How to make Louisiana Style Gumbo

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you hey guys I'm here with chef Mike we're going to make some gumbo Marty glossy in the boats and we're gonna get started with regular gumbo they go fundraiser tonight reformer that's Columbus brother so we've got some sausage on I think John's already famous not a bad here is four chopped onion that we purchased already John from 18 segment of assignment level I have 15 chopped garlic cloves five stocks like chopped celery for bell peppers already tough so parsley just good punches good nice handful to partly chop it up nice and fine it would be great it's all you're going to need this movie later on and then here we have the seep my seasoning the quicker to get it is in the same little time so the more garlic pepper femaie and that's a gumbo feeling and for Bailey got my wife's guard also I got a little bit of this amazing spices this is my special blend and that's my seafood my secret plan a little bit of it you want to take like this you mean for a is a is a is a teenager from says Presley watch this a little bit overpowering addition to my and it slowly and also these we have a roof which is April equal parts of oil and flour put down to a chocolatey consistency when you start making your Roux if you make your room make sure you have done everything you need to do for that power you don't want to have to redecorate it out this will go it will turn bad on you really quick so just stay on it and make sure you've done everything you need to do and if you don't want to make it this and perfectly fine with that you can purchase in jars in the store at A to B if we go into they won a day I made a long talk to chef Jon or Bobby or chef D any other point you in the direction of where the rule is located and it'll save you a lot of time as morning if you happen to burn your face you'll know a hard time you do it you won't do it again all right let's go check on that sausage how's it looking Mike alright get a little color on there so render out some of the fat all right there is gosh if Mike Hollywood all right we go we got Mike and Mike making some gumbo why we will you I my husband all right so now we're gonna give it a little stir all right already building a little bit of fawn down there on the bottom that's the flavor making me work hard with that little spoon you know what you need to put on this one you need to put a little this way you did it and how you do there let me how you do that voodoo don't I smell good smells like heaven so we're going to let that cook down a little bit yes sir let those a veggie sweat and then we'll add and those spices yes all right it's time to add spices here they go in the pot oh yeah and I wish I could smell this this smells amazing and we're not even halfway there yet we still got a bunch of layers to go we're going to add some seafood we're going to add the roof secret ingredient roof and then a little more spice and make it really nice cause right what you got there Mike and here we got a little crab claw me and over here we've got some just regular look and body crabmeat also and this is just some of the seafood that we have for this gumbo today we've got some more stuff over here Chef John you want to follow me over and we'll take a look follow us what things long ah or water and then Lulla motive on the thing yeah that Roux is thick that it is we didn't make that roof that'd be me dad I made that room they made their he made to work we bring that root of the root let it get hot I'll see what we need to go we may need more room and they go all that coming up is flavor welcome to flavor city last water they're watering their stuff the shrimp I didn't has and then I'll water stir there can't see how she loved like what we did Ross on this one we're gonna have rice on sack as much as you going on to versus smell-o-vision new idea coming soon smellivision chef's backyard comm is earth of them is looking great and more we fall look silky-smooth already so we'll add will took this down a little bit today I ring it up to bring it up to temperature cook it down and add some more roof the room helps to thicken it at the boiling point with the flower in the world all right a little bit more water for me if you put all them that's all that relay where we have about flavor seasoning for we started in our seafood when you start adding Farzana change on morning right now it's going to change or we are you like mice like fun that's where we are cooking for about a hundred those ingredients that we use you want to change this unless you people over there a lot of slaves resistant with snapper they take the longest where'd you get that from this is Bremen I'm drummers keep the courtesy of president was kind enough to donate his products to today all of our secrets but I hope right this is our snapper or crab or shrimp oysters graphing and crap bodies read bodies that are going in bodies bodies going in there cooking a pot of wine anything that would live is going in this pot alright and what are we making some gumbo gumbo unless the if you have never been there you need once you have gone which allows off I'm sorry for they say was a lot of time but they we leave this a long time for design and you that looks delicious about a long bit for somebody brand bodies all over world and clean homebody and pre-credit before man that smells like fresh clean seafood smells like seawater no maybe she smell to it this beautiful beautiful product too that you can we'd open this up and eat them all right now for the government so we might let it simmer okay folks we're gonna go back and we're going to check your pot we've had it simmer for a little bit so we're going to zoom in here and we're going to kind of talk about what we're seeing that's what's going on in the pot so we don't know kind of what to look okay so you can still hear where you see some of the bubbles in here that are starting to time to come up and you know some of the seafood in here is starting to they're starting to cook and break down some of the protein as you can see with the foam around the edges this is letting you know that food is starting to change and break down and it's starting to take on a different form in here and when we say that it's not turning into something totally different that you're not that's not