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Pleasant morning guys yeah man we're out here in a beautifula b again yeah man s cing s cing Yeah man so bless up first off guys bless up to all the whole people and bless up to everyone the community bless up to all of the fishermen in the community big up on yourself all fishermen from all big up on yourself yeah man so guys as you can see we're out here on the beach front today we having some guests in the HQ so right now guys we go ahead and start the preparation the guest soon for man que the HQ already so you know we go over there check in on her and see what going so bless up everyone Thanks for tuning in yeah guys so check in in our HQ so today we have a couple guests we have about seven or eight guests we not sure as yet so 7 or 8 guest I come come enjoy some seafood Yeah man so this is our little HQ guys for know you know all new subscribers whenever you guys want to link up with us and you want we prepare seafood and all of that this is where we do the link up yeah man this is it our nice Cameron Family TV HQ yeah man and it's actually located right on the sea front so you know what a way to enjoy your Seafood cool nice seab breeze Yeah man so guys we go check in you know the kitchen now as me said before the queen day already I go and do our thing so she prep the the vegetable them for the steam fish right Queen yes guys so I'm preparing the vegetables for the steam fish and as you know we have pumpkin pumpkin Irish okra and some ground seasoning onion we're going to use some sweet pepper some escallion thyme scotchy of course and some garlic yeah man that is it and guys check in and show you guys the type of fish we gu them yeah man soon show you that so just stay tuned the HQ alive already we have a stove and we have a pot them and everything we have a jerk P but we don't get any order for jerk Yeah man so the HQ well equipped guys yeah man and guys we have bread fruit them one bag of bread fruit peel and you know roast and peel and slice up in the fridge ready yeah man just ready to deal with and we have some bom right here yeah man we have some bom with the steam fish so want to just stay tuned guys soon check in and you know check in back and show you everything we going start the preparation now so bless up thanks again for tuning in respect every time out here our HQ beautiful and cing yeah man big up everybody fisherman big up on yourself or fishermen all around the island all around the the whole world yeah man big up on job not easy me know B my experience so stay tuned guys I watch all going don't I now that's [Music] the water [Music] oh so guys right nowal with the festival [Music] so quick and fast so leave the door it set cover it cover up with making set Yeah man so check in guys the vegetable nice vegetable and for your steam fish mhm really nice so guys we do now go ahead and SE the fish so see that moment steam fish es fish Yeah man so stay tuned and watch what going on guys some really nice fish we have right here today yeah so guys we season the fish we Ste the seon and off together so guys in order to get the best tasting steamed fish you have to season your fish before you actually put on the pot Ste you season the fish and then you go ahead and season the vegetables also if you want want the best tasting steam fish yeah you have to follow Cameron method steam fish meod fish don't AF to FL season fish them all you guys around restaurant just season food good guys once you season your food good people will come back right AF like FL some restaurant like stay and FL the season they're afraid to use the good season them and guys trust me if you use the good season them season on food people will buy just season the food properly cook the food properly and set on the prices and trust me people will support you guys business and everybody love cheapness people love quality for them money so if to season the food with the right season and put the right amount on it and just price the food the business will grow more and flourish but when Shen up on the season and I cook fresh food we not even have no taste give we not come back once we buy the food one time we I come back we be regular customers so need season food to all the restaurant owners them bling your seeds up on the food them so these are the esav the one you're going to fry and put the esav sauce rub him some in belly perfect and on you SE fish this guys trust me you're guaranteed to get a nice nice flavorful fish that and Guys these are Snook call them a Snooks fish for all who new to the channel this is snook these are Snooks yep W so that is it yeah man so get them now start fr the fish so St big up thanks for tuning in so you guys camon basically what C do just Crush some garlic and put some scallion in the fry I know say that add a lot of flavor to the to your fry fish guys and if you want you can put pepper to but because we in the HQ and the area kind of enclosed like want basally R up with sinus so we're just going to add a little piece of garlic and some Escalon and guys the es so we give the guest to put on the that have been pepper so we don't necessarily have to fry the pepper in the AIS before we fry the fish time to drop in the fish the fire guys ready [Music] [Music] [Music] just yes guys es fish on we have a big pot but use the big pot couple fish fry use the big pot we have use a lot of o with the small pot two small pot see it guys out here in the HQ que look tired you're tired to man you actually cook Sunday already yeah but but up up the really tired tired yeah but now yeah inside up so her right here yeah man yes cool like let me Yeah man so we out here without fear guys yeah on the beach front cool this is where all of the cool Bree is right here on so yeah guys stay tuned for the for the steam fish we actually going to steam the fish after we done fry the fish I go do the Steam on so bless up on yourself guys out here without fear HQ settings so