LATE NIGHT baking with the EASY BAKE OVEN!

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[Music] what's up JT welcome back to the channel if you're new here I'm Trinity all you gotta do is Click subscribe to join the family so I'm back tonight I will be baking with the easy bake oven if you haven't seen part one that's in the corner somewhere or down below when I first bought this I mean it turned out better than I expected but it was just wrote a clip I decided to bring this baby out again okay I'm super excited because now I have other things to bake if you would like to know where I got mine the link is below I do have an Amazon storefront and the link takes you directly to the one I purchased because there's plenty of them out there uh this is the one that I'm familiar with so you just want to make sure to purchase the ones that work they have a really good review here she here she is she's she's back oh man let's go ahead and plug this baby up I'm so excited for this when you plug this up you are gonna need to wait at least I think like 15 minutes did I throw away the directions foreign the light is on it's good to go okay so while this is um getting hot let's go ahead and get our ingredients I have my pans I add it to the collection y'all I bought some things some more Circle pins that way it doesn't take us long to make these okay it was very long last time because we had to wait for one to bake to move on when you purchase the Easy Bake Oven most of the time it comes already with some recipes so it makes it really easy so you don't have to use like adult things this is for kids so they're pre-packaged comes like this like what this time I'm going to be making pretzels yes now it looked good but do it taste good we bout to find out by the way my merch is on sale link is below go ahead and buy it take it I don't want it anymore have my bowls out this is to make it easier they do not give you bowls or spoon some do if you get a kit also you're gonna get directions we love that because this is for kids and this is a great way for kids to learn how to follow directions and to understand that you cannot skip steps in life okay shortcuts not always a good thing I would know first step preheat easy bake oven for 20 minutes okay cool Alexa set timer for I guess at this point about 10 minutes 10 minutes starting now okay you have two more notifications do you want to hear them Amazon music for Crime has improved you can now listen to the songs of any artist you want Alexa okay thank you welcome [Music] Orange hope you've had a good weekend that was so sweet I wasn't expecting that here I was getting an attitude I'm sorry spray bacon pan with cooking spray okay so what pan are we dealing with here I guess we're dealing with this this pan right here we're dealing with this pan so I have some spray it doesn't come with spray but we're gonna spray our pan and we do need to go ahead and set that aside and get our mixture together so by the time the oven preheats we can go ahead and pop them in make the glaze pour one egg wash mix and two tablespoons of water into a bowl stir the mixture with a spoon and set aside for later okay yeah I remember that yeah I remember there's nothing but water and powder with this that's it the egg wash is in powder form honey with the Easy Bake Oven it is very important for you to just have a bowl of water on the side because that's all you're really gonna need with this mix with these bags we need the egg wash so this is the egg wash that is salt that is the pretzel mix that's pretzel mix pretzel mix nacho cheese nacho cheese now y'all doing a lot y'all doing a lot nacho cheese okay two tablespoons here we go you know what this is not the right spoon not necessarily but it's okay it's okay then mix in the egg wash and we mix it I remember making egg wash in the last one set it to a side for later make the pretzel dough oh this is the fun part we have our pretzel mix I know man these have so much potential but is it really gonna taste good we're just gonna go ahead and put the pretzel mix and four teaspoons of water into a bowl okay one two three four stir and press the mixture together until you form the dough okay why does it look blue some places look a little blue now I'm gonna add a little bit more water because this isn't it's not giving dough am I supposed to put two bags no it's one that was a little interesting oh boy being the measurements I'm thinking like at this point I'm adding in more than what it's saying unless I really just should have got a real like teaspoon now I'm going to grab it with my hand and try to get this thing doing what I need to do wow it's working okay all right the dough is formed use your hands to shape the dough into a ball sprinkle flour on your hands if the dough is too sticky I actually think it is definitely too sticky I'm guessing they want me to use my own flour so let me grab some flour all right so have some flour here do a little sprinkle that's way better it's not as sticky well it did just become sticky again okay so I'm gonna need more flour I mean I thought I put enough flour I guess not I'm not trying to oh I ain't trying to put so much fun I just wanna die choose what kind of pretzel you want to make twists nuggets or sticks y'all know which one I'm going for the hardest one Alexa off thank you