How to make Jack Mackerel Patties

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hi everybody everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is gonna show you all how to make jack mackerel patties I've never tasted it before I have no clue what it tastes like I'm really not sure whether does it taste like salmon you know do you cook it like you would a salmon patty but we'll just see we're just gonna kind of wing this video and this is to show you all that even if you've never made it before even if you've never tasted it you can do the same thing just like I can everything that I can do in this kitchen you all can do as well absolutely you can here's what you'll need to make Gina young jack mackerel patties here's the ingredients that you will need you will need some onion as well as bell peppers and I have a green bell pepper and a red bell pepper meet personally whenever I make some type of patty like when I make my salmon patties I love to see that beautiful color of the green and the red going all throughout my patties so but what you want to do with these is you in your onion you want to give them a nice saute you want to chop them up and then saute them in just a tiny bit of olive oil and get them a little soft because if you put these vegetables in raw the patty will be done before your vegetables and basically you'll have a done fish patty but your vegetables won't be cooked so that's why I like to give them a nice saute let them cool down and then we put them in the mixture and then everything is cooked okay that's that's that's a really good key now you will need some eggs I have some olive oil sea salt cracked black pepper garlic powder Old Bay seasoning Italian style garlic bread crumbs and you can see over here on the plate I have some flour as well as the jack mackerel now the jack mackerel looks like this in the can and it does some juice in it I've taken the juice out okay so I've poured the juice out let me show you what it looks like when you put it on to your plate okay make sure that your hands are impeccably clean what you want to do is lie them in this in this manner and if you open them I want to be very detailed so you all can understand those of you that have never made this before and this is the same for salmon patties when you open it you will find the bones and literally you just grab these bones they come up very easily watch this okay they come up so easily with no problem now there's people out there that love these bones these bones are not like any other fish bone they're a nice soft bone that you can digest so a lot of people just literally they smash these bones up and they eat them okay but me personally I want to take mines out okay so that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to take the bones out of each one in this manner and then I'm going to come this way and I'm gonna take as much of the silver skin that I can take off of the outside just like this now you can leave that skin on if you like okay it's really up to your discretion but I'm gonna take as much off as I can just like this all right I'm gonna continue to do the others and then when I'm all done I'll come back and I'll show you how to finish up with our beautiful Jack macro patties okay everybody we have all of the bones out all right I have as much of the skin off that I could take off what I couldn't take off hey I didn't worry about it let's set this aside because what we're gonna need to do let's start cutting our vegetables so that we can get those nice and saute because um you want them to cool down before you put them into your mixture okay you don't want to put this sauteed vegetables hot into your mixture because we're gonna have egg in our mixture we don't want to make scrambled eggs so let's go ahead and get this chopped up and sauteed up it only needs to saute literally for a good eight minutes and that's good enough okay now if you want big pieces feel free to use big pieces I'm just gonna do not too big not too small okay and you don't need a whole lot I'm actually going to use that much of the red and just a little bit of the green and we're gonna chop up our onion as well and everything will get sauteed together in a little saucepan just like so I hope you all are having a great day today it's beautiful outside the birds are chirping and the sun is shining and god is good break so it can be a better day today as awesome today as awesome this is a day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it absolutely okay so then let's chop this up and I think I'm not going to use too much in this blinged-out pepper either I don't eat that piece the other pieces that I push aside I just normally I'll put them in a freezer bag and use them for a later date when I'm cooking I can always use leftover bell peppers I love to freeze them okay there's that that's the amount we're going to use there and then we'll chop up our onion as well beautiful now when I make my salmon patties and I know we're not making salmon patties I use the Maggie poyo which is a chicken Boyan flavor and I absolutely adore that flavor in my salmon patties but since I've never tasted jack mackerel before I feel like I need to taste it first before I use Maggie polio I want to taste it and know what it tastes like you know what the texture and everything is before I use Maggie polio but if you want it to absolutely you can use it okay it's really up to your discretion all right that's about how much onions I'm gonna use now I have a pan here we're gonna put a little bit of olive oil in our pan just a little bit I'm gonna get our vegetables sauteing up in here just like so jack mackerel patties is on the menu for the Young's house for lunchtime today and we are so excited on the side we're going to serve just plain white rice I know a lot of you say you like to have mashed potatoes or potato salad with yours now and I'm also seeing that there is a lot of people that like to eat jack mackerel patties for breakfast which is really interesting okay so there's my patties I have a murderer here's my vegetables I have a mo medium high just gonna sauté them up for about eight minutes okay everybody let's start mm-hmm to make our patty mix so you want to go in with the fork give it a nice smash because you don't want any big pieces okay we're not making meatballs here all right so make sure you chop it and you know