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welcome everybody to another episode of latifs inspired guess what guys I'm doing a very highly requested dish today it's called the butter chicken or what we call in our restaurant chicken makhani uh or the makanwala it's a very uh sort of Rich tomatoey creamy buttery sort of uh flavor it's absolutely gorgeous one of the most popular dishes on the menu and it's a very traditional when you think about Indian curries what tends to happen is you either think of chicken tikka masala or butter chicken everyone has their variation I've got a very nice red Masala sauce that I make but this one is going to be a little bit different but authentic I'm going to show you how you make the makanwala gravy and then I'm going to show you a few steps of how you make the chicken and everything what you can duplicate the style of dish in the restaurant but you can make it in your house but with some fantastic phenomenal flavors so butter chicken it is guys find me I mean you cannot think to myself what a wonderful [Music] so the ingredients are first and foremost get yourself some nice uh chicken uh thighs thighs are the best in the restaurant we normally use the chicken breast or what we do for the butter chicken we shred the chicken off the Tandoori Tandoori pieces and we add it to uh the butter chicken gravy it's absolutely flavoursome and gorgeous but I'm going to show you how to make this very nice at home so I've got some vegetable oil some blanched almonds we're gonna toast these spices for a fantastic flavor uh coriander cumin but most importantly the king of this dish is this kashmiri red chilies it's nice and spicy not as hot as your normal chili powder but it gives a fantastic vibrant red color got lovely full fat full fat full fat yogurt so don't skimp on the uh yogurt there you can use cream but I tend to find in the macaroni the yogurt tends to work a bit better lovely coriander good old British butter and we've got a one and a half tablespoon of Ginger and about two plus tablespoon of garlic just roughly shredded up green chilies and the star ingredient for the vegetables are these lovely Vine Tomatoes absolutely gorgeous you need about a kilo of tomatoes and just one onion to create a nice thick gravy right now let's crack on right the chicken is off the bone so take some fat off really there you go and when you've got these pieces like that we just want to make small pieces and we're going to marinate this so like I said if we were to use the tandoori chicken it would have been cooked tandoori chicken and just we would have just shredded the chicken off the bone which we're not doing this time so we're going to show you how to do this at home so you've got a few pieces like that bite size pieces do the same to all the chicken and then uh we'll show you the next process right the marination process for the chicken to make it very flavoursome now um if you're not going to uh the shop to get yourself a piece of tandoori chicken that's a little cheat there get yourself a portion of chicken tandoori chicken so breast and uh uh uh well if you get a whole chicken so two thighs two legs two breasts and shred it off and this will be ideal so I've got here this is about 1 kg of chicken thighs so I'm using one teaspoon of salt that tends to be ideal now for this I'm using one teaspoon of this golden turmeric and now look at these lovely vibrant kashmiri chili powder now we're going to use one two for lovely color and a bit of oomph it's a nice spice get yourself a lemon give it a little squash this makes it a bit juicy juicy go now when I made the uh fish pakora there was some of you guys asking me what am I doing with the Pips well really I don't you can pick them out if you're very OCD but when you're frying the um chicken and everything and you're gonna pick up the chicken pieces anyways so the pits are gonna disappear so there you go squeeze the hell out of this lemon this gives it a lovely flavor that's why I'm using it and also just toughens it up slightly and gives a good um for the marination process now I'm going to need a bit of oil you can use mustard oil here but I don't need to because it's going to be added into the butter chicken so two tablespoons right you've got your gloves on and now a wonderful color [Applause] there you go now that spice is mixed now we're going to add a bit of yogurt this helps with the marination so that's about two tablespoons of yogurt voila so now ideally you can leave this overnight for absolutely flavorsome chicken or what we're gonna do um because we're in a bit of a hurry well not a bit of a hurry but we want to make this a simple process for you guys to follow we've marinated the chicken now we're going to start making the gravy once we made the gravy then we're going to fry the chicken so it'll be easy hopefully one hour one hour and a half process this is a fantastic dish very popular dish but it's not you're one of the quickest dishes that you can do but it's absolutely gorgeous