How to Make Chicken Bourguignon | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there friends fantastic show today i know you heard of a beef bourguignon have you ever heard of a chicken burgundy no stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we're going to make a chicken burgundy on right now all right well let me show you how easy it is to make same thing as making a beef bourguignon's like we're making with chicken we're changing a few things i'm gonna show you how easy it is to make it because so many people love to make chicken we're gonna go and get going with it so i got chicken thighs and chicken legs that have been floured in a um a seasoned flour we've got a little flour in there and we're gonna saute them in clarified butter you don't have clarified butter just use a regular good cooking oil because you don't want to burn regular butter well beyond right and right here my friends i got a a a pound of uh thick bacon then i've been rendering this fat so the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to put some onion in there and i got a too big onion you know i like onion i like the big onion my friends we're going to use onion i might as well use a big one and we're going to caramelize those guys they're going to take a little while we're going to caramelize them and uh we're also going to use some pearl onion well i'm going to use a raisin i love we'll put some onion in there but they're only good if we caramelize if we make them sweet right let me check the temperature of my car on my bottle right here i'm looking about here i have it right here i'm looking about 375 and i'm going to saute the um the meat now no skin my friends no skin i'll talk about amazon plus in a minute no skin skin skin is wonderful if you're roasting a chicken right if you are grilling a chicken the skin is wonderful right because you get it nice and crispy you get all the fat out of it but when you're braising it which is what we're going to do right now we're going to braise it that means smell in liquid when you braise the chicken you don't need the skin my friend you really really don't need the skin otherwise the skin is got a lot of fat in it and unless you can get rid of that fat it's just going to be saggy fat and you know if i'm gonna have fat friends let it be bacon fat let it be butter oh yeah but not chicken fat okay if you think it tastes good maybe you know years ago probably chicken fat was pretty good as a matter of fact i know it was it really tasted good today chicken fat ah not so good so we're gonna salt and pepper we already salt and pepper the flour but we're gonna put a little bit more right there on the chicken right let me clarify butter remember it doesn't burn that's why we use it um we're going to make sure those those things you know what i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to move i can leave it right here it'll be defined just going to take a little bit longer to caramelize the onions this burner is not as big as this guy what else do i got i got um pearl onion you don't have to put them i got a purple and regular onion you don't have to use them they kind of cool and they cook wonderfully right i got whole garlic cloves we don't need to chop it up it'll be just fine i got mushrooms and i got baby potable and regular mushroom i just want to show you something really quick friends when you get a portobello mushroom or or a mushroom and you and you're braising it braising him in me submerged in liquid just wondering if that burner is big enough here friends you know not so crazy about the burner here i'm gonna put it over there friends i'm this one right there because this burner is not big enough you know this all the stove this fantastic stove that i'm working was got different size burner the one in the front are 17 000 btus much bigger and they they're going to give me a better caramelization um oh i was going to talk about the mushroom i'll talk about the mushroom in a second don't worry i won't forget so if we braise them which means we submerge them in liquid you don't want to slice them because if you slice them after 45 minutes to an hour of cooking they're disintegrated you got nothing so what we want to do is we want to cut them it if it's a big one like that you're going to cut it in six pieces or eight pieces it depends a biggerly it's much easier to cut the mushroom this way than if it is on the top of it it's much easier and then if you want to cut it in in sections all you got to do is this you see a child can do this okay so we got mushroom quarters we got potatoes little potato no potatoes you know unless they're very very very small they live in hole if they're very small otherwise you cut them in half otherwise they're not going to cook all right because remember this is not beef bourguignon the beef bougain this chicken yo it's only gonna cook for uh an hour 45 minutes to an hour that's all it needs to cook it's not it's not like we're tenderizing a chuck roast okay doesn't need to spend that much time in there all right friends and and then we got some parsley and then we got some wine but i'll tell you what we have to do friends we have to wait for the onion to caramelize so you know what i'm gonna do since i got the space i'm gonna put this in there too i got the space in there could you do everything in the same pot yeah you can do everything in the same pot just take what i would do though if i only have one pot and i'm at home if i only have one pot and i'm at home what i do is i do the chicken first then i remove it make sure my pot is clean you don't have any residue or flour in the bottom and then you do everything you put the onion you keep the chicken on the side right you have it it's ready to go and then you uh and then after that you take the chicken and you put it back in there so we cannot at this point friends move forward because we gotta wait for the onion to caramelize if they're