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it's all a little dance hi and welcome to breathe it was played today we're making easy pizza home when I say easy pizza home it doesn't mean that it is not a good quality beat so they were making a semi-professional pizza that everyone can make okay today we're making a top-quality pizza in the house you need to go to the pizzeria to the restaurant because you can't go so today you take the pizza here to your place hi to Instagram right to YouTube hi to Facebook before we start making the pizza dough which is this one I mean it is yesterday so look how much it grew if you won't believe it it's only two sorry three grams of yeast yes so much you're sixteen yeah it's huge but we'll talk about it soon all I want you to know before we start the video lots of respect for pizza shapes great pizza shifts they are the people who know area your pizza the pizza Ward is it something you never learn you never stop learning never stop learning okay I'm not a pizza chef and I don't want to be a pizza chef but I do love beets okay over the years I learned so much from my friends pizza chefs and they learned so much from each other every day that is never never enough to learn about pizza you need to know this okay my family and I believe most of you still make the beets on the same day either on the same day use lots of East that's how people make or make pizza but over the years I've been making pizza since I was 15 because I love it and all the thing is I learn and every day every time I make beats I learned something new okay okay another professional pizza chef and I'm not going to pretend to be a pizza chef and I'm not going to tell you you're gonna become a pizza chef but we're gonna make pizza at home like a pizza chef okay so can we see it again for everyone that just joined so you made the pizza how many hours ago look I made this pizza yesterday afternoon okay this is about 16 hours give it a co-arising 16 hours and it's only one kid although so much so when you say one killer do you mean my lances so you mean one kilo of flour 1 kilo flour and removal water so let me tell you what we need to make a good quality pizza dough so our lips I use a good flour Wow listen mr. Johnny we have actually created a pizza series a professional Pizza series with linguistic Johnny but we are now releasing a serious yet because it will be rigidly we will release it soon it's all about pizza chefs sharing their secrets with you but today I share my seat with my homemade secret and this is what we need to let him look ok we are using 1 kilo of 0/0 flour you can use all-purpose flour 1 kilo it's 35 ounces ok but if you're at the shops for example and you find the flower that's says for pizza should you buy that yeah of course ok well I can't be honest with you I don't any flour you find now any plain flour any old purpose flour you find it will work could same quality here we're talking about making pizza home ok we're using two and a half cups which is six hundred mils of water ok room temperature water then I've got fresh east ok I'm using 3 grams of fresh yeast that's what it looks like this is east made with beer ok this is what it is in fact is inside the head oil potato and starch and then here we have is the East dry yeast if you want you need to use up teaspoon if you wanna make it with this just off this point I'm using fresh cheese today so these holy deuces name and sorry and 30 grams of salt is it just no no no mine so you can use any solder you like look I just put six hundred mils of water in here which is two and a half cups of warm temperature I'm going to add a little bit of flour and this is something again that numbness people home don't care because we're no piece of but basically before you put the yeast inside you want to feed your hissed you want to give you some kind of food to the east and the flower is the food for the yeast okay you don't need to worry about it you know to be another professional you don't need to know these things but I think there's always good to learn something new so basically the East if you put the yeast in touch with the with the water and salt you're gonna stop you're gonna stop the activation activation yeah so what we're doing today is we're putting water a little bit of flour to create a cream so when I put a yeast inside the East is food in there to eat okay and here it is there is three grams of yeast or you can use ft spoon 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast and if the water just room temperature is at room temperature room time okay and it basically at least already melted inside I can feel it with my hand so I can use a fork if you want you don't have to use your hands feel free to use a fork if you don't want to dirty your hands but this is basically your hands ok we're just one hand nope so Joanne said if I make the dough tonight so I refrigerate it then let it rise again tomorrow yeah we get their joy and we get there we get that I want to be clear with everyone about the rising just keep watching because I want you to know soon I basically rise my dough between 16 to 24 hours ok but we'll get there just a little bit at a time what I'm doing right now I'm going to add the salt how many how much was that ELT grams of salt so about is that like I take water 1 tablespoon say what sir and then now here I'm gonna add the flour this is 1 kilo flour I add a little bit at a time not too much that's what people make as a mistake they put all the flour at the same time and then it's too to manage if you're using a stand mixer like this one here see here are a restraint mixer if you have a stand mixer it can do the job for you you do the same thing with a stand