How to Make Custom Air Fresheners with a Heat Press

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hey guys welcome to my Channel today we are going to do a custom air freshener I did one off camera just to see my cut settings and now we're going to do one together okay so the first thing you need to do is find an image that you're going to do your car air freshener with I just grab one off the internet just for the sake of this video so let's get into it um we're doing this in Creek cut design space so you're going to need some sublimation paper you're going to need air freshener and you are going to need I used the whole puncher to punched a hole in the top it was a little heart with these but you do a hole punch or some scissors or whatever you can use for that and your heat press all right let's get into it so I try to let you all see my SC so we can kind of go over this together with the air freshener go to brows I'm going pull that image in that I have I'mma go go to continue now we're going to do this twice I'm removing the background I'm going hit apply so we're going to Dole image upload that this my flat graphic already here but I'm going to do it again with you guys so so that's my single image I'm going to do it again like my black graph is not fair and we're going to upload that one more time continue remove background apply and continue and do a flat graphic and upload that right so now you should have your basic cut image and your print and cut image on your page I'm G delete this so it's not crating I'm going to make this bigger so it could be the same almost the same size as my printing cut so it's almost the same size as my printing cut but we're going to get into that in just a moment now I want this to cut 2.4 53 by 7.8 in in height okay so that is perfect I may have to adjust it once I put my offset on there because now I have my graphic and I have my my basic cut so what I want to do now is I want to touch my basic cut and put a offset around that I don't want the same size as my graphic I wanted to have a offset now a offset of okay I was trying to move that over you see offset of 0.25 Ines looks like this love it looks great you can stick with that or you could take it down a little bit it's totally up to you take it down just a little bit to 0.153 hit apply it turned gray so that let me know it's the offset but I'm going to go up here to my color set and change that black so it can be one Total Image I'mma go down to my right corner hit attach well let me go back I'mma hit combine and well cuz I want that together now I want my height only 7.8 7.80 I don't want to go over that because my air freshener is only 8 by 8 in all right with that in mind now that I have we only dealing with the basic cut right now we're not really worried about the graphic so also with the basic cut you want to go over to your shapes get you a circle I like to turn the circle white first so I can see something okay get you a circle bring it over here where you're going to put your air freshening hole with for the screen kind of Center it the best you can and then click it combine well it's going to automatically turn black so now my size have went make up to 8.0 and I don't want that so I'm going size it back down to 7.89 or 7.8 is really what I want to go but I'm going to do 7.89 all right so now this is done that's done that's my basic cut for the air friction it is done all right now what I need to do is take Megan put her on top so I'm going to go over here pull my whale one down to the bottom put Megan on top and now I'm going to reduce her cuz I don't want her bigger than a than the outline I want her smaller than the outline so I'm going reduce her down to 7.06 and height and that looks good to me now I have my printing cut and I have my basic cut so now we are ready to get started I need to go turn on my CR cut maker now we're going to go ahead andad and make it I don't want to save it we're just going to make it this my printing cut image and this is my um basic cut image with my printing cut image you are going to mirror very important you're going to mirror you're going to change your material size your paper size whatever you're going to cut on but make sure you mirror your print then cut image but for your basic cut let me change my paper size you're not going to mirror this you're not going to mirror your basic cut you're only going to mirror your print and cut so I want to do my printing cut first because it's going to take the longest I'm going to go ahead and hit continue now I'm going to brow one I use which is the heavy chipboard 2.0 that's why I saved it there here but I like to get more so I play with this just to be able to hit more then I go back and go to heavy chip board you guys do what's best for you but that's just what I do the air freshers that I'm using came from Amazon so get these open these are eight by eight eight by eight inches I think it was like 10 came in the pack but this this is what I'm using I already did one so I'm just going to go ahead and use the rest of this we're going go ahead and place this on one like that and I like to secure it so it don't move I get me some painters tape secure my edges like so like this now it's ready to go in the crit cut and cut this process going to take anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes make sure you have your knife blade in your crit cut or it will not cut we have our image to go on our air freshener and we have our cutout and it looks like this just pull it out and there you have it take your tape off this is how you do it I like to just go ahead and cut this cuz I don't want it to end up on my air fresher in case I go over too far so I go ahead and cut this that's my preference you don't have to I'll just go ahead and cut that out off I would put her on like here just to see how it looks make sure no sides are out all right look at one more time that looks good so now we're ready to tape it down I use a lot of tape cuz I I don't want it to come up once I open the heat press so I don't want to shift at all so I use a lot of tape and I make sure it goes off the side to have something to hold it down so now it looks like this I'm going to go ahead and press this at 374 for 54 seconds so hopefully that so great oh those colors are beautiful y'all see the those colors it came out beautiful get your little Lan off there but we got a process to get that off but I was just getting some but that came out beautiful so let lay here where going to clean up our edges this is optional but I like to clean up my edges so this is what I do to clean up my edges you just heat it real quick sometimes you stay too long it'll just go out but you don't want to stay too long cuz it'll burn the air freshener or give it a little brown Mark so you just want to go around the edges really really quick I see a little blue tape there let's go around real quick clean up those edges to your liking this is just personal preference I just just something I do cuz I didn't like the way the edges was looking when I I did my first one all right and that is better to me that's what the light up was for now the thin ones you can use this to punch this hole right here and you run it down the Sid of the air freshener you guys I'm rushing this it's kind of late tonight
Channel: Tea Time
Views: 15,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x17MqzGQ_sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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