How to Make GPTs WITHOUT ChatGPT Plus in Minutes (OpenAI GPTs)

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here is the easiest way to create your own gpts without chat GPT plus and without spending $20 a month not having access to gpts is a massive disadvantage for anyone in the AI space right now as you're not only unable to build your own gbts for personal and business use but you're also unable to develop your skills as a gbt developer which I believe will be one of the most valuable skills in 2024 luckily for you in this video I'll be showing you a dead simple way to get access to build use and share your own gpts without chat GPT plus and for a fraction of the cost if you're new to the channel and don't know who I am my name is Liam otley I run my own AI development company called morning site Ai and I also run the largest community of AI agency owners in the world where my students learn how to make money by selling AI solutions to businesses just like the gpts that you're about to build let's get started in order to start creating your own gpts without chat GPT plus you need to sign up to my new platform called agentive which at the moment is free for the time being but there is about a 48 to 72 hour delay to get in so there's a little bit of a wait list as we onboard users but in the description you can sign up so that you can follow along with this when you're ready this is the sign up and login screen here so you can click on join waight lless so you can get access but I already have an account so I can jump in and log into the studio here and this is where we're going to be building our gpts and how you can chat to them in this interface here in order to show you what gpts you can build on ative and how it works I'm going to be creating a Charlie manga investing assistant which is going to have a bunch of documents based on Charlie manga's um investing principles which rest in peace to charie manga he passed away early this year I believe so in order to bring him back to life we're going to be taking a bunch of his his wisest sayings and and principles for investing putting those into the PDF documents that have taken off the internet somewhere and then I'm going to give that as a knowledge base then also to show you how we can add tools to our gpts on agentive I'm going to be doing a stock data fer so you can pass in a stock ticker say apple and then you can get the stock data for that so you can have a handy Charlie Munga GPT here on agentive to use the way this works is that agentive uses the assistant API to allow you to build your own gpts on top of it and all we do is give you an interface to build it and chat to it that no other platform office right now however in order to unlock this GPT 4 1106 preview model which is needed to create your own gpts on something like ative you need to first go to platform. and we need to unlock your account so you can get full access to all the models available so if I log in here or create an account if you haven't already and then we go to the side here and click on settings we can go to billing and here you'll see that I already have topped up $15 into my account and I've added a payment method so what you need to do to get your models unlocked so you can use ative and start creating your own gpts it's just to add a payment method here then add at least $5 worth of credit here using this recharge and I'd also recommend you turn on the auto recharge so that if you use up all of those $5 it will automatically top you up so be aware that as you are using this you will be build for API cost so just keep an eye on this to see how quickly you're spending that once you've added some credit you can go to the assistance tab here and we can double check that you have the model activated if we go create by click on the model dropdown you should see GPT 4106 preview if you see that you're ready to go back to agentive and get started and creating your own GPT to get started I can click create a assistant up here and it lets me know that I have created a new assistant uh let's call it manga GPT pretty cool Charlie manga wisdom for your investing decision this description doesn't have anything to do with the actual functionality it's more for sharing it as I'll show you in a second then we have instructions which I've already pre-written so with that prompt being done telling it how to use the knowledge and the tools we're going to use I can go to the knowledge section and I can upload some files here I've got a couple files that I'm going to put in just going to give it a second to populate those in and they take a little while to process as well so we'll give that a second and we'll head over to our tools and start setting up our single tool which can fit a stock data by its ticker in order to get the stock data i' searched up free stock data API and I found this one called Alpha Vantage and I went on here and I got a free API key provided my details here got my free API key and I headed back to the documentation which I went down to the quote endpoint could it looked like if I click on this it shows me the kind of data that I'm going to get okay this is going to give me um the symbol the open the high the low the price the volume Etc so in here is a bunch of data that's pretty handy for what I want to do in order to connect an API like this as a tool we need of course an open API schema that explains to our assistant to to the open AI apis how to call it and what information we need to send off to it in order to get what we want back so the little trick to doing this is taking some information like this um going over to chat GPT our good friend saying I need an open API schema for this API col and then I put in this information here that which tells it how to call it it's also helpful to give it an example output so I can click on this here I did before and say okay let's copy this and I'll come down and say here is an example output and one thing to notice this does get a little bit tricky sometimes is the API keys if we go back to the documentation we can see here that it has API key as a a parameter in the URL in order to get chat gbt to give us the right one out I like to put in um do not include the API key as a parameter in the schema it will be provided elsewhere and what I also like to do is provide an example of a tool so you can come back to agentive here and and we can go to uh upload a tool and then we can click on predict age here if I go remove I can copy this and then paste it back in here here is an example of a open APO schema copy this style