How To Make The Best Homemade Lasagna | You'll Never Buy Frozen Lasagna Again After Trying This!

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hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I have the most amazing lasagna recipe for y'all Hey listen I was up all last night making this lasagna and then I was editing this video trying to get it to y'all like ASAP just in time for the holidays so let me show y'all how I made this delicious lasagna so as you can see I'm adding in some ground beef this was a two and a half pounds of um like 80 20 ratio of uh fat versus lean meat okay and I've added that to my Skillet on high heat I'm not touching it much you know I just left it alone for a little bit so that I let it cook and begin to caramelize and then I went in with my spatula to chop it down okay so you do want to chop down your meat you don't want it to be too chunky okay so just chop it down leave it alone okay so this is mostly cooked so I think what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to drain this fat this is just too much so I'm going to drain this before adding my chopped onions and the seasonings so I went ahead and I drained off that uh fat that was just way too much so I'm just going to make a well in the center of the meat just like this and I'm just going to begin to drop in these onions here's my seasonings I'm going to go ahead and add this in as well and now I'm just going to stir all of this together and this smells so good by the way like so good so I'm just letting this cook until those seasonings become nice and fragrant so I'm going to go ahead and add in my garlic again I'm just making a well in the center of the pot and adding in that garlic this smells so good all right so now I'm adding in the sauce so now I'm just going to bring all of this in together okay okay y'all so this is like the most important step in cooking your uh sauce is to taste it okay so I got my spoon here I'm just gently stirring this and then I'm just going to taste it and then I'm going to make any adjustments and this tastes really really good this is really good sugar so this is done just simply to cut down the acidity in that tomato sauce and it's just going to make everything more balanced okay so now I'm going to reduce the heat down to medium low I'm going to cover this and just let it simmer so it's been about 30 minutes here so now that this is just about done I'm going to add some fresh parsley and this is just like a small little handful amount here if you have some fresh basil you can throw that in there too it's done I'm going to turn it off now and work on the rest of the ingredients all right so now we're going to make our ricotta cheese mixture all right so I'm going to use grated Parmesan cheese garlic powder and parsley one egg okay I'm gonna do a little Cajun seasoning and just a little black pepper okay then I'm gonna mix this all together I know y'all like no she did not just put Cajun yes I did yes I did I just put Cajun seasoning in there oh that's good okay so I'm also going to use a little salt and so the reason I decided to add a little salt was because I just tasted it and I didn't taste any salt so um yeah if you want you can add your egg your egg last when you do your ricotta cheese and go ahead and taste it you know all right okay so I'm going to add some meat sauce on the bottom layer of my casserole dish and this will help to prevent the noodles from sticking now I'm just going to lay the lasagna down just like this just making sure that they slightly overlap a little bit okay and if you have any that don't fit don't worry about it you want to cut that and guess what I cannot find my kitchen shears so I'm just going to have to break it okay we're just gonna have to break it so we got to break it to get it to fit up in there there we go I don't know why I thought I'd be able to cut it no no Delilah you have to break it okay so there we go we got the first layer okay now we're going to add some meat sauce we're going to spread it around you guys this is so relaxing making lasagna like so relaxing and it smells so good I'm gonna add some of this um grated Parmesan cheese so this is optional you don't have to do this if you don't want so now I'm going to add some fresh grated mozzarella cheese and when you do yours just add as much as you like look at me being a fat being fat like girl I think that's good what do y'all think I think I put just a little bit more okay I don't want it like super cheesy but I want cheese in every corner okay so now we're gonna add some more noodles okay now we're going to add some more meat sauce go in with your spatula and just spread it around and we are not going to be stingy here with this meat sauce okay remember when you do yours it's really up to you how thick you want um your layer of meat sauce to be it's up to you okay so now we're going to add our ricotta cheese okay foreign you just do as much as you like okay I normally am not like a super big fan of ricotta cheese but I don't know we'll see we'll see how it goes today I'm just gonna spread this out y'all look I'm trying to fit this like a puzzle piece okay so now we're going to do our final layer of meat sauce so you want to make sure that all of your noodles are covered with that meat sauce okay guys all right so we're finally going to finish this off by adding our cheese on top now call me crazy but I'm going to just sprinkle a little parsley on top y'all probably like yes that's crazy just sprinkle it so I'm also going to bake these in court according to the package instructions which says to pre preheat oven to 375 and we are going to bake this for what is the second one to say y'all see it because I don't see it oh 90 minutes there it is right there and I'm going to take some foil you want to gently spray this with some nonstick cooking spray okay so I'm using this one here gently spread it and hopefully this will help to prevent the cheese from sticking so I'm just going to hit it one more time okay so now I'm gonna cover this with the foil okay and then I'm Gonna Bake this inside of my preheated 375 degree oven oh [Music] foreign here it was about an hour of baking now I'm going to remove the foil and then I'm going to set my oven to broil which is 500 degrees Fahrenheit okay then I'm gonna place the lasagna back inside so now when you put that lasagna back inside make sure you stand by that stove and watch that lasagna because if you walk away okay you gonna burn your food okay so I put it back into the oven on broil and I only let it stay inside for about three minutes and this is what my food looks like right here okay this was so oh this was so good so listen after you take out your lasagna you want to let it set and you want to do this so that um you know it won't fall apart when you cut into it okay so I just let mine rest for about five minutes so you have to use your own judgment how long you want to let it rest but yeah this is what it looks like here and this was so um this was so good like I made lasagna before on my channel but the recipe that I made before just does not compare to this one okay and this one was a little bit easier to me as well so if you try this please come back and let me know how yours turned out can't wait to hear about it and as always thank you all so much for watching and supporting my channel I hope to catch you in the next video bye
Channel: The Simple Way with Delilah
Views: 1,492,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lasagna, cooking, recipe, recipes, lasagna recipe, italian food, pasta, dinner, how to make lasagna, how to make lasagna from scratch, lasagna soup, the simple way, Italian style lasagna, simple recipes, homemade recipes, google, no boil pasta, no boil lasagna, quick lasagna
Id: 0ge3VV-HTTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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