Print then cut a full page with Cricut - Templates included!

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whatever we want. And we do it just for fun. Hi, everybody. I'm Corinne Blackstone and welcome to my craft room. So excited to have you here today. Before we get started, make sure that you're subscribed here on YouTube. It is completely free to subscribe and I would love to have you as part of my crafty family. now, in today's video, we are going to be talking specifically about print and cut, but we're going to be talking a lot about print cut hacks. Plus, I also am going to show you how to fill your entire sheet. Look at how filled up this is with designs. This was cut with the cricut. And I have some templates that you can get for free to help you fill up your entire sheet over I will link it down below in the video's description. That way you can download them. I have one for every size and I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get this to you, but let me tell you, it took me forever to actually make them. I kept having to test and mess them up and it was an adventure, but I got them done finally. So now they're ready for you guys and it's going to save you so much material. You can see we only wasted it. Really? The corners on this one. So I'm really excited for you to get these. We're also going to talk about a few other like little hacks and things that I've kind of figured out throughout the years with my cricut. So let's go ahead and get started. We are starting here in design space as always for this tutorial, and we're going to go over some printing cut hacks that I think everybody should know about because these are super easy to do. They really save you some time and some materials. So the first thing we're going to talk about is how can we fit more of our stickers onto one sheet? But of course we need to upload some stickers first. So let's go ahead and do that. We're going to be using this adorable animal sticker set from creative Fabrica to do this. You can give this was really any images that you want, but I just want to find something fun and different. So I will link the design to below if you want to grab it. And then I'll also link below a free trial that you can sign up for. You get ten free downloads to try out, create a fabrica. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on download and it's going to bring up a folder and ask me where I'd like to save this and save it into my cricut folder. And then I have a print, then cut folder, save it into that. Now, for mine, I like to just sort of change the name because I don't need the numbers at the end of it. No worries about that. And then I also really don't need the sublimation or the clip art, so I'm just going to leave it as animal hugging heart and click Save. Now I need to extract this folder because they do come zipped, which means that they're compressed. So what I have to do from here is just click extract all and click extract. Now it's going to take a second because this is kind of a big folder. It's got a lot of animals in it and it's going to open up the folder that is now extracted. You'll see the difference in the folder. This one has this little pink above it and then this one doesn't want to close the folder that has the pink, and then we'll pull our animals from this folder here. Now we'll head back over to design space and I'll show you how to upload some of them. So back over here in design space, all we simply have to do is click upload and then you want to click upload image and you can either browse for them, but I personally prefer to drag and drop because it's a little bit quicker. make sure that you've kept your folder open and then from here you can just pick and choose which ones you want to print. I'm of course going to pick the penguin, so I just drag it and drop it over in to my design space. Now you'll notice that you have some options Simple, moderate, moderately complex or complex. Go ahead and pick complex. Now, we don't need to do anything with this. We don't have any backgrounds to remove or anything like that because these are already designed to be printed cut stickers, but they are going to be quite large when we upload them. And one way to tell how large it's going to be is this checkered background in the back, like back here. See how like tiny those little checkers are? That's really giving you an idea on how big this sticker is going to be. But don't worry, we'll resize them. So just click apply and continue. Now, again, because these are fairly large, high quality images, it might take a minute for you to get them to load over on this screen, but once they load, you're going to select this one right here, which is going to be your print. Then you'll see this full color. Select that image and click upload. Now, I'm going to go ahead and upload the rest of the animals because it's going to take a little while. I don't think you guys need to watch me upload all of them. But again, this is a little bit of a slow process when you're using really high quality images. once you have as many designs as you want, all you simply need to do is under your recent uploads, select each of your images. So I've got five and I'm going to click Add to canvas. Now, again, this could take a moment just because these are such a large image