now let's go on to the next process I'm using for the makanwala the the gravy I'm just using one medium sized onion and I've got just over one kg of these um Tomatoes now we've with the onion it doesn't need to be don't make it too small fine pieces just make it a bit thick uh because sometimes when you make it too fine and you're making a gravy it sticks to the bottom and it can get bit burnt which you want to avoid so here you go that's the onion done I'll show you the tomato it's going to turn into a gravy we're gonna Blitz it so just get it into quarters just like that really so do the same to all the tomatoes and let's start cooking right a little process that I'm going to show which obviously if you toast the spices you know you got very flavors and curries so for this gravy I'm going to use coriander so that's one that's two teaspoon of coriander for the gravy I'm also going to use two teaspoons of the cumin this is going to release lovely natural oils it's going to be very flavoursome I'll make sure you've got some heat there [Music] so just slightly toast this up and then we put it on a pestle of water it's just going to lift the flavor it's going to be absolutely phenomenal right when it's toasted up and you smell a waft off this amazing fragrance of the spices you know it's ready so now let's whack it in the pestle and mortar wow smells gorgeous whoa look at that beautiful right you do not need to do this process you can just get the powdered uh spices but I'll tell you what I mean when you smell this you would want to do it smells divine let's get that worked here wonderful nice toasted spices makes the just lift the flavor to the next level beautiful there you go there you go that's powdered up look it up gorgeous now let's start on the gravy let's start now so get yourself a casserole dish or something whacking about half a cup of vegetable oil something neutral people add a lot of butter at this point but you don't really need to add the butter at the last point it creates that buttery flavor right the oil is heated up let's add the onions that's the garlic and ginger so about one and a half tablespoon of garlic I'm sorry Ginger and about uh about three tablespoon of garlic got the gas to a medium Heat right you don't need to wait for the onions and the garlic and the ginger to become red the spin slightly fried it's been a few minutes and now we're gonna add some of the spices so we're gonna add one two a teaspoon of turmeric and we are doing one two teaspoon of uh just general curry powder and this is a toasted cumin and coriander powder that goes in that was two teaspoons each kashmiri chili powder we're adding one two teaspoon of kashmiri chili powder soon as you put the spices in just make sure the gas is on low heat because what happens is it can sort of fry too much and become a bitter taste which we want to avoid we're going to put in some tomato puree that's about three tablespoons there it's mainly for a bit of color and a bit of flavor there you go all that spices cooking wonderfully in the oil now we're going to put these lovely Vine tomatoes in so I've got just over a kg 1 kg is fine so it's gonna build a lovely thick red gravy got two three four five six green chilies that goes in give this a mix [Music] there you go now I'm putting the gas up to a high heat and I'm going to add some water so this is about two mug full of water just gone in I mean look at that color it's amazing Rich vibrant red and the tomatoes I'm going to make it very colorful skins at skin and all there we go so this basically is like a base gravy that you're making but this is the famous uh like a red Masala sauce you can use this for chicken tikka masala while we're cooking the butter chicken so it's a similar dish really put in some coriander stalks you know a good handful for a bit of flavor there you go get some nice khasure methi so that was two teaspoons of kasura methi there you go that's the traditional method your coriander your kasuring methi your tomatoes everything's gone in there now you let this cook down for a good half an hour uh for this to become gravy then we're going to Blitz it so you can add a bit of water but you can add a bit of water a bit later if you wish there you go nice little mix and we're going to season this with a bit of salt there's one it's about two teaspoons of salt just gone in there you go a lot of people use a bit of sugar here you can do but what what I tend to I tend to use this red sauce uh on a few other dishes so I'm not going to add the sugar in now I'm gonna add the sugar in later as well as people add the cashew nuts here or the almonds but we're not going to I'll show you a different process this is a lovely sauce which you can use for various different curries there you go put the lid on and let this cook for a good half an hour from now right let this gravy cook away look at that wonderful color can be gorgeous and flavorsome and we're going to make the chicken while this is cooking away so move the hob go get yourself