How to make the FLUFFIEST plushies in 20 minutes!

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in this video we'll create a super cute plushie using basic modeling texture painting and hair particles to make it look real and fluffy now I've got a first blender scene opened up I already deleted the camera and the light here and I'm gonna go into front view here with numpad one shift a and I'm gonna look up this thing called an image reference now this will allow me to add in an image reference and I'm gonna add in this cute little octopus image here and this is what I'm going to use for the actual modeling example I'm going to enable toggle x-ray so we can actually see through our model here select the background image so the reference image enable the opacity in this menu over here called the object data properties I'm going to set the overall opacity to be about 0.05 just very very soft but just subtle enough for us to actually see it in the background now I'm gonna delete the cube here as well I'm going to start off by adding in a round Cube object so shift a mesh round Q Now open up this menu here and instead of using this parade presets default I'm going to use this quad sphere here so let's tap into edit mode Let's make sure sure we're on face select by tapping three and we are going to delete the entire right half of the of this mesh so just select it and delete faces with X now I'm going to add in a mirror modifier oh let's go modifiers look it up there it is mirror it's already mirroring by the x-axis which is fine let's enable the on cage so we can actually see the faces and click them as well and let's make sure we enable clipping because if we don't and we start messing around with some of these faces we can create weird artifacts with holes and stuff but if we enable clipping no such thing as happening so that's a good thing we want clipping I'm also going to enable proportional editing the shortcut for this is O and if it's enabled this icon up here will be highlighted in blue and it's now enable what I want to do is I want to squish this thing to make it look more like the shape of our image here so I'm going to select all of the faces at the bottom here there will be four I'm going to hit G and z and just pull this up now I might need to increase the proportional size which is the area of effect for the proportional editing by scrolling up or down I will increase it and just pull this up until it matches with the bottom of our image here now I'm also going to select these on the right here then G and x and just pull them in something like this so we get an overall shape which is now almost identical to the image shape so this is fine now let's add a subdivision Surface by hitting Ctrl 2 right clicking and hitting Shades mode I'm just going to decrease the overall width on the y-axis so tap back into edit mode select everything hit s and Y and just scale it in every so slightly so back into front view here and the next thing we want to do is we want to model all of these tentacles I'm going to use something called subdivision modeling so in this case I'm going to use a cube here at a subdivision surface so Ctrl 2 to add in the subdivision surface I'm going to set it to three right click and shade smooth now let's scale this guy down Ctrl a and let's apply the skill and what I want to do next and for now I'm just going to hide the actual body here is I want to take this Cube and I want to move it around and change how it looks so because we are using the subdivision surface it will round everything off exactly how we want it to so let's just rotate this align it sort of with our leg here and let's take this face and just hit e and extrude alright so this is looking pretty good already now let's select the middle Edge that we just created with the edge select and then holding alt and clicking GG and just pull this up so overall the shape starts to move a little bit more towards this conical shape down the bottom now let's reselect the face on the bottom here again and just scale it down ever since slightly select this one scale it up and let's make sure this thing overall sort of matches the shape of the tendon now I think this is fine but this is just one and we need eight of these so what are we going to do to create those well first of all let's go into object set origin and let's make sure the origin is to our geometry here which for now will be fine and we might need to change that a little bit and let's add in an empty plane axis there they are select our leg again our tentacle I should say and let's go over here and choose array now I'm not going to use the relative offset but instead I'm going to use the object offset now for the object I'm going to select the empty and something should have something strange is happening first of all and that's because this offset is taken into consideration so we need to just use Ctrl a and apply all the transforms so now we have two legs in the exact same position but if we now rotate this thing you will see we can now actually move these legs around so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set this to be eight legs because an octopus is a lacks obviously so for the Z rotation of our empty let's type in 360 which is a full rotation divided by 8 and this will give us 45 degrees and we can now create eight copies so if we go into top view with numpad 7 let's reselect our lag here and let's make sure we actually have eight legs and voila they are now exactly where they need to be now let's re-enable the body and we have basically created the basic shape for our plushie I do think that these need to move in ever so slightly so I'm just going to select the original leg and just pull it in and maybe down something