now, these are gigantic, as you can see. So since they're all currently selected, all I'm going to do is resize them. So you can see up here at the top under size, I'm just going to make them all five inches wide. Will resize them again in a few minutes just so that they'll all fit and we have like the right sticker size. But this is going to make it easier for us to work with them to begin with. So right now I've got this cute little penguin, a little dinosaur, a hedgehog, a toucan, and we have a little froggy. Now with these types of designs, they're technically made for sublimation. So what you may see is some images where there are parts that stick out from the image, meaning that they're not actually physically attached to the design. So you'll see here, like with the frog, everything is within the frog's body. But if you look here at the two can what you'll see is you've got these little hearts that are not actually part of the two key and they're not touching him. So you'll need to add a offset or you may need to remove them completely so that you don't have these little tiny pieces that are cut individually because they're probably not going to cut well and they're going to be really small, so they're going to be fairly useless. There's a couple of ways to do this. So what you can do is you can use a shape and for something like this, I would use a circle. And what I want to do is I'm going to go ahead and slice the little hearts out, meaning remove them. It's going to make my circle really small. And you want to make sure that your circle doesn't touch any parts of your toucan. So right now you can see I'm fitting it over the heart here and it's perfectly fine. It's not touching any of the two can. Do you want to select both of the items and click the word slice? Now you're going to need to do this a couple of times to remove all of the different pieces that maybe we don't want in our toucan. So what you can do is just start again with a new circle and we can remove all of these little hearts. I really just don't want to deal with them. I'll leave this little guy here so that I can show you what I mean When I say that we need it to use a offset. But I'm going to get rid of the two over by his tail. And you can just see I put that circle on top and I choose the word slice, and then it removes the items you can see here. Now I can just delete these three pieces and we don't have those anymore. So that's definitely one option that you can use. Now, another option is that you can use offsets. Now, I personally really like to have an offset with my stickers. I like the look of it. I think it just looks a little more polished. And that way, if they're putting it on something that's maybe a different color, maybe it's not white, maybe it's black, maybe it's green. Maybe they're using it on a laptop case by adding that little offset, it's going to just pop that sticker off of whatever they put it on just a little bit more. So I'm going to do an offset on our two can. First. Now, I don't like to use this create sticker option. It's much easier if you just use the offset because create sticker literally just does the same thing we're doing here. So I'm going to click Offset. Now, this can take a moment to load, especially when you're using a sticker that has a lot of good detail. Now, what's great about this is you can always adjust the size of your offset. Now, this is a personal preference. I do tend to like a thinner offset, so I'm going to kind of thin out my offset a little bit. But you'll notice that sometimes it gets a little bit funny. Even though I told it, I wanted to go thinner. Do you see how it's actually thicker? This is the joys of working with cricut designs. These sometimes. So if it's not working the way that you want it to and it's giving you really weird like offsets and things simply just hit cancel and you may still have an offset and just move the little guy and the offset will go away. It can be a little bit glitchy, so just play with it a little bit until you can get it to work. Now, sometimes it's just not going to and you may just have to close the whole program and restart. So for example, right here, you can see it went big, but this time it went a little bit smaller. That's what I wanted it to do. I don't want a really big offset, but I don't want it to cut this little slit here. So I'm going to make this just a little bit bigger. I'm just going to go to like point eight 0.089 and we'll see if that kind of closes up this little gap right here. But again, personal preference, it can totally cut that out for you if that's what you would like it to do. It's really up to you. But again, you see that offsets being a little bit weird today. So I'm just going to go ahead and leave it because sometimes it's not worth arguing. Now, what we can do with our offset is we can go ahead and change the color of it. So if we don't want it black, you can make it any color that you want. So if you want a yellow offset, actually that looks kind of cool. You can do a gray, you can do pink, you can do whatever you want. I actually really kind of like the yellow with the toucan. I think that's really cute. And I think we'll do that just so you can get a better idea of what the offsets going to look like. I'm going to go a little bit brighter on that offset. And