you're so welcome your kindness really gives me a charge Alexa being real nice today it is time to shape the balls so I'm going to take a piece and I'm Gonna Roll It Out oh goodness [Music] let me move this out the way roll it out like this I'm not even sure how to make the twist design because it doesn't actually say it in the directions so y'all just leaving kids out here on their own huh y'all ain't gonna tell them how to do it because it's definitely not a step-by-step with the ball of dough into eight equal pieces roll the piece of dough into ropes twist each rope into a pencil shade as shown twist each rope into a pencil shape how are they supposed to know like this [Music] oh wow I did it it looks a little crusty though it looked a little hurt but we gonna go for it maybe I should have stuck with the sticks or the Nuggets okay let's shot us again twist it [Music] and then you cross it this is not how it's supposed to be are y'all really being realistic because you know in part one we found out the hallway that it ain't gonna look like the picture make sure to tell your kids hey it's not gonna look like that picture don't get yourself too upset about this got kids out here throwing Tantrums because they can't do a pretzel twist I know some of y'all gonna get because I'm pretty sure I have said at least like pretzel wrong at least once man you know what I'm about to make my own design I'm ain't about to play around I'm a full-grown adult and y'all got me and my feelings about this y'all got me questioning if I can do something this is about to look a hot mess I can't believe you easy bake maybe it's for the people with the small hands the kids okay this is what I was able to come up with my own little design it's getting squid okay it's getting squid shape but that's okay that's okay and the good thing is the oven is already preheated so we can pop these babies in let's see for how long use pastry but oh we gotta um put the um the egg wash on top let me see use pastry brush or your finger to spread some glaze on top of the dough sprinkle the glaze dough with uh salt okay we're not done yet some glaze on now glaze O'Neal give it some color for all these y'all love it some salt right here I'm putting my hair like this because I do not like a salty Presto okay this is giving tiny food sprinkle a little bit of salt okay throw it over my shoulder for good luck I heard that works hopefully who invented that I think it was Emerald y'all remember Emerald the people that watch the Food Network y'all know the OG air Roll come on classic bake for 15 minutes time to put it in don't put it in like this hold on see you gotta be careful because if your dough a little too thick it might get caught how do I do this oh yeah okay I do it like wait no no you push it in you push it in until that little flap closes see listen closely you'll hear it you hear that that sound right there that's how you know and at first I thought that it slid down like a belt or something no it doesn't it just sits there and you're just gonna be pushing it over to the other side and as always make sure you clean as you go foreign let's make the cheese sauce we might as well go ahead and have that done it's a lot of cheese sauce it's just a lot for work a little you know she saws it's definitely giving um what is it crabs mac and cheese make the cheese dip pour one nacho cheese mix which we did well I did well y'all doing this with me we're we're a team here two tablespoons of water into a bowl and stir until smooth okay let's go one [Music] two and now let's mix foreign now it is getting smooth okay okay well shut my mouth it is giving cheese dip and it is actually pretty smooth look at that still waiting for the pretzels to get done maybe we should prepare our next one so we can kind of just rotate these out because we trying to get it in and get it out and in our mouths okay so chocolate chip that's what got my intention if it might hit it might preheat the easy bake oven for 20 minutes it is already preheated spray bacon pan that's always that's law at this point got another pan here sprayed off to the side pour one chocolate chip cookie mix and one teaspoon of water into a bowl stir and press the mixture together to form a dough okay we saw that coming so let's see pink sugar cookie mix chocolate chip cookie mix that's what we need there's definitely chocolate chips in here as it should be right pour that in mmm it smells good something has to taste good out of all of these or you know what in part three your girl just gonna make it with regular oh ingredients okay shoe I don't think that's enough am I reading that right or am I tripping there's just no way I feel like it's it's one tablespoon at least but one teaspoon I don't know about that okay so if you happen to use too much water just throw some flour in there there's still some flour in there okay 12 small balls okay okay let's put some flour on the hands because this I just feel like it's about to get sticky it's about to get more messy than I thought Maybe maybe they were right maybe I was wrong maybe it did only need a teaspoon learn from your mistakes kids do better be better than me okay be better than me oh my goodness it started getting messy in the kitchen this is the clownery this is where you get your Chuckles in oh my goodness this is just not it