you don't have to do it this way you can use your hands if you like absolutely you can beautiful just like this okay so now what you're going to want to do a season and wor season is gonna be sea salt and make sure you put enough in there so you can taste the flavor you know don't be afraid to season your food cracked black pepper but your nice amount in there cuz you got a nice amount of fish here the seasons you want to be able to taste that pepper absolutely garlic powder you have to have garlic powder garlic powder makes everything taste beautiful right on in there these Old Bay seasoning ole Bay seasoning goes great with any type of fish absolutely you can use Old Bay seasoning in here oh yeah that's about enough just like so I'm gonna squeeze just a little bit of lemon juice when I tell you all just a little bit just a little bit that little bit will go a long way trust me when I tell you this all right we're going to go ahead and put an egg and then we're going to put another egg as well beautiful let's begin over here on the stove you want to take a look at the vegetables give him a nice turn or so and your vegetables will start to get nice and translucent and what translucent is it's where your onions start to get clear in color and your vegetables will start to get a nice deep color and look soft see this here we're almost there we're gonna turn this off here in just a second and let it cool down if you want it to cool down fast okay throw it in the refrigerator for five minutes it'll cool down and then you can proceed with your mixture for about five to seven minutes so they can cool down and then we'll finish okay everybody what I did was I put my sauteed vegetables in the freezer for five minutes they're nice and cold now we can mix all ok so just toss them in just like so any of those oils from their vegetables toss that in as well that's all flavor we've got world-building flavor on top of flavor all right my rice is just about done I'm going to go ahead and drain it [Music] alright now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put our breadcrumbs in and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you the measurements of everything that you're gonna need in the description below but when I make it I'm just gonna eyeball it because I know exactly how much I need but I will give you all measurements all right so we'll do it that way now you're gonna go ahead and mix everything in and make sure that you get that egg and these seasonings well incorporate it okay just like this if you feel like you need more breadcrumbs hey but you some more breadcrumbs but I'm going to show you what to look for when you put the bread crumbs in because you wanted to stick together you don't want to make the patties and they fall apart in that egg and these bread crumbs are what's going to be your binder to hold these jack mackerel patties together so what you want to look for is you want to go in with your hand and grab some like this okay see that there if this stays together see how we can do this it's good enough you don't need any more breadcrumbs if you do that and it falls apart then you might want to put some more breadcrumbs in okay so that's how that works but get it well incorporate it because you don't want any eight pieces that you get cooked if you didn't mix it well and then what I like to do and and some of you might like to use the cornmeal what I like to do is after I make my patty we're gonna dredge them just a little bit we're just gonna put a little bit of flour on both sides so we can get that nice beautiful golden brown crust that we all love orange jack mackerel patties all right or salmon patties so if you didn't want to use the flour absolutely you can use cornmeal okay but me personally I really don't like the grit of the cornmeal between my teeth ok so now we're going to start making patties I'm gonna do up maybe four or five patties just like this you can make them all all the same size you can make them different sizes if you make them into a little ball like we had earlier the demonstration that would be called a croquette but if you make it this way like a hamburger patty that's called a patty all right the little ones are croquettes these big ones here that look like a hamburger patty are called jack mackerel patties all right so here's what you're going to do see how it's staying together just like this you're going to take the flour make sure that it's packed well together so it doesn't fall apart on you okay now we take a little bit of flour and you just stretch it just a little you only need a little bit and some of you might say but what about the sides you don't have to put it on the sides don't worry about that okay just make sure you get it on the top and the bottom this is what it should look like okay so we're gonna do several of these off-camera and then I'll come back we're gonna get these fried up and we'll give them a taste I'll let you all know what it tastes like I'll be right back okay we have all apart we have three patties made I'm gonna go ahead and demonstrate the last one okay just in case you didn't see the first one you're just gonna take it you've had it together just like you want a hamburger patty all right pack it in tight so that it doesn't fall apart see that that's how it should be that's the texture it should be and make sure you do the thing where you toss it up because that will let you know early on if you're gonna need more breadcrumbs but two eggs is always what I like to use okay then we're gonna go in here sprinkle you a little bit of flour once again on the top in the bottom if you can get it on the sides it's okay but you don't need it alright just like this now we want to start heating our pan up to a medium-high heat if you haven't done that yet you're going to need some olive oil or vegetable oil any kind of oil that you want to use would be just fine we're going to fry these you don't want to turn these up onto a meat you don't want to turn these up high and you don't want to cook them low if you cook them low they'll fall apart if you cook them too high the outside will get done and the inside will be cold alright so medium high is that perfect temperature that you're gonna want to use okay everybody now what you're gonna want to do is let's put our patties in and be careful when you put these patties in you don't want to burn yourself