How To Make FULL Page of Stickers on Cricut with this Hack 🤯 | Use the Entire Letter Sheet

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I have figured out how to print and cut an entire 8 1/2 by 11 sticker sheet and that is exactly what we are going to do today most of you who are familiar with probably print and cut settings on Cricut know that you have to have registration marks and it never lets you use the entire sheet of paper for a standard 8 1/2 x 11 in sticker paper you're only actually going to get 7.44 by 9.62 in of actual working space that's still lots of leftover paper and as someone who likes to try and you know be eco-conscious and eliminate as much waste as possible I wondered is there a way that I could print and cut more stickers now looking online I noticed that there were some people who would kind of create their sticker sheets and then create a separate Vector cutting shape that they then would import into Cricut as a way of kind of bypassing the print then cut method and it works but it's a little timec consuming many people like me like to create their stickers in procreate and not use any Vector settings at all well last year Cricut added some additional paper sizes to its print then cut including the Tabloid size which is 11 by 17 and in that you can actually print a full 8 1/2 by 11 in piece of artwork in fact you can print bigger so I got to thinking how would I fix this if it was an issue on my laser I would make a jig and that is exactly what we are going to do today we are going to create a jig for the Cricut so that it can print an entire sheet of stickers and I'm going to show you how first let's start over and procreate so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to actually set up the sticker sheet that we're going to then put into Cricut now you're going to do this with pretty much any sticker design that you do and I'm going to show you how I set the sheet up now this document is the sticker that I'm going to make multiple copies of design that I did you know last night because I'm easily distracted by lasers and extruders so this is a small document I think this is like 4 by yeah roughly 4 by1 so this is 3.75 by1 in so the first thing you want to do is actually change your canvas size to 8 by by 10.5 in you're going to see it's going to enlarge the canvas and it doesn't necessarily matter where the canvas is in relation to the art because you're going to move this around anyway so but you want 8 by 10.5 this is because when you go to print the um your sticker sheet you're going to want to leave about 1/ quinch border all the way around otherwise the printer will not necessarily go to the edge um so you want to give yourself just a little bit of room this might be something you have to play with but for my printer 8 by 10 and 1 half seem to be just fine I'm going to say done and this is going to resize my canvas so this is the canvas size that I need at the moment we're actually going to do two resizes and I'll show you why so first things first I'm going to take my little sticker that I have here and I am just going to go ahead and flatten it just to make my life easier cuz again this is a duplicate so not a big deal I'm going to fill my sticker sheet with the sticker so I'm going to rotate it and I'm just going to pretty much snap it into place up here and then I'm going to duplicate it bring it [Music] over repeat and then to make life a little bit easier I'm going to do this but with a couple more taking advantage of magnetics just that I know it you know kind of snaps into play there so I can actually get nine in a row and pretty close there we go all right so now I've got this sheet that fits pretty well and just because I like to be one of those people that likes things centered I'm going to just double Center it as well okay so this sheet is my sheet of stickers that I'm going to then send to Cricket but to get it to print right we need to do one more thing and that it again this time we're going to resize it to 8 and 1/2 by 11 and the reasoning for this is because your standard letter eyes paper is of course 8 and 1 half by 11 so going to once more make sure this is kind of Center so this is what we want printed out of our printer but we need to get Cricut to recognize this extra space because when you would go and Deport this into Cricut space it likes to eliminate anything that's not there so what we need to do is create a couple registration marks so what you want to do is just go up into the corner and honestly just kind of create a little rectangle it doesn't have to be anything big and fill it now I got a couple of good squares and the corners they don't have to be anything big or important and they actually won't even technically print when you go to send the do document now this is done so I am going to send it all right now we're going to go over to the Cricut and I'll show you how I make turn this into a near fulls size sheet of stickers so as you can see it loads pretty well and it's got these little Corners so it actually does see this so we're going to load it most of the time you just pick complex I don't think it matters a whole lot but this is what I choose so now we've got it and you'll see that it sees these little Corners it's thinking okay you want all of this and that's exactly what I want so this is going to be a print then cut image and I'm going to take a moment save it I tend to leave leave it the name of my image and then I'm going to upload so I'm going to add the one I just added you can see I've played around with this a couple times but I'm going to upload this one I'm going to add it to the canvas now of course it's going to come in way bigger than it should be I have no idea why Cricut does that but it's an easy fix cuz all you got to do is you go up into your height adjustment you know that this paper is 11 in tall and suddenly it's 8.49 99 to 11 in you'll notice over here it's not freaking out now that's interesting why is it not freaking out well that's because I have gone in to my settings and in low type I have told it that my mat is 12 x 24 and that I am using a tabloid sheet for my print then cut size actually technically won't be printing on 11 by 17 I'm going to be printing on an 11 by 15 but that's okay cuz you don't actually need the couple extra inches and I'll show you why so so I click done so this is ready to to go and be printed almost first thing we're doing is a template so it is going to want to print this but it's only going to print the squares and I need it to actually cut the entire