How To make Homemade BRUNSWICK STEW

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hi you guys it's me chanting welcome back to shake it up with shantae if you've been here before welcome back and as always thank you thank you thank you and if this is your first time tuning in welcome welcome welcome and thank you guys as well today i'm going to be showing you guys my way and a little bit of my grandmother's way of how i make her traditional bronzer stew it's an old recipe of hers but of course i had to tweak it a little bit as the years go by so without further ado let's shake something up first things first this is a long process this is a long process so um first thing first boston butt roast this is what my grandmother traditional traditionally used along with some chicken breasts so this is the first thing and she normally cook hers just in a pot on top of the stove but i like to do mine in my crock pot so this brunswick stew is a six pound pork roast it uses a six pound pork roast and this is a boston butt pork roast and it was 7.50 at my local grocery so the first thing i'm gonna do is open this and clean it up however you wash your meat whatever you do that's what you do i'm just gonna go to the sink and wash my eyes how i normally do i'll be right back all right so the first thing first um we're going to put this in a crock pot already cleaned it and rinsed it washed it off so you don't have to really cook your meat in a crock pot you can cook it on top of the stove so i'm gonna put with this six pound boston butt roast i'm gonna put about um three cups of water in here only season i'm gonna add to this is some salt now this is a pork roast it actually took me about four cups of water i did it halfway to the meat so i'm gonna let this cook in the crock pot for four hours on high now if you don't have a crock pot you don't have to do it in the crock pot you can just um cook it on top of the stove on a medium high for probably about two and a half to three hours but i'm gonna set this for four hours and let this cook on high and we'll just go from there all right y'all so y'all know i put the boston butt rose on for the bronze with stew um actually um yesterday today is the next day so it took me a total to cook that six pound boston butt roast it took me actually six hours instead of four i came back to check it at about three and a half hours and it still wasn't as tender as i like it so i put it on for about two more hours and so then it was where i like it so um i want it to be kind of soft because you have to shred it but i didn't want it to overcook so six hours uh and actually after the four hours i cut it down on low instead of high so um it could just cook you know kind of slowly the rest of the way so it did tenderize like i like it all right so the next thing we had to do was um boil some chicken so i use chicken breast the way my grandmother taught me is to use the chicken breast so i've already done that let me show you guys i have four um chicken breasts not boneless i like the bone in and the skin on because we'll be using some of that broth so um skin on bone in and this is four regular chicken breasts four chicken breasts all right so from that point um let me show you guys what else you're gonna need so you're gonna need now let me tell you what my grandmother used the basic she used louisiana she used worcestershire sauce she used ketchup she did use corn and she do do the diced tomatoes all the rest of the stuff i added y'all so i had to tweak it kind of my way to my liking don't get me wrong i love her um brunswick stew and everybody in the family loved it but i tweaked my eyes a little bit so i'm gonna add some partially some complete of course some brown sugar some barbecue sauce some chopped onions and some chopped garlic and i may put a little salt in it depending on you know where i'm at as far as taste goes because it's something you have to taste so let me start by right now and i'm just going to push all this out the way and i'm going to start with my pork roast this is the pork roast that i cooked in a crock pot yesterday okay so i took it out last night and um i just sat in the refrigerator covered it up and just let it sit there so it can become um just give me enough texture and cold enough so that i can shred it and i'm gonna shred it with my hands i'm not gonna chop it up with a knife or fork or anything i'm gonna shred it and i'm gonna do this whole thing i took out the bone um out of it and then i'm gonna do my chicken next my chicken i bought that probably about two hours ago because i didn't want it to be hot and soft i wanted to kind of stiffen up to um so that i can start cooking them together so i'm just going to start shredding up my boston butt roast first [Music] all right y'all this is all of my shredded roast and i'm gonna move on to the chicken and shred that next oh goodness now with this y'all with this chicken i'm taking the bone and the skin off of it i just want the chicken i like to cook it with the skin and the um the bone because i wanted the broth so but i'm i'm removing all of that make sure y'all get all of the bone out of the chicken breast and if you want to use boneless chicken breast you can but i feel like there's more flavor in the broth because i will be using some of that broth from the chicken for this stew so i feel like the bone and the skin give it more flavor in um in your broth your broth is more flavorful with the skin on and the bone but you can always use um chicken breasts boneless skinless