How to Make Ghee | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another very much requested recipe today we're going to show you how to make ghee what is ghee ghee is clarified butter than this little nutty he came to our Channel about nutty because well there are nutty around here friends I got ghee right here you see first of all I got two pounds about it let me bring him to boiler I'll talk about this in a minute uh geep is a clarified butter uh this is clarified butter and this is you see a little difference this is golden buttery and this is a dark golden and it's also buttery you wonder how do we get this one a little more nutty well it's because we caramelize the milk protein okay and I'm going to show you how to do it so it gives the butter a little more nuttiness to it why would we use clarified butterflies very simple butter is an emotion an emotion made out of by the fat milk solid and water why do butter go bad you know you have butter and it goes bad really quick right I mean after a month boom style you smell funny the water promotes the growth of bacteria we got to get rid of it and the milk solid is what goes really bad in the in the butter so we got to get rid of it and we are left with what looks like an Oiler the beautiful thing why are we doing this is because we now have a smoke point around between 400 and 480 depends who you're listening to I said 450 clarified butter is very happy so this is why you do it because you can cook steak you can cook chicken you can cook fish you can cook a multitude of things and not having to worry about burning it if you cook with a regular butter 250 degrees the milk protein are going to burn and then you have a brown butter and sometimes that's another subject you can do a nice brown butter fish or brown butter ravioli or so many things you can do with one butter you got to know how to do it correctly we'll do a video about that later so we have two pound of butter two pound about reference is giving us just below four cups of clarified butter or ghee in this in this video today is Gee and and and the beautiful thing about this one more thing that is beautiful there's so many things beautiful about butter but what is really beautiful about these friends is you can leave it at room temperature on your counter for six months and you can leave it in the fridge one year not having to worry about nothing you want to cook a steak you do it's clarify about it or you do it with Glee I promise you you won't lose your cooking oil cooking or it tastes like nothing they're not so good they get rinse it and they don't taste good butter always stays good especially clarified butter so we I hope I clarified the whole thing and clarified oh that's what it is I hope I clarified the clarified about a thing and now we're gonna make we're going to show you what to do it's very simple right do it two pounds I mean like I said it lasts you a year in the fridge it's going to congeal and when it congeals you just take it out you put it in a I recommend you don't put it in one of those because it's got the metal on it and when it congeals um you can't put it in the microwave what I do is I take a little bit out put it in a small measuring cup put it in a microwave for maybe 30 seconds 45 seconds depends how big the container is and then it's back to liquid form if you leave it at room temperature or in the fridge especially it's going to congeal make it more difficult to use but you know you can use it when it's solid it's it's like consistency of regular bottles maybe a little harder you put it in your in your saucepan you put it in your whatever you're going to do and but remember I find it's easier if it's in a liquid stage but put a spoon of kind of like butter in there it's good so look friends we're going to mix this up we're going to make sure it comes to a a rolling boil right and after you come to a rolling boiler we're going to reduce it down slightly and we're gonna bake literally burn the milk protein and uh and that's what's going to give us that nuttiness that was referring to earlier compared to clarified butter clarify battery we remove them but we don't burn them so it's more buttery it's up to you this is used in Indian Cuisine we love Indian Cuisine and that's what they use in India to make all their so fantastic food and they use ghee you can use it for I use it to make stocks I mean to make steaks and everything too it's wonderful all right friends we're going to bring it to boil I'll be back in a minute probably can hear it bubbling and we're going to leave it alone for a minute or two while it's bubbling all right and what we're going to do we're going to mix this and we're going to reduce not as High Roll boil if we leave it too long of a high roll body it's going to really really stop burning the processor we're going to reduce the Heat and all of the water is evaporating it we want the water out of there that's why we're doing this that's why we're boiling it and then eventually the milk Sally they're going to fall in the bottom all right so it's going to take about 10-15 minutes for this process and if you have to mix it every once in a while don't worry about it you can do that all right 10-15 minutes to keep an eye on it don't go do something stay here okay friends 15 minutes later you got a big foam over there you see big foam and if you notice we see a little brown spot bits right there it's going to take a little while for the bubble to subsidize so we're going to wait a couple of minutes um until the the the the the the bubbles subsides and then we're gonna go look in the bottom and you're gonna see the milk protein have actually burned and that's what gives us the Nutty flavor so we're going to wait a few minutes for all those bubbles to disappear and then I come back all right wait a couple of minutes okay friends so now you can see right here we still got bubbles the heat is off and uh and and what happened is the the milk solid then I've burned I need to fall in the bottom so we're gonna wait for that to happen at least it could take about 10 minutes all right so we're gonna wait for it to settle in the bottom because they are all over the place now those milk protein we're going to wait until they fall in the bottom so let's wait a few more minutes remember about 10 minutes and now you're done the heat is off you did what you're supposed to do so now let's just wait okay friends you probably can't see that much but there's a few bubbles still going on and this is just from the heat so what I did is I just moved a little bit of the weight from the milk the weight from the milk right there the middle we're just going to remove this so I have a little right there I'm just gonna go slowly and just remove it now just push them on the side see it's very easy to remove we don't want to disturb the bottom so it's best if you wait just wait wait a little bit longer you know I'm just waiting about 10-15 minutes but if you wait longer you wait better off you are so if you got things to do come back in a half hour from now it's even better friends all right so now what we're going to do you know let me let me take a clean little because this one has a uh as some of the milk in there I'm going to take a clean metal and I'm just gonna start pouring it let me just remove this right there and I have a a screen I mean a a strainer find my strainer and I have a cheesecloth in here if you don't have a cheesecloth you can use a bath towel you can use a a whatever you want friends I put it right here you got it right here Jack right here you good Jack how about let me push that right now you're right there are you good okay I'm just gonna pour this right here and remember now be gentle with the bottom eventually we're just going to pour it I want to show you you just want to just put take a little bit out remember don't touch the bottom all right friends very simple let me just do this right now I'm going to take my towels and I'm gonna pour it in all right I'm gonna go right here is it good right there the end goal Jack you're good right there all right so I'm going to do slowly you see the burn beats in the bottom frame this is what's going to give us a beautiful nerdy color okay we got to make sure then the bottom of it does not go in you see you'll see eventually you can start to see it coming in see that little line in the middle there can you see a jack you're good yeah all right so we just stop right there friends you see and now it smells a little nutty and then you're good right there if it's either the cheesecloth caught so if anything really works therefore cut whatever you had left right there and right there my friends you have yourself ghee quick subject and I almost forget to talk about salt everybody's always asking me do I use salted butter or not salted butter think about ghee as in oil you're cooking with when you buy cooking oil olive oil any cooking oil avocado oil do you buy salted oil no because you want to put the salt on your steak on your fish on use chicken whatever it is you cook the way you want it you want to put the right amount and the right quantity of salt you want so you don't need salt in the hair you're not going to drink this all right friends I hope you enjoyed the video remember go ahead and make clarify butter or make ghee enjoy it thanks for watching Remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel friends and don't forget to ring that Bell thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 104,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make ghee, ghee, how to make ghee at home, homemade ghee, ghee recipe, ghee from butter, ghee butter, ghee from unsalted butter, making ghee, ghee vs butter, how to make ghee from unsalted butter, clarified butter, ghee health benefits, homemade ghee recipe, how to make ghee from butter, homemade ghee from butter, homemade ghee recipe from butter, como hacer manteca, Comment faire du ghee, ghee maison, manteca casera, how to make clarified butter, how to store ghee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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