5 Simple Chocolate Drip Techniques | Ganache Recipe

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hi friends welcome to my kitchen i am so excited for you to be here today i'm really excited about today's today's tutorial um we are talking about the drip cake i get so many questions about my drips what i use how i get them to look the way i do and i'm going to walk you through all of that and then i'm also going to show you five different drip techniques that you can do to change it up from just the regular drop down drip so first let's talk the actual drip making it i make a ganache out of chocolate and cream so it's not just straight chocolate it's heavy whipping cream mixed with i use chocolate melts and the brand i like is merkin you can order them on amazon obviously you don't need to get this giant 10 pound bag but i bake a lot so i buy them in bulk for the ratios if it is a dark or milk chocolate the ratio is about two to one so one part cream two parts chocolate so for this today i'm making i'm going to make quite a bit of drip so i'm gonna do about a cup of cream to two cups of the dark or milk chocolate for white chocolate or colored chocolate which is just white chocolate it's about a one to four ratio so you would do one part cream four parts of the the white chocolate so i'm going to do a half a cup of cream and two cups white chocolate so we'll start by making our ganaches you'll also need some drip bottles but some of the techniques we do we'll not use drip bottles we will just be using a spoon and a bowl i'll walk you through all of that so let's start by making a dark chocolate ganache so i'm going to add about i'm going to do about a cup of cream i'm going to start by heating this up in the microwave you can also heat it over a double boiler heat it slowly you want warm cream not hot cream or you're going to ruin your chocolate so i'm going to start with like 20 seconds okay we've got our warm cream here i'm gonna add the chocolate and then i'm just gonna kind of give it a stir try to get all that chocolate kind of submerged in the cream and i'm gonna let it sit for a few minutes kind of do its thing all that's sitting let's make a white ganache and then i have this fun pink that i'm gonna use today so i'm gonna start with about half a cup of cream and i'll heat that up let's add white chocolate you know what i am not doing quite as much pink so i'm going to actually dump a little bit of that out and then add about a cup okay and again just kind of give this a little stir get the chocolate all covered with the cream while that's sitting i'm going to speed up the process a little bit with this dark chocolate and i'm going to put it in the microwave for like only 8 or 10 seconds at a time and give it a good stir in between okay i want to show you this this is how it's looking about mid-stage this is what it's supposed to look like it will come together and don't put your cream away yet or your chocolate because i'm going to show you how to adjust to get the exact consistency that you're looking for if you like that thin drip that goes all the way down to the bottom or the runs down quite a bit you're going to add a little bit more cream if you like the thicker drip with like the heavy little kind of drops at the end that doesn't run down as far you're going to put in a little more chocolate or a little bit less cream this is starting to come together again you do not want to overheat this or your chocolate will seize or split and that's no fun i've had it split and i've been able to bring it back together you do that by just vigorously stirring and by split i mean it looks kind of grainy but you can add a tiny bit of cream and then just stir stir like as fast as you can and it will bring it back together sometimes but if it seizes that means it kind of becomes really hard you're done you have to you have to chuck it and start over all right this looks like it's pretty fully incorporated now for me that's too thin i'm not going for that look today especially because i have all these hearts on this one and i don't want it to go down very far so i'm looking for a bit of a thicker drip all i'm gonna do is add another handful of chocolate and i'm just gonna let that sit and continue to melt while i work on my other ganaches let's put this in [Music] okay same thing i've gotten it warm enough that if i just continue to stir it will start to come together and we'll finish melting all the way oh and this is a good example it's kind of starting to separate a little bit you can see it's kind of grainy but you can bring it back together and there we go see i brought it back together smooth there's still a little bit that leaves melting in there so i'm gonna let that sit and let's check on this one all right okay so this is looking a little thick to me so it's already really thick and the pieces haven't even melted all the way up so it's going to need a little bit more cream give it a stir and then we'll go back in the microwave okay i have my very large amount of ganache here that i'm going to carefully this first drip i'm just going to show you the regular basic bottle drip how to get the drips to kind of fall where you want them to and how far you want them to and then if you wanted to add sprinkles i will show you how to do that too okay now we're going to pour this carefully just into our drip bottle here's the good news with drip is you can absolutely save your leftovers just put it in the fridge and then when you're ready to use it again just warm it up really slowly in the microwave stirring in between and it should be good to go again okay now here's my trick for testing for the perfect consistency because once you get started on the drip it's that you're done you've got to just commit so i will often test it on the side of the glass and kind of look at how far it falls doesn't go very far that's what i'm looking for because i'm looking for a thicker drip that doesn't just drizzle all the way down so that's perfect here is my first cake we're going to start with just your basic bottle drip now if you want it to fall longer like in the space right here i'm gonna squeeze a little bit longer and a little bit harder and then like right here i would either space it so there's no drips right where that heart is or if i wanted to do a drip right there i would just squeeze just a little bit so it doesn't fall all the way down to cover the heart hope that all makes sense let's give it a go it's going to be a little bit of a different look so i've got some sugar crystals covering this okay now for the regular drip you just go all the way around but i'm also going to show you how to add sprinkles this will start to kind of solidify a little bit so if you're going to add some sprinkles only do like that's a little bit too big only do like four or five little rows and then you can gently add some sprinkles