like that that looks fine to me so this is the basic shape for our octopus plushie now we no longer need this overall background image I'm just going to delete it let's reselect our tentacles object and let's make sure we apply the array here so we actually have all of these meshes included now we can delete the empty as well because we no longer use it for the array and we are back stuck with the body the legs here now let's create the eyes with a sort of similar myth so in this case we're going to add another Cube hit Ctrl 2 to get a subdivision surface let's crank it up to three right click shade smooth scale this guy down Ctrl a and apply the skill tap into edit mode and let's go into top view here now I'm going to squeeze this thing down on the y-axis so make it nice and flat because this will be I of our sheet so I've re-enabled the x-ray mode so I can actually see it here s and Y and scale it on the y axis until it's almost flat like this now let's add in another mirror modifier on this one minimum modifier and set it to X which is fine we don't need to enable clipping for this one and now in edit mode very important to note do this in edit mode you can actually just move this thing rotate it on top view here as well and align it with the body of our octopus I'm just going to move this guy a little bit up maybe align it like so we now have two very cute big eyes on our plushie model let's just rename this to be eyes so let's select the body let's select the legs let's hit Ctrl J whoops and you'll notice one half is gone and that's because we need to apply the mirror modifier before we do this so with the body selected let's hover over our mirror modifier that's kind of a tongue twister and let's hit Ctrl a to apply now let's reselect the legs hit Ctrl J and merge them together now this will be our body finally we want to create the mouth here which is actually very very simple I'm just gonna add in a curve half scale it down G and Y and Pull It in front of our octopus here so we can actually see it scale down a little bit more tap into edit mode select the outer two most vertices G and z and pull these up now select the other inner two vertices s and x and just scale these out until we get a nice curve like this so into side view here and align it with the face so G and Y pull it back R rotate it and sort of line it up all right so now what we want to do is we want to actually make this into a mesh so with this curve selected let's go to object convert mesh and it's now a mesh we can now add in a skin modifier first of all there it is looks fine to me let's enable smooth shading and let's hit Ctrl 2 to get a subdivision surface as well look at that our model is looking super cute alright so with these out of the way we want to create materials let's hop on over to Shady go into front view here select the eyes and I'm going to hit new to actually create a new material which I'm going to call plastic now the material for this one will be extremely simple because we are just going to change the base color to be black and the roughness to be 0.1 and we're done that's it now this is the mouth let's rename it to be the mouth and let's select the same material here on the side voila the mouth and eyes are completely done now for the body we'll do something different we'll use texture painting so let's hop on over to texture painting go into front view again so up here let's click on the Arrow this will show you the viewport shading which I'm going to set to flat and I'm just going to enable cavity so I can still see all of the parts now I'm going to create a new material by clicking on the plus icon and checking base color set the texture size to be 2K so 20 48 and let's set the color to be a nice pinkish tint something like this if you want to use the exact same color that I'm using type in ff9c86 in the xcode now our model isn't really unwrapped yet what we want to do before we do anything else is actually tap into edit mode Let's go ahead and just select everything hit U and choose smart UV project and just choose ok now let's select this color by hitting s and hovering over the color that we want and letting go of as we now have the same color here and I'm just gonna go and take this into the red slightly something like this and before we actually brush anywhere because this will work just fine I'm going to enable the mirror here on top so if you just scroll up here we can actually go all the way down here to the mirror and enable the mesh symmetry for the X axes I'm going to rotate a little bit I'm going to draw these cute very very cute red cheeks on the side here it's able to Symmetry and let's draw them in on a different spot something like that it doesn't have to be perfect nor does it have to be especially good looking because the fur will actually cover all of this up and the only reason we are actually doing this is to just add in a little bit more detail um to the first so there will be a little bit more color differentiation draw in one more alright so this is perfectly fine now the final thing is I want to give the tentacles a bit of a different color so I'm going to hit 7 to go into top view then 9 to flip it all the way around all right so if we now select the color at the bottom here and take it more into the yellow something like that and we now enable X and Y symmetry for our mesh we can just start drawing in the color here now if we press F we can make the brush bigger if we press shift F we can increase or decrease the strength I have made it slightly bigger here and I'm just going to cover the entire bottom of our plushie something like that let's make it a little bit smaller and let's draw on all of these legs and you'll now notice why we have symmetry on because