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what's up family welcome back to my channel if you want to join my family it's really easy all you have to do is subscribe that's it so today i'm going to be making some nice succulent orgasmic cheesy flavorful lasagna i hope y'all ready for this this is about to be some really good lasagna shout out to my mom because this is her recipe i might you know add a little bit of trinity up on this thing but for the most part this is actually my mom's recipe i already know this is gonna be good okay now if you come for my mama it's gonna be a problem don't come for my mama recipe don't do it i'll be using ground turkey not ground beef i never really use ground beef in a lot of things i always go for ground turkey it's just healthier lighter on the stomach you know also have some italian sausage this is what's going to just give it more flavor of course you need the lasagna noodles i mean you're not making lasagna without lasagna noodles like you just can't do it another main ingredient of course is the sauce bringing more flavor in there this is marinara sauce that's what i'm going to be using now this is debatable a lot of people are really staying dogfish about the cheese the ricotta cheese a lot of people don't like that thick layer of ricotta cheese and i feel you my layer is not going to be thick it's going to be one good old amount just for flavor and that's it we're not going to overcrowd this lasagna with too much ricotta cheese nobody want a big mouthful of ricotta cheese listen up the most important thing about lasagna is making sure that it is balanced all around that's the point of it being in layers you have to have cheese on your lasagna i don't know how else you can do it honestly you can use whatever cheese you want but i'm using the sharp cheddar cheese mozzarella of course some cheddar in there as well now there is another cheese this is one that my mom uses great cheese that's what it's called i've never even dealt with it actually let's taste a little bit of it let's see what we're working with this is what it looks like let's take a um let's take a look okay well it don't taste bad you're also going to need eggs and i know y'all waiting for me to juggle them so i shall there go there we go [Music] your girl is hot today so yes you are going to need eggs and we also are going to be adding a lot of ingredients salt pepper nutmeg a pinch of sugar just make sure to watch the video so right here so i have my sweet italian sausage you can use any type of sausage you want preferably i would say spicy i couldn't find any spicy italian sausage but this will do so y'all probably wondering okay so how are you going to make this work we're going to be cutting the um i don't know what they call it i'm going to take the sausage out and put it in a bowl and i know a lot of people i get so many comments on my nails and it's actually pretty annoying and i'm gonna go ahead and address it real quick because i do get a lot of comments about my nails but let me just give people a reminder since people aren't really smart enough to figure it out themselves but this is not a professional kitchen this is my personal kitchen using my food that goes down my throat and my stomach that comes out the back side of me this don't have nothing to do with nobody when it comes down to my nails another thing is i don't have to compromise my two-week nail appointment to meet the standards of a culinary student or a chef trinity didn't enroll into a culinary school people comment about oh where you're going to get dirt and bacteria under your nails and blah blah blah blah see boo i have a nail brush that's what i use do you use it a lot of people that comment about my nails i bet you they don't own a nail brush and you don't have to have acrylic nails long nails short nails still nails it don't matter what your nails look like boo you do need a nail brush it's actually part of the washing your hands routine you still got to get under them nails regardless if they're acrylic or not people really need to evaluate themselves to make sure that they're actually cleaning under their nails because trinity is good over here now let's go ahead and put a smile on our faces and get to the video all right so now that is all mixed up we're going to go ahead and cook the sausage warm up your pan and i'm going to just put some salt in i like to put it in from the beginning this is just my preference do what you do but either way you're going to need to put salt in this pan now go ahead and put your meat in we're cooking this first before the ground turkey because the ground turkey is quicker than the sausage [Music] go ahead and spread that out make sure you are cutting up the meat because you don't want any clunks so i'm really going to be like just stabbing this meat like crazy because i don't want any type of clunks in my meat now i'm going to add in the ground turkey i'm doing this because the ground turkey is faster than the italian sausage so i'm basically just trying to balance out the time you can cook ground turkey in italian pork sausage in the same pan it is a yes this is much easier to cut as you can see this is going to be perfect i know it's looking kind of weird right now but at the end of it all it is supposed to be fully cooked both of the meats will be fully cooked no matter what