How To Make Cheap Wheat Paste

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all right check it out in this video I'll be teaching you how to wheat paste and make your own wheat paste poster just like this one you see here to start off you can either make it yourself which I'll be teaching in this or you can kind of go with a premade selection I suggest anything by Golden Harvest I'm not sure if that will focus too well but a Golden Harvest is a great brand that's what Obey uses I've seen a few videos of him making the wheat paste up you can't buy it really in stores anymore but I know you can get it online for about 20 bucks from Home Depot if you search Golden Harvest and it's a dry mix which is what he suggests but this is going to be making it yourself or you can also buy these pre-made wallpaper paste stuff this stuff works alright but I would definitely suggest either making it yourself or doing the dry mix so without further ado teach you how to make make this up real cheap and you know just from home alright so the ingredients you'll be needing for your wheat paste is flour water and some sugar really simple if you're going to make it yourself so let's start off with 4 tablespoons of flour and just put it in a mixing bowl of your choice I'm just using some Tupperware and this doesn't have to be too exact these are like half 1/2 cups right here have tablespoons all right so now I've got that in there now you're going to add your cold water to cover it and mix it in a little bit you don't need a ton of cold water the half a half cup was just an estimate and you're going to want to mix it up until it's kind of milky and portable I'm going to need some more and just don't add too much because then you don't want to add more flour and mess that up just go slow adding a little bit at that time make sure all the chunks are kind of broken down and this is a good consistency well thicker than milk maybe and yeah so then you're going to take this to your stove and turn the heat on and just put that in there make sure you got all of it in there get the heat on now you're going to add your cup of water into that then you're going to let that bring to a boil and it's going to get thicker and not smell awesome but uh it'll thicken up as it heats and then you'll add your sugar at the very end once it's kind of brought to a boil all right as you can see it started to boil you can see little bubbles in there I'll do them in real quick you can see the bubbles are starting in so now you're just going to let it kind it then go back down pull off a little bit it's a gotten a lot thicker and you can see it's not really water anymore it's nice a thick thick consistency and then you're going to take your sugar and add it in once it's kind of cool down a bit and then mix that in real nice so here's 1/2 tablespoon and a full tablespoon and just mix that on in and now I've heard you can use like cornstarch instead of that but this will kind of give you your final product right here as you can see it's kind of like a off white cream color and you're just going to want to let that cool all the way and then get ready to paste now this probably made I don't know just over since we added like probably 2 cups of water maybe so this makes about 2 cups so just if you want a bigger sampling just you know add a you know the quantity higher of each portion and that should be kind of soupy gross consistency you can make it thicker or thinner if you want this is a way I like it and I'll show you this in action all right so once your mixture is cooled down a bit this is what it should look like kind of a cream off-white color turn that light on for up a little bit better look at it but you're just going to want to grab a brush or I've seen people use rollers but really a brush with a lot of fibers will do the best job for pasting and yeah so I'll give you some tips as I go so I'll just do a small poster I printed this out for it nothing major big so you're going to want to kind of get a bunch on your brush there's a big glob and paint the surface before you poster it big enough for the poster get a lot on there and then you got your poster now you can either stick it on right away or you can stick it on and then go over the back of it and then flip it over so I've just kind of stuck it to the wall I'll zoom in so you guys can get a better shot but um stuck it to the wall as I want it and you can realign it it peels right off as it's still wet and just put another coat right on top of it big brush you get a lot a lot of paste on it which is good and yeah it'll dry up nice and nice and even make sure the bubbles are kind of out of it yeah and you can see it's kind of got a glassy look but once it dries it'll look exactly like this one right here I use the same method on this poster and it is solid surface kind of hard to do this one-handed but yeah it's on there nice edges are not peeling up at all obviously this is an out in the elements but um it's doing well it's got a nice clear coat on top of it kind of feel as the paste dries but a little poster is the direct example today and you know the glue is a you know pretty pretty good you can also use like I mentioned before pre-pasted stuff this is a pace for pre-pasted wallpaper it work all right probably not as good as this stuff but a dry mix will probably be your best bet if you're looking for you know best results kind of thing but yeah that's really going to do it for me if you have any questions leave them in the comments below and I'll be sure to answer them peace peace
Views: 49,444
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: wheatpaste, how, to, make, wheat, paste, poster, past, obey, style, graffiti, stickers, custom, iisiveii, s1ve, graff, slaps, sticker, trade, exchange, silkscreen
Id: skOq3AiiBxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2012
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