How to Make Colorful Drips for a Cake | CHELSWEETS

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[Music] welcome back to the chill sweets kitchen today i'm going to show you guys how to make my white chocolate ganache which is what i use to make the color drips on all of my cakes so some people like to use candy melts to also get the color drip effect but for me i can always find white chocolate chips in my grocery store but sometimes i struggle finding candy melts so for me i think this is a little bit easier and more accessible so i'm going to show you guys how to make it it's super simple you only have two real ingredients i guess three if you include uh gel food coloring is an ingredient but it's very similar to my regular chocolate ganache that i make but the ratio of chocolate to heavy cream is slightly different so here i'm using lightweight 7 heavy cream and it's really important that you use this and not half and half um heavy cream has roughly 40 percent fat in it and half and half actually has less than half out of that so it's really important that smooth and creamy consistency you really need heavy cream i'm also going to be using white chocolate chips that i have here um these are just nestle toll house but you could also use miniature white chocolate chips which i actually recommend if you can find them i think that whole foods carries um giordelli miniature white chocolate chips and in my experience those actually not the best so if you didn't live near whole foods i highly recommend trying those out if not though i think almost every grocery store has regular white chocolate chips and that's what we're going to be using today so i'm going to go ahead and get started i'm going to be adding three parts white chocolate to one part heavy cream so with that in mind i'm going to go ahead and open up my baby white chocolate chips and i'm going to be adding one and a half cups of white chocolate into my heat proof bowl i'm then going to be adding just half a cup of heavy cream this ratio can vary slightly depending on the type of white chocolate that you're using but as you make it you can adjust by adding slightly more white chocolate or slightly more heavy cream depending on if it's a little bit too thick or a little bit too thin but as i'm going to explain later another way that you can either make your drips a little bit thinner and run further down the cake or thicker it depends on the temperature of the ganache is at when you drip it so i actually have a full tutorial up on how to add drips to a cake and that goes through all those kind of technicalities so if you have any questions about that and actually making drips on a cake um you can definitely check that out the tutorial link for that is included below so now that i have my heavy cream in my bowl i'm just going to go ahead and gently shake it to submerge all of my white chocolate chips so now i'm going to go ahead and keep this in the microwave in 30 second animals and i'm going to repeat that until all the white chocolate is melted [Music] all right so this is how my chocolate looks after my second session in the microwave you can see that it's really starting to melt so i'm going to just gently stir it you don't want to overflow the bowl but you can really see that it is starting to incorporate together so we just want to gently stir that around until we think we've gotten it as incorporated as possible and it's important that we don't overheat the white chocolate you don't want to scorch it by heating it for too long in the microwave so you really want to try to work it around as much as you can and help that heat from the bowl just melt everything possible so you can really see our mixture is starting to come together and at this point i'm going to start to slur slightly more vigorously it's looking good so white chocolate ganache is always going to be an off-white so if you're trying to get a perfect white drip you will have to use a candy melt but if you're going to be coloring it any type of color it works perfectly so i'm going to go ahead and keep stirring here so our ganache is really coming together but you can still see there are bits of white in here and that's chocolate that is not fully melted so we're going to need to heat this up one more time in the microwave so i'm going to go ahead and pop this in now [Music] so our ganache has now been heated for three intervals 30 seconds and as you can see most of that those chocolate bits that we saw earlier are melted so we're going to go ahead and give this another stir and then we're going to let it sit for a couple minutes just to really melt out any of those remaining bits of chocolate so the ganache is very warm right now it should be warm to the touch and that's going to help melt away any of those extra bits of chocolate once all of the white chocolate has been fully melted we're going to go ahead and add our gel food coloring and a little bit goes a long way so we're only going to add one or two drops i'm going to be coloring in this ganache light pink today for an easter cake that i'm making but again any gel fruit coloring works and you don't have to worry about white chocolate ganache seasoning up like regular white chocolate would because the heavy cream in there helps keep it from seizing now that we've let this sit we're going to go ahead and stir it and make sure there's no more bits of white chocolate that are unmelted so it looks very smooth this is perfect so now we're going to go ahead and add in our gel food coloring so i want this to be a light shade of pink so i'm just going to add a single drop of gel food coloring here and remember when adding gel food coloring you can always add more but you can never take back what you've already added so always add a little bit and then work your way towards the shade that you're after so we're just going to go ahead and gently stir this around and we're getting that beautiful shade of light pink that i'm after so now that our ganache is fully mixed and colored i'm going to go ahead and let this cool to room temperature before i add it to a cake because at this temperature it's way too warm and it would just run all over the place the other tip that i have for you is um some people like to add ganache by just spooning it onto their cake but i really enjoy putting it in a plastic squirt bottle and these can be found on amazon or even at walmart or target they're really cheap and they make the process so much easier also if you have any leftovers it's super easy storage in your fridge you can leave the ganache in your fridge for up to two weeks so i highly recommend adding it into a squirt bottle once you're done and using that to apply it to the cake so hopefully you guys enjoyed this tutorial today if you did be sure to click the like and subscribe button below and if you want to see more of my cakes or the cake that i'm going to use this ganache on um you can check out my instagram at shell sweets the recipe for this white chocolate ganache is also up on so thanks so much for joining me today hopefully i'll see you guys again soon [Music]
Channel: Chelsweets
Views: 931,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chelsweets, cake tutorials, cake ideas, buttercream, colored drip recipe, how to make colorful drips for a cake, how to make colored drips for a cake, white chocolate ganache drips, white chocolate ganache, easy, drip cake recipe, drip cake tutorial, how to make drips for a cake, colorful drips or a cake
Id: f2-IKH4cQS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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