a non-stick pan to cook the chicken we're going to need a bit of oil [Music] about four tablespoons of oil that's the marinated chicken it's been marinated for a good half an hour [Music] you don't want to overcrowd the pan so just let it cook like this on a shallow fry foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful let's see why the chicken is cooking away when we're making the chicken tikka look at this WOW yo look it up lovely red colorful vibrant just give it a little mix here and there because you don't want the onions to stick at the bottom and all we're doing is just softening up all the vegetables all the tomatoes to create that thick gravy so it takes about a good half an hour 20 minutes so wonderful this process normally takes a good five six minutes you don't want to overcook the chicken because we're going to finish off in the curry [Music] beautiful there you go these chicken look nice and ready cooking on a high heat and that was literally about five six minutes so when you're cooking at home it's not as powerful as the restaurant uh hubs so make sure you prime it perfectly put more chicken in foreign [Music] [Music] gravy is cooking away now remember every three four or five minutes just give it a nice little spur because remember what I said about the onions the onions can sort of stick to the bottom which you don't want if you cut it too fine but we've cut it into thick pieces so it should be fine which it is so it's getting nice and soft it's been just over 10 minutes so 10 more minutes left and we're going to Blitz this wonderful put the lid back on create the Steam and softens up all the vegetables lovely right the gravy it's been cooking away for a good 15 minutes or so now I'm going to add some garam masala so a good teaspoon of garam masala going in revealed that sweet pungent spicy flavor is what I'm looking for so that's gone in as you can see it's turned into a nice little gravy now all that vegetables just softened up beautifully there you go about five more minutes cooking time and then I'll turn the gas off wonderful wow the water fish is absolutely mouthwashing right the chicken's cooked there you go looking lovely and wonderful there you go look it up so this is the chicken tikka we've now the gravy is done all the vegetables mushed up in fact I'll show you there you go now it's softball sticking to the bottom so now you know it's ready turn the gas off now we would normally let this cool down for a good hour or so before we put it if you're at home you'll have to put it into a blender but we've got a massive stick blender which we're going to use so let me take this to the stick blender look at that wonderful there you go now right having fun in the kitchen with big boy tools so you got a stick blender now be careful because it's very hot over here and there should be a bit more sauce over here so I'm gonna have to be very careful right I would stick it in a blender but I don't have a very big one in here at the moment so normally this stick blender just needs to be covered yeah that should be fine you don't want to slide in your face [Music] right uh the gravy is being done now in the restaurants it's normally red they use a bit of food coloring and so on uh but this has got all the flavors at this point and what we're going to do and we're going to need we've got some almonds over here so a good handful of almonds and you can get ground almost what I do is just get this I just toast it in a pan and then ground it and make it into a fine ground powder which I'm going to do now there you go I'm just gonna add a bit more you don't need to use all of that like it's going to create a lovely flavor and use as much as I need and we'll rest and use it for garnish there you go it's literally been a couple of minutes or so so aking a person with mortar and give it a good pounding foreign so if you want to skip this process just fall down to the shops to your local supermarket and get yourself some ground almond or grand cash unit one or the other now another process is left I'm just gonna have to sieve all this gravy and make a nice little smooth paste so let me just do that so make sure you let this cool down there you go so that's all the bits left give it as much push out and there you go that's the nice smooth paste of the makani butter gravy right I've got a block of butter this is about 250 grams so what I've done I've divided it into six pieces so each is about 41 grams yep so the 40 grams roughly so now I'm going to start cooking so I've got the makani gravy over here we use this gravy for different curries uh it's very nice very flavoursome but now I'm going to make the butter chicken now I've got about one kg of chicken tikka over here this should serve about four people at home guys so now whacking in about 40 grams of butter I'm using some vegetable oil so that was about two tablespoons there let the bottom out right so the Butter's about melted I've got about four tablespoons of ground almond powder over here this goes in