Beginners Guide to Marvelous Designer Part 1

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome to today's video where i'm gonna try and help demystify some of the options that are available inside marvelous designer now this video came up as an idea because i've seen quite a lot of people uh leave comments with the fact that they hate marvelous designer because it's too complex or acts up weird so i'm just gonna try and make it easier to comprehend as to what is actually happening in marvel's designer by creating some different types of ottomans or basically some poofs or however they're called basically something like this so we have a couple of different types i'm going to try to show you the best way to tackle some of these types of poofs or like i said uh ottomans now generally when you are working with marvel's designer you're going to have two things you need to address the first one is going to be you will need an avatar that you can then drape over cloth and then once you have the avatar on top of it you can start building up your uh cloth for simulation and the second one is going to be basically do you have the measurements to what you're trying to create or do you have the leniency to basically go ahead and free form model that thing in our case i'm going to start off with this model here i don't actually have the sizes for this so i'm just gonna try and wing this thing as we go so for now i'm gonna put it to the side and now addressing the thing that i previously said that we need an avatar well that avatar can be imported from a different program as 3ds max or meyer or blender or anything else that you can create your model but at the same time we can create that same model especially if it's something very simple like these ottomans inside uh marvel's designer and start working from there now these uh ottomans are actually really easy to create so all you have to do for this one we need to start off and create a ellipse here so in order to do this you just come over here hold down your left mouse button and this will allow you to choose a different type of creation so for this i'm going to choose an ellipse and now when you're creating anything here in the second part or the second window this is the pattern window when you click and drag you can drag out whatever size you want to have but in our case i'm actually going to go ctrl z and go back so i'm just going to click once this is going to give me the more precise way of creating whatever it is that i'm trying to create so for this one i'm gonna go and make it a diameter of 50 centimeters and a height of 50 centimeters now this is going to give us a nice rounded look so i'm going to click ok and as soon as we create the 2d pattern we're going to see this thing appear in our left side in here now whatever we create on the right side in the patterns we can manipulate in the right side over here by just clicking on it and basically using the gizmo now there's a pretty good chance that if you just installed marvelous designer uh once you click this the gizmo is gonna be a bit different so in order to fix this what you do is you go to preferences and from here to the gizmo and then you change it just to world coordinate there's a pretty good chance it might be set up to screen coordinate or local coordinates so for this i'm just going to put it on the world coordinates so whenever we try to do something it will uh be basically aligned to the world all right so uh for this thing this model we can use the thing that we just created for the top here now for the sides we need to have another uh part here so there is a couple of ways we can do this now in this case like we can see there there is nothing at the sides there are no cuts so this means this is just one piece that is uh basically going around i'm pretty sure that on the other side there there has to be one middle line but in this case from the front side it's not visible so this means that we can create a uh unobstructed plane and from there try to sew it on to our model here so for this i'm first i'll go ahead and uh just oops just rotate this thing into position now in here i'm going to click and go down to rectangle now i need to know how big this thing is supposed to be from here i can guesstimate the height or i can guess so let's say i want to have a 60 or 70 centimeters that's easy but how large do i make the rest of it well in order to know exactly how big the circumference of this entire model is that we just created here or this pattern what we need to do is we need to go over in display to the pattern and click on show line length now as soon as you do this this will give you a line length for each of these parts as you can see this is 39.24 so what i can do here is now click and open up my calculator and in here i can go uh 39.24 multiplied by four this is 156 by 0.96 so i'm going to put this into the side clicking here and now for the width i'm going to put that 156.96 and for the height i can just use 70. there we go click ok nothing else so we haven't changed anything okay so far so good we have this line we have a way of getting these two together and i put it like this put this thing a bit to the top so i can actually see it better awesome so how do we uh basically get these two together or sewn together well for that we're gonna use the option for segment sewing but in this case if i go for a segment sewing i'm going to run into a problem because when i click here all of these are going to be a segment and this is just one segment so now i have two options i can either go ahead and divide this thing into four segments or i can use a different option this is uh something that you click here on the segment sewing and hold your window or hold your button and then choose segment sewing now for segment sewing you can actually do the same thing here but in this case i'm actually not right what we want to choose is free sewing we will use the other one later on so for the free sewing this is how it works you click on it once then you basically go over your model like this and you end here and click one more time so now this thing is finished what you do is you go over and click here and all the way up to the end like this once this thing is done you're gonna see this look over here now there's a pretty good chance that this might need to be rotated let's just check it out there we go so when we rotate it like this we can see that this thing is no longer twisted so now i'm gonna hit on simulate but before i do that i'm gonna go ahead and freeze this there we go so now when i hit simulate this entire thing is gonna go ahead and sew on top of this uh part now the problem here that i'm running into is uh the the back side here the dark side is on the uh face and the face is on the inside so all we have to do is to fix this is right click and go flip normal now that thing is fixed all i have to do is just uh go in here with the segment sewing and just make sure you sew this part to this one and this means that the end is also going to be sewn like this and there we go we no longer have a problem so now i only need to have uh one more piece like this one on the bottom so for this there's two ways you can do it you can select your uh pattern on this side and click ctrl c ctrl v to make a copy which is going to put it over here or the other way would be to right click and just clone over but if you do this what this thing is going to do is uh it will make another copy but at the same time that same copy will be placed on top of the already existing one we need to draw it uh get it down and it will be basically sewn on to the original we don't really want that so what i'm gonna do here is first of all whenever you do something like this what you want to do is right click