exactly and I can paste it in there so we have three components this is an excellent thing for you to learn as you're starting to create more gpts and becoming more advanced as a GPT developer is how you can convert any API you find into a tool and this is a basic way to do it using chat gbt so I give it how to call it I also give it an example of the output from the API then I give it any extra instructions needed like this API key part then I provide it with an example of a working one that we want to copy so all of this The Prompt and everything that I cover within this video If you're trying to follow along will be available on my free resource Hub down below so you can click down there sign up and you'll find this down the bottom on the left panel you'll be able to get everything that I've mentioned in this video so that you can make the same one so if I hit enter here give it a second it's going to generate me the schema okay so it's B this out but I'm not too happy with some of the descriptions here it is important that you get the right tone and use of words on here it keeps talking about global quote data and it's called the function get Global quote I'd actually prefer it to be get stock data by ticket it's a much more obvious name for what it's doing but can you modify it to be called get stock data by ticker and all the descriptions should in that this allows the user to get stock data by a provided ticket and now I have an updated version that I'm confident to use because it's a lot more accurate in all these written descriptions as to what we're trying to do here so I can click copy at the top right come back to agentive and I can come to the tool section and click upload tool paste the in here and then we need to set up the authentication for this particular API which we can do by clicking here and we know it has an API key because it has it in this documentation here so API key we want to click on API key and then we need to get the API key that I showed you how to get earlier and I can paste it in here and then the query parameter name is not API unor key in this case you can see that there API key so we can go API key update authentication create tools give it a second and we see that our knowledge documents have finished process processing uh now we're good to go on the tool side of things so we can click update here save our assistant give it a little refresh and start talking to it and make sure it's all working what can you help me with because we are using the assistant API we only have a little buffering symbol here we don't actually get to stream the data in as we used to with chat G that's one difference between this and what you used to on the chat gbt Builder if you've used that that we don't get a a nice stream of data it just comes in in big lumps like that I can assist you with a wide range of investing related inquiries um and the principles and wisdom of Charlie manga additionally if you have questions about specific stock tickers I have a tool that can fetch real time stock data so if I go right how's Microsoft doing now it's going to attempt to call the tool that we've created great so Microsoft are trading at BL and we've got a bunch of information back um so our stock ticket tool is working correctly now we can go what are your top three investing principles for beginners and seef the knowledge base is working and using the documents we provided there we go based on Charlie mongus wisdom here are three important investing principles for beginners to consider and we have a couple things sit on your ass investing avoiding overleveraging Etc you know the knowledge base is working when you see these Source things popping up so that it's actually getting it from the knowledge base not just from its general knowledge and that's pretty much it we've been able to create our own gpts and this one in the style of manga GPT with both tools and custom knowledge added and now we're able to practice Building gpts without access to chat gbt plus and what's more agentive is great in that it allows you to easily deploy this onto things like websites if you click this but here we have a website tab here which shows you how to easily put this onto a website we have even tutorials to walk you through it up here how to deploy to websites with voice flow and probably more important for you if you are looking to just use it for gpts we do have a share button here so you can turn on share links you can copy this and you can send it to anyone you want as long as they're able to sign up and get access to agentive they'll be able to use your gpts as if you've shared them on the chat GPT site and that's all for the video I hope you're able to get in here start building your gpts and sharing them around with whoever you want putting them on the websites wherever you need to do that I know some of the tooling that I showed in here might seem a little bit Advanced for some of you but I do have a ton of content coming on tooling how to understand them how to build custom ones how to use other people's apis as tools Etc so if you want to learn about that and learn how you can make your gpts even more powerful so you can sell them to businesses or really enhance your own gpts for your own business use be sure to subscribe down below while you're there if you've enjoyed please leave a like on the video it really helps me and my channel out while you're down there leave a comment letting me know what you'd like to see more if you have any questions about ative I'd love to hear them and of course as I mentioned all of the resources required to create the same GP going to be available on my free resource Hub so you can sign up down there get access and copy exactly what I've done here if you want to see a tutorial of me putting this on a website I have a video here that have just posted that you can watch but aside from that that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Liam Ottley
Views: 25,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, ai automation, liam ottley, openai update, chatgpt update, gpts, how to create a custom gpt, create a openai gpt, openai, openai devday, ai tools, custom chatgpt, chatgpt, build custom gpts, openai gpts, chatgpt on custom data, openai function calling, how to make gpts, openai gpts tutorial, custom gpt tutorial, chat to pdf, ai business ideas, assistants api, assistant api, gpt assistant, openai assistants, website gpts, agentive, chatgpt plus free
Id: F31fe68q_4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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