yeah guys we got to Che out the fish well fried up look at that and food good the food look listen catch me jealous but not eat cook my good good rice and peas curry goat and brown stew fish [Music] yeah turn them so fish take out again guys look at that yes so we going put in the next set now right take first burn okay and SM up the HQ right kill with heat too so angel fish big so meanwhile the Angel going fry we going to steam some fish now fish time so light up girl the first do the fish two but only one part of available and the reason other reason want the same good flavor want a consistent cam Family TV yeah we want Ste one fish in one and then flavor all so guys the to the vegetabl but me use butter to add extra flavor right extra extra extra before Ste fish yeah y Ste [Music] fish I think it's time to flip the angel [Music] system half yeah cover the and then fish like 3 minutes guys 3 to 5 minutes the fish on the vegetable make them cook halfway through that is the vegetables you make cook halfway through before putting in the fish them inside the PO yeah so guys as us stay tuned bless toest and thank you guys for supporting usig up to you guys that support me all you guys know we come eat Know video now so dig up on yes and thank you guys for supporting Cameron Family TV as always yeah man good thing visiting the H when you go back home actually watch and see how your food PR you know watch about the whole thing prepare food so that's a great feeling when you go any restaurant not where come from prepare prepare it so this is a good see everything is done so minutes time guys put the fish again so yeah guys the last set of fried fish now ready to come out angel fish angel fish now miss something right since we start the channel a lot of people know about certain type yeah know about the different typ of a lot of people only know about fish and fish fish guys you never know you guys never know about actually tast the Yeah man they actually taste better I'm glad start the Chanel so you guys actually see them you know and get to know them when you come to buy fish actually ask them so what we going to do now guys yeah put on the pot for steamish all right so guys before we go do that put it put look at that seon so add the fish now so that's what we're going to do now add nice par fish them beautiful look at that this is a red snaer mm snaer fish yeah and one more the top scoop over the vegetable one more on the top right that is it look at thater look at that guys this is how it is done this is how it is done so listen taste good the it not work when start boil up you the amount of water in there so you need a lot of water but we have to put a good amount a fair amount because we use the we we put the bu and the B and the B suck up a lot of water so stay tun lock it up suck water but we with no suck up the absorb the water up people food Yeah man so we put on the next po now put the rest of fish next steam fish yeah so that is it and guys the same procedure we bit then season them stir them saute the veggies you know saute them and then we we just make them cook down then we add fish so we still show you guys L you never catch it you know catch it a while ago here's a fork so we add a little look too much want to much but F taste good you know you want to keep it at a at a yeah we use it in moderation right sister know could say father all right so proced add a little seasoning season up vegetable and guys if steamish so get the flavor out of the food tell there a special flavor when you do it like this [Music] so a water cover cook up you know see like the first yeah and then after that we can't add cook for about 3 minutes we can add the fish so right now we add in the bom to this one now look at that check in che check in the PO before do a little T T Test but remember push your spoon now think nobody Wicked we need um eight pieces eight pieces of B four four yeah that's it fry some and get bread fruit Festival so it's a whole lot so B get and guys next trick this when the B you need to turn down stove yeah yeah can't have the flame too high the fish burn botom so you just basically wet your B them and then yeah leave them remember something easy M like a already cook already B like this now guys that is it so Le water gravy water know some people watch some people listen and watch some people watch listen so you know gra guys gravy thick yeah man yeah yeah man that is it right away again we check in this check in check in regular Yeah man so couple minutes now we can actually drop in the fish them and then start fry the B and start fry B bre fruit check in show guys bread fruit see bread fruit bread fruit roast already and slice up and everything so stay tuned fry them fesal over so big up on yourself again thanks for tuning in and guys book with Cameron Family TV book and coming at the HQ come enjoy all this goodness yeah man beautiful scenery tell number contact first of all guys the number always in the channel description but from time to time we actually remind people about um the number it will be on the screen also 479 41 yeah 876 47941 and guys you only need to book like 5 days or 4 days in advance yeah remember we have to go catch fish yeah big so stay tuned guys go about 2 minute left now we drop in the fish Che because maybe you can drop show you pin guys we want the pumpkin not the pumpkin want the vegetable to be chewy eat vegetable we want floor not bottom the floor hey the pot floor fish time fish are big you know yes so we make for that big snook fish big yeah man a lot of you guys never eat snook and just check out the snook fish real nice fish drop the two tonight now one right here and the next one right there that is vegetable P fish no yeah man so that is [Applause] it so guys this is how you do your steam fish if you not do it like Cameron you're not doing any steam fish taste good yeah won't taste good so we add a little bit more seasoning M then water but M of don't wash side of