one thing I'm also going to do is I want to move him out of the way just so you can see the offset and you see it's his full shape. Everything we do have a little spot in between his legs that I think I'm going to go ahead and remove Now. In order to remove that, what you'll need to do is go up to the operation and I want you to change it from print, then cut to basic cut. Now it's going to change the color, which is sort of annoying, but we can change it back then. I want you to go over to Contour and all we have to do is simply click on this little spot between his legs, then go back to your operation, change him back to print, then cut, and then you can go ahead and change his color back. Then just line him back up. Now, if you having trouble getting it lined up perfectly again, select both items. Go to a line and just choose Center. Now we have one more step in order to make this a full sticker. So that it will cut correctly. And what we're going to do is use our flatten option. Clicking. Flatten just tells Cricut that that's one piece and that's how we want it to cut. We want to cut around the yellow. Now there are some other stickers here that aren't going to need an offset like this frog. He's got really good lines all around him. He doesn't have any like little tiny, wispy pieces. Same with the dinosaur. I think he'll be okay without an offset. I'm not going to go ahead and add one. But one thing I want to check for is any transparent areas. So by doing that, I'm just going to click Blank Canvas and I'm going to change my color here and I'm going to change it to blue. And that's going to help me see if there's any blue showing through my design. There's not. So that's fine. I'm going to go ahead and just change this Back to White. Now with the penguin here, we've got all these little wispy hairs. So adding an offset to that is going to assist in our cut setting and allowing it to cut a lot cleaner. So I'm just going to add a little offset to our penguin. Again, I don't want a really big one. Hopefully it won't glitch. Too bad, but I want to just do kind of a smaller offset and I'll leave this offset. White Because I think that that'll look really good with him. But now you can see instead of cutting little teeny tiny pieces, it's going to cut a little bit of a thicker design. Now, currently it looks like our offset doesn't exist, but if I go back and change that canvas color again, you can see our offset is currently right there. When you choose print, then cut. It gets rid of the black outline and it can make it look like the offset doesn't exist. We go ahead and attach. Now, I do want to do an offset on this guy as well because he does have all those little spikes. So that's something to think about when you're doing this is what's it going to cut and how sharper the lines because with stickers, less sharp lines are better. So that's a quick little hack to think about is less sharp lines. You want round lines, you don't want anything super crazy, super sharp Now that we've got the offsets on the couple of stickers we want to do offsets on so you can get some interesting ideas on how that works. We're going to go ahead and upload a template. Now. I created these templates for you. Just took forever. I'm not going to lie. That's why they came out so late. But I created some templates that fit with the new print, the cut sizing. So if you go to Karen Blackstone dot com, you can download those templates and they're going to save you a lot of hassle. So what you'll do is download them and unzip them, then click upload and you want to upload the image. Now I have included SDGs and PNGs for these. That way you have several options. Now I'm going to be just using some regular old letter sized paper nominees. The PNG file. The PNG file tells you exactly what size this should measure just in case. For some reason, design space doesn't size it correctly because sometimes it doesn't. And I'm going to click continue and all I have to do from here is just click, apply and continue again. Now, again, just like with print and cut, you want to save it as the print, then cut image and click upload. Now we're not actually going to print and cut this off. This is just a template. So add it to your canvas. Now again, check the sizing because it may size really weird for some reason. Sometimes it uploads giant and sometimes it uploads correctly. I don't know why, so it's obviously too big. You can tell by the size and guide here what it tells you to size it at. So what I want you to do is make sure you lock the lock right here in the middle of your size options. Just click it and then you want to change your width to 7.44. That should have your height go the correct dimension because everything should size the same. Now I'm going to go ahead and change my canvas color just back to white. So it's a little easier to see our template against it. Now, this template don't change the sizing because this is exactly the size in which we can cut with on our paper. You want to right click on your template and you want to send it to the back. Now what we can do is take our stickers and lay them out onto our template so that we're able to fit as many as we want. Now, I don't want to make really big stickers. I don't need big stickers, so I'm just going to size them down pretty small. I