i'm basically just cooking one faster than the other i drain the meat add your marinara sauce i'm going to add in some oregano [Music] cayenne pepper of course you already know what time it is paprika of course some garlic this is the minced garlic a little bit of water and now you're going to give it a good stir and if you think you need some more marinara sauce go ahead i'm probably going to add some more a little bit more once you got that in let it come up to a simmer i'm also going to add in one bay [Applause] leaf oh and the last thing that you need you need a pinch of sugar not a church pinch big old pinch like this where just grab a big old chunk of your meat not that pinch it's a little pitch just just a little bit i got pinched a whole lot and not even because i was doing anything wrong because i was laughing and i'm a very goofy girl and i would just laugh and i would get in trouble for laughing so i'm going to let the meat simmer and let's go ahead and make our ricotta cheese ricotta rice [Music] let's see here i think you know i'm gonna use the whole thing because when you start to layer this you get to decide how much ricotta cheese you want so this part doesn't necessarily matter okay you're in control boo you're in control so in the ricotta cheese i'm gonna add in parmesan a cheese dash of salt a dash of nutmeg some white pepper you can use black pepper i'm using white pepper because to be honest i don't think i have any more and one egg all right [Music] found some black pepper y'all i found some black pepper go ahead and mix that really really well the ricotta cheese is done i'm still allowing this to simmer you're actually supposed to let this simmer for about 20 to 25 minutes get that bay leaf all up in there i'm going to add salt to the pot all right the water is boiling y'all it smells so good up in this apartment go ahead and add your lasagna and we are going to be cooking this al dente what does al dente mean it means we are not going to be cooking this pasta all the way because it's going to finish up in the oven you don't want soggy noodles you're going to have to halfway cook it in the pot and finish it up in the oven as you can see the pasta just fell in by itself it knows what to do y'all gotta trust food allow food to do what it naturally needs to do the first thing i'm gonna do is of course put some lasagna on the bottom next i'm going to add some meat and then the gruyere cheese some mozzarella and now i'm going to go back with the lasagna and layer another one next layer i'm going to add some more meat next the ricotta cheese like i said you decide what amount you put on this this will be the only layer in my lasagna i only need one layer i don't need all that extra stuff just one layer [Music] [Music] and if you need to get on our level honey do it because you don't want this to overpower the whole dish i'm adding some sharp cheddar cheese another layer of lasagna now on this layer i make sure to not hold back on the meat i don't put a whole lot but this is definitely the part where i try to balance out the whole layer if that makes any sense at all like i said before it's all about making sure everything is balanced when you eat it i'm actually going to double stack we're just adding a little bit of leftover marinara sauce on here i'm putting the gruyere cheese on the top layer if you've never tried this cheese i would highly recommend it because it's not as strong as you think some of you may see that i'm just putting a big old little glob of it but the cheese is actually pretty light it's not like heavy cheese might as well throw some some sharp cheese up on here and just a sprinkle of mild cheddar [Music] [Music] look at my lasagna let's turn this thing over so i know y'all know the rule is to let the lasagna sit for a little bit but you know what i can't wait i just got to i just have to i like a little crispy on top i hope that's okay just go ahead and cut this [Music] okay no more playing of course it's not sitting up perfectly i didn't really let it sit but who cares oh i'm gonna italian sausage to the cheese oh gosh this is so good y'all like [Music] [Music] mama mama your girl did that i'm so happy because i know my mom is proud of me like she's watching us like you know what good job um i did it i promise y'all one more bite and i'm gonna go ahead and end this song thank y'all so much for watching this video i really hope you guys enjoyed it i mean i know i did if you try this recipe make sure to tag me on twitter instagram let me know so i can repost it shout out to the j team for being part of the support system i love y'all if y'all want to shout out like them you already know you got to subscribe and of course hit that notification bell and let me know below and that is it y'all make sure to be bold brave and beautiful and i will talk to y'all in my next video bye [Music] jesus um [Music]
Channel: Trinity Jae
Views: 2,538,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trinity jae, trincooks, cooking with trinity, HOW TO MAKE LASAGNA, how to make lasagna with ground beef, how to make lasagna at home, how to make lasagna with ricotta cheese, how to make lasagna easy, lasagna, recipe, cooking, recipes, pasta, lasagna recipe, how to make, food
Id: UiRg86Uc7J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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