and remove links editing this is because whatever we do to this is it will probably get propagated to the original think of this as making an instance versus making a copy inside 3ds max so again i'm going to click and select all of these uh the sewings and delete with this all right awesome now click here i'm going to flip the normal so it's on the bottom here and again with the help of the free sewing now in this case i'm just going to go from here to here click drag it around like this click and this should help me get both of these together i'm going to unfreeze this one and just let it simulate all right awesome so it's starting to simulate now if i let go of this one it's going to drop down let's just see it so i'm going to unfreeze and just let it drop and as you can see this is not what we're looking for instead what i want to do here is before we do anything else i'm going to select all of these and on the side here we're going to take a look at the first property for our md which is going to be for this one the pressure now for pressure it will basically inflate it like an inflatable a doll or an inflatable toy so let's give it a pressure of 10 just to test it out and before i if for example if i just go ahead and simulate now i'm gonna have another problem so if i just do it like this this is what happens it kind of looks okay but it's still too soft and it's bouncy and really not what i'm looking for so instead what i'm going to try to do here is i'm going to go right click simulation properties and turn off the gravity over here where it says minus 9800 now md uh uh physics is based in real world physics so the the speed of gravity is basically 9.8 meters per second so that this is the minus 98 it's just not a random number so if you put this thing to zero what happens is that now when i simulate this thing will no longer fall but as you can see it's going to float up all right so we are getting somewhere from here now we need to basically get this thing to uh the ground and start prepping it up really slowly to do that we're actually gonna go ahead and use another very important uh aspect of using md and that is when you want to have a avatar made in md and you don't want it to act or be used as a small or soft body instead you want it to be more rigid so what you do is you go over and you are going to solidify this so right click on it and go solidify once you solidify it this will uh start to work a bit different but in order for this to be seen i'm going to go ahead again simulation properties and in the gravity again minus 9 900 and i'm going to hit on the simulate button now this thing will fall down but now as you can see it is no longer acting up as a soft body but instead it's sitting up as if it's a much more rigid hard body all right so once i have this thing as a base now i can start tweaking it to a degree so it kind of starts looking like our model in here so the sides are okay the base here will probably be made into either 3ds max or another software but we don't have to take care of that inside md but we need to fix this top side as i can see this is more flat so we need to make that thing flat so in order to do that the first thing i want to do is select both of these as you can see them over here right click and now we have two options we need we can either deactivate the pattern in the sewing or we can freeze them both have a similar way of working so what happens when you freeze it or basically deactivate it it will no longer simulate or change when you are when you hit the play or the space button or the simulate button so now by doing it like this what i'm going to do is start the simulation get it running and in here since i want this thing to fall a bit lower i'm going to go in and in our pressure i'm going to lower it down to something like let's try five it's gonna go down so let's go one it basically lowers it down like this and here's the thing since i've let this thing uh go down a bit i probably should have before uh freezing it i should have just made it uh straight so let's hit the freeze again on the top let's fix that thing really quickly so actually unfreeze all and here's the thing now when i hit unfreeze since i've changed the parameters for the pressure on the top that is gonna change the whole thing take a look at this now once i do this it's gonna scale down and slowly start to uh wobble down so even though i kind of messed up on that thing i'm gonna i can go back increase the pressure back to 10 select this again unfreeze and run the simulation all right so let's just try to get it to a point where it's actually sitting straight up you can click and drag the fabric when the simulation is running until you actually have it at a point where you're happy with it in this case i think this is okay it's fairly straight from all sides so i can continue uh working on it again freeze both of these reduce this to one and run the simulation all right awesome so i have this thing as a base so so far what we basically saw is how to create your very first own pattern how that pattern translate into the 3d space how the free sewing tool works then how to use the pressure how to use the solidify and then how to gently play around with the model so until you get it to the right position now the last thing that i want to address in this video before we move on to explaining more elements and more options in md i want to talk about the type of simulation that you run now all up until now every time you simulated this we hit the space bar and this uh thing starts the simulation now this when the simulation is running is basically simulating everything that's not frozen but what is important is what kind of a simulation is it running so generally by default the type of simulation that is running is your cpu uh simulation which is the uh the most accurate but more demanding or not the most but the more accurate but and the more demanding uh way of doing it but when you're doing large shapes what you can do is you can always run this thing on a gpu which is going to make it a bit less accurate but a lot more faster so the way you go ahead and activate gpu rendering is you click and hold the mouse button over here and you just switch over to simulated gpu but we will see this thing later on in the other videos so for now you just need to know that this is where you can change the types of rendering so gpu is at least cpu uh intensive then you have the normal and then you have the complete non-linear this takes the most time but it is the most accurate way of uh doing the renderings so there we go i'm going to leave it back to uh normal and that should cover about the basics on this video so i hope you guys enjoyed this video you managed to pick up on some of the basic uh information and basic knowledge about md and if you're just starting to learn md you may have actually you might have actually learned some good tricks uh tricks and tips about how md actually works if you enjoyed the first video come and join me in the next ones where we're going to slowly start to explain more and more of the options and the way you can use md to create your models so for now i hope you learned like i said something new from this video if you'd like to support me you can click on the join button and the direct links will be in the description below and the most helpful thing you can do is just click the like and subscribe buttons if you're not subscribed and comment below in the videos so as always thank you very much for watching and i will see you all in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 15,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W-c4Sb57Jps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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