How to Make Jamaican Oxtails| Rice & Peas| Fried Plantain

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hey guys W one how you guys doing guys welcome back today we have some oxtail some rice and peas mac and cheese planon and they look a bit of pick pickley is a pickle is a Haitian sauce it's so yummy guys welcome back to the channel I'm Tanya please like comment and subscribe on this video I will really appreciate it guys please get me up to 50 subscribers I need it my 33 right now and I really appreciate if we just go ahead and increase those subscriptions first we're going to add some garlic then we're going to go ahead and add a little bit of Browning all of these seasonings you can get them at a Caribbean store or the Farmers Market we have some onion powder then we're going to put some combo seasoning you just want to sprinkle till your hard t St is stop until you feel like it's enough seasoned then we're going to sprinkle some ginger powder over the oxtails then we're going to do some plemento all spice um you could blend this up if you can or if not you just put the balls in there and we had some time and then we're going to do the stew um oxil seasoning we're just going to sprinkle a little bit then we're going to go ahead and take our hand and massage this in these oxis STS are pretty thin that's the one I found at Farmers Market I prefer them a little bit more thick but this is all I could find that day and I had the taste for oxil so I just got these I'm sprinking a little bit more Brown in to get it a little bit darker and you just want to take your hand and massage it in till you feel like all of the seasoning is all through the meat and there go we are all done now we're going to go ahead and work on our blend up sauce for the oxil we add a half a onion we're going to add one green bell pepper one red bell pepper and Scotch boned pepper and we're just going to blend this up to get a nice consistency so while we're letting this blend up we're going to go ahead and grab our pressure cooker we're going to put on sauté for 30 minutes we're going to go ahead and add some vegetable oil once the oil get hot you're going to go ahead and add your oxs and you're going to just add the lid to this and you're going to let it cook for a good little bit I would say for the good say 20 minutes then you're going to come back open up the lid going to go ahead and add some ketchup to this you could use whatever brand of ketchup you may have and after you add the ketchup to this you're going to mix it in a little bit of juice from the pan that the oxil was in you're going to drizzle that in there then we're going to close this up and let it cook for the remaining 10 minutes on sauté and once that's done we're going to go ahead and just mix it in a little bit more then we're going to take the blend up sauce of the bell peppers the onion and Scotch B we're going to put this in here and you want to make sure you scrape out everything get all that flavor up in there and we're going to take our spoon and mix it in going to take our spoon and we're going to mix this in you just want to make sure the oils are covered in this juice then we're going to go back and we're going to add a little bit more ketchup to it Ketchup just make it taste good so I'm going just add it to it then we're going to go ahead and we're going to mix this in then we're going to to put the lid on now we're going to do the pressure cook portion then we're going to put the pressure cooker up to 30 minutes you want to pressure cooker on 30 minutes on high once it's done pressure cooking this is what it looks like so I took it out off the pressure cooker living in the same pan and I just added on the stove at high heat and I'm going to let that simmer down until all the juice is out now we're going to work on our mac and cheese I just boil some Panini Noodles add some canned milk I'm going to add some butter some onion powder then we're going to go ahead and mix this in you want to mix this in nice going to put some black pepper then you mix as you go putting your ingredients in put some Old Bay to get a little flavor up in there we're going to go ahead and mix this in we're going to go and add some Parmesan cheese this is what I had in the house this mac and cheese is not typically how I make mac and cheese but this day this is all I had so I'm just using what I have I'm going to added some more milk then that blend up sauce that we have for the oxil I'm just taking a couple Scoops out of the Bell p pepper the onions the scotch bunnet and I'm just mixing that in that in as well I'm just going to mix it till I feel like it's enough mixing then I'm going to add some sliced cheese again this is all the cheese I had this day so I'm just making it work when never have no shredded cheese so I'm just cutting the sliced cheese up with a knife to get it small enough to melt throughout the mac and cheese and honestly my kids loved it um then we're going to go ahead and we're going to add one egg and we're just going to go ahead and mix this in you you with with mac and cheese you make it how you like it this is not my one of my go-to recipes but this is what I had and you take a look where you have and make it into something and this what I had that day and honestly come out nice but I didn't need to make this much because I don't really love mac and cheese that much but I did make a lot so this is a little bit of chest shred up cheese I had so I saved that to put on the top so it can melt and get the nice color I am going to take some paika to sprinkle over the top and this is my first time doing this I've seen people do this on Tik Tok so I decided to try it see how it comes out we're going to add this to the air fryer oven and we're going to put this for 20 minutes on 350 and we're going to let it do what it do this is what it looked like when it was done I did take it out add a little butter on top and stick it back in the oven for like 5 minutes for it to get that nice um color on top now working on the rice and peas we had some water boiling we add the coconut milk then we're going to take the caned peas red beans whatever you may call it we're going to add that to that we're going to get some thyme um you can use fresh thyme if you have it we're going to do some all spice AKA plemento we're going to sprink a little bit of humba combo season we're also going to put a scotch bonnet and a little tops of butter to give it the nice flavor we're going to mix this and we're going to go ahead and we did end up having that I did go ahead and add some garlic to that mix it in a little bit of salt then we're going to cover this and let it boil so for a good say 10 minutes well for 10 minutes we come back with the rice we went ahead and add the rice at this point you want to put it down on like medium to slightly low heat we're going to mix it in cover and let it cook until all the water evaporate then we're going to come back and check it we're going to take the fork you want to use a fork you don't want to use a spoon and we're just going to mix make sure all the pieas is all in the rice make sure that you don't get the bottom of the rice a lot of rice stick to make sure you don't scoop up the bottom of it now we're going to work on our Fred planting you just add some oil to the pond you make the oil hot cut up your plantings and we added this is what it looks like once it was done frying we're going to take it out to fry a planon just fry it onto the golden brown I like my my heat like semi High get this nice brown color and it don't take so long right this is the end of the video this what the planting looks like guys this is the meal um hope you enjoyed this video I enjoy this meal guys thank you so so much for watching my videos if you got so far into it I really appreciate it please like comment and subscribe
Channel: TanyaPatronne
Views: 221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamaican dinner, Jamaican oxtails, How to cook oxtails, Oxtails recipe, Jamaican YouTuber, Sunday dinner recipe, Stay at home mommy, Caribbean food, Jamaica
Id: kBbZAbVJdaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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