mixer and it will be much easier for you to bring at home at the moment it's nice to make something with your hands right like if you've got the time I think you lose the farm if you use the Machine ya understand make so it's more fun to do it by hand and it actually straight it removes the stress from you all the anger you know being inside that's what remedies now I'm gonna put another I do this in three stages one staring area insta two stages and his big please becoming thicker zazen can you tell us me I can say that yeah now I I used six hundred mils of water today because I'm making an easy dough after so many years of experience I tell you that my perfect though is with 700 to 800 meals of water which very wet though the one I like normally like to make and I have to use a stand mixer because it's too it's too wet the door and it's too hard to make it by hand right okay so a controller today because you need to be a bit more experienced but don't make it today look at it is just with my hands I am combining water flour three grams of yeast and 30 grams of salt and this is what I'm doing now so basically I move the son of all around just like this until I combine all the ingredients together and soon I'm going to put this dog because it does it does from this point to saying it is very important that we need the dog okay you need to knead the dough for pizza I love making pizza as much I love making pasta for me making pasta eating parts as the same thing it's not the impediment pasta pizza it's second to none it's lots of comments I'm Fredrik got up at 242 am just because of the pizza oh you are the best movie on the planet and Joe services are you always prefer the everybody be reverse is dry no no no dry is good I like dry just I think both there I've got the fresh ones I'm using the fresh one today I do prefer both and both of them are fine do you get a fuller result from the leav it appreciates a professional yes you have to use fresh you have to say fresh but hey anything east you find at the moment fresh or dry I think it's much easier to find find fresh at the moment it's very difficult to find dry yeast okay go do it now we put you put kind of some of the crumbs on the bench an extra no no see I've got the dough here and now the movement I do this I've got beginnings I like to do this see first forward fold fall back for that comment I want to make pasta forward for back forward and then like none of us I fold this folding off and I get a little game right okay so you bring it back together and that's what I want to create the gluten and said needs the pizza because no needs of the dough because we need the pizza good one so now these it's a process that you wanna do for at least 10 to 15 minutes first because we want to release the stress from our body your grease is in absolutely second we see the door now we want the door to be smooth we wanted though not to be like this see that's not right you realize because it's got all its curl it kind of crinkly yeah you see that's not right I thought we made no you really want the door to be smooth so David Davidson said I made pizza four days in a row four days fermented Wow there must be extremely extremely light that's okay four days in every four days fermented in and one killer tip with zero zero insults 30 grams 640 mils of water Wow yeah cool yeah yeah they're more water you pulling it though they're light that it will be and the more I'd raided the door would be I mean that's that's that's what you want to aim over the years when you practice try to use as much water as possible but the more water you use the most difficult it is to manage it with your hands so you need the help of a stand mixer and when you're actually opening the pizza balls you need to have more experience so she's in listen from YouTube said that she's kind of scared to make pizza dough so she's saying sorry she said thanks for showing her how to make pizza dough because she's scared of the dough please don't be scared look how simple it is I'm just following this technique look at this Suzanne Suzanne okay feel worried whoops sorry I think if you're worried you can use the stand mixer for the first go just do it your ingredients right please do and a few people are just asking about the ingredients so if you just hop on once we finished if you go on to the description the ingredients list is is in the recipe there for you as well so you can reference that yeah in the resume the description is says seven hundred mils of water are you excited and the conversions are there for the amendments yeah 1/2 cups of water 1 kilo flour which is 35 ounces of flour and what else they use 30 grams of salt and 3 grams of fresh yeast oh you can use after spoon of dry yeast no no no right now I'm going to get a little bit of flour because I don't want the pizza dough to get stuck here on the bench oh that's a good idea mrs. scribbles said I'm the local bakery or cake shop will sell you fresh yeast it's very hard to find in the supermarket just like toilet paper I will yeah that's the way I have to be honest with you I've been going to the grocery store since evening Australia and everyone is selling fresh east in fact if you want to can tell you some guy here yeah this one and I've got some in the freezer Oh 20 I can send you some touch the touch double and mr. Joe Pell up Carla bros online my God he's on lining sacred and he's gonna come I go in the pizza money a joke I love Bruce Baraka me so Carla bro how are you my friend how are you Joe lots of me from followers from inside YouTube everywhere well thank you guys almost done look how simple these look like a lot smoother pretty quick yeah take know honestly what did I say before 10-15 minutes