the yeah what we do we actually take up the gravy and on the fish yeah when we ready so stay tuned guys this is how we do [Music] it look at that that is it man beautiful and one guys turn down stove look look yeah man turn stove take time bubble yeah man that is it man and steady steady with say we go ahey the the festival not the festival we fry the festival last the buies and the bread fruit B and bread fruit yeah so light up a grill B and Bre fruit light up a grill guys any any kitchen husband and wife a nice nice man once put once a husband and a wife come together and do anything at all not only food once your husband or your wife come together with you and start something it have to be successful so just try it guys never try it try it just team up just team up with your husband or your wife and start something and you see success ni so basally we M put some more in next oh yeah the steam fish and we each B in like six yeah cut six cut one time 18 piece cut one timeful hey that is it extra jelly here all right I think you have have yeah little bit more bit more water yes and guys it better you can add water more and take away so and then the water on the fish on the B on the bom sorry and then turn it down like the first one yeah so very e guys more juice more juice juice juice for your neighbor for your friend more juice all right and lock him up so guys we lock him up and turn on stove now and that is it yeah on to the the frying part we're going to show some guys we change the we can't on the festival and the bread fruit new yeah that's okay when the fesal we add a little bit more yeah so stay tuned bless up everybody don't know we have work yeah no lazy man around here W mhm right cuz guys if if properly you know the the or suck up the any you want put it and want that because me eat food and it like so the B Festival the bre any one of them make sure the set the a h properly so line up already now guys what we do we actually put napkin the botom of the them this is and guys as as we stated before if you guys need to come on down to the HQ and have some seafood with Cameron need to link up on this number that is on the screen and basically call the number now 876 47944 and guys 01 oh 01 sorry I repeat the number make a mistake 47 876 479 41 and guys call either we shot a video we do a live or we do like personal business or something like that so can definitely leave a WhatsApp message when leave a WhatsApp message we are going definitely reach out back to in a timely manner so don't forget to just leave a WhatsApp message ready now guys than nice W it's going to be a t around here no Fe it's going to be a fe around here it so we're going to fry some bread fruit now not we go ahead now there with some bread fruit think you need some more the bread fruit bre fruit some a little bit more not too much yeah and make it properly bam so next the fish Yeah man so this this part finish already you know guys check in that finish still warm and nice you know and then the next one now couple minutes time you're ready some more gravy and the gravy thick you can drink like soup MH yeah perfect M so that is it and add some bread food to the pts W yeah something sh start me yeah man a ro fry bread fruit guys sour fry r s fry turn and Bre don't want them too dry bre fruit like a bre fruit CH eat yeah like a chips you want turn them and don't fry them too dry unless you want chips bread fruit chips actually nice take a look guys B they ready B ready yeah so so we have rest bread fruit them now ready for fry yeah man that is it what we do guys we put them all of the stuff on this plate them drain and then we transfer them to a different drain properly yeah just watch come man that is it man that is it I put next fruit next set y yeah guys if I can't take it eat come out of the kitchen all right sample piece of bread food right now set speed one nice though you have to really nice you don't have to come down so guys this look like ready now lock off fire yeah man that is it man that is it the two steam fish ready right there es cool off pick so that is it man out here without here we have the festival mix left for fry see so just stay and watch on guys here without fear so guys we actually ready to deal with the festival we do when we the festival we put on the [Music] and so that means when the a h all we have to do a drop in Festival just like that do them guys turn up make them like this Festival yeah yeah that they requested just a small amount of Festival Yeah man so drop in now ready to drop in Festival now so yeah man that is it and guys have to start flip your Festival you don't want yeah them are going good still I try drop one yeah man so that is what we're doing now guys so when the festival done fry up We going show you guys the guest them come and have a seat and then we share them food we show you guys all of that when we share the food and all of that so stay tuned big up on Festival turn don't have no Festival burn up Festival up turn up yo my brother yeah man look at that look at the color nice check check check in check in more check or a festival check Festival check testing Festival yeah man that is it guys Festival Hope and ready yeah man so what we do now guys wait guestward stay tuned guys dish the food bless up on yourself every time out here with no fear remember that yeah guys so the guest them arrive basically share the meals them now yeah [Music] no joke that wipe them foury right you know what grav h so guys that is it man beautiful so we just kind of wipe the plation so the gravy still visible it all right so them guys this is it that is it come to this one right there nice nice cover this fish [Music] yeah so you got put the es sauce panda all right you put the sauce everybody always want angel fish Mee that fish the angel fish yeah turn want go right fried bread something e thank you Pepsi cool be right yeah can't give the Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi right here