How to make Pilau Rice the best way!

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I am welcome to my channel Latif's inspired today we're going to be doing a very simple peter rice british indian restaurant style slight twist to it and a slight one or two ingredients how i personally like it because i'm gonna cook it to how i want to eat it not to my customers were very similar when i show you how to make the rice as fluffy as possible and hopefully easy easy to follow step by step so today how to cook a paella rice guys and Latif's inspired thank you right guys so the ingredients are gonna be the simpler ingredients I'll show you right that's one and a half tablespoon of salt now this is just some warm water now I boiled it those front walk so I'm gonna had a pinch of saffron now this is going to be for flavor for color and a fragrance so look it up look it up golden yellow color now I'm gonna use some ginger I go through how much I'm going to use shortly I'm gonna use some Cuban I'm going to use some fennel seed some British medium sized onion my favorite ingredient for pin on rice is peas pilau rice also going to be using some garlic the main ingredient the basmati pin arrives right the measurements of the basmati rice this is just my coffee book it's been used and abused as you can see so basically if I've measured one then I put two mugs of rice so as two months got into here I've washed it three or four times get the dirt and some of the starch comes out and some warm water just left it in water for about 20-30 minutes and basically that's going to help cook the rice and the rice should be individually cooked Oakland so I'm going to use is for my chef spoons I just calculated it works out one chef spoon level chef spoon is equivalent to two tablespoons so there's four chefs poon which is equal to 8 tablespoon of just oil now I like to be a bit healthy so I'm just using a vegetable away naturally you would use authentic me you use ghee but what I like to do is add the key right in the end it just brings out a nice flavor a nice taste to it whereas if I had this full of key not really good for you right I'm using my favorite cast-iron pot it's got a nice little lid to it as well so it which helps so now it's smoking slightly so the oil goes in right guys I forgot to say after you've soaked the rice for about half an hour just get a calendar and just drain all the water the water needs to be drained I'll tell you why because of the process which is going to happen now so the oil is getting heated up it's actually quite hot now now I'm going to add all the ingredients right I've dreamed the rice I've tried anyway there's a bit of water so as soon as I put it in its going to smacks splashing a bit please when you're cooking at home make sure that the water is totally drained so you won't get oil spitting at you which is very dangerous which really happens to me smiling because I'm rushing it so you need the oil to toast all the rice now I'm going to add 1/2 full teaspoons of garlic about 3 teaspoons of ginger 2 teaspoons of cumin one teaspoon of fennel that's one and a half tablespoon of salt I'm gonna mix it properly so we need about I need all the rice to be golden and all these ingredients to be heated up and toasted I use a fair bit of salt because the rice takes in a lot of salt then you can just have this as a main meal just have it on its own you don't need to put as much salt as I have put less if you want to this is smelling beautiful what you feel Alex can you smell it very nice but if I did if I have the pure yogi I would have been even more crazy little flavor something but as they say health is well I'm just doing this in a medium low heat so let this toaster bits and it tells us that it takes about 5-10 minutes right is cooking nicely when you got the oil cooking away the ginger and the garlic it is amazing beautiful flavors I couldn't add the onions there I tend not to I fried the onions and I will put up on top with with the with the butter that's where the flavor comes out now the rice is getting cooked beautifully and it's smelling nice this is what I wanted the rice is getting toasted it's going to be it's going to be beautiful now I'll show you what's happening to the rice now it's getting a bit golden spices are cooking away nicely because I drained the water properly in the calendar there's not moisture in here because if you got the moisture that it softens the rice what you don't want so ideally you can trim the rice and leave it to drain for about seven to ten minutes so the water comes out about five six minutes so I can see the color changes the ginger-garlic is getting cooked the spices are getting toasted the fragrance coming out this is gonna be absolutely gorgeous while the rice is getting cooked I've just measured out a foil paper so what I'm going to do after I put the water I'm gonna put this and then put the lid on because that would lock in the steam and I'll need the steam to cook the rice I can see the heat of the rice chicken that's for close up there for you that's a bit of a close-up there so you can see the rice is sort of cooking away