not caramelized they're not sweet okay remember onion is always number one unless there is bacon don't forget on your number first always unless there's bacon bacon then becomes number one bacon rules bacon and butter oh yeah bacon and butter rules anybody who use bacon and butter in the cooking you know it's going to be good right all right my friend i'll come back in a few minutes i'm just going to get this nicely caramelized and my fact i'm going to go on this burner right there see i'm gonna take this spot right there i'm gonna move it right there there you go you see and then we're gonna put the whole thing together really really simple we're gonna wait for it to caramelize a little bit more okay i want some better color in those onions right there okay i'll be back in a couple of minutes okay friends well the onion i've caramelized enough so now i am going to put the mushroom i gotta get rid of the water in the mushroom a little bit and uh what's gonna help me do that is my garlic salt i forgot my garlic soul friends but i got it right there somewhere somewhere there it is i forgot my garlic salt i love garlic salt for this so here's what we're gonna do friends we're gonna get rid of the water in a mushroom okay and that's gonna take a few minutes and and the salt is gonna really help us in the meantime it's gonna continue so i'm gonna go away for a minute so i don't bore you with uh with stories but um we uh we're gonna get rid of the water whoa one thing i gotta tell you friends because i have a little time is today i'm using the roasted chicken stock and what's the roasted chicken look at beautiful that is this is not your typical chicken stock frank season it's a roasted chicken stock what's the roasted chicken stock it's a chicken stock then where we took the chicken bone and we roasted them very dark color caramelization with tomato paste it's going to give a body it's going to give it some amazing flavor and and and this is what it is so believe me this has an amazing flavor and we have a video we released a video uh not too long ago about how to make a roasted chicken sauce if you don't have a roasted chicken stock what i highly recommend you do my friends is you use regular chicken stock or chicken broth whatever you have and you add a little bit of tomato paste to it to give you some body you would be amazed you know some people said oh it's tomato soup you know they don't know anything about tomato soup if you want to mince if you watch my tomato soup recipe that's tomato soup okay otherwise uh this is a a stock uh where you have so much more debt moreover like an espanola for those of you that are professional you understand what i'm talking about but they add tomato paste into a stock chicken or beef it gives it more much more depth and flavor i promise you well you know the mushroom i've reduced enough for my liking uh and now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put the wine now you don't have to put the wine for those of you then don't drink anyone especially if you're out of a great stock like that you don't have to put the wine um but oh before i do that always put the garlic first for the garlic first i'm putting the whole garlic cloves okay 14 of them i don't know i didn't call them just a few right you don't need to cook it very long if you could be here right now to smell this mamma mia you know what i forgot all right i've always got to forget something right i always got to forget something i got fresh ears thank goodness i didn't forget them i just forgot to put them on the car i forgot to put them on a cutting board right i got a little bit of rosemary and fresh thyme i get chopped fresh thyme so and i'm smelling i'm like oh a minute you're not smelling you're not smelling whether you're not smelling you're not smelling the herbs the idea is to get your mizon plus ready the problem is when i get ready on the camera i don't want to take ingredients out too soon because they're going to dry out so anyway forget about it forget about it that's my new york i said you like forget about it are you doing anyway one i got shiraz one you like my new york accent not bad um this is about half a bottle of shiraz i love a full body uh wine you can use a cabernet sauvignon you can use whatever wine you want in here uh but we got a letter reduced friends we got to let the wine reduce that means we're going to get the alcohol out of there so what i like to do is i like to take a um a spatula clean the side of my pot you see and we're going to let the wine reduce we're going to make a wine reduction a little bit then we'll put the chicken and we put all the vegetables and then we'll put the stock and we're going to continue cooking it we're going to give this a minute a minute and a half to reduce okay we'll be back in a couple of minutes when it's all reduced okay friends the wine has reduced at least by half so i'm gonna add my carrots i cut some carrots in there and then i'm gonna put the potatoes okay red and white potatoes it doesn't matter if you're uh what color they are really they're like new potatoes they're very low in starch but they're perfect for that right and then we're going to put a little bit of stock so remember regular chicken stock if if you don't have a roasted chicken stock but if you don't you try to make it you i promise you folks i got three of them right there i'll show you how we're going to go about this then we're going to put our chicken right in there we're going to smell just the chicken i love this this is delicious okay don't lose the chicken somebody left a comment the other day i thought it was so funny uh well not really funny it was kind of strange actually uh he said oh you dropped something on the on the stove and you picked it up and you put it back in the stove you should never do that all that dust in there well i thought i wrote it back in the comments so maybe you stove got dust in your mind don't have