3 Tools I Use on My Motion Graphics in Blender Every Day!

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hey so I make Motion Graphics and there's always like a billion little things that make them cool I picked out three tricks that I'm using quite a bit that make my animations look really cool so first I'm going to show you how to take a collection of objects and randomize them on a Surface so you can have some control over where they go then I'm going to teach you how to create camera shake and not only that but actually Loop the camera Shake animation so you can add it to your looping animations and on the last one I'm going to show you a really cool trick that these two animations have in common let's get into it all right so go ahead and start with a collection of objects it can be literally anything if you don't have anything just throw in uh some of blender's Primitives I'm going to start with these little puck looking things and go ahead and highlight them hit M add a new collection just call it I'm going to call it pucks you can call it whatever you want move them out of the way and what we're going to do is we'll just set this up from scratch I'm going to add a plane we're going to go over and create a new geometry nodes workspace so we're going to get new and let's get a grid you know size it we'll say size of 10 vertices of 50 then we'll get a instance on points and this is where we get to start making this so what you can do up here in the outliner is just pull the entire pucks collection or whatever collection you have and plug it straight into instances now you'll notice we'll go ahead and turn on separate and reset children and you'll notice they're all here but here is the problem that what I'm about to show you fixes they are all on top of each other all five objects so you can go ahead and click on pick instance um and it does it it kind of picks it for you but this gives you absolutely no control so how can you control it we're going to control it in two ways with Randomness and with textures now the first one is the easiest you can do a a random value node and then switch this guy over to integer and plug him right into instance index and that will randomly place them and and that is the quickest way to do it and this is a way I showed it on a three-part series I just put on patreon where I used this process to create this really cool countdown animation there's a lot of really cool parts to this if you want to learn that that is in the description for tier 2 and tier 3 members along with a whole bunch of other really cool Motion Graphics stuff on my patreon so feel free to check that out now this is the first and easiest way to randomize a collection of objects on something but you can also use um textures which is super cool so what you can do is I'm going to go and get a noise texture I'm going to plug that into instance index it's not going to do anything so what we need to do here is get a map range and do a little bit of setup and I'm going to give this one negative one on the men and positive one and then you can get a vector math node to kind of accentuate that if you set this up to multiply so if I bring this up you'll start to see that noise texture actually start to affect This Plane then I'll make maybe bring my detail down and then this is when you can actually start to recognize the uh the pattern actually showing up so look at this now we have this noise pattern showing up in this scene it looks really awesome if I kind of play with my uh my uh map range here there we go you can actually recognize the noise texture on this in the way that it's randomizing so it's super cool now if you want another bit of context of like hey when can you use this I created this animation with the same thing had a sphere and uh had the numbers as a collection and then I was able to put the numbers on that thing randomly with this process and that I also on this project file I created a volume and then put instances within the volume and then again used those numbers to instance in there and it randomly picked which numbers I wanted to put in this animation um all those project files are on patreon by the way um but this is a very powerful trick to add to your Motion Graphics if you need to randomize a bunch of different objects it's very powerful and you can make a hundred things with it all right now let's create some camera shap can also Loop the camera Shake animation which is super valuable so in the description there's a free project file for you to download this if you want to follow along with what I'm doing or you can just watch and uh remember it uh but this is just a standard animation where I have all of these guys as instances and you can see the camera is flying through all of these instances so I want to add some camera shake to make this more interesting so it's not just like perfectly going in makes it feel a little bit more organic so what I'll do is I'll hit the back row of frame zero and then I'll click on my camera and right up in here I'm going to go ahead and just add a key frame on all of them that's all we need to do and then we can go here to the animation uh Tab and this will have it set up for us so we need to be in the graph editor where you can see the X Y and Z Oiler rotation so we can access those key frames let's pick the X Oiler rotation then go to the modifiers tab right here and add in a noise and the noise is going to add camera Shake um but we need to kind of hone it in so first on our strength we'll do like. three on the strength and then on the scale we'll do like 10 and there we go it's a little bit more manageable uh the strength maybe 0. 2 and then the scale maybe 12 so now we have this but notice something once we get to the end of the animation I'll kind of scroll over and watch B you can kind of tell it's not seamless we'll go back again see that it kind of has a jolt how do we fix that well we're just going to ramp it in and ramp it out and it will be completely unnoticeable so what you'll do is click on your restrict frame range and I know down here I have 500 frames so if I go start at frame one end at frame 500 and then because I've done this enough but we can visualize it here I'm going to do my blend in see how it Blends that animation in it doesn't just started it actually goes from zero uh on the noise and it goes into the noise now for me 30 looks really good so I'll do 30 on the in and 30 on the out and now if we go to the end of the timeline we can see it shaking around and then it kind of evens out and then we go into the rest of the animation and it does it perfectly and you can do that on all axes so if I take the uh y oil the rotation added a noise and now it's going to be doing that so again scale of 10 a strength of say3 and maybe of course that's crazy 0.1 and then restrict frame range start 1 and 500 and then we'll just double click on these and do 30 and now we have a seamless camera Shake animation um with uh you know whatever you want it to do now this camera shakes a little bit too much I'll make it more minimal but that is how you do it now I mentioned these two animations have one very significant thing in common that is all those objects that are moving are moving on a curve to get them to actually move in that way let me show you how to set that up so if I hit shift a we can go ahead and get in a uh we'll get an icosphere and we'll bring uh we'll bring the subdivisions down I just want you to be able to see that this object is rotating it'll dig into the geometry once we do it but you'll get the idea so now we have this I'm also going to hit shift a and we're going to go ahead and get in a path and I'm going to go ahead and say hit S5 I want it to be much bigger and then you can rightclick and you have these guys right here see this if I click that guy and hit G you can move that around so what I can do is take this guy go here to my constraints add a constraint a follow path and then you could select the path there and then he can move so here's the value in that you can click on this guy and I'm going to go hey I'm going to go and subdivide it twice and then I'm going to select every other verticy and I'm holding down shift so that I can select multiple and then you can bring it up now we have this wavy thing and then he is going up and down how great is this and then you could just you know then you can just key frame that so I'll start the key frame here and then we'll go to the very end and I'll go 100 which will bring him not where I wanted him to go so let's see negative 100 so negative and then add that key frame and so now he's going around and this is super cool and then you can take this a little bit further and uh you can hit shift d get a new one and you could say all right well let's give it a little bit of geometry like that and then we can go and add a uh solidify bring that over and then you can bring this over and then what I can do is Select this path that's holding the uh this object here and he's going around and then all you have to do is animate the rotation and if you want to learn all of this you need take this animation and animate it so it looks now you can learn that I'm going link this tutorial in the description if you want to learn it from from scratch to start how to make that that is linked in the description as well and there's this animation as well that I use this exact process with all these objects on the curves there's some really cool opportunities for animation with this process so there you go that is three really cool tricks that I use in my Motion Graphics quite a bit to make some really cool things again if you want to learn how to create that animation that I mentioned on patreon that is linked in the description three parts really cool stuff it really helps support my work and with that being said I will see you in the next one
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 34,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #musicvisualizer, blender tutorial, blender, blender tutorial for beginners, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d, blender guru, tutorial, best blender tutorial, how to use blender, 3d modeling, blender beginner, blender beginners, motion graphics, beginner blender tutorials, blender motion graphics, blender motion graphics tutorial, blender animation, blender for beginners, 3d animation, eevee, blender animation tutorial, how to, rendering, logo animation
Id: 19SY3Szv4MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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