piece out so before we actually send the sticker sheet we're going to add a shape nothing exciting simple rectangle go in here it's a width of 8 and 1/2 and a height by 11 Tada and then I believe this is set to yeah 0 5.5 so we're just going to put this at. five5 and I'm going to put it underneath so you can see it so these are all so these are both lined up perfectly exactly what I want so what you're going to do is you're going to attach these together so that they will cut together so we're going to go to make and you'll see it's given me this 11 by 17 sheet and it's got this perfectly aligned here you know little bit of edges and such what you'll want to do and I do this every time is I just kind of drag it up to the corner and it snaps into the space and that just kind of maximizes I think it being at the absolute top now remember how I said I'm going to actually put an 11 by 15inch paper in here you'll probably wondering well what about these registration marks these are outside of the 15 marker well this appears to be a bug in Cricut because when you print it out it actually is going to pop up here we're going to hit continue and we are going to send this to my printer and I'm going to send it to my regular Canon Pro printer I'm not going to it doesn't need any bleed I don't want it to bleed um system dialogue and then I'm going to click print all right so as you can see it printed just like I told you guys it would it did not actually go all the way to to the bottom of the page in fact it only went down about 13 in give or take so this printed pretty well this is watercolor paper there's a little bit of an ink smudge that happened during the printing but that's okay because this is just a template I'm not worried about it so I'm going to attach this you know all standard style to my big 12x 24 mat so we're on there and don't worry I will show you after doing this that you don't actually have to always do your stickers on a 12x 24 mat in fact I'll be able to transfer this template over to a standard um 12x 12 in mat but I just have to do it on this one first so that I don't have any problems so I'm going to load this into the Cricut Machine so as you can see it cut pretty well in fact I can pull this up with really good ease so what we've effectively created at this point is a jig with the registration marks that's going to fit any 8 1/2 by 11 each sheet that we have without having to waste so first thing I'm going to do is I'm actually going to get this off and I'm actually going to put it on a smaller map to show that this works even that way and now we have a jig and we are ready to go so now we're back in Cricut and all we really need to do at this point is to just backtrack a little bit and yes I could have just deleted the square but oh well and we now just have the print and cut document that we want to do so again when we go to make it's going to show us our board and again I always just kind of pull it takes the minute it thanks and it snaps it into place to this corner which is right where we have it so we're going to continue but here's where things are going to be a little different I am going to tell it that I've already printed instead I'm going to go over and I'm just going to use the preview app and I'm going to open up the sticker sheet that I made so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to send this to the pr and there's a couple settings you want to do for one thing you obviously set it to your right printer and you're going to leave it at 8 and a half x 11 in but what you're going to actually going to do is you're going to hit scale and you're going to make sure this is set to 100% And as you can see the little registration marks that we had set up disappear don't worry about about it that's okay they disappeared because most of the time when you set something to 100% you're going to lose about a quarter of an inch on every side that's part of the reason why we chose to limit where we're putting the stickers to that 8 by 10 1/2 area now every printer is a little different this is what works for my Canon Pro on a Mac computer I'm going to load the printer with the sticker paper that I'm going to use and I'm going to send it to print and then I'll show you where we go from here all right so now we have the sheet that's exactly what the print then cut Cricut is going to be looking for only it's thinking that it's going to be printing it off of a tabloid sheet and what I'm going to do is just load it in I usually double check and make sure that I've got it lined up correctly the way it looks on the print then cut page and then I'm just going to line it up so that it fits exactly in this hole you see just like before it registers the registration marks all right we're all done pop this out and look as you can see those little black registration marks are right in the corner so now it's just a matter of getting this [Applause] off and there you have it what' I tell you guys an entire seat of stickers with so much less waste now to make the process a little bit easier I went ahead and created a master procreate document that you can drop your stickers in and you know have it all lined up so you don't have to worry about you know trying to remember the size that you need the stickers to be so that they don't you know get cut off in the printer I also will include a PNG file of a blank template that you can use to create the Cricut jig because it did occur to me after doing all of this that I really didn't need it to cut out all of those stickers I could have just put you know a blank shape in the middle and had it cut it out and you know problem solved but anyway I hope this was you know a big help for you guys if you like this video like this content please be sure to give me a like and if you want more of this hit the Subscribe button I look forward to making more videos like this in the future bye
Channel: Labcraft Studio
Views: 18,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use the cricut, cricut for beginners, print then cut cricut explore air 2, how to make stickers with cricut, print and cut stickers cricut, cricut design space tutorials for beginners explore air 2, make your own die cut stickers, how to make stickers procreate, procreate stickers with cricut, how to make stickers for business, stickers for business, designing stickers in procreate, stationery business, how to make full page stickers on cricut, full page stickers on cricut
Id: 76CIQhbnii8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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