of doing this this thing means I can do it for you but is it fun not this is more fun yeah of course it's no nothing do it at 82 years old you guys can do it well the other thing is you can get kids your kids involved too and they'll have fun kneading the dough right you can do like single apportion maybe kids will love this morning yeah I had to make a sourdough starter so I could make bread but hubby found yeast after a month of looking that's from sewer nuna in a on insta hey yeah look if you make a sourdough starter you can do the same you can basically make the same technique by using a sourdough starter very easy the sourdough starter it takes more time to manage to keep it alive look at amazing we come a wonderful disease losses in I think it's almost done again now why is your best friend so make sure you do this always let's never get stuck today to the benchtop you know who can I say this Oh almost antsy as I'm stretching look you see yeah I'm stretching the dough I like from Michigan Canada Florida oh wow got everyone watching today yeah all over America in Canada where else are you guys watching from Denver Colorado Colorado Wow where elsewhere else wanna go to Colorado one day well we have to get we have to get ourselves to the state that you're on that's right oh look how simple this technically it's not about patience it's not about putting music on the reason why I don't have music on and other name a glass of wine with me is because I'm doing a video so Florida Boston Niagara Falls Brazil New Jersey no guys this is pretty much a Brazil regarded Bozzio Aubry oh yeah Brazil New Jersey New Jersey born Australia Rochester New York Roger style that's where our Scott is from Montreal look at is no guys look it's pretty much done oh my gosh now everyone's it's are you okay Mexico oh come on stars Mexico Texas New York you know I like I'm calling out there like Miss Universe contestant or your mr. universe mr. Brewster look at these guys look how perfectly noise how long did it take me listen to me yeah it doesn't take long look at that Lucas oh you've been like for 56 eight minutes and say probably took you about 12 the laser so but we were talking and honestly I will not message the little bit actually by doing this it becomes a bit movie okay I want to tell you another professional and I'm not pretending to be lots of respect to my pizza chef friends work very hard and study along many years to become pizza chefs okay look I'm just sharing what I know what I've learned from my friends pizza chefs and and I want to show you how easy it is to make pizza at all my top quality beats okay so as you can see I've made the dough here looks of it yeah can you just hold it up for me cuz Maria sorry Lily's just said how do you do when it's done is it done when it's smooth smooth smooth see that see that's much spit just hold it straight belly bag you see how it bounce back look see that right honestly what I learned from my friend Jonathan chase cook the owner of Gilardi pizzeria in Melbourne he always told me it's very important that you measure you the temperature of your pizza dough and it should be 24 Celsius degrees that's when you know when your pizza dough is ready we're not professional so I don't how do we do it we just come here sure Caroline says she always does your pizza dough recipe oh thank you I said does it come out good whoops sorry Hahnemann well then manage these three lower you basically press and if it bounced back see you know it's really if it doesn't do that there isn't already doesn't have to bounce back all the way but you know even it's slightly bounces back yeah now all these pointy this got is the important part that you need to know okay now we're going back to complain last equation are long do you let it rise now you put the pizza back in the same salad bowl now the question when people say do you have to put extra virgin olive oil we have to put extra virgin olive oil in your pizza dough no you don't have to you don't have to waste you don't want to waste extra virgin olive oil it doesn't do anything to your pizza dough but if you think they you need a little bit of help managing the pizza dough you can just put 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil on top here and it will help you maybe to knead the dough more but honestly don't use extra virgin olive oil you don't need it because the dough is so easy to manage there are other styles of pizza when you use the oil but not use it in like a focaccia yeah yeah but if it makes a pizza today look I'm putting the pizza dough inside and this is what you need to understand now because I believe you don't know you don't have to do any from now but the time timing is that does the job for you now it's all about waiting so you want to cover the pizza dough because you don't want the pizza dough to dry ok it is very very very important that you covered this properly when I say properly you have to seal it inside okay make sure it's sealed let me do the other side because what happens is any fire if you don't do it what does the air gets in right and it just dries out it won't girl that's right so cilia do bananas and we have a mini wood pizza oven similar to the one you showed the other day can't wait to try out this recipe so what I like to do here I like to carve it like this now let's talk about how long do we leave this for okay a winter time during winter and now in Australia was going to winter I like to okay I like to raise my dog between 16 hours 1/6 and 24 hours between 16 and 24 hours okay now let's see remember this you want to raise the dog for 20 hours and then you decide how to manage 20 hours and this is what I do if it's winter so it's cold outside I raise