now when it's cooking in that butter it's going to be absolutely flavorful now with that I'm also putting in one two three four four tablespoon of sugar remember this is about four so put the gas down over at the moment you can put some just creating sort of coconut here at this point it feels a phenomenal taste you can add some raisins you can add slate almonds as well I find ground almond is absolutely gorgeous so let this cook away let it be slightly golden wonderful wonderful color toasting what beautifully it's almost like we're making dessert or something over here so make sure the gas is on a sort of medium low so this is about toasted now we're gonna add the chicken [Music] oh that smell sugar butter look at all that nuts oh it's really nice here cameraman don't dribble Into The Courier yo this is lovely and nutty there you go so now it has been mixed and now we're gonna add this lovely gravy so that's about 250 ml roughly one here we go wonderful looking it up this is gorgeous there's more artificial coloring in this this is absolutely beautiful now put the gas up to a medium and let it simmer while the simmering now you can add a bit of cream but we're going to add full fat yogurt one two three dollops of yogurt it should get a lovely richness there you go now with yogurt be careful what I've done is basically I mixed it vigorously so it doesn't split there you go so now let this cook away and come to a boil and I like this now I've had enough salt on the chicken I've had enough uh salt on the gravy so you don't really need to add salt at this point but you can't taste it for seasoning if you wish at this moment right when you see it bubbling like that be very careful put a lid on it if you can because you don't want the cooker to get very messy um make sure put it on a medium heat not too high and give it a little mix every few minutes look at that and can you see it there it's quite dangerous right since I've added the gravy it's been a good 10 minutes simmering away look it up yo lovely look at that thick sauce cooking away now if you love butter put your glasses on if you've got cholesterol problems close your eyes there you go that's gonna be wonderful last minute that Butter's just gone in turn the gas off wonderful let that butter melt in there oh look at that way yo this is gonna be Tangy from the tomatoes sweetness from the sugar and Rich from the yogurt and butter and obviously if you use that chicken tikka or the tandoori chicken the chicken itself is going to be flavors and those toasted nuts all in one absolutely beautiful dish there you go let that butter melt away and I'm gonna get ready to serve shortly fantastic beautiful look at that right ladies and gentlemen Moment of Truth now oh look at that butter oozing out and there wow beautiful nice color or natural no taste test foreign get yourself some yogurt or cream beautiful coriander wonderful look at that yep butter chicken gorgeous I just forgot to put a bit of almond for making it look pretty and a bit of nuttiness Wonderful right a little Masterpiece over here so if you come to my restaurant latifs in Osage stock on Trent and you go for the chicken makani this is how it's gonna come but we make the makani sauce a bit different and it's a it's different in color as well slightly more pinky but it's going to taste similar to this if not better but this is for something for you to do at home it's very flavoursome and it's gorgeous it might even be more flavors than most restaurants so let's give it a taste so this bite-sized chicken pieces so let's get a big piece of chicken there you go look at that you want to zoom into that it looks very nice and looks here yummy does it look yummilicious I think so wow thick sauce creamy richness it's got the nice little bits off almonds that we've just toasted and ground it you can use the ground powder but I personally find this a bit more nice and a bit more flavorsome but all in all fantastic Rich buttery uh makani sauce for you guys to enjoy at home wonderful taste very rich very flavoursome and absolutely gorgeous now if you've enjoyed this don't forget to like share and subscribe for more videos that latif's inspired but most importantly come on my Instagram page say hello and give me a few messages I try my utmost to to read them and reply back to them so thank you very much see you soon [Music]
Channel: Latifs Inspired
Views: 817,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Indian Cuisine, BIR, British Indian Restaurant, butter chicken recipe, chicken tikka massala, chicken makhani, chicken makhanwalla, how to cook, how to make, indian curry, bangladeshi curry, curry, bhuna, cooking tutorial, street food, daba food, the best curry, indian food, recipe, mild curry, curry for beginner, authentic dishes, popular curries, goodfood, gourmet indian food, apna style, indian restaurant style, simple recipe, easy to follow recipe, chicken recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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