usually like to go up to two, maybe like one and a half inches. It just sort of depends on the sticker or the shape of the sticker, all that type of stuff. Now you want to leave a little bit of spacing between your stickers because for this one, for example, we're going to need to do what's called Bleed. And we'll talk about that in just a minute. So I'm going to go ahead and size this down. And again, you can size them however you want. Whatever works for you, and we're going to make many of them. So don't worry if we make some that are really small. I just want to try to show you that we can fit a ton by using this template because we're able to actually kind of put them into these corners, which you can't do without the template Now what we can do is copy and paste as many of them as we want to and fill in our entire sticker sheets. I'm going to go ahead and just I'm using control C in control V on my keyboard, but you do what works for you and I'm just going to copy and paste now. I am going to size my penguin down a little bit. I think maybe. I don't know, we'll see. But I can change the sizes on these stickers and that way I can place as many as I want to on my page. So I'm going to go ahead and get these all set out and then show you what our next step is now before we use, attach or Flatten to hold these in place. What I want to show you is what happens if we click make it right now, because it's going to rearrange everything from what we said it to be and it's going to set it the way that it thinks that it should fit on to its printable area. You'll notice here that it lines them up and kind of fits them. It's a little bit weird into our design area. Don't like it. Not how I want it set up something to click cancel. I'm going to go back and we're going to use either flat or flatten or attach. Now it just sort of depends on you and which one you like to do and designs me sometimes doesn't always like one or the other. It's been a little glitchy today, so I think I'm going to try attach and just see if that works a little bit better. You'll notice that it looks like it disappears. It's just because it's updating and it's just been a little bit slow today. once everything is attached. Now when you click make it will hold everything in place and fit it on to the page. The way you have it set. That way you're not stuck with it wasting tons of material because we don't want to be doing that. Now what you'll see is it hasn't moved our stickers at all, which is exactly what we wanted it to do. So from here we can actually just hit, continue and print our design. Now I'm just going to be printing this on some regular old sticker paper. I'll link everything that we're using down below. So what we're going to do for this is I'm going to choose send a printer, which is this big green button right here. Now, there's a couple of settings that we need to use with these stickers to make sure that they come out really, really great. And this is one of those other little like hack things that I think is going to really help you when it comes to stickers. Now, remember, we didn't put an offset around the frog or the dinosaur, and we're also using a yellow offset around our toucan. So in order to make sure that we don't have any of the white showing around our stickers, we're going to be using what's called bleed. And Bleed basically just pushes the color out from the stickers and I'll show you exactly what that looks like after we print them so that you can see the difference between the ones that we use a white offset with versus the ones that we didn't do any offset with. Now, typically when you add bleed, you're going to want to only do that with stickers that don't have any white offset. But because we mixed these together, we can leave the bleed on. Then what I want to do is I'm going to turn on my system dialog. This is the true test to making sure that you get the most amazing print from your stickers. And this is something that I do with everything that I print. Now hit print. It won't send it to your printer right away. What it's going to do is it's going to bring up our printer preferences. Once it brings up your printer preferences and if for some reason it's sitting and spinning for a really long time, look behind your other programs. Sometimes it doesn't pop it up right in the front. You want to make sure that you're selecting the correct printer that you're using. And for me, I use an Epson Ecotank 2720. It's an inkjet printer. I'm going to go to preferences and this is where you need to change some settings. Now you're going to want to play around with your settings a little bit because they may not be exactly like mine, depending on what kind of sticker paper you are using. Now I'm going to be using the star craft. So what I'm doing is I go to paper type and I change it to the premium presentation paper matte. Then I want to change my quality from standard to high. I always double check and make sure color is selected. You also want to make sure that you are looking at any of your other print settings that may kind of mess with your stickers. Make sure you have the correct document size selected. So I want to make sure that my letter size is selected. If it's the wrong size, it's going to mess up your print and you're going to have to reprint it and waste ink