now I'm going to put the gas a little bit down now is the science part so because I've used 2 cups of these ideally I would use 4 cups of water now if you use 4 cups of water the rice would grow to its potential I'll say if you don't like it too soft if you like it more individually cook than you do add a bit or less rice less water sorry so this is boiling water from the kettle that's 1 2 so that's 2 cups of water now he needs 2 cups for its growth one that's doubled up so the rice doubles so that's hence we used 4 cups now I can put the gas up to quite high just mix it now my favorite ingredient is good old British peas this is actually the pettypaws so smaller that was a cup [Music] just let that cook for about 3-4 minutes and then I'm gonna I'm gonna lock it up on a slow gas when the water gets a bit thick you know that's dust to start to coming out that's what makes it sticky that's why we put it in water and let it stay in the water for about a good half an hour you try to plump it up the rice slightly slightly some of the starch comes out and basically the rice becomes fluffy as you can see some rice the speeches up the water so best way to cook it is put it in an oven but I'm gonna leave it on the hob so make it nice and simple for you guys at home like the waters evaporated nearly no put the foil tape on this is key so the steam cooks the rice now I'm going to let this cook about ten minutes I'm very slow gasp thus lo gasps I'm going to keep getting cooked for a number about ten minutes and that should be ideal now this is the saffron water I've actually forgotten to put this in I'm going to put that in forth for you guys I've saved out the sacrum [Music] I'm gonna fry the onions now if you're worried about your arteries that's the scary part this is good okie pure ghee heat up the pan heat up their game it's not as hot as I like it one the onions to be nice and crispy these about tablespoon off or it all Don used to be I've added a little bit of oil so the budget doesn't the pure ghee doesn't burn or twice and with there's a lot of key but obviously it's not very good for you I'm just using it for the flavor I want the flavor of the key to go into the onions and when the onions gets mixed with the rice is the most amazing flavor you got the salted the rice you've got the gear you've got the onions that's what makes the peanut rice gorgeous now as I'm putting a bit of spices like the cumin the fennel seeds just brings a lot of flavor key ingredients to be honest with you is the ginger in the pinna rice need a good amount not too overpowering I definitely want to taste the ginger now normally I would let the rice cook properly and then have this in the end because I'm doing the program and I've got a few more minutes for the rice to go actually cook but actually cheat and just put their put it in there so some of the steam is going to come out be very careful if you're doing this guys as you can see the rice is individual beautiful not messing around with it now give that further five minutes and that without low heat and I'll be ready right it's been about 10-15 minutes the rice should be done now this is the moment of truth guys I can be careful when you're opening the lid fill up the steam now look at smells beautiful you come closer I'm gonna give a good portion to my cameraman steaming away it's looking nice nice and fluffy there you go nice and fluffy it's cooked properly so hopefully if you follow this you'll have some nice British Indian restaurants I'll pill arise with my favorite ingredient the good ol bridge piece right if you've enjoyed watching this please don't forget to Like share and subscribe I'd like to send a personal message since we started this has been about 3-4 months we've grown over 10,000 now it's been phenomenal I took a month out as well so the growth has been phenomenal thank you very much for the supporters from the beginning till now it's amazing it's an amazing feeling and I think I'm I mean my channels you know I what happens inspired me to start cooking and get into the kitchen and cook hopefully I can teach you what I've learned and maybe to help you as I get a lot of personal messages from my customers and from friends so that's the reason why I started to channel and hopefully you can inspire me to keep going and make better content as well as you can see the editing is getting a little bit better like my friend Alex is helping me a lot so I think here personally thank you very much I'm very grateful and feel very blessed and I think I'll keep on making a best possible content that I can create and hopefully you can help me by liking and sharing and grow the channel we want to get to a hundred thousand guys hopefully you know within a few months if not by the end of this year so thank you very much the teeps inspired make sure you like share 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Channel: Latifs Inspired
Views: 925,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Indian Cuisine, BIR, British Indian Restaurant
Id: QG_mYNxrLgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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