the door at room temperature just in the kitchen for 20 hours in here just like this for 20 are okay if it is like this 20 hours in winter if it's summertime or if it's too hot outside what I do I leave it out of the fridge room temperature temperature for 10 hours and then I pull it in the fridge for 10 hours make sense okay so so just recap maybe summarize make it easier I want to make it easier okay so just if it's normal temperature normal temperature we are suggested to do let's say today is a hot day no no this is important this is an important step okay guys I don't want to be confusing if it's a hot day samih today we have 26 degrees in season 8 oh it's hot I want to do I'll do 10 hours out of the fridge and 10 hours in the fridge ok you can do okay that's fine and five hours in the fridge I'm scared of these numbers what I prefer to do I just leave it out of the fridge for 20 hours of course if it's a hot day then no it's not clear Susie no I'm not sure I think everyone is important it's an important step if you've got a nice room temperature you can leave it out of the fridge for 20 hours well then we tab you should be about 16 servings of calls that's what you want right okay the units are not fahrenheit stream at OCS yes yes so okay they say clear who everyone guys is it clear do you understand these are giving me to make it easier for you that's okay all right let's do ten hours out of the fridge and ten hours in the fridge okay okay we can do that okay I won't confuse anyone but that's that's making pizza guys now Frederick said who needs to go to the gym if you can make you if you can have your work out by making pizza dough Wow Bravo this is what we do now see grew so much this out see the glad drive this what happens after 20 hours okay he's actually been 16 hours after tell you because I made the pizza last night he's only 16 hours and it was a plaint it was you know this was 16 hours out of the fridge what you do right now guys you wanna make the pizza balls okay so you go compete with these dollies who can eyes this dough is okay so what we're gonna do out this is 20 hours later okay Oh 16 hours what we wanna do is to make pizza balls 250 grams each 250 grams each let's see how much disease we have 280 oh that's okay and these are you wanna do your pizza ball always get flour on your hands now that is your best friend right now hey guys flour really is your best friend so anyway Wow from this moment flowers your best friend flower on your hands and let's create a pizza ball so Dona said we have no winter in Florida how long do we let it rest for an endless summer okay so the question I will do 10 hours look 10 to 15 hours out of the fridge let's say 10 hours out of the fridge and 10 hours in the fridge so 20 hours in total okay feeling Florida 10 hours room-temperature 10 hours in the fridge then what happens is they though Arthur 20 hours it's race big now what you do is what you do you make tweets of bowls like this these are 250 grams get a tray and I recommend you to get a trade which is deep so - like a deep bake bake it right because we need to cover this after so you know gross you don't want this all to touch the the kaabah Oh Joanne asked if you need to punch it down a few times while it's rising no no no look I'll make the pizza door now see over the bowl I'll put a ball inside in there and I'm sure that do another ball oh we always put flour on your hands so sue said she's a bit confused she's always tested her dough in a warm spot arrested her dough in a warm spot all day is that wrong no no it's not wrong my Nonna does that so - still does it it's definitely not wrong but I can tell you that if it's too hot sometimes the dog can look room temperature is the best thing to do but like a friend in Florida she said it's always somehow over there I want to prevent oh you want to prevent it from over rising cuz it can also rise too fast that's right that's right so for example sometimes not I used to say she does um a different recipe not for pizza and she puts like a big like a thick towel or blanket over and keeps it really warm and it proves a lot faster that's what happened yep you also don't forget you only use three grand nice my new always puts 30 40 grand it's way too much it's a lot yeah not if it says nice no it just comes heavy out it's just 20 for you this is a nice way to make it a bit lighter and still make it at home it's enough to some pleats and just make it the day before just making a bit before and I can say I didn't have time yesterday to make these 20 hours before I made it 16 hours ago and it still came out perfect but this is the most important part guys honestly it is the most important when you make your pizza dough it picks up bowls 250 grams see leave space because these pizza dough now is gonna grow right they realize they're going to grow we you went away at least 2 hours before you make your pizza 3 4 hours even better because what's gonna happen now the dough is gonna grow the pizza bowls and I show you how much the grow because I've got one over there how much should I go here oh that's a good tip I'm just sprinkle some flour before you let it rise as it stops the glad wrap from steam try let's try let's try Tony get there get to the point no no you know when you put the glad wrap on before yeah yeah that's a girl up at this point like our friends say you can't put some flour on top that's all covering it cuz don't forget you need flour later you need a little flour later to help you but we get it ok cool flour on top you think you put it away yes a mrs. scribble said that's what wage it must be another thing a blanket and leave it in the sunroom yeah she does it's a normal thing you're right you're