Recycle Cardboard into Anything with 3D Printing!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: XYZAidan
Views: 1,233,221
Rating: 4.9281583 out of 5
Keywords: aidan, leitch, Aidan Leitch, XYZAidan, 3D, Printing, DIY, Maker, Adafruit, Recycling, paper, molding, cardboard, forming, recycle, papermaking, instructables, paper mache, papercraft, pulp, reuse, reuse contest, thingiverse, mache, Cellulose, Casting, recycled, ecofriendly
Id: 0ItPfhx3ulw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The material that you produce in this video reminds me a lot of MDF.
I am curious to know if you can use saw dust/wood chips instead of paper when making the pulp.
This is not me in the video. I just shared it because I thought it would inspire someone to use this method.
Pretty cool stuff. Have you tried coating the molds in like a light oil or wax in order to make releasing easier or is that not necessary?
I wonder if freeze-drying could be used to speed up the process. Get your cryodesiccator going, chuck your molds in there, and voila!
Reminds me of the fireplace logs you could burn instead of wood, I wonder if you could skip the glue and just compress logs that would burn slow enough
Would be interesting to see if you could coat in resin or similar to make it more durable/waterproof. Thereโs a few products we print/sell that may actually suit this process, so will have to give it a go.
The cardboard slurry is so appetising.
this is incredible work, i run restaurants and have always dreamed that i could use all the cardboard i get from produce to serve food, this brings it a step closer