chicken breasts all right so this is my chicken shredded up now let's recap what i did was crop pot my boston butt roast six pounds for six hours so i did that for six hours four on high two on low then i boil four chicken breasts with skin on and bone in i bought four chicken breasts i let them cool overnight well the the boston butt roast i did the chicken i did only about two hours ago all right so i'm gonna use this pot here this is the same pot i boil my chicken in i'm gonna use this pot here because this i wanted a kind of big pot and this is a big stock pie i can't even tell you guys how many i think it's like a eight quart but this is what i'll be using all right so i'm gonna go ahead right now before i even turn the fire on i'm gonna go ahead and put my shredded roast in here make sure just i'm just going through and just make sure there's no uh i actually took the fat off too as much as possible on my roast i took out as much fat as i possibly could okay now i'm gonna add my chicken in here okay this is four huge chicken breasts gonna add that in here um back when my grandmother used to make this she didn't call it brunswick stew but i didn't find out to years later that it was actually called brunswick stew you know y'all know what is the car is burma stew yup that's what my grandma called it and everybody else called it when it sounded like you gonna make some burps too but it's actually brunswick stew and i didn't find that out until i got older the actual name for and you know how to pronounce it correctly so i'm gonna put in my burma stew i'm gonna go ahead and add my three um 14 ounce can of diced tomatoes with the broth in there get everything in there you don't strain it go ahead and add those three okay and i will be adding some of that chicken broth from the chicken i'm gonna add my two cans of whole corn but i'm gonna strain them i don't want the corn juice going to strain the corn all right so i'm going to add my two cans of corn okay all right now i'm gonna go ahead and add my worcestershire sauce and i'm gonna add probably about um this is the good kind y'all so i probably add about a third of a cup let me take the top off maybe a third maybe a fourth not for sure somewhere along in there i'm gonna add about a half a cup of ketchup all right i'm gonna add about a half a cup of this um sweet baby raised barbecue sauce to this okay i'm going to add some louisiana hot sauce my grandma didn't skip on this now she was like it only got to be louis louisiana it could be no other brand but louisiana and i'm going to put about third of a cup now if you want to substitute this and use peppers i'm pretty sure you can i'm just falling kind of following what my grandmother did and i i make this every year i'm gonna put some chopped garlic which is something she didn't do but i will be adding to mine i'm also going to add some chopped onions she didn't put iron in hers at all fresh onion or anything so i'm going to add about two tablespoons of that in there and then i'm gonna add some complete y'all know i gotta add it because i like it so i'm gonna add it add a little bit of parsley in here just for the color let me take this top off all right now i'm gonna add about a little sugar let me see y'all know you gotta add some sugar if you put that um ketchup and tomato sauce just add a little sugar not too much i think i'm gonna use about maybe about a third of a cup of sugar and this is brown sugar you can use white sugar too i just think brown sugar make it i just want my eyes a little dark darken up so i'm gonna turn this on right now i'm gonna turn it on uh low i'm turning on very low because i'm gonna let this simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour covered i'm gonna go over here and get me let me get a measuring cup i'm gonna um see how many cups of chicken broth i need to add to this and this is my chicken broth from my chicken i strained it and i put it in this bowl i'm gonna see how many cups i'm gonna need [Music] i'm glad it made this much bro seven cups i'm gonna start right there at seven cups because i don't want it to cover i don't want this to be a soup so i don't want it to be soupy i don't want to be too soupy so i'm gonna start right there okay and i'm gonna cover this and i'm just going to let this simmer on low very low now i could have put this in a crock pot i could have put this back in the crock pot and let it cook for some more hours i could have done that but i didn't want to so so i wanted to cook on top of the stove all right so i'm gonna cover this let this simmer for about 45 minutes from now but i'll be back in about 30 minutes to let y'all just see how it all has come together all right we'll be back in about 30 minutes all right y'all so it's been about 40 minutes since i put my um bronze wig stew on and i just want y'all to see all of this goodness look at that all of this goodness and i'ma still give it about 20 more minutes but i just want y'all to see where i'm at and i did go back and i did a add extra seasoning i tasted it and it did a little bit more so everything i added i doubled it basically i double everything except the sugar i double everything except the sugar and i did add two um tomato bouillon cubes i did do that so i double everything else all of this um seasoning i did do that and that's it so i still have it on low simmering and this is where we are right now it smells so good y'all when i tell y'all this reminds me of my grandmother's kitchen and i know when i get that smell right i know i'm