right oh no nothing and even my dad my mom does how to make pizza but it's not the right way I mean there's no right and wrong that's how everyone is making pizza but what I'm trying to show you today is it pizza you have to be a scientist to be a piece of because piece of work very hard to learn new techniques and tweak the pizza the pizza process yes so what will you do keep it at room temperature now it doesn't go back in the fridge room temperature like this and I'll show you okay so 20 wants to know if you're making pizza or just the journey I'm gonna make a feature for you don't worry and David said I kept mine in the fridge then took it out about 6 to 8 hours before I was going to use it I'm parsley fantasy that's the best way to do it that's a bit I know there's so much more the rule about pizza this is a basic easy pizza for you to make at home and how many beats are tall big guys so much and how many balls does the recipe make it normally makes about six to seven pizza bowls if you're making six or seven pizza bowls you're only using four for dinner and you got three left first you can put it back in the fridge and use it within a week if you're not going to use it within a week you can freeze it in a ziploc bag freeze it right because that's exactly what Serena has a disease block if she makes the pizza I want them to remember if it goes in the fridge or in the freezer you need to let the rest you need to leave the door out of the freezer or fridge for at least four or five 5 hours so it can become relaxed again okay if it's in the freezer you might take longer six or seven hours to defrost and to get relaxed if you come from the fridge relax the door for about four or five hours now this is what I make this dough is banana for about one hour okay hidden great that much these only one hour box you can imagine if we wait another hour this is gonna grow more right is only one hour now I'm gonna get the scraper to help me I'm coming back this is it okay so I can show you these only be one hour sorry guys I made the door last night and I couldn't do my okay but this is one hour rising and I think I can okay look at last Achilles I'm not doing much look how I lifted up tonight look our elastic this is and I want to show you that you actually don't need to use rolling pins you actually ruin the pizza if you use a rolling pin because you actually get rid of the gas that it's inside the dog you don't want to do that now at this point it's your best friend okay so flour at the bottom flour on top and what we do right now like this book Pizza Napoletana pizza chef do you press in the middle and move towards the outside did you see what I'm doing here yeah turn it around press in the middle towards the outside as you can see I want to create the edges I wanted to build very high so if I use a rolling pin I'm going to ruin the beauty of the pizza I'm going to ruin the coordinate unit which is the edges of the pizza look okay so I keep going from the middle push towards the outside and take your time please but don't press on the edges please now at this point if you want to make it easier for you you can do this you can do this Oh actually technique so you don't want to ruin the edges okay you don't want to ruin the edges so be kind don't push on the edges and just try to stretch the door like this alright like pottery making a plate that rivals the exact is what it is just nice is it Joanne you don't want to ruin the edges so don't push on the edge the ages need to grow great trick I've never seen this way that Tony said is it possible for you to post the ingredients with the answers instead of killers yes so I think we have the conversions on the written recipe already if we join I'll update it once we get into the game two and a half cups of water two and a hundred five ounces of flour 50 grams of salt I don't know much Larry's I said one it's one tablespoon and after spoon of driest look look how much of stretch this okay so what I do now again so soon made um Pizza Joe last night and she said when she is the rolling pin the bubbles were actually all popping and she thought this can't be good that's one of the biggest mistakes that we make a home and I made it for a very long time now the other way with such shape stretch it is very deep feel bad I want to do it but they do these but I don't want to show you this but it's too hard there's no basic but as you can see I haven't done much to stretch so how much of a down to stretch it pizzas no much right yeah not much exactly so if you want to make it here's how you do these what doesn't look easy we kind of just slowly stretch it out yeah because I don't wanna touch the ages you understand I don't want the ages to get flattened flat I just want the ages to concentrate on the center that's right that's right looks great looks good isn't it alright this is a good sized piece I think me thank you um result said that he likes the gray hair coming through yes sir that's right David oh sorry the comments disappear it for me on me chip how do I get that back up will that come back up for me because he didn't if you actually do these you can actually do this frustration though but you can actually cut the bottom a middle my dad was born in a brook so he built a pizza oven out behind his house and he loves to make pizza and it took only minutes to cook yes so at this point what do we do I've gotta be changes play tomato basil sauce which is basically a combination of basil carrots onions celery and salt basil and tomato sauce you can just use Posada if you want mix with a little bit of salt and battle one so people are asking for the recipe sorry so the recipes in the description on the sorry in on the description if you