so es fish es Ste steam es you ready now hey want kfcf why you tell everybody on the channel how the angel fish actually taste wait let me taste it again normally people not really know them type of fish know most people know Snapper and Par and stick to snapper par so since we start my channel everybody start know the different types of fish and how you know you have fish actually cheaper actually taste better it people the angel fish taste nice it can eat tast very good and good and or like that you want try the we have a we have a steam Angel to to you used to all right she not like try new things all right so we have more FR Angel yeah all right so yeah man it really tastes good yeah man my fish that know yeah man we Curry it we brown stew we fry we do everything to Angel okay and they really nice Yeah man so go and enjoy food thanks again for the support no yes Angel tell put on the channel then just done I know people ask me for more come fishing beach come a portion of fish full of fish and go say love fish know fish again chicken tired of chicken man fish tell people Lobster even Lobster Lobster CCH Lobster catch Lobster so eat lobster till me lober so as soon as season the of July P Lobster M Lobster people kill people overate Lobster you know overpriced Lobster yeah and Grill if have and Grill big this Lobster fridge not even not even want see lober heer you know say government B turle you can't catch tur release watch video nice pretty one pretty all right so guys guess them finish enjoy them food so you know we not nothing no no no ending today you know we just go ahead and you know tell the food taste good or whatever and me don't tell them guys talk the truth don't tell no lie just talk wrong you know and know this me want more fish Yeah man so so General Food go now so hold on first of all guys the two subscriber them yeah and them put on all of this today so thanks again General respect every time and thanks again M yeah man bless up every time so guys this generally we actually meet already yeah man we actually meet one day and promised me say come and support me one of the day and you know keep up to him promise yeah man respect for that brother bless up to family so yeah man so food going big up to you why a home just get that is it understand my wife is a chef so me know what you about love the food all right he like me never miss meard you understand it enough respect to you and the food and big up to the camera yeah manig [Music] upen respect all right enough respect you know to wife she yes yes people today is my husband birthday and I decided to take him out eat fish with Cameron and Cameron and Shiva wife fix it and it tastes so good home me homemade meal and you don't miss nothing from it taste nice so all the time on camera eat the food and tell people it nice you know people might think we just exaggerator or something like that nothing like that yeah man so glad enjoy really good people yeah man should come and try it out that is it man that is it man we get a little bit of fish now yeah fish great man we enjoy steam fish the only thing is shorter is more fish but you knowth yeah man that is it man I shall return brother so guys we have some other guess over this kind of fre camera but you know we still make a general say something drink drink ram my wife is here to talk [Music] man yeah Manish man so want more the full review all right so guys right give me full review so that so eat good but guess what if fish done too quick it lick a bit don't eat and still hungry so guys see Fish see Fish prepare them actually a one PB size par fish them them eat and you know say to they say too small so next time cuz guys we know what we do we normally ask we guest them question and them you know honest opinions and then we work from there don't know biger fish a biger money but you know we can't tell people can't gu them that so we guess them you know just order the size of fish want and then we price the fish but you know we just want to make sure say the food taste good that you know that happened today mix rum cream cre actually mix rum cream and CI guys yeah yeah when mix rum cream and compar you get a pink mixture right no no no no pink we're notal with no pink MI want want room in room so drink pink juice top Yeah man so yeah man thanks again for coming all of you guys yeah man really appreciate this kind ofer smile over there yeah more food over there what you want steam or fried fish oh box fish box yeah man she she camera shy and eating shy she know want eat in a crowd you know so guys so thanks again to you and your your wife yeah man and you know really appreciate the support maining anything want anything you know there Island fishing all okay yeah man I just just m about 5 minute D you so we really love them no like 5 minute drive and that's it we have even place you can be you know while we cook you guys enjoy crocodile every I [Music] see not a problem I see yeah so crocodile everywhere I see but thing is with crocodile whenever go there or you go there then run so you can't even get close to them much them going attack you yeah that's how they salt waterp love swim alone yes he love swim by himself by yeah man nice fish [Music] man so it up yourself colors puy clim teag socks but all Murphy everybody big up on the whole team Yeah man so guys we end the video now so the enjoy music birth happy birth happy birthday [Music] welcome 59 say 6 6 r [Music] happy birthday yeah man every yeah man [Music] [Music] right now yeah it out [Music] yeah [Music] man [Music] dance come something to mix up the original original [Music] [Music] he [Music] me [Music] keep [Music] hey [Music] what that [Music] all right so guys bless up on yourself and thanks again for watching TV we blessing for
Channel: Cameron Family TV
Views: 13,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qtDpJq4FPv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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