there so i smell it i smell the smell that i used to smell in my grandmother's kitchen years ago when she would make her um what she called burma stew so i'm gonna give this about 20 more minutes i have some cornbread in the oven you guys and we'll be ready to taste this thing all right you guys my brunswick stew is completely done um i let it cook for probably about an hour and 15 minutes so we can get really you see how really shreddy it is now at first it wasn't like that but see the longer you cook the better and all of my seasonings marinated in there all very well and it tastes extremely good um so yeah um it's been done now probably for about 10 minutes but i'm still gonna try it and this is the consistency i like it to be not too too wet just you know moist and meaty just like this and then i have some cornbread here on the side my good tasting cornbread it might not look pretty but trust me it's good y'all but let me put some of this in a bowl really quickly because we gotta taste this i gotta taste this for y'all show y'all how it tastes oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my son i already called y'all like mom you threw so cuz he wants some so i guess he gonna come and get it i'm gonna put me a piece of cornbread on my plate all right y'all so i got my stew my bronzer stew and i have my cornbread here when i tell y'all this smells just like when my grandmother used to make this oh my goodness y'all i can't wait i couldn't wait until that cornbread got done so i can eat this together you can't eat this without cornbread oh my goodness i just got a tad bit more seasoning because y'all know back then they were only using salt pepper maybe some caesar salt but that was it boy boy i want my empty get out work tonight she gonna be calling me by this look y'all i made a big pot look at this pot look at this pie this is a a huge pot like this and you can freeze this too you can put it in you some freezer bags you can freeze it i've made it before and um freeze it cornbread just you put your cornbread on the side right there so you can just get you a little pig and scoop it up put your stew like that oh my goodness you can also if you want to you don't have to cook as much as i did you can buy a little smaller boston butt rolls like maybe a three pounder or four pounder you can get you a couple of chicken breasts so you won't have as much you can freeze this you can also make your little pot of rice and just have it on the side with it i wouldn't put nothing with mine but you can put you some rice with it if you want to use turkey like if you do a turkey for thanksgiving and you want to use turkey instead of the chicken or instead of the the the roast you can use that you can use a whole you take a whole turkey shred it up and do the exact same thing so and also you can chop up use some onions very very fine to go in here bell peppers if you want to you know this is a very versatile dish and everything that i use is substitutable i say that all the time because it is you have to make it to your liking i'm pretty sure rest in heaven my grandmother i'm pretty sure she don't mind me up in her recipe i still use the exact same ingredients she did but i just enhanced it a little bit so i'm pretty sure she's smiling down on me and she's very proud of me to make this so you know you can tweak this as as much as you like or how you like you know what i'm saying to make it to your liking so i made it to my liking not that i didn't like hers i just upped the answers a little bit um and i tell y'all this is so good this is so good oh my goodness whoo my body already hot on the inside is you cold and it's not cold here but i don't know if i'm gonna have some left if a little bit be left or freeze i will freeze it because one of them cold nights i'm gonna be eating this [Music] and y'all very simple to make the longest part about this is letting your uh boston butt roast cook in the crockpot down you can also because my grandmother didn't let hers cook in a crock pot she did her um total everything on top of the stove so you can boil your boston blood roast for you know a few hours on top of the stove until it gets tender just enough for you to shred you know you can do everything on top of the stove i just use the crock pot because it was late last night when i started it so i just let it cook overnight so it was easier for me um and you want to make this a little spicy because the hot sauce louisiana hot sauce doesn't make it spicy you just give it that hot sauce flavor like it's hot but it's really not hot and i did add a couple of um pepper flakes to it to give it a little keep but it's still not spicy so you know i'm gonna enjoy this you guys i'm really really gonna enjoy this i hope you guys learned a little bit from this how to make my grandmama burmester which is bronzing still to you guys and to me now so i hope that you have enjoyed this video please please like this video give me a thumbs up don't don't forget to share and don't forget to hit the notification bell so every time i upload one of these easy pieces simple recipes you'll be notified of to the next video thank you guys so so much love you see you then you
Channel: Shake it up with Shante Cooking
Views: 36,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brunswick stew chili, homemade Brunswick stew, How to cook Brunswick stew, brunswick stew, brunswick stew made from scratch
Id: S_TLlOvqUpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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