this makes our lives way easier I might get some bleed through here you don't actually have to fix this because we'll cover it up anyway with hair particles but let's just go ahead and keep it nice and so I'm just going to select the in color again and just draw over this let's make sure we sort of cover all of this up alright so that's looking fine to me now with this out of the way we can move on to the fun part and that is actually adding in all of these hair particles which will make it look super super nice so I'm going to hop on over back to layout tab over here I'm just going to call this material octo plushie and let's go ahead and enable some shading before we add in these hair particles so we go into rendered view here you will notice that we are still in EV and we need to change this to the Cycles so the higher particles actually look like hair so let's go into Cycles here set it to GPU compute enable the viewport denoising and set the samples to about 128 or so now let's hop on over to the world shading click on the yellow dot here change it to an environment texture hit open and I'm going to choose an environment that I have over here which is from polyhaven I'll put the link in the description down below I'm going to use this Loft 8K image which is a nice lighting and also gives us perfect Reflections for our plastic bdis okay so with that out of the way I let's go over here into the particle system let's hit new now let's change this to hair and voila we get some hair going on I'm going to change the hair length to be about 0.2 which will give us nice and short hairs here and let's set the overall number to be about 5000. now you'll notice that this is definitely not enough still but we can increase this by using children so if we open up the children Tab and choose interpolated we get a bunch more I'm going to set this to be 30 for the display amount and let's set the render amount to be the same if your computer starts lagging like crazy you can leave this at 10 or leave it even lower so the amount that you actually see in your viewport will be way less than the actual render amount right so next up is we need to go into render here and we need to change the actual shading material here now it's using the default material that's also provided for our model which is the texture painting that we just did which is good because we now get these nice cheeks here and we also get the spots that we painted on the back so it is working however I want this to be actual hair material so I'm gonna go back back into shading here add a new material which I'm going to call here let's remove the principled VCF here and let's add in a principled here now let's take this and plug it into the surface to leave everything default for now let's take this color value drag it and release it and add in an image texture we can now choose the actual body base color that we just did and it will use the exact same coloring which is a good thing because we now still get all the colors so the red cheeks and red spots as well the Yellow Part on the bottom here but we won't have any more issues with this looking strange if we now go into a rendered view nothing's changed that's because we haven't changed the material in the hair particles so let's go back to the particle menu scroll down to render and change the material from octo plushie to hair and there you have it we now get nice fluffy hair let's go back to layout now and let's start changing some of these settings to make it look a little bit better so in the children tab there's several things that we want to do first of all there's this parting setting which we won't touch in this tutorial so let's just close that off second of all we have clumping now I do want to add a little bit of Plumping if we set this all the way to one let me show how that looks we'll get all of these spikes and this looks more like a wet blushy would look I don't want that I want it to be a nice fluffy plushie so I'm going to use point two next up we want to change the roughness we can change a lot of things and how this fur or hair particles look now I want the length to be a little bit random so I'm going to set the random value to be 0.2 and that's too much so let's set it to 0.1 which will immediately improve the way this looks because we now have a lot more Randomness going on now this is more natural because overall materials like these aren't perfectly symmetrical on all parts so let's change that as well now I'm going to set the size to B2 let's set the end point to be 0.1 not even less 0.01 which we'll just add in a little bit of movement on all of these for particles going in I'm going to change the overall Clump in the clumping layer to be 0.5 because I just want this to be a little bit more more that looks a little bit more natural and let's set the shape to be 1.5 here nope let's just cut that out the next thing you'll notice here is that we have the eyes and the mouth that are very poorly visible because the hair particles aren't everywhere so the fur is looking kind of nice but we need to make the eyes and mouth more visible what we can do is we can go into weight paint we can still see all of these particles so just scroll up and let's disable the particles here and what we want to do is we want to create some sort of mask to tell blender where the particles shoot or shouldn't be so I'm going to draw around these eyes and immediately you'll notice that we have too little detail to work with so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up here into the modifiers into the subdivision here and I'm just gonna hit Ctrl a to apply the subdivision surface now we'll have more geometry to work with and it won't change our text string at all so let's make