going to be edible it's starting it - exactly what you're going to do which is cook so when you start to see this it's kind of don't be here don't be afraid just just let it go for a little bit longer and then we're going to add the rest of our seafood and then we'll go back to it again and you'll see some more changes smelling great John you need some elevated smellivision what do you think yeah and I think that looks delicious it's doing exactly what we want all right check this out we got some uh some action going on yes I'm here illegally now we've got some protein breaking down that way I think it's time for a stir time for to add some more ingredients huh sniffing around co2 so the heat is what thickens that right this is correct and I was in the room and this a surprise a gumbo feel a those two ingredients are are going to stick in your gumbo so that's all I said we can always add you can't take it out so we want to add a little bit at a time one thing exactly what we're doing now check it after comes up to a boil see where we're at the consistency let's see what we need to do from that this is coming up nicely some proteins breaking down you got a nice cross on the top we'll be having more secretive we're going to do a quick taste you always want to taste your food when you're cooking and you want a seasoned as you go we don't want to just at the end of The Bachelor is done much seasoning and egg one season if you go home because like I said the seasoning it's going to change the flavor profile is going to change you want to make sure you have a consistent seasoning and the taste as when you have pinch of other way to the end how's it taste chef oh my god and like I said once we added that face the flavor was going to change and it did it's awesome Chef John was like oh yeah Wow man that is fantastic are there something else a little bit more those crustaceans in there yes sir all right so we got some some crab bodies we're going to throw in there we're going to find out with the bodies of better that's right we're gonna no hand just in there ah there you go all right we're going to do the same thing we're gonna let this this summer we've got the fire load down a little bit we're gonna just let it do its thing but before we do take any oil out we're going everybody get a little bit add a little flavor so as you see here we've got some separation taking place it's doing exactly what we wanted to do cooking the oil out of the sausage we're getting our crab bodies they're starting to cook as you can see they're starting to float to me boom on up Alicia as you can see we're starting it already cooked but you want to get the bodies to eat through so they're going to start to change color on here you see those yellow pink and red background so we want that to go ahead and continue to cook and get nice and hot here smart we gonna get you a plate full of that loose in the corner Comey remove it for 30 minutes that's right but we won't say beer we we don't want to keep telling this alcohol right and I believe is called a soap opera phone cop we're going to now add chef Mike's coming over with some fresh water that we're going to we're not going to strand them we're going to keep the liquor in there come and it also look at Louie and then we're going to come back through with our shrimp peel and devein like I say all courtesy of gross seafood rig grub took very good care of and what you're seeing here there folks mucho mucho cariño see see that's how we do the South Texas gumbo chokerino hostages sir that's how we do it and then see if I can get a spoonful any of this up here Oh Tommy there you go there you go that's what we're talking about we think that that is mighty fine that is a lie down a bowl of gumbo if I ever seen one aren t I oh yeah yeah yeah so let the good times roll huh then this always like a good time alright so we're adding just a little bit more room we're at the kind of the final stages we're bringing it up to the temperature going to let it roll just a minute so thicken and then we're then we just turn off the heat grab me some fingers and try Brown okay folks we have added as you know they all of our seafood except for some crab meat you Krasnov we just added a little bit more thicken up a little bit as you can see a head chef is starting to break we're trying to get out a lot well and all of our facts from the other proteins in the seafood stock great can starting to cook out so we don't let this simmer a little bit you want to get a quick scoop here and we're not trying tasting there again just to make sure our favorite our flavor profile is not change too drastic it's exactly what we wanted Zachry start adding the last part grab fingers this added some lump crabmeat and now this is all we're gonna that we have turn to fire off because he's on an 18 and a little parsley chopped parsley much fun here you get some stems in there let's keep shopping jump on when I come back it's going to come back how're you gonna see some more all that's gonna come up to the top that's like I said it's coming from the sausage proteins breaking down from the secret now you can go in with a shallow spoon to go in and skim that grease you can leave it and that's oh we're gonna we're gonna scam as much as we grease on the top as in Tazewell that's a guess you will this is how you pick up Chef John for coming on today chef Mike insisted on the kitchen read from her along with all of our seasonings and also all mighty spices this is the seat blue season I'm sorry this is my special blend this mighty spice that Gmail okay you get in touch with me enjoy your Mardi Gras they left maple Paulie look at the time from all right this is this is what we're talking about this is good Louisiana style gumbo my mama's from New Iberia Louisiana my Paul live from man this is not Texas gumbo Louisiana go it's a little hot maybe a little spicy but that's all we can afford that's what you got here steeped in tradition deep in tradition regeneration enjoy takes it back home yes sir almost like my mom was in this kitchen somewhere she taught me well really appreciate ur teaching me
Channel: Chef's Backyard
Views: 221,195
Rating: 4.7150354 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: kFqmhHpw0x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
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