or anyone that's in the kitchen with you okay cuz that grease gets hot so don't splash it in there just be real gentle just like this okay and you see I put my olive oil in the pan all right just kind of put them down this way and then slide them off with your fingers just like that now Nora you're gonna naturally want to go in with a fork and a spatula right away you know looking at the bottom to see if it's done don't worry about that you don't have to do that and the reason why is because this patty will tell you when it's ready to flip because what you're gonna see is you're gonna see a nice beautiful golden brown ring towards the bottom and that will indicate that the bottom is golden brown and it's time to give it a turn once I start to see that golden brown ring in the bottom I'll come back we'll give them a flip okay tell you something about this now you would think that this would have a fishy smell this does not have a fishy smell it smells beautiful it smells like you have like you're frying a piece of chicken so that's what's great about this you don't have to worry about the smell okay everybody now on a couple of these I am starting to see that beautiful golden brown color that I was talking about so let's go ahead and give it a nice turn okay see that there and be gentle be gentle okay just like this this is what they should look like very quick simple easy recipe to make you can do the same thing see that they're beautiful my goodness and like I said about the flower that flowers gonna give you a nice crunchy outside let me bring it close to the camera so you often see that beautiful and you can see those beautiful bell peppers going all throughout that's why I like to put the peppers in in and it gives it a nice taste as well okay everybody let's take a peek in at the other side oh nice and beautiful nice and golden brown and yeah here's the thing some might get done before the others it's one of them's not done just let it go okay just let it keep cooking until it's done let's see it's looking like these ones here are done beautiful my goodness my mouth is watering so I know you all's now has to be watering here's what we're gonna do I have a cooling rack and when these come out of the oil they're gonna go on the cooling rack and the cooling rack will allow air to circulate all around that Jack macro patty and it won't let the patty get soggy because if you take this out of this oil right now and you put it on the plate what's gonna happen as the bottoms gonna get soggy so you put it on a cooling rack air will circulate around it it'll stay nice and crispy on the top and the bottom alright let's go ahead and take some of these out this one here is not done yet and that's okay I have all the time in the world to let it cook all right don't rush when you're in that kitchen have patience like I always like to say hey listen here if you can have patience in that kitchen trust me you're gonna have some good food you're gonna have some good cookin all you need is patience this last one is going when it's done I'll be right back okay everybody our last one is done I'm gonna bring this close to the camera so that you all can get an idea what it looks like see that thickness that's the thickness that you want it like I see it feel free to make the croquettes if you want to the little tiny ones this one here is the patty look at that my goodness look at those vegetables going oh wait then you got that nice crispy outer and the insides gonna be nice and soft and well-seasoned okay let's take and transfer our patties to a platter just like so if you want it to squeeze lemon on here you can you can put hot sauce on here you can mix mayonnaise and hot sauce together some people like ketchup you can put this on a bun with cheese you can enjoy this like I'm gonna enjoy it today with white rice on the side let me show you this jack mackerel patties 101 hey listen here if you never had this before you bet it make you some absolutely you should it's so easy alright now let's dig in we're gonna say a blessing before we dig in god bless this food Lord we thank you for your blessings you love time your mercy and your understanding we thank you for the roof over our head and the food that you feed us I think you'll are from my YouTube family and I pray that no weapons formed against them shall prosper we bind the devil away from us in Jesus name Amen okay everybody let's dig in I have this perfect one in mind look at this here right over white rice look just how beautiful my goodness let's see I think I want to take a little bit of lemon juice if you wanted hot sauce anything you want to put on yours you can just a little sprinkle lemon juice ado me mmm-hmm look at that let's dig in you got a have you a little bit of rice with this I have jasmine rice on the side if you wanted to do brown rice that will be fine as well taste this look at that look how beautiful I cannot wait to give this a try Oh mmm I was expecting a flavor like salmon this is not like salmon it has its own separate taste this right here is something I'm definitely gonna make again it is so delicious mmm and I kind of feel like mmm I feel like this is really moist it's not as dry as salmon wow this is amazing let me try again [Music] whoo-whee you better make you so that's right here make you smack somebody my goodness outside is so crispy and the inside is nice and soft and seasoned oh my goodness I hope you all go out today run out and grab the ingredients so that you can make this it's so delicious mmm let you some plain white rice on the side sometimes what I feel like when you have something that's so flavorful like this patty is the best thing to have on side would be a plain potato or plain white rice you don't want two things or that are competing against each other you know mmm this right here my goodness I'm so glad you all introduced me to Jack mackerel don't forget to click on the notification bell if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching good night mmm look at this guy's doggone it this is good oh where have you been all my life
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 103,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Jackmackerel #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Id: 79yg_zPBrzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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