pan and um I found that when I was looking for cookwar to go on my website and I loved it so much I had to get me one I thought that is the coolest thing ever but this should be plenty of topping for our meatloaf it's really too much but we'll use it anyway so if you're if you had a 13 by9 this would probably be enough for even a 13 by9 it's really so much I can't even put it all on here okay all right we're going to let that cook about 5 to 10 minutes probably 10 minutes let's get it out oh yeah looking good sounding good about to make a cake here's our supp can't have meatloaf without cream potatoes and green beans you just can't it's part of the rules so you'll be able to pick this up and it should slide right off because it's non-stick so we're going to check this out and just see if we can get it to work I'm just going to kind of shake it off you can see it's easy to clean up cuz it's nonstick the oil's down in the [Music] bottom all right let's serve it up it looks real pretty slid right off to your serving plate this would be nice to cook for um company I think so now how am I going to get that off right SL it down a little [Music] bit I didn't do the greatest job transferring that piece so we're going to try again this one's better let's Let IT stand up for a [Music] second okay Tammy has got me tasting it since I'm so picky about meatloaf I like it cuz there's no oats it's very meaty has a really beef flavor and then the ketchup on top of that brown sugar and stuff is really good it's very good very tasty and it's going to make great sandwiches too yes it is this is how my mama made meat lovea my mama I'm might eat all that you like it I think it's too salty Chris loves it y'all he loves it he said he might eat it all thanks for watching color Valley Cooks where we cook like Mama did yummy yum for
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 617,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meatloaf, best meatloaf, southern meatloaf, beefy meatloaf, cooks, collard valley cooks, meatloaf recipe, southern meatloaf recipe, how to make meatloaf, collard valley cooks recipes, best meatloaf recipe, cooking meatloaf, meatloaf recipes, old fashioned meatloaf recipe, how to make a meatloaf, how to cook meatloaf, homemade meatloaf, ground beef recipes, soul food recipes, meat loaf, meatloaf recipe easy, country cooking, easy meatloaf recipe, southern cooking
Id: FwfkpiibmjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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