if you want them to stick to your fingers kind of get your finger wet and pick up some sprinkles and then just kind of dab them on because if you go all the way around um this would be too hard to add like your sprinkles onto i won't do too many because i'm going to finish this but you kind of get the idea so that's how you would add the sprinkles all the way around but let's continue on and finish this one so you can see i'm kind of holding it a little bit longer where there's gaps and it can fall farther and then a lot shorter so it won't hit those decorations i'm trying to avoid and then once i'm done i will kind of just circle around and then i'm going to get my offset spatula and i'm just going to spread this around if you need to add a little more you can do that just work kind of quickly because i do my drips on a chilled cake and it will kind of start to solidify and you want to get that spread around before it does and then if you want to do the swirl you just start on one end turn and spiral inward this is like my favorite part of the whole process okay there is drip number one all right the next technique i'm going to show you is the spoon technique so it's going to give a different look so what you're going to do is you're going to pour some ganache on top and then you're just going to kind of guide it with the spoon over the edge you have to work kind of quickly spread it around and we're just going to kind of push [Music] with the spoon this is going to give more of like a i don't know what's the word waterfall look to it kind of runs so if you don't have a drip bottle you can totally work it this way and i think it looks really good there just is a little bit a little bit different and then you can get your spatula and just kind of turn it around if you want to do the spiral you don't have to usually we cover it up with some swirls or sprinkles and there is dread number two the spoon drip spoon technique we're just gonna put some sprinkles just like right around the edges here [Music] okay here we go there is our spoon drip now i'm going to show you the marble drip and you're going to need a bowl and then you need two you could do three colors but i'm going to do two colors today i have white and i have pink first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to spoon some of this ganache into my bowl i'm going to have a spoon ready to go this is going to be using the spoon technique and then i'm just going to kind of drizzle the pink over without mixing it in okay here's my cake so i'm going to start by pouring this over [Music] you can kind of see how it's the two different colors and you're just going to start by pushing that over [Music] now if you find that as you're kind of spreading it out that it's um mixing too much together that's no problem just get some of that secondary color and just kind of go like this over the top and that will give you even more of the marble look as you kind of spoon it down the sides [Music] see now i'm gonna get some of this white cause i need a little more pink [Music] and then to even get actually a little one more drop right there but to even get a little more of the marble look on the top when i do the swirl i will swirl just a little bit more of this around and get that last little drop going down and then we'll get our spatula and do our little swirl here okay so there is our marble drip right there all right now i'm going to show you how to do the double drip you are going to have two colors in a squeeze bottle you need a squeeze bottle for this one and you want to finish with the color that you want on top so i want the chocolate to be on top so i'm going to start with the pink and all i'm going to do is i'm just going to space out the drips more than i normally would this is a little bit of a runnier drip i kind of want this to drip all the way down or a lot of the way down anyway i'm just going to stop right there and i'm actually going to put this into the fridge or freezer for just like five minutes just to kind of let it set a little bit so let's do that now i'm ready to add my second color and all i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go right in between each of those drips [Music] do and then when i'm finished i will cover the top and get my spatula and just kind of work it to the edges [Music] and there's there's our double drip pretty double drip okay okay and for the last strip i'm going to show you how to do like a sectioned drip um drips in different sections so what i like to do i'm going to do this one with pink and white in four sections so i'm gonna go white pink white pink you can do it in three you can just do half and half you can do it in six i've done that before whatever you want but i kind of like to just get toothpicks and just kind of mark out where i want the sections so i'll just kind of go like that just just to kind of evenly space it as much as possible and so i have those holes marked there and i'm going to start with the white and i'm just going to drip just do my regular bottle drip you could of course add sprinkles lots of different ways you can do this and then i'm just going to kind of actually go to the other side first [Music] then i'm just going to kind of kind of draw in a triangle coming to the center same thing over here if you're going to cover this up then it's not quite as big of a deal just gonna get a clean spatula and just kind of smooth it around and if you want you can go right into the next section or you can let this sit in the fridge or freezer and chill for a bit but i'm just gonna go for it then i'll kind of fill in the remaining spaces and spread that out [Music] okay and then there is our double drip right there okay friends here they are my five different drips i'm curious to know which one is your favorite and which one you might give a try the next time you do a drip cake um these aren't as intimidating as they seem hopefully i was able to walk you through all the steps about the consistencies and the ratios and if you have any other questions just drop a comment below and i will do my best to answer them and if you want to see more content like this just make sure to subscribe to my channel and we'll see you next time
Channel: Neurotic Mom Bakes
Views: 168,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 simple chocolate drip techniques, ganache recipe, neurotic mom bakes, perfect chocolate drip, perfect chocolate drip recipe, perfect chocolate drip cake, how to make a perfect chocolate drip, how to perfect chocolate drip, how to chocolate drip, how to chocolate drip cake, how to make chocolate drip, how to make chocolate drip cake, how to do chocolate drip cake, chocolate drip cake, chocolate drip cake recipe, chocolate drip cake with spoon, chocolate drip cake decoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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