Classic WIENER SCHNITZEL - A Step by Step Recipe

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don't be afraid to put a little bit for us that's what you want to see initially a nice golden brown you can do it you don't have to it's time for some butter [Music] today I will be making a Venetian it's the iconic dish of Vienna whatever its origin the Venetian it was perfected in Vienna making a Wiener schnitzel is really only a technique you can make it with veal pork turkey chicken zucchini eggplant or cheese the keys to adjust the breading for instance when you're doing the cheese double the breading here we have a nice piece pork top round the top round usually comes with a flap up here but we have to cut off also a product is a veal you see the difference in Carla it's a little bit lighter bigger and it's nice and clean I prefer the pork it's cheaper and tastier the veal tend to be planned a milk-fed veal republic heat and cut the pork we're gonna start this to oil start heating up the oil what you wanna do is make sure you have enough oil in it if it's not enough and you just cover in the bottom it won't swim in it and you will have darker and not so evenly spots there now we're gonna cut the meat first we're gonna clean it and there's one pig flap on a pork top round you want to get this off it separates by itself even can go in with your finger and pull it off it will come off this way too but it's a little bit easier this the knife you also want to cut off the little fatty parts but the butcher forgot see the backside pretty good here a little bit excess parts you want to take off you always will see where that piece finishes and we're not it's very simple good you want to cut it a little bit straight so it's easier to pound when we paint the rice to meet well ah there it is nice piece when you cut it aim it for about six to eight ounces that's a nice cut that gives it about two inch for the pork this is about seven eight ounces we can pound now this is the fun part to pound a piece of meat I use a little plastic just to keep it nice and clean and you find those pounds us everywhere in a store this is a special order it's a little bit heavier make a a line here about and go half way this way half way this way so you don't break the meat so much always do a rotating thing don't be afraid of liquid force so don't want it pound it too much there's always that Goldilocks zone not too thick not too thin this is a pretty good here season it always season there when I serve sometimes a steak people always ask me what did you season it with our say I have my miracle seasoning salt and pepper that's all it takes sometimes a to Keaney a eggplant just salt and pepper natured already did its part it's so good now we're gonna pred it i usually also season the eggs a little bit because the breading you also want to have it seasoned this here's a nice thickness you don't want to have it too thin it's like eating only bread crumbs then that's what you don't want we start with flour make nice coating braiding is a fun stuff I always do it with the kids they love dipping in the flour egg and bread crumbs when you do the bread crumbs you want to put on nice and tie it and put a little bit pressure on you know you want to do it pretty fresh you don't want to let it sit too long because what what happens is the meat soaks up the breadcrumb and it gets a little bit soggy now we gonna check if the oil is hot enough there are a few ways of testing if the oil is hot enough you don't have to put in your finger to see that you can use a wooden spoon put it in if you see that bubbling effect you know it's hot there's another way to do it use a few bread crumbs what do you have here sprinkle them in you see the same thing so that's good now we have to schnitzel here when you put the schnitzel and be very careful don't put it in towards you you might splash and have it all over you always anytime you put anything in has to be away from you nicely slow motion don't have to throw it in have a nice pig pen see how the schnitzel swims in the oil if you just cover the bottom and saute it like a piece of meat it won't work now what you want to do is when it gets nicely brown on the side you want to shake it a little bit you want to do a little bit movements to get it here Anthony's and we call it a souffle effect where the bread crumbs separates from the meat do you wanna have those poppers also when you use bread crumbs you don't need to buy any fancy things just the plain not flavoured I like to put a little bit but in there since butter makes it all better in this case there's some water content in the butter it will go underneath stitch knit fur and we'll help su playing it I love that sound that means it's now separating the crust from the meat I want to get a little bit more before we take it out but the schnitzel usually takes two to three minutes and it's perfectly fine perfect so [Applause] put it on an piece of paper you have a little Bubba steer nice evenly golden don't make it for a logic groove for four or five six people I would not do it for more than that you have a perfect schnitzel and it should be eaten right away don't let it sit around it just gets soggy now you have that really nice crust now let's plate this you have a snail or some potatoes I always love to use and even numbers when I played never four or six three or five don't waste that liquid here pour it on that liquid or that butter do not waste it just pour it on it's so good we do need to balance that whole thing with acidity again lemon is always good we cut a cut that white stuff out here there it is since we all eat with our eyes first let's have a nice sprig of parsley there [Music] well ah there it is [Music] [Music]
Channel: Erwin Cooks
Views: 43,482
Rating: 4.8402205 out of 5
Keywords: Wienerschnitzl, Schnitzel, Erwin, pork, Cafe Katja, Austria, German Food, souffle, fried, Recipe, Classic, Recipes, Wienerschnitzel, wiener, SCHNITZEL WIENER ART, ErwinCooks, Food, Pork, German, WIENER SCHNITZEL vom SCHWEIN, Cooking, Klassik, Vienna, Wiener Schnitzel, Germany, Chef, Schnitzl, Souffle
Id: 6nZqiWHGjMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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