How to make homemade Tarka Dhal!

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welcome everybody to Leticia is fired today I'm doing a very simple Tarka dog which you can get in the restaurant any Indian restaurant up and down the country everybody doesn't talk about today I'm going to be showing you a very simple and very basic Taco doll that you could do at home I've had loads of comments asking me to do this tile kadal so it's one of my favorite dishes and I want to cook it really simply how I would cook it for myself as well as my customers so something for you to do really simple really easy to do at home it's a talk at all today guys Indian restaurant star right I've tried to make this as simple as possible so I'm going to go through the ingredients it's going to be a two-step process the first step would be I'm used a 1 cup of red lentils this is one good size medium size onion I'm going to use half of it in the first process half of it in the second process good old British tomorrow one of them just diced up the spices for the first step will be that's about 1 teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of salt 1 heat teaspoon of ginger and 1 heaped teaspoon of garlic I'm going to use about 3 green chillies and 2 bay leaf this is the indian bay leaf guys you like to go to an Asian supermarket Pakistani Indian Bangladeshi any any Asian supermarket they should have this and it's called test pata the second process I'll be using about this is the dessert spoon so about this by 3/4 dessert spoons of oil and 1 heap dessert spoon of pure ghee gonna use about 2 to 3 teaspoons of mustard seeds this is beautiful brings out a nice pungent flavor and Bengali cooking will always use it these are just dried Kashmiri red chillies I've just fried it in a bit of oil and I'm gonna use again 2 teaspoons heat garlic and 1 TSP of ginger for the second process this is gonna be my taco guys and I'm gonna use half an onion there so these are the ingredients all you need nice and simple so you can buy the buy some of these ingredients if you don't have that and cook this gorgeous dish so I've got my nice hollow pan and quite deep it's about 26 inches I use this for some of my cooking it's a nice size and you can cook for the family with this family of four so this Tarka dal should feed as a side dish I feel therefore it has a main dish but you should feed for two so what I'm doing is firstly these are the red lentils now that's been washed about three four times thoroughly it gets a bit dusty so you'll have to well how they preserve it and how it's done it needs good thorough washing sometimes you can get little stones and whatnot all sorts of stuff over here guys so just make sure this is properly washed used there one cup of lentils so I'm going to use about four cups so be honest with you I would just eyeball the water but because I'm doing it for my channel I need to make sure you follow the right so that's the four cups that was of water this is just a little bit I'm adding because I was holding a horizontal so it wasn't enough water so that's about four cups of water guys that's why their ingredients now as I said one teaspoon of turmeric salt ginger and garlic really simple really easy to follow hopefully you can do this at home nothing to be scared about that goes in I just need a bit of oil so I'm adding one to three of these just slightly bigger than a teaspoon one of these dessert spoons off just oil I just need that too it just cooks it better as the ingredients contain for the intermediate heat plus one bay leaf 2 bay leaf I'm gonna use 3 green chillies just take the tip off so it stays halter you can see it it looks nice and all the flavor comes out so 2 3 this is 1 tomato diced up this goes in 1 onion so does about half and onions but in there give it a nice little mix it's a medium heat I'm gonna let this cook literally takes about 10-12 about 12 to 15 minutes I would say to be honest with you it's been about five minutes what I just want is I said the lentils are softly not beautifully but onions and tomatoes and everything all the ingredients are softening up beautifully now if you like here sort of running here you can add a bit more water I prefer it like this so if I need to add more talk and I have water a bit later but it's not necessary at this point it's cooking away nicely the consistently consistency needs to be right this is such a simple dish and is very easy to do packed in high-protein and very healthy as well so that's been five minutes cook it for a little bit longer and I'll see that's been about 10 minutes in high heat guys Wow I always use the term like a custody sort of texture so basically you can see these big fat bubbles and that's sort of ready for me to be honest with you there you go it's sort of sticking so you know basically the lentils are cooked this pin is going away it's gonna become more mushy so all I do now put on a very low heat and I'm gonna let this on a low heat while I do the second process guys right so the lentil polo egg and now I'm gonna use this is pure butter so this is a dessert spoon 1 dessert spoon you can use a tablespoon and I've got about 3 or 4 tablespoon of just vegetable oil if you use about three four spoons of pure pure butter ghee it's got very strong smelling you don't want that smell to go into the lentils quite overpowering I mean this is a fair bit of oil and fats anyway and then you don't need that much if you're watching what you're eating then maybe just lower it down like that's fine so heat this up so I put some mustard seed one just put the the heat needs to be about medium to high so I've just put it up now because I want these to sort of make some sort of crackling noise are they those heating up beautifully I'm actually going to use three teaspoons traditionally we use a dried Kashmiri chilies so they go in and if you can hear that snap crackle and pop beautiful that's half an onion just diced up now I just want the onion sportin to caramelize I'm going to use the garlic ginger paste that's 1/2 teaspoon I'm going to use fresh garlic 1 2 3 you need a lot of garlic to this me this is made with lots of garlic and the garlic brings out that flavor there you go all you want is just to for everything to caramelize but once it's caramelized that rawness that smell of others goes away and the flavors enhance this process is called the taka so when you order the Tarka dal in the restaurant that's what you mean so the talk about meat is over here this is where all the flavor is and then it's just added on to the lentils while the lentils boiling away this is caramelizing due to clean now if you use sliced garlic and then you wouldn't capture on the panel out that but because I've used the paste that's what's happened I'm gonna lower the gas a little bit just wait for the onions to caramelize value a little bit more it's been about 3 4 minutes right that's caramelized beautifully now that's my world lentils the maddox and the Dom make sure I'm not missing out on any of these flavors this is beautiful you right that was my Tarka dal I hope you liked it I personally love this dish and it's beautiful you must try it at home and again if you enjoyed what you've watched and you like the style of my cooking you like the tips don't forget to Like share and subscribe for more videos and put some information on the comment section and I'm really enjoying it because you're trying it at home and I've made this nice and simple because I released the one pot lamb bhuna and it's doing phenomenal on my views so it seems like you guys like the easy sort of recipes and trust me this is easy recipe and you've seen how gorgeous it looks so you have to try at home I mean this you can't really beat it I mean look at that just looks it looks like a so much work and effort got into it but it's nice and simple so make sure like share and subscribe - see you soon letici inspired keep it up guys thank you very much
Channel: Latifs Inspired
Views: 445,497
Rating: 4.9027638 out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Indian Cuisine, BIR, British Indian Restaurant
Id: qYHjlutXgdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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