Build Your Custom GPT and Automate Everything (+Zapier AI)

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so yes you might have noticed that gpts are trending and when you give people awesome technology they always find ways to improve Humanity which is why we saw gbts build to help diagnose a patient to grow your business with her MOSI to create memes that El musk might like to simpsonize you help you get rid of your bed bugs and most importantly to heal childhood trauma and mommy issues and all plus users have access to it as of 9th of November which means we're entering a new year ER where almost everyone will be able to create their own helpful chatbot just by talking to a chatbot no programming skills required but a lot of questions regarding legal matters are still open also I want to be fully transparent with you even though it's in my interest that you watch this video for a long time and still remain interested in the topic I have to warn you that a lot of users that have been creating custom gpts had their data leaked and it's very easy to do so people have reported that they managed to get files that were used for training gpts and there's a suspicion that it's somehow connected to code interpreter so be careful anyway in this video I'll show you how to make your own chatbot in 10 minutes or less why it makes sense to build one and why sometimes you might want to avoid making one also I'll show you how to give it extra Powers with zapier and in the end let's talk about why we need open- Source version of custom GPT Builder actually why we need open source for everything so let's begin first why should you build one the shortest answer you should build your own GPT if classic chpt isn't knowledgeable enough on specific topics that you need help with as you know chpt knowledge cut off is April 2023 which means that it might lack some really relevant information for instance if you need help with with the latest TriMet or Lang chain features you could create a bot train on the latest documentation for company owners you might want to check out Peter level's Nomad GPT it provides good use case for a building custom GPT you might know Peter as a creator of nomad list a website that's very popular among digital Nomads because it offers a lot of useful information about various cities worldwide his chatbot is powered by n list live data through an API another good use case might be to analyze your data maybe you're a content creator or you own a business and you need a personal assistant to analyze what trends and help you come up with strategies for growth and here's why you shouldn't build one in case you want the chatbot that sounds like you don't do it it won't be as efficient as you'd like a better method would be fine-tuning and I have a video on that topic so you might want to check it out and finally if you're building a chat bot so that you can upload the book such as ultimate barring stuff with python which is a free book by the way or little prints or something like that don't do it if it's a free or a very well-known Book classic Chad already knows everything about it so you're just wasting your time so let's set up one once you log in your Chad GPT account click on explore and you'll see an option to create a new GPT click on it this will take you to GPT Builder next you want to tell the Builder what your GPT is about in my case I wanted to know everything about the latest open AI docs where they specify how to call their vision and text to speech API I've already scraped data from their blog post with this simple python script and it automatically save the content into files when it comes to communication Style I want to chatbot to be concise and to avoid making educated guesses instead I wanted to ask me if it has any concerns also I got a suggestion for a name it's Cod do which is fine and I also got a little bit depressing looking Avatar it looks like an Eastern European commi blocks but it's fine I'll accept it and lastly the bot just asked me a few more questions in order to refine the communication style and then let's head over to configure Tab and this is where you can see the custom instructions that the bot has created for me also this is where I can add files that will give this bot some custom knowledge in this case I'm going to upload those script files that I previously mentioned and by the way you can upload multiple files and I'm going to allow all the capabilities except for Dolly because this is a coding assistant now let's get to the exciting part there is a way to give your chatot some extra Powers by adding something called AI actions in the dev days presentation we saw how Sam's colleague used zapier in her GPT to check her Google Calendar find conflict if there is any and inform Sam that she will be busy through a slack message I want to show you how to do it but my aim is a little bit different I want to allow GPT to create a notion page and to paste all of our conversation there so that I can turn our conversations into a medium blog and this is something that you can do easily by adding a zapier AI action you need to click here first next you want to click on import from URL and I'll show you in a second where to find that URL you're going to check out zapier's page where they specify how to integrate their AI actions into GPT I'll link this page in the description box for you and this is where you'll find the url that you should copy and once you copy it a bunch of text will appear that's fine nothing to worry about next you want to go back and we can see that the action has been successfully added to the GPT however we still have two more steps in order for this to work you want to go back to zapier's page and there you'll see certain instructions for zapier you need to paste these instructions to gpt's custom instructions field and these are General instructions and just copy paste this part shamelessly but the next part is quite interesting first you should specify required actions and write a short description of the action in my case it's just create a notion page and paste the content there and as a final step you should provide in configuration URL zapier has defined what the base of that URL should look like and it's quite simple just copy paste this part but after this equal sign you have to describe your action by writing natural language again there's no coding involved here just paste this base add description of Your Action which again in my case is going to be create a notion page and that's it you just made your GPT let's see if it works or not so when I ask the code dog GPT to write code that's call GPT 4 Vision API we can see that it successfully writes the code and it it's exactly the same as the code in the examples that open AI provided it identifies correctly the name of the model and structures everything really well and just for comparison let's see what happens when I query the classic CH GPT so I'm using the same prompt and as we can see CH GPT knows nothing about latest GPT 4 Vision API and it even admits that it just hallucinated a bunch of stuff and it's for illustration purposes so it's not really helpful now let's try to use zapier AI actions I'm going to ask GPT to create a notion page as and as we can see this will trigger zapier unfortunately I never managed to turn this chbt message into an ocean page even after playing around with it for a few hours and I'm convinced that this is happening because it's still in its Alpha stage and I just want to add that even though I never managed to make notion work I got zapier to work with Gmail and I successfully converted the content of one of the chat messages into an email draft so that made me realize that it all depends on the platform some platforms might work others might not so don't get too frustrated if you try to integrate something with zapier and it fails try try it out and tell me if you managed to do it successfully or not and finally let's talk about the potential open source version of custom GPT but first I want to show you something there's an excellent presentation of the state of llm apps right now and I'll provide the link to it the data comes from streamlet a popular front-end framework for python that many developers use for building AI apps and there results are a little bit scary the graph shows that almost 74% of all AI apps rely on open Ai and gp4 models and that's scary because essentially the entire industry relies almost solely on one Company open Ai and that's a lot of power in the hands of only one company a really nice way to take some of that power back is what Lang chain is promising a feature that lets you build custom GPT and it's called open GPT the idea is that you can avoid using any of GPT models and instead you can use entr Tropics API imagine that you can build a custom GPT on top of any llm that provides an API that would be pretty cool and that's what L chain is trying to achieve here but as of right now openg GPT unfortunately cannot access any custom knowledge they're planning on editing it but currently you don't have an option to upload files to open jbt and to teach it something new and also they're planning on releasing a Marketplace or a store just like open ai's GPT store so even though this is work in progress we should all keep an eye on what's happening with Lang Chain's open GPT feature because right now it sounds pretty exciting and promising and that's it for today I really hope you enjoyed this video and see you in the next one
Channel: Maya Akim
Views: 28,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opengpt, custom gpt, openai, automate tasks, zapier, zapier chatgpt, ai action, zapier ai actions, automation ai, gpt use case, custom gpt use case, notion, gmail, open gpt 4
Id: 2kEg4I6pmrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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