just click on that it's got all of the ingredients yes yeah and no oil carry a meal is cute she said bigger pizza after all Suzanne is eating for two yeah that's right right and after all it is 11 o'clock in the morning it's morning teeth I show you why I made of smaller plates I show you now but as you can see guys with the sauce I'm not going on the edges and the reason why because the ages they need to grow I want the ages to grow okay now I want to come and show you coming over yeah I have done in the island I've turned the oven on I've been maximum temperature the maximum okay and I've got a pizza stone inside not they're not dirty but becomes black because I've been using it that's a pizza stone if you don't have a pizza stone you can use pizza tray in dominates that way what you do is you you need to let that air go through like the acre you actually make the beats of strain on the pizza or the kids are and so known the benchtop but straight on the pizza tray sorry so Janet said the last time she made sorry the last time she tried to make pizza dough she's iodized salt and it came salty she didn't realize there was a difference between the different salts so she needs to be you need to make sure you just use a fine table salt that's perfect you don't need anything fancy nothing at all and also Jennifer said awesome technique I always make my Napolitan known as Sippi which is fantastic but it's very wet and very sticky can't wait to try Vincenzo's okay oh so we also have all that's interesting I've never heard of that before Karen said she's heard if you put half a cup of white wine into the dough it does something to it making it stretch easier and doesn't snap back yeah that's probably maybe someones technique that they've created it's just not the traditional way we've never done that before right now tomatoes I'm putting pecorino cheese as you know guys you've been following us you know much about to say I think everyone's gonna think we um oh we eighties pecorino cheese I mean because that is always you know when you cook this at home knowing a good father I don't recommend you guys to put any cheese on top here we just want the pace at the moment nicely in there yeah we prepay a page from Marco marisco then and a friend from our tire you can use this to put the pizza on if you go one of these is basically for a cake this is a cake tray yes good and you can collect it all from each color yes because we have a beautiful brand-new pizza oven and I'm very excited to do this one and look where do you put some dots at the bottom look at what I'm doing now thanks for today you stretch it a little bit that's when you actually stretch your pizza more okay means here I think Alibaba football wanted you to see it wanted to see you spin that in the air so maybe you'll have to you'll have to do one more okay now I'll put this on when I put these on [Music] it's gonna cook now for a couple of minutes we are preparing the pizza so that we add the bottom and the edge is cooked and then we're going to put in the in creating side so here I go mozzarella cheese mozzarella cheese and basil to make about get either Tony said some people who actually put oil at the bottom of the pen is that something you can do instead of flour at the tray before we put when you put the dough on top just wasting your oil but you could probably just do a little pizza chefs you they use flour but I guess the oil may sorry Cathy you can't find the recipe I'll update everything as soon as we Facebook right yeah I'm thank you good to get video description is they otherwise just go to Vincenzo's play.com being changeless play.com and I've got the recipe there for you okay they're very easy oh you go to my youtube channel all there is a bit of day so look I can make more pizza those in the meantime and then we wait for the pizza to be ready bring babe pizza okay and you know make the pizza bowl we did say 150 grams for the pizza bowl okay let me local pizza oh my god the pizzas cooking as you can you will see you soon look how easy this is I'm making pizza balls so they can rest for two to four hours or it'll confuse you two to four hours before I make them the pits are making now Zen only was only raising for one hour the pizza bowl needs to be the one on duty right now needs to be on the fridge needs to be mr. Reis for an extra hour oh right thank you I was no able to stretch it enough it's because was only resting for one hour so there's definitely a consensus across all channels that everyone's saying they actually brushed the bottom with oil Wow for a yummy oily crispy crunch on I've never done that will you chant who everyday that's something there's a pizza chefs never told me and I guess it's areas they don't have time to put the oil it may be one of the reasons yeah Daniela said do you have a pickle or wood oven I would she wants to buy one would you recommend yes I will show you what kind of show you let's going to show you such an amazing be Carmen look at this look at these pizza here I want to show you the ages look what's happening to the edge you see you ready what's happening inside did you see how much they're growing they're growing a lot don't see how much you're growing and how long gee Papa Baker fool look you just need to see SSN how long has it been now maybe two minutes yeah I would say three minutes it's a 250 Celsius the Matteson you can go yeah but you know I'm saying don't you have to put the cheese on and cook it again yeah we're gonna put the cheese now um you want me to go outside I don't know how long do you need before you put the cheese on oh should it be something for the people on Exile oh yeah we can quickly show at the end yes not really sure actually yeah look