and materials. So double check that. Now we're going to go under more options. Under more options, we're going to do a couple other things. And these are super easy. All we're going to do is just turn off high speed. So I guess we're only going to do one thing. But you want to turn off high speed print. Now, it may say bio directional printing. That's the same thing. Now, also, if you don't have all of these settings like I do, you probably did not install the drivers for your printer properly. And that's okay. It happens. All you simply need to do is go to your printer manufacturer website. So I would go to epson's website and you can look up the drivers for your printer and reinstall them. That way you make sure you have all of the printer settings that you possibly can have. Now I have had lots of printers and I will say that the Epson prints the best for me. But if you have a canon or whatever and you like that, by all means stick with it. But if you're looking for a new printer, I will link some of the Epson eco tanks that I really like down below for you because I find these to be the best quality printers on the planet. Now, from here always to do is click print to send it to my printer. Now click on that. Right the second, because I don't have my sticker paper loaded, but once we print it out, I'm going to show you what that looks like. Show you the bleed and I'll take you over to the machine so you can see how we cut these out. Another great hack that you can use with your printing cut is to cut the laminate so that it doesn't cover up your lines. Some cricuts have a little bit of an issue if you cover the lines with a glossy laminate, holographic laminate. So we're going to use that same template that we used. So just go to upload and all you have to do is find the template that you used and select it and add it to the canvas. You don't have to do anything too crazy with this. It's pretty simple. And then all we're going to do is change the operation for it. Once it loads, once it loads. Of course, we need to change the sizing because, you know, design space. So I'm going to change that down to 7.44. Then what I need to do is I'm just going to change this from print. The cut all the way over down here to basic and simple as that. We can cut the laminate using this template. So all I have to do from here is click, make it, and then we're going to cut out some holographic laminate. And I'm just going to cut it out, simple like this. Now you can cut this on the vinyl setting, but I actually really just want it to cut completely through the backing just to make it a little bit easier to apply to my design and to waste a little bit less vinyl. So what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to cut this on the heavy cardstock setting. That way it cuts through the vinyl and through the backing, and then I'll show you a couple of tricks on how we can put this laminate on to our stickers. first thing we're going to cut is the laminate, because this is a really easy hack, Just going to make it easier to make sure that you don't get any laminate over the lines if you're having trouble with your cricut, reading the lines. So this is one really helpful tip if your cricut really does have trouble reading lines. I've never really had too much of an issue, but this is a great hack. Now I am again putting this on heavy cardstock because I want to make sure it cuts through the backing since we're not really trying to like cut too much and that way it'll save a little bit of vinyl by doing that. So I'm going to go ahead and load this in. We're going to cut this again on heavy cardstock, Let that cut through. Well, lay it on to our stickers and then I'll talk about some other options that you can use. If you're having trouble with your reading lines once it's done cutting, it should cut through all the layers of your vinyl so you can see here cut through. So I'm going to go ahead and unload this. I'm going to take this piece of my vinyl off and I'm also going to take the backing off now, make sure that you're kind of rolling your mat away, that we don't roll your vinyl and you can keep this for, you know, something else, another project, and I'll move everything out of the way really quick because now what we're going to do is place the laminate on top of our stickers we've got our stickers and we have our laminate. Now what you'll see is that our laminate fits in between the lines of our stickers. You're going to want a squeegee for this portion because we are going to use that. I'm going to turn my stickers opposite me. It doesn't really matter. You can do it from the top or the bottom. But what I like to do is I'm going to peel my vinyl off of the backing and I'm just going to peel like the top little section. So I just feel kind of right about where the stairs are. I call them the stairs. I'm not really sure what I should call them, but the little steps at the top and then I fold this portion down so that I can access just a little bit of our stick. Then all I want to do is I'm going to get this lined up in between and I want to get it as straight as I can. And I'm just going to lay it down very gently. And then all I want to do is press this down. I think I got it a little off, but it'll be okay because it's still not going over the lines. And this is just