y'all come close go closer look at these yo this is not it all right so here we have our chocolate chip cookies with a Sprinkle of flour on top all right so it has been 15 minutes it's time to take these outs also because we gotta put the chocolate chip cookies in so what you're gonna do hmm wait you push it through try not to push it I don't know is it all the way through and now you're gonna grab it oh they look real good from here wow wait they're kind of stuck I knew this would happen wow but they look really really good they don't look bad [Music] um we have our cheese sauce right here oh it's a little still oh still this ain't no cheese dip this is cheese spread okay gonna have to just take one there ain't no butter in here though like pretzels and butter I mean oh I I love a good pretzel and I know this is gonna be it respectfully okay just dip it [Music] oh man dear Lord please bless this food and let it bring nourishments my body's new praying ma'am and I'm over here praying over easy bake oven food let's also compare it to the box I truly believe I could have gotten a little closer um it was really that twist part I don't know how they made the twist with with that I don't some ain't right those on these pictures it's bigger than what it really supposed to be just so y'all know like they made real actual size pretzels like that's what y'all did y'all ain't slick okay foreign they don't taste too bad they really don't taste too bad y'all that's wild and it could be the salt because if there wasn't any salt this would be so Bland and not tasty it's that salt hmm [Music] I'm impressed I'm impressed I would say that this has to be the best savory um dish from Easy Bake it's time to put in our cookies and this is going to be in here for nine minutes nine that is not a long time I'm here for that I'm here for that Alexa set timer for nine minutes nine minutes starting now I thought she was gonna say something else okay my apologies for all the um Alexis going off right now so so sorry I think we have to make the icing well the frosting chocolate mix here we go some water I'm eyeballing it I'm eyeballing it okay and let's give it a mix I'm trying to move fast because it's only going to be in there for nine minutes why is it acting funny why is this it takes a long time for that water to get in that mix [Music] but it got there okay chocolate frosting spread the frosting between the two cookies and make a oh Lord I think my icing is too liquidy for that y'all remember last time we made whoopie pies well I made will be y'all were there okay y'all were there y'all saw what happened what makes me think that it's gonna turn out this way it might it might not it might turn out well we'll find out okay so now the pink sugar cookies with lemon frosting oh with lemon frosting that sound pretty good that sounds pretty good it's that lemon that got my attention let's go ahead and make the pink sugar cookie mix ahead of time let's let's get that over with Alexa how much time we got left you have four minutes and 30 seconds left on your nine minute timer okay cool that's enough time oh I love the color pink I used to not like pink because I was like younger I was in my tomboy days but now I like pink [Applause] it's definitely become one of my favorite colors but not the favorite okay my favorite color is yellow oh good okay okay okay get out of control throw some flower on it is gonna be just fine yeah oh my goodness it does suggest to press it down just so y'all know [Music] oh why is this so messy what [Music] I can't wait for um my daughter do this and I want her to be better than me I do she will be better than me okay Alexa thank you I'm so welcome your kindness really gives me a charge you know what that's getting old Alexa all [Music] right that compliment is getting real old real quick now I know she just saying it just to say it she don't really care [Music] y'all supposed to be making these robots feel like they're people in there they're not okay look how look how messy this is y'all I need one more there's no way I'm gonna be able to make another one like bruh y'all it's getting late late night bacon with Trinity like that's what this should be called because when it gets late it get real real funny let's quickly take this out push like this I'm nervous because these cookies was looking real hurt [Music] are they done oh no it's hot oh that happened I'm gonna put them back in for a little this is why you gotta follow directions do better than me do better while that's still in there it's time to clean up this is just no [Music] I think they're done now they should be I mean it's not like this is like raw egg that we're eating you know what I'm saying like it'll be fine foreign [Music] yeah that's better better you know what it might have a nice little shoe to it hey because we don't want these overcooked anyway now I'm gonna pop these in [Music] [Music] the sugar cookies are in time to make the lemon frosting mmm smells good [Music] but do it taste good we'll find out I'll put a little bit of water because at this point maybe I just need to be patient because I've been adding too much water y'all I know y'all been painting it just be patient the Easy Bake Oven is going to teach you patience y'all yeah that's better oh yeah yeah I've been adding too much water look at this y'all