at that hey maybe let me have a look knife Israel be yummy it smells delicious she looks fantastic feels getting hungry so he said yummy Adele's watching you from 2:17 a.m. in the morning in the UK oh my god really love pizza then look at that the bottom is done I would say - then another mean it but what I'm gonna do now because our friends are watching always keep the island closed because her friends are watching darling Joanne bought the pizza story and after she saw your one she said it's great oh really yeah I'll do this a bit solving huh although the piece of the stone is storm sorry if it is thought I'm moving on well that is getting hungry yummy food Stephanie buffalo mozzarella guys okay working around the top-quality only fresh buffalo mozzarella answer the oven temperature is maximum Yvonne the market-house smell vision I would love that me love it sounds perfect looking YouTube Chinese from New York and um Adam is from Vancouver Canada I love Canada and a mall made your arancini recipe and said it was amazing Rosa sent it through a month if you've got some photos just direct message us on Instagram we'd love to see it and we can post it how much do we love cheese just a little bit as you can you put the basil before you put it back in the oven yeah and then you can even do it fresh after - yeah and now ah okay looks great can you just maybe show me I'm with your finger on the crust what that looks like like how crunch it's not crunchy yes it's soft but it's got that crispness doesn't it on the outside yeah Johnny Royalle Oh Chinese said put some prosciutto on there but I can assure at the moment tiny I'm suffering right now I've got some polluting labour look let's put it back in the bottom is already done you just want to leave the army until the bottom part cooks I will stress the pizza so I don't want to put the temperature up you can use the broiler which is the it's like grid on top too fast in the process so you can cook the top part easy faster but I don't want to stretch the dough I don't wanna take your time please I really want to make another pizza oven just made it other nights up see human oh yeah how's it they haven't i'ma just been resting here so I can only make these beats after when we're off the camera behind the scene okay and I can make it for you well everyone's saying that it looks amazing it already looks so delicious we need to wait two hours before I can make beats oh it is so that's the perfect time after you make the dough you wait two hours after you make the pizza dough it's a bowl sorry sorry salad good father the temperature is very high you can go up to 400 Celsius which is about 600 Fahrenheit so I always get the very high places Oh these pizzas one minute maximum two minutes to cook and he feel a wood fire are you put all the greens on top everything on top and cook it for 1/2 maximum 2 minutes in the pizza ovens wood fire oven we are a home and it takes about 5 to 6 minutes to cook this pizza so the two minutes we'll have minutes pre-baked and I'm doing two and a half extra minutes we ingredients on top makes sense I think everyone wants you to make another pizza Nicole said she made your broccoli too got two pasta yesterday and her family loved it she'll be making your pizza dough next thank you from a fan from Philadelphia pinning down friends in Pennsylvania thank you thank you dill said can't wait till we move to Italy loves Italy made the pasta for Julie with straw fair oh my god yeah oh so much Dahlia you guys come over please we have I've got one dollar remain another the door made this morning what am i doing all these pizzas please come and know where we can freeze them so that's good so when I got when I want a snack let's go up with a freezing technique okay let's talk about freezing picnic now Joanne said she loves these live videos can't stop saying how excited we are about with all thank you about the baby thanks Joanne thank you thank you I look I made a pizza bowls before okay so those pizza poles if you want to freeze them what you do make it it's a bowl put them straight in the ziplock bag one in a ziploc bag close it and freeze it shred away okay if you want to freeze it and they will last about one year I guess so make pizza Bowl straight away in a ziplock bag close it and freeze it and before you wanna eat pizza let's say you are a pizza tonight you take it out of the freezer in the morning let it on your sink let it in your kitchen paint let it there all day so it can do frost and your pizza can be made a night okay when you freeze your pizza dough give it at least six hours for the DA to defrost and relax but more than that in there perfect the VA a lot even better should we check the pizza we should check the pizza it's amazing the cheese Mountain it's really nice it's close before you hit your head oh it looks great yeah so please how long has that be ah it's been less than five minutes of us yeah I guess can anyone tell us it could be about five minutes we open it you will burn and check okay check yeah guys yeah yeah it's not it's done it's done it's done it's ready in five minutes with then the pizza guys now this is this what happened here okay come on over because the mozzarella are you everyone will forgive me actually there's nothing wrong with that because you want to let the pizza rest now a little bit what it is listen to the crunch can you believe that play around peace a little crunchy whoops crunch oh my god to our fantastic Oh mein pizza yeah I run the applause guys now please let's do it wow wow wow wow Davidson he loves pizza do you know Frank or pip it or my sunny early hmm I don't know know about finger quits oh I know and that's seen the scary draw we have a scary drug