sure we actually draw around these eyes and let's make sure we draw a round of mouth here as well now what well now if we go to the particles again re-enable them there they are and scroll all the way down here to the vertex groups we can go to the density and we can choose the group that we just created now this will invert it so we now only have all of the hairs on the eyes and mouth instead of on the body so next what we need to do is we need to go up here into weights and choose invert and now we'll make sure that the hairs are everywhere except for our eyes and mouth back into shading here and we can now change a little bit of these principled hair bsdf settings I'm going to set the overall roughness to be a little bit higher 0.5 because it is not like actual hair which is pretty reflective but it's more like a plushy hair which is more dull in its color a little bit more rough I'm gonna increase the radio roughness to be 0.5 here as well and let's see random roughness to be 0.2 just to get a little bit of variation going on in roughness now we already have a super cute and very good looking plushie and we are going to take this into the final step which is a very important one but before we do that I'm just going to change a little bit more of the roughness here maybe set the random to be 0.2 yeah I like that a little bit more Randomness is good so if you are happy with all of your settings we can now tweak the hair particles one final time using the actual particle edit mode now this is a very nice feature but once you do this you will lock all of this in so you can change most of this anymore so if you are happy with all of your particle settings let's go over to the particle edit mode now you will see all of these black lines going out of your model and these represent the actual hair particles you will have several tools here on your left side and you can now tweak how this thing looks so first of all we have this comb feature and if you move it over you can actually comb all of these hairs in a general pattern now if I were to change this back to object mode this will look very very strange but you will see that it's actually working we now combed all of these particles in a nice Direction so instead of doing that we'll reset it and we'll make it a less strength so I'm going to turn the strength all the way down shift F and maybe increase the overall size and just ever so slightly change this I want some Randomness going on here but not too much maybe a little bit around here that's good now next we have the smooth brush which will make everything look smoother again we don't want that in this case then we have the add brush if we want to add in a few more hairs somewhere I'm not going to do that either because we already have enough and finally we have the length brush the puff brush the cut brush and the weight brush now we don't use the weight brush in this case but I am going to use the length brush and cut brush now the lint brush will allow us to actually extend some of these hairs so we increase this what we can do is we can create a pretty funny look for our octopus plushie by just giving them a little bit more hair on the top here now if we go back into front view here and we take these and we just come to one side a little bit something like that we can actually create a pretty funny look put more hair on top now I like this it gives it a little bit more personality so I'm gonna leave it up here and finally we have this cut brush and we can just tweak these hairs now I like the fact that they are shorter than the side here and especially around these legs I'm going to make them a little bit shorter so I'm just going to move my brush around all of these legs and just trim away these hairs now make sure you don't actually delete all of them you don't want that but if you go for something like this we can actually create a pretty funny look now I'm going to add the length brush here just add in a little bit more Randomness again but get something like that and let's go into side view here with numpad 3 use the cut brush again and let's make sure these legs are also at something like that and if you need to decrease the skill go ahead with f all right so if we now return to the front view here go into object mode and voila you know I have it we have a very very cute plushie with nice particles going up here so they create more of a fluffy hair up there and down here we have all of these cute legs now you might need to fix the lighting a little bit and there you have it we now have a very very cute plushie and you can create your own in this case I used a pretty simple model because it's more convenient for the tutorial but obviously you can create your childhood plushie if you want you know get back to those old-school Vibes so create anything you want with these nice hair particles and this fluffy look I want to thank you for watching if you learned something then please leave a like And subscribe and I want to point out that the project file for this video is available on my patreon I want to thank all of my patrons which you can now see up here for their support as it's once you appreciated to keep this channel grow if you're curious how to learn this in blender why don't you click here [Music]
Channel: Kaizen Tutorials
Views: 147,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender hair particle system, blender hair particles tutorial, blender hair particles, blender fur tutorial, how to make a stuffed animal in blender, stuffed animal blender, blender stuffed animal, blender stuffed toy, blender hair, blender hair tool, blender hair tutorial
Id: UAFx7wJkq0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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