a little bit of the bleed, which actually before I get this finished, I forgot to show you the bleed. So let me get you an up close look. Do you see? It's a little difficult to see, but do you see around our little froggy, there's like a little edge of extra ink. You can also see it around our dinosaur just a little bit. Just a little extra ink. And then same with along the edge of our two can. It's a little wider. That is what the bleed does. It pushes out the color from your design just a little bit so that you don't end up with any white on your design. Now, now that I've also showed you that, let me go ahead and get the sticker or the laminate down. So what I do, and it's hard to see because this always folds over, I'm using my squeegee and I'm pressing my laminate down and I'm just going to go nice and slow in little increments, and I'm just slowly pressing that laminate down. Now it is going to fold over my hand regardless of what I try to do to it. So I got to hold it down over here if you guys want to see all of the steps. But as you can see, all I'm doing is just very gently pressing down. And I'm doing this in very small sections. That way we don't end up with any bubbles. So I'm going go ahead and finish this and then we can get this all cut out. That was the perfect application. Came out really, really good. So now you can really see I don't know how about you guys can see, but the little shine is not over our registration lines. one thing I want to make sure we go over is just a couple other things that you can do in order to ensure that your lines might be red if you're having issues. Now, like you said, I very rarely have issues, but one thing you can do is take a Sharpie marker and just trace very carefully over your registration line. Another option is if you're using a glossy sticker paper, putting some matte scotch tape over the lines can be very helpful. Another option is to actually turn off the lights in your room. Now, a lot of people think that that is the only answer, but I've actually found a lot of times that more light is what's helpful. So take your cell phone or flashlight or turn on all the lights in your room and use more light. A lot of times more light is what actually fixes the issue with your stickers. Now you want to make sure that you load your machine and you want to load it with the sticker paper with the top of your sticker paper into the machine. First. It's really important. If you load it backwards, it won't work. Go ahead and load your machine in. We're going to cut this again on heavy cardstock because of the laminate sheet. I'm going to let this read the lines, cut out our stickers and show you our final product. that it's done cutting Before I hit the unload button, I want to just double check and make sure that it cut through. I never trust it. So all you do is you just peel up your backing. It didn't actually cut through. Not necessarily the end of the world, but let's see if it actually cut a sticker out, because as long as the stickers are cut, it's fine. So I did check it does have a sticker cut out. You could just peel a sticker back. So since it didn't cut through the backing, I'm not super concerned about it. It's fine as long as it cut through the stickers themselves. So now what I'm going to do is unload my mat. I'm just going to turn this over and I'm just going to roll my mat off of my stickers. And because of the way this cut, we're actually going to be able to remove the main backing portion. So the larger piece of vinyl or in this case printable vinyl. And all I'm going to do is try to see if I can get it to come off. So what you do is you can just get one of the corners lifted up and then you should be able to and this one may not come off great because he was already picked up. But what you can do now is take all of this backing portion off here and you're left with a full big sheet of stickers and you see how many we fit on this sheet. Plus, I gave you some tips and tricks on how to fit all these on the sheet. You can download this Free at Me website. I will link this down below for you. That way you can find it right away. This is such a fun, easy way that you can fit more stickers onto your sheet. It's a great print and cut hack. I hope some of the other printing contacts I shared with you are helpful as well. If you have any more questions. Please let me know in those comments down below. I'm always happy to answer those for you. Be sure that you're subscribed here on YouTube. That way you don't miss out on any of the fun. Crafty content we have coming. I hope you guys have a wonderful day and as always, happy crafting.
Channel: Corinne Blackstone
Views: 18,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maker, cricut, explore, air, tutorial, home, decor, corrine blackstone, corrine, print then cut, cricut print then cut, print then cut full page, full page print then cut, cricut full page print then cut, full page print then cut cricut, how to cut a full page in cricut, cricut print then cut size, print then cut templates, print then cut hack, print then cut stickers cricut, print then cut with cricut maker, full page print and cut cricut, cricut hacks, cricut for beginners
Id: HWg_C6P5erE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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