again look at the home part come closer if you came down and I wanna show you the bottom party yeah yeah see hi miss a good crime using as how you can even his art yeah wait you do it I'm just gonna close that door no hold it where it was and I was gonna close the door where the noises came from hold it there yep perfect please [Music] can you listen it's crunchy you've convinced everyone yeah never look under the model source again is it oh the ass tomato sauce this is our motto sauce it's made I'm just with fresh ingredients we recently put a new label on it that we're very happy with and it's made with beautiful fresh tomatoes and it's got a hint about all in it as well doesn't it but we do in a special way we do it Vincenzo's and inventions was known as way we're kind of combined and haven't we because we do the sofrito of course no carries this is the crown Jason my Sara it goes bye-bye Sara I thank you for watching I'm it's it's from New Zealand look at the inside YUM look at the inside what kind of bread there just hold it they said I can have a closer don't forget we only have this door I was only able to raise the door for 16 hours and the pizza ball was only able to raise for one hour so haven't done this right yes so imagine how amazing your pizza dough would be if you follow my instruction which is 20 hours raising technique so you want to do 10 hours out of the fridge 10 hours in the fridge 20 hours in total then you take your pizza dough out of the fridge which is this pizza dough here and make the balls and let the balls rest between two hours to four hours and transmit these would be higher will be softer and look amazing look up on top just hold it up for me this is our made pizza dough these YZ Omega is not another shot I don't want to be everyone's one slice mm-hmm can I have one do they stay safe well n well thanks guys look after yourselves - Abby I will Vincenzo keeps eating everything Hey pasta sliced through the screen please oh wow someone has said I can't see who the comments from because it's just disappearing but what about try pizza sleep for pizza no Vicenza would love it but I love to me but I'll try then doesn't love tried Wow do you use the same arm Joe for cousin I said I'm trainee yes plane need to make pizza with bread the same dough you can make bread right you please seminary you know girls are awesome thank you so much from North Carolina everyone's catching a flight over major cut banana last weekend it was so good I'm Italian and I've never made it wrong everyone wants to come over and help you make your razor base please share them on Instagram it's a story oh thanks Mary she said I talk too much well I'm just trying to read all of your comments okay sorry it was a Mary yeah Mary I'm just trying to read all of your comments so it's important that we make sure we please share on Instagram and it's a story nice together duck Beach and let's play and I refill him I want to see what you make look oh there's some cheeky conversations about pineapple enjoy always I started it he's being taken off no no no Joseph enough alone days so thank you so much guys for watching this has been fascinating being fun I love making video recipes with you and light-duty so we'll see you next week out this week we're launching pappardelle pasta this Sunday I'm showing you how to make pappardelle on youtube so stay tuned and only changes flight calm and next week again choose the next week and turns the next week 10:30 a.m. see it anytime we're here making two more recipes like recipes we don't know yet what we're doing so employments possibly we may bust not what do we do next week we don't know yet can I have more you can have more and I'll read you a couple where's the recipe went so the recipes in the description on Facebook and Lena's gonna bring over some supper it's arthur yum and homemade wine you can come over anytime lena come on Lily said she always puts too much sauce and too many toppings I like saucy pizza but that looks amazing it's all about the dough and then green some top topping up you're making and making bread okay when you make pizza think of making a top quality bread when you have top quality bread what do you wanna you just want to put butter right if you'd good bread so then what do you do butter on top Oh olive oil olive oil not too much because it's all about the bridge everybody was actually the same everyone enjoyed it pizza dough with a minimal amount of ingredients just putting greens on top but don't overload your pizza just keep it flavor to your pizza bread do your pizza dough mmm thank you for watching sorry about all the comments we didn't get to read out there were lots today but please if you are would like the recipe please go to the description and the link is in there or just type in pizza dough on Vincenzo's plate calm mm-hmm thanks everyone now I get to have a slice to while we say goodbye bye install yummy yummy yummy thanks to you both since then thanks guys I make a sandwich come on codes on it okay bye everyone on on on YouTube bye bye guys really nice really nice
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 49,750
Rating: 4.8382878 out of 5
Keywords: pizza, pizza dough, quick pizza dough, pizza base, easy pizza dough, easy pizza base, recipe, how to, pizza recipe, pizza dough recipe, pizza base recipe, how to make, dough, homemade pizza, easy, recipes, food, homemade, homemade pizza dough, homemade pizza dough recipe, how to make pizza dough, best pizza dough recipe, easy pizza at home, quarantine cooking, quarantine, stay home with me, with me, stay home, cooking classes
Id: G1wB6w0qK8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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