any dust mine is clean like my pot so if i drop something in there i'm very happy to put it back okay my pot my stove right there is just as clean as my fry pan so you clean your stove i told him you should clean you stove because mine doesn't have any dust check this out folks we're looking good right you're looking good now now what do you think how about one more about one more one more one more i want to really submerge okay i am some males now so now friends it's going to be good let me tell you anything you know a little more rosemary be perfectly fine with that oh a little parsley and we're going to put some more at the end we're going to be fine with that so we're looking good right a little salt little pepper anybody can do this it's nothing complicated i didn't do anything complicated that's the whole idea remember folks this is not a cooking channel to uh to show you how good we can do things are we professional chef no this is for you guys to go in the kitchen and do because if you cannot do this then um we gotta have a talk okay because this is really nothing right saute the chicken with a flour right put it in there the only thing you may have a little bit of an issue with it is your stock but remember check out the video okay so now we gotta thicken this if we're gonna put flour we're gonna put the flour now most of you know my trick already because you've watched the channel a few times but for those of you that have not watched your channel that's a few times you're going to be wondering how do we think and then where are we thinking this you could do it at the end with a little bit of corn starch and or our root or tapioca any one of those thicker or you can put a little flour in there now the flour that i have on top of the chicken is good but not enough to thicken this so if we're going to put flour we're going to put it in now if you were to take flour right now friends and just put it if you were to just take it right now and put it in here like this you'll have a catastrophe right but so for those of you that have seen my channel before you like it you go like this you take a little strainer don't put thumb on the side too much because that doesn't belong there and then look you go like this with a whisk okay and you go like this with a whisk and you incorporate it very well and before you know it's all perfectly well incorporated so what you have to do at this point friends at this point what you have to do is you have to mix a little bit because that thick thicker part right there is on the top and you're going to think oh well it's really thick enough now well you got to be careful because all in the bottom all in the bottom it's not that thick you see so you pay attention no it's starting to look beautiful look at this when you see that's why i love to use the roasted chicken stock not only does it have more flavor but it has more body so flour keep an eye on it you'll do whatever you want to do with it you may add a little bit more toward the end if you think it's too liquid right now we're just going to leave it the way it is it looks it looks like a million dollar it smells like 10 million i don't know what that smells like but it smells good mmm friends we're going to let this cook for about 45 minutes to an hour and then when we come back i'm going to sell them serve myself a serving all right so we'll be back don't go anywhere all right friends what about it now takes about 45 minutes to an hour you got to check it out okay and it's cooked it's beautiful it smells amazing and uh check you know a good way to check is uh to make sure that your your on your and your potatoes are cooked and if you cut them like i say cut them in half you got no issues so i'm gonna help myself to a beautiful serving i usually like to take a thighs and uh and a leg and uh i think i'm gonna go up this uh strong right there very simple right and then i like to dig in for some potatoes and carrots let me tell you this looks amazing and the red onion and then the regular onion right there you see look at this oh yeah make it a beautiful plate right there my friends more potato oh more potatoes and more mushrooms and more goodies all right this is like a a uh one pot deal like you don't have to do nothing to it the only thing you may have to do friends is put a bit of chopped parsley in here make it look nice right and then maybe get yourself a nice spring capacity and put it right on here to give it a little freshness you see that's right you see right there pretty simple right right there it's a beautiful dish it's simple and i'm ready to go and right there my friend look at it see pulls right out you don't have to do nothing to it look at this this is going to be so tender and it's going to be hot so be careful oh it's hot it's delicious i was laughing the other day somebody says when you're testing and you're burning yourself i said well you know it's hot look at this thing is smoking but i always said it's good have you ever seen a youtube chef testing and i go bam not very good of course not we cooked it we cook it the way we like anyway friends i hope you enjoyed it remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you in the next couple days another fantastic video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 149,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken bourguignon, chicken bourguignon recipe, beef bourguignon, how to make chicken bourguignon, easy chicken recipes, easy chicken bourguignon, chicken recipes, chicken recipes easy, chicken recipes for dinner, how to make beef bourguignon, beef bourguignon recipe, chicken recipe, best chicken recipes, easy beef bourguignon, braised chicken recipe, how to make boeuf bourguignon, easy beef bourguignon recipe, slow cooked chicken recipes, easy recipes, easy chicken recipe
Id: 88rTL6anFZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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