this is a completely this is completely different it's thicker than the other one this is how the frosting should be when you fall get back up again get back up again some of y'all know that song it was very important to make sure these cookies were all the same size I just want to say but that's okay that's okay add a little bit of that chocolate give it a little swirl and we're just gonna grab another one we gonna pretend like it's the same size but it might taste good comment below what y'all think it might taste good because it is very soft it's still warm chocolate is chocolate mmm wow um [Music] I was excited I love the texture because it is very soft and the texture is really really good but the flavor [Music] I taste the chocolate it's sweet but it's not overly sweet it's like a pillow I don't regret making them thick like so how much longer you have one minute left on your nine minute timer counting down y'all counting down let's get ready let's get ready okay they're nice and done oh I like how soft they are they're just really really fluffy That was supposed to be oh wait it hasn't cooled yet it hasn't cooled off it's not ready all right we gotta go for it top ball give it a little squish now this actually look very close to the picture look um foreign frosting is good makes me want to make a lemon pound cake oh I'm about to try to make the most beautiful cake ever I will be using the cake mix from this box but not necessarily following the directions because I did make that one in part one so if you want to see that go check out part one it did turn out great which is why I'm using the cake mix because it actually did hit already added the water velvet looks like chocolate [Music] but it is red I'm going to come down to the Easy Bake Oven I definitely noticed that the cake mix is like the easiest thing to make [Applause] [Music] [Applause] smells good yeah I think this is definitely my favorite it's definitely that cake one for sure oh I want to make a squirrel cake yes that's what we're doing we're making a swirl cake and I will layer some spray them I wish these were the same size but maybe we can do like a like a layer a layer cake let me just I don't know I'm gonna go with the flow here man I'm making a mess and I need all of this some pink and then I'm gonna swirl it hopefully that's what it needs to do now I'm gonna just shake them foreign yeah that worked perfectly actually so let me bring out clothes when you shake it this is what happens when you shake it I'm gonna gently give it a swirl okay [Music] oh okay [Music] it's given exactly what it's supposed to be getting these are going to be in there for 16 minutes now it does suck that I can't put could I concealed can two FIT no it can't I'm gonna sit this in here that way when it's time I can just push it through man Alexa set timer for 16 minutes [Music] a bigger one all right so I'm pushing the other one through oh wait that looks so pretty now it is kind of back there oh no oh see we having some issues because the other one okay all right I'm gonna have to push that one back and okay we got a little bit of an issue here because uh the way I oh this thing is so thick it's oh no my cake is messing up no no it was too thin no no no no oh gosh I'm trying to finesse it it hurts it hurts oh it was so perfect let's get this frosting going I'm just gonna add a little be careful of these gotta be careful the frosting y'all to not add that much water so it's not liquidy just the touch of water for the frosting this is how this is how it should be it's happening again it's happening again okay oh that's hot oh it still looks so good my next time I know what to do it's time I know what to do give it here oh oh oh it hurts it hurts to see it like this can I push it out the other side it ain't gonna make a difference this thing gonna need a little Cleanup in the inside but I look kind of burnt right here I don't know man let's add on some of this icing I am actually going to put it on here while it's a little warm because we do need it to spray we wanted to kind of drip down a little bit man this is not coming the way I wanted it too look how pretty there's some pretty sprinkles now let's add some decoration maybe put something on the side if it's your birthday this is for you happy birthday down the middle look at that it is moist it is moist cheers to a fun night thanks for kicking it with me y'all who sprinkles they have a bite it was a lot um but this is good the red velvet and strawberry cake mix Easy Bake definitely my favorite nothing has topped it yet overall I would say that tasty tasty good it was done it was definitely the first one I do is Click subscribe turn on that notification Bell and let me know below that's it make sure we bowl Brave and beautiful and I will talk to you on my next video oh and if you want to watch more content I am doing vlogmas on my family channel so I will see y'all there probably today [Music]
Channel: Trinity Jae
Views: 160,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night baking recipes, late night baking ideas, baking with me, easy bake oven recipes, easy bake recipes, easy baking, oven baking recipes, kids easy bake oven toy, Kitchen toys cooking, kids cooking toys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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