How to make Chess Pie

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[Music] hi welcome to Chris cook for you Tobe as I've stated to you earlier I'm going to be bringing you some recipes that I think will enhance your holiday table that means whether it be Thanksgiving or it be Christmas or it be New Year's I'm going to do that over the next 15 days so you can add some things to your table or extract some things and then add others tonight I'm going to be bringing you chess pie that's right chess pie this is a old recipe very simple very easy but I think that if you try it you're truly going to enjoy it now when I say old I mean old as me old which means that this recipe truly has to be old but I think that you're truly going to enjoy it so let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to need to make this delicious quick and easy pie what I'd like for you to do first though is go ahead and start your recipe to your sorry your oven to preheat 3 50° this is going to be for 50 minutes of cooking then you're going to take it out allow it to cool and it's going to be a delicious treat that I think your family will truly enjoy and it will be in your repertoire for years and years to come let's get started with the ingredients you're going to need some yellow cornmeal that's right yellow cornmeal you're also going to need some flour now the flour is optional and it's just there to add a firmness to the pie but the cornmeal you will definitely need you're going to need some vanilla extract Carnation milk butter some eggs sugar and vinegar that's right vinegar you will not taste it don't worry about it go ahead and use it because this pie is delicious now I'm not going to bake a pie shell if that's what you choose to do then go ahead and do it I believe in working smarter and not harder so I'm going to use a readymade pie shell so I have the readymade pie shell down front I'm going to go away and get all of my ingredients set up and I'll be back and show you how to put together this very very tasty pack perfect for your Thanksgiving Christmas or New Year's table be right back okay now I'm back so let's get started now you see me with four eggs this only requires three eggs but because I'm not making a standard pie I'm making one that's going to be deep dish that's why you see this extra egg don't worry about it though because as always your instructions will be in the description box along with the measurements of each item so don't worry about that just see eggs and don't count how many so we're going to go ahead and we're going to mix up these eggs now you can use your mix if you want to but this is quick fast and in a hurry and you really don't need to do it so all you want to do is to mix these eggs up to the point where they blend which means that the white and the yellow should blend together now once that's actually done that's done so now you want to get your bowl clean up my mesh and know how I am and let's go ahead and we're going to add in the sugar and to the Sugar We're going to go ahead and add our one stick of melted butter now we're going to blend that just a little bit together now once we get that kind of mixed up together then we're going to go ahead and as you can see all I did was just make sure that all of my sugar actually had a little bit of the butter actually Blended in I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add my eggs which is my next ingredient now like I told you this is quick fasting in a hurry this is not a major thing to do very simple you don't need that many dishes and you don't want to use any more than is absolutely necessary now I hope that you remember to preheat your oven as I told you we're going to cook this 350° for probably about 50 minutes that's all is going to taste uh take to get this recipe done if you need to test I will show you how that is actually done now the next ingredient that's optional is going to be the flour so we're going to go ahead and add in our flour and we're going to mix that in and that's an allpurpose flour not using anything special this recipe does not call for any baking powder or baking soda so that you don't have to worry about the next ingredient what you definitely need is going to be your your cornmeal now this is small amounts of both I think it's like a tablespoon of flour and maybe about the same amount of cornmeal okay and if you looked at the blend on this it's smooth it's not quite like a cake batter but it's smooth you see a little bit of grains and that comes of course from your cornmeal next that's going to be the Carnation milk that we're going to blend in the next ingredient is going to be our vanilla which we're going to put in and last but certainly not least is going to be our white vinegar now this smells delicious Trust me on that and the taste is superb again I tell you don't worry about that vinegar and the reason be is because you will not taste it okay now how fast quick and easy was that and this pie filling is done and I'm telling you it's a good pie now I want to tell you something about this uh shell first of all you don't want to stick it with a fork a lot of your shells you do stick with a fork and if you see that you have some holes take a little bit of water put it on your finger and then take it and press that back together why am I doing that because you don't want the pie filling to seep down up underneath the shell because once that happens then when you get ready to cut your pie out it's going to stick it's going to stick to the bottom of the pan and and you don't want that you want it to come up clean without that worry so you're going to make certain that it once you look at it if you see anything that looks like a piercing you want to go ahead and close that up okay now once you get this ready this was it looks like it's something from the bakery but it looks like where they put the um they put the Pell together but it's nothing that's not edible and the reason why I say that is because I see a little bit on the outside of here so I'm not going to worry about now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put this filling over into that bowl or that pette okay now once you do that this pie is done but this is one of those pies that you want to cook like the morning of you don't want to cook it the night before you could do it the night before but I wouldn't do it any further out than that I have a baking sheet over there and I'm going to take this pan and I'm going to sit it on top of this baking sheet now why am I doing that I'm doing that so if I have any spillage If It Go goes over it'll go over on the baking sheet and it won't go over over in the oven this is done I'm going to put in a 350° oven I'm going to bring you back in about 50 minutes and show you what it looks like but that's all to the chest pie I think that if you try it though you're truly going to enjoy it and once this bakes off I'll be right back okay so the pie is ready so I'm going to go ahead and take it out of of the oven and as you can see this is what the finished product actually looks like now it's not cool enough for me to cut you need to wait about 10 15 minutes before you actually even think about cutting it so I'm going to cut you a slice and probably post it at the end of this video but this is what the pie looks like I think that if you try it you're truly going to enjoy it and as always thank you for watch watching Chris cook for you too bye please follow me on Instagram and Facebook at